The Dalles Daily Ghromele. MONDAY NOV. 12. 1900 DEFEAT EXPLAINED. silence reigned on the distant perch," j 'Difficult Problem, laughs the SL Ixuis Globe-Democrat' ,!.,. i e l It is among the most difficult prob- " . lemi ol natural science for one to became Dr. V. H. Lewis, Lawrencenlle, expert in several lines. J.E. AdcoxA write?, "I aui using Kodol Dyspepsia Co., by their combination, iinv over 1 Cure in my practice among severe cases come this Uimcuity in a practical man- " . , of ingestion and find it an admirable Vnn.l e00d ,7ie.t r v Z One Of ifao interesting features of , reBriy.., Mm, hum,reds of physicians Cr U d yE? ImiTI.K'h! even political contest is the effort . depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Liehe is an ear pert optician and is pood of the defeated to explain -how it Cure in stomach troubles. It XiS,! happened." savs tne Astorian. Under ' whftt ?D" Mt cad cllows .von to eat all 8ietellt wfch por(1 Urkmanship. They, ,,,,,, MTUM,ir,rftf TW..nt ' the cood '0O'J -ro nm3' Pr0Vld,cS yu are prepared to do nil work in their the bend, "The Meaning of Defeat, do nj)t ove.o.d fitomach. Gives several lines, on short notice. Work, the ban trancisco Exnminer gives ; in,.nt reij.,f va a cermanent cure. sent by mail or express will receive t I prompt attention. Men, "iig I.ed 1 Watch." instant relief and a permanent cure. Sold bv Clarke A Falk. BUSINESS LOCALS. the its version of the cause of the popu lar condemnation of Mr. Bryan. l"Rxn-nrl n intlhf " C1VC llm F.V. 4 L v.t.a v i j u , " " M i amiaer.4Mr. Bryan would have been ; New sample line of jackets ut fftumnUnndf rAnnlnA Knt tftr t urn t FiUI". things. "The first was the intrusion of the A lull line ol Eastman nlms ana sup Clarke & Falk have received n carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton 1 strictly pure liquid paints 1 Yon will not have boils if vou take j Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. plies just received by Clarke & Falk. For rent or sale on easy terms, pood house, with bath. Inquire or address this office. o30 St Paint your house with paints that arc Clarke & Falk silver issue. Free silver was dead,1 and so unpopular that even its corpse , was enough to drag any man clown i to defeat. J 'The second was the policy ofi cutting loose entirety from the Phil- fully guaranteed to last ippines. That was not in accord ' have them. with the spirit of the American' No other pills can equal De Witt's Bnople. ' L'tl'e Early Risers for promptness, cer- '" ' , , -j .i i tainty and efficiency. Sold by Clarke & "The people have evidently made j Faju up their minds to dispose of free' T. . . , . ' 1 If vou want a first-class meal, served. silver once for all. The effort was ; -ID lh'e bfci. Etylet dorft (ail l0 ca!J nt the superfluous, for free silver had censed j Xew York Rsstaurant ;formerly the to exist as a possible policy four j Clarendon. vears aso, but the voters were de i The largest and most complete line of tcrmmed not to have the remains j fa" and wInter MBry ver displayed ( AT EASTERN PRICES in the city at tne oampneii & v usou Complete of Drills at $ i .oo per month. Strictly llrst class local an.l long diMiuice telephone) eeivieu within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost far installing. You pet the standard llunuing 1-onp Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night eervice. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel Fame on giving ue thirty days writ ten notice. PAOIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 00S. M. Z. DONNELL, CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY TH DRUCG15T. Just What You caant. REGULATOR LINE, j DALLES. PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. CIPLM'I 4 s-'trarmw l Uit Hntututor Unc mi! run ir aitja, fv. jk Mkdilc, tlic Com)uiiiy rtKTVliij; the rRbt to clat'J ('it ie uit..nut notice. 'J Str. Regulator lying around an longer." As to the Philippines, the Exam ! millinery parlors. The prices will sell j i the good-. stf.f-rpn (T Kiakelev inpr PTnlnlnu ihit it wis tlip first: ti . f! . i ----- j ny pay per gallon lor jiiiuriur paper to advocate their retention, paints when you can buy James E. but it never believed in "attempting Patton's sunproof paints for f 1.50 per to hold their affections with a shot-1 ,,1.on- S or 5 years. Clark & . Fu;k, agents. ml gun." In other words, the Examiner : Thfc methofl o cleaaaing the liver believed In allowing tho Filipinos to i i3 the ,,3, of tlie amons little pills use the shotgun while we begged for ! known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. peace. ! Ensy to take. Never pripe. Sold by The Druggist. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE The Examiner argues that the Clarke & Falk. Locust people are unquestionably "opposed I Al inf, fPu ar n"ery p. no s o. , r t- , , . ,, : Campbell & Wilson can be found ail the to Mr. Mckinley and his policy in ,al J h5np8 . etreet trjmnjed the Philippines. But they reason j h3tSt children's school hats, and also that if the islands are retained that j tam-o'-shanters. policy can be chaDged and a truly j Hustling younj; man can make ijGO per American system established in the j month and expenses. Permanent poi future, while if thev were abandoned i tin. Experience unnecessary. Write altogether thev never could be re-hnick for Pari'" gained." As the Examiner sees it, "Atneri-1 can public opinion believes in the retention of the Philippines, and in j ,. r:ns 1delrin 5"Etruictl" 5n Ehr- , . . . . i hhb branches, oruaraental pemnaiifhip, 1 lUL "" """""J Ul " short band, shade-pen writing, free truly American form of government, lianti drawing, book-keeping, high under which the Filipinos would j mathematiee, vocal music, etc., please ; have no provocation to revolt." cal1 15rst door second floor west or Cur-' Just what provocation the Filipinos li5S', mm' Stcd ,Btrt' T. al , , . . , taught to read and write English in a' had to revolt the Examiner alone . . , i I id ic zcvjji r 1 VMM m 1 ivisrir.B Jesigns COPVr-iOHTS &.C. AtiTor.c fending a sltclrb nnd descrlpflnn ma nni k T asoert.iln our .npitt nu frco wiie-lier a Hirer 'Inn H iirnhiibir in'entable. ininmnlc-ionMrictlTconll(li-ntial. Handlxxikon I'atcnu lent trea. iMCTt n.'enry f - se linns: paten'a. lniew tufcen tsruusb Mann i Co. receive syttim itoux, witnout canyce. m 1 .-p- E' I 5. I A lnlll I rt at 7 A. si. f.. Tillimlay .. Siiturdiiy . Arr. 1'nrtliitid lA ur. 1'nrtUnd at 7 . M. . Mmidnj tt ifilticiiOity I'riilny Arr. Pullf 11 5 v v.. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. , iown , l.v. I i-i : Kt A Jl 1 Miindiiy ! U'Mlntkdajr J'rldur 1 Arr. l'ortlni'l nt 1 ..w r u vr, J ttt:.;i.x. 5 Tttrsln J Air tnl3n- tt-'M.,' 5 I FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ! 5 Travel h; tin- .-icnnnirf the Ut'Ktiiutor I.l:n Tm- Coinimtir wltt inJev ir to RlTcit ! ,5 run the U'M H'lvicv jKM'kSlilt' further Intorrantloii H3drr-n j ' 1 1 vluc! inii'o, oak strtft Dock V. C. ALLA WAY, Cen. Apt Fourth and bpia, Pa, Clark & Co., treets, Philadfi sS tf Scientific Jftnericatt. A lmnrtiomflr lllmtratpd ttcpL'v. I-nrseat eir. ulatmn if nivjcieii'l&o Terms. ! B rerir: 6uld L7all newftfittl.-iT. PNN&Co.35'D'cate' New York Uraacli OMee C2 I' ft.. Washiatton. 1). I' New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore crated a tingle stock. Real imita tion eretun effects ut ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. 1 Elegant designs, 'tasteful culoriiiye, yours for a small price, at our store on Third ! Btreet. Also a full line of house paints. private stlioiil Day or veiling can tell us. Certainly not on account of any iniquitous form of govern ment imposed upon them by Presi nS 2wd&w Pnor. Z. E, Fheki F- S. :; Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Wasco Warehouse Company I Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. (Headquarters for Feed Grain otriikin d. w. vause, Third St., Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kindf 'Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ""mill feed TToarniQT'foT'o fru "T3xro-nc' Pocf" "Pan HI P. ..bjiiibi IKfiliry.. tOn FlOUT This Hour is mnnufuctured expressly lor fuel!? unci dui ) rucw in uiiiukvij , i . ! We sell our poods lower than wiy lionne hi the trade, and if you don't ttnUM call anil set cur prices ami wi convinced. Highest Prices Paid1 for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Do not get scared if your heart troubles vou. .Most liUeip you suller irom in dent McEinlL'3, for the character of digestion. Kodol Dyepepsia Cure di- the government he intended to Basts what you eat and sives the worn , recommend that congress give them ont Btoniach ,,t!,ffcCt re'u II iE the, on,y ; OOP SBUOllfl & LaOllL 'PliOllB 157 f I preparation known that completely di-j is ua vti uiiKiiuvtu iu luu riupuius us: well as to us. The Examiner is evidently in hard straits to explain its wobbling position on the Philippine question, though it has doubtless sized up the popular sentiment with considerable accuracy, to abandon gests all classes of foods ; that is why it ! curee the worst cases of indigestion and j H' F.TT! TTCyT-j CO 1 BANKERS. stomach trouble after everything else has failed. It mav be taken in all con-1 ditions and cannot help but do you good. ti:aj3act.v kkehai.kankis'1 iiOfciNEs Sold by Clarke Jc Falk. j o Cfodit j6au(j(l eV8jkble , the Tf in xvfA tn Lrnfiu that ncWirt's ' Eastern States. t-; . i. t?. ..1 .. i T, .1 . 1... Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keep on draught the colcbraled tOLCJIIilA liEKI'., nclcnnw: tdsed the l.-at U-er In The Dfcilci, Ht the usual price. Coir.e in, try it and be ronviueed. AIo tiiu Fincht brand ol Wines, LI juor BiidCiKars. Sandrjuiehes 0! a'.t Kiiulu ahrnyt on imnd, vS J. is. ECHKSt-K, iTenlUent. H. M. iiKAlI., Canhlei Limeni wim Sight Exchange and Telegraphs-. , xi 14 The neonle did not want . , , rantfers sold on Kew York, Chicago, Cltfcf Natinnai Kahlf j ue people oiu ani8t0J, tbe J)aln Rt once, it ni cure St. Louis, Kan Francisco, Portland 0 Tiii1, 4"Q"vliQi DQlm. the Philippines; neither j eczema and skin diseasce and ugly , iron, Seattle Wash,, and various points the dalles - nHrn Retiring from Business.) Closing ont my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost, j Dry Goods, Clothinir, P.oots and Phoes, at much lcs? than wholesale prices. Will soil in bulk or in lots, or uuy way to suit purchusers. Entire stock must be closed out "before 30 days. All foods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fittlnc Coiwls and Uutterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. flifl tlo r."vnminir Tim nnrmln rvitn1 irnnnila nni! enrp. Tr ie a rrtin fnro in OrCKOO and Yi ttHlimi'tOn. against Bryan, and the Examiner!'" P- Counterfeit may rtrJ oal' fought for him with all the venom j f.,, ,t.the orii;iaal I)e' 1 " t . , n iu c i i id it's i whtch the lowest type of yellow reuiiiiKa 01 saieiy pervaue me nousu- - OREGON transacted , journalism always has at its com mand. This is the remarkably lucid explanation by tho Examiner of liryau'a defeat and its support of his candidacy. If Bryan would cease hia everlast ing yawp about 1C to 1 and other lunacies and try to earn nn honest living along the lines of honest labor, it is very evident he need not remain long out of a job. On the heels of his refusal to accept the Denver Post's offer of 10,000 a year to fill an editorial position ou that paper comes the report of an offer from W. R. Hearst, proprietor of the Pacific Coast Police Gazette, cora uionly known as the Snn Francisco Examiner, to edit a daily paper to be established at the national capital at a salary af 425,000, hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that produces immediate result. It ia infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and hint; troubles. It will prevent consump tion. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Itemeinher you can always do better at the Fair. J. A. EBERLE, The New York Cash Store is the sole uent for Hamilton Brown Hhoes. j Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line : of paint and artist'n brushes. " 'Sxiteen to one' crowed a dilapi- dated bird, left over from 189C. One of our roosters crowed back: 'Six to one, ond no takers,' and Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ice cream and oyBtor parlors in Carey Bal lard's old stand. She carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of the public patron age is solicited. Opsn till 12:00 P. M. A complete line of Fall ami Winter SuitiniiH, I'aiitings and Overcoating, now ou display. 100 different variulieB to re luct from. Suits, $20 apd up. Call and examine goods before pomp elsewhere. Second btreet, opp. Mays, & Crowe's. ' j House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession of K A. Splvey paint shop, next door to j the Vogt opera, house, and has pur chased the tools and ladders. Ue has Kood mechanics workiiiK for him, and j will guarantee atl work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. A General Banking Business transac Deposits received, eubiect to Sight won ur uih-uk. Collections made and proceeds promptlj remitted on dav of collection. Hiaht and Telegraphic Exchange sold ct New York, Kan Francisco and port ' laud. DIHKOTOKS, D. P. Thomi'Bon. Jho. 8. Scukmck, En. M. WiLMAye, (iao. A. Lieiib. H.M.Bkali. Tne GOlUmDiB PaGRlDQ Go.. ! PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MA.NUKACTUV.KKHOF l Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JJ- E. FALT & CO.,j Propdetors Commepeial SampIe RoornS, ? Purest Liquors for Family Use? 9 Delivered to any part of tho Oily Phones: fil Local, 5B Long Distance. 173 Second Street. JKIKD BEEF. ETC. i whb row a DOSI. nil lUraoi. I'lir.pUi, rroTcnt I'll I V Our llu.aiwn. Dil Uritwpif, w SM M $ SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! $f Do yon know that John I'ashek, the tailor, ia agent for tw o of V t"u wrgest merchant tailoring houses in America? W ijf Bo you know that he will sell you a Hull, made to your wder, 8 cheap us the liaud.ii.e.down, ready-made, you buy in the utoret, " W Kuaranteo a tit or no enle? 2 . Wo you know that ho has already on hand for the wwj y "'"''''ftwde the haudsomest and flaest line of samples eer euo jfa, in fhe Dulles? W 2 JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent-