VOGT OPER HOUSE, ON. M in ONLY. Tuesday, Nov. 13th The Hottest Goon in Dixi The Wltvnt Trade. BIGGER BETTER BRIGHTER Busier than Ever. New Song?, Dances, Music and Specialties. The Inquest and Best Show of the Season. Don't Miss Seeing the lieal Show ADMISSION". - - 50 and 75 Cents. Seats on sale at Clarke it Folk's Dm? Store. Private Scli.ml- 1)11)' ur UvenlMR. rilitnrS A.ivful I'litflit. Persons detirintr instruction in En.- "iritis, editor henaci. ins., lish branches, orunmfntal penmanship, , ewe was Mllicted lor yoare with pile? short hand, shauV-pen writing, free- t,lat " doctor or remedy helped until hand' drsinp, hook-keeping, higher i '"5 trbd Bueklen's Arnica Salve, lie mathematics, vucil music, etc., please writeS tWt wholly cured him. It't call first door fecond floor west of Cur- tlie curt- on earth and the ti?' mill, Second street. Foreieners j be9t S!,lve in the world. Cure L'tiaran taught to read and write Enelish :n a : eed- Only 25 cent--. Sold hy liiakeley, 111: uiu);isii u law lessons. 11S 2wdR- Puor. Z. E. Fkeer. Do not get scared if your heart troubles vou. Met likelp you suffer from in digestion. Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure di rgto vrh it vou eat and "ive the worn out B'omach perfect rest. It is tlic only t nud uso that which, cleanses, soothes and preparation known that completely di gest an c asse o, mous ; imu 1 wny u ; eas5h. ,,xe:i5t,ntu. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the niemhrauo and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and suulfti Portland trailing ruled oulet the past ! week, owlni: principally to holders re- fnsliiK to sell at present limits. Ship pers havo placed their bids on a level with English market values, nnd have no present need for loading stuff. They deulitie to pay from '2 to 5 cents per biidhel more for wheat than they them selves can tell at, and urn content to wait until such time its sellers are will ing to.nn'ut the market, or an advance abroad should justify riitsini: prices here. There is no doubt whatevur about ex porters Iteir.tf fully cuppliud with j;rain, not only to meet the wants of tommye ... I J ..... .1. . .... ..1 . ..I . J I ai mum, 11111 ine neeus ur prcrmiriureu i vojsels have been lamely anticipated. 1 The shipment? of wheat and Hour from ! .Inly 1st to October lilst from PiiRut : Sound and the Colombia river, Hour re j duced to wheat, amounts to over 7,u00, 1 0G0 bushels. l!porte from varloua sections of the interior indicate that about forty per cent of tho crop is out of the farmers' hands and is held by interior merchants, nnd warehousemen. Receipts have been very liberal, and there is Boiling going on constantly, but not in any veiy large lots. -If the market should take an up ward sphrt of three or four cents, fully thirty per cent of the crop now held by the farmers would came out. As it is, most of them are pursuing an awaiting policy. Warehouses here are heavily taxed with grain, notwithstanding the very larau shipments made in October, and they show very little depletion, as cars are wailing daily to be unloaded. Notwithstanding the low p'ice being paid, sellers are getting full vault's on sales, while growers get but sn ail re sults from their season's woik. The late foreign improvement has not been reflected here no to values, owing to the fact that local values have betn too high right along. Exporters were giv ing part of the profits on cheap ships to the grower. We (n jte Club ollc; Hlue BtemoGe; Valley COc per bushel. Port land Commercial Review, Nov. Sth. 1 3E I ! 21 1 : i ft ! i ' $ i h , fi f 21 'i h -t I f ; P ! ! M f & fi ft I : ! I M 1 ijii; 36 is! Ttio Dutlcn, On. f The Chronicle, Job Printers. i i.i-1 'SiC AS' tasi 1 as 1 IS as is : 35 ituiJimaiiiiiuuiuiiJimjii!iiiiJtJitUJiimi;LtiiuiiiiuuJiLUti':uitiiUuiin'L nuit'j.tt' dj"ji' tj t 3 tiitriitiiiiTTitiiiriTiriiijitii(iiiiiiiruiiiiJiititnif miijutTiXJ1 riimr 0.R.&N. AM ! TIHK KCIIHnui.. 1 , " 1 u J J ium lAi.i.i., ( I 't Matt U.ia p. 111, Atliilitlc Kxprcxi r.':Wi 11. 111 Vl-i limit liiutmi. Hiokuiiu Mull ami 'Kxpre" p. 111 s p. in, IS11.lt I.nki, lliMivrr. 11 .. Worth. Oiimlin, K,, vm t' ty, hi u, 1, ,'ll UIiIuhko ami Um 'm Hull IjiWo, lli'iivci-, Wnttli, Oiniilm, Km, (JIlll'lIKO 1111(1 l.Hst. Wallil Wnllii, Himkiirio Jllimi'HIKilU, (i I'm,, lllllUth.JllUnilikir Chleiico mill i.nst, vi HMikiuiunliil llii.itnii; Inn ; it I mi nil i 1,1,1 u WnihtliKtnn mill l.iul era Orepna. I'BIIH I'OliTI.AKif Ocoiui Ktcainilav' for Run Krimclcii Kvery 1-Im: liir s. 1-UH.t M,li nil Ljprfsi 3:31i.a I Cx.nlliuliiyiCalumtilii ttv. fitcmi.Ts. VxiiS'. , tni ARTOtiu mill y "l"ln, tMiiiiidity 1 I-iii(1Iiikv 10 p. in. j ' an. in. , Wiw.Aiir.T7K ItiVKn, h)). -.y ?..ml..ylOrunii (:v, .Nimli -rif, I'x.etiaSi , tiilleia A Wny Jji(l. ' Imi-.lliui. nitl. ItlVKim MoikAvS" iii.I Mt. Oregon City, lm- tun. md FrL , mid Wiiv-Iaiiilinpo I fiNAKli IIIVKII l-v liuirln, itlpurlu la U'wihiim iimiy I ..!.'. . 111. Um dllr 'J.U)a.n 'Cures the worst cise.- of in iigestion and , mailed for 10 cents. " All druggists sell tho stomach tiouble after everythtiic else . oUc.sizo. Ely UrotUers, r.b barren ht.,l.l ihas failed. It may lie taken in all con ditions and cannot help but do you good. Sold bv Clarke & Fa Ik. It V' I heal.".. Tllv's Oroam llalm is such n remedy !5. ' .....1 T . . , it. t id auu win euro caiarru ov cum 111 ino uead : A trial Dizo vriU bo , H I ft. 7T3CT1 CTKX JfOK xi m L. Lane thlnu.H otltcials Kxccuted. Phkin, Nov. 0. ; v'ia Shanghai, Nov. 9.) Four of the leading officials of Pao Tin- Fu, includins Ting Vang, the act ing v.Ciroy of Pe Chi Li, and General Xvai Hiiu were executed November 5th, .under the sentencj imposed liy the tri bunal of the allies. .Renewed reports of the death of the emprees dowager are in circulation, but they I. ck verification ann 3re discredited. "For three dave and iwonv untold from an attank of morbus brought on by eating cucuni Siers," says M. K. Lowther, clerk of the district court, Centerville, Iowa. ' I thought I should eurely die, nnd tried a doz-m difTereiit medicines but all of no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me tintirely." This remedy for sale by Blakoley, the dtusgist. 'I ho Balm cures without pain, does not irritato or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated auu angry Kurfaco, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. SVith Ely's Cream Balm you oro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Nutlue. Having rented the Baldwin opera house to A. Sandvig. All persons desir ing to rent the same will apply to or ad dress A. Sandvig, P. O., Box 530. The Dalles. E. H. Mkiuulj., Administrator J. C. Baldwin, Estate. When you cannot sltep for coughing, it is hardly neceaiary that any one should I tell you that yon need a few doses of nights I suffered Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay cholera ! the irritation of the throat, and make sleep possible. It is good. Try it. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Ilfipe8 of Uriiver fnevHaiiu. New Yor.K, Nov 0. In response to a query from a correspondent of the World ex-President Cleveland, at Piinceton, wrote and sigifed the following: "I have heard nothing about a move ment on foot for the regeneration of the Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores are soothed at once and promptly healed oy applying DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve, the best knowu cure for piles. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Sold by Clarke & Fall:. We are sole agents for the well-known Hamilton Brown fihoes. Be sure ai.d get our prices before making your pur chases. Ladies' light weight dress shots forl,$1.3UamH2.50al the New York Cash Store. GK.VKKAL '2 !? 3' ir BiacKsmiin j; flffcMtftAfftAfl '2 k' nUIOGOlJUGi i Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. - Third .anUefferm Pbone 159 4 WW W'WW u. sr- ocepnens .Dealor In.. This is the season when mothers are alarmed on account of croup. It is . .. . i . t i . -ii , ij'ucKiy curcu oy uno aiinuiu oougn democratic parly, but I hope eteps Willi ' ... ... . , ,. , , i.i : . . ii t ' , Cure, which chi dren like to ake. Sold lie taken in that direction. I am not,. ; . ... ,, oy uiarae oc r hik. Acker's English Remedy will fctopa cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 23 eta. and 50 cts. Blakoloy the druggists. willing to make any statement now." I: is well to know that DeWitt's "Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and atop the pain at once. It will cure ey.jma and skin diseases and ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain cure -for piles. Counterfeit may be ofl'ured you. See that you get the original De Witt's Witch Haail Salve. Feelings of safety pervade the house Jiuld that usps One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It is Infallible for couglisi colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consump. tion. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Remain! er you c.tu always do better at the Fair. Nasal MM In all ltn eta-its tliere M.". cta& JUl ,)iuuM bo cleauaiiesa. iPf " " Eft , Ely's Cream IJalin ,cJciiiK-f .ioqtljtsanillicild Dio (lievaidl mailjrinc. Jttnrcj c.it.-.rtliaiKldilvcj nv.-ay a cold la tho UciJ jalckly. C'rcram Ilabn U placed Into tho nostrils, tprtadi .met tho mccibrauo and is Abeorlttd. Iicllef It lia-' .niedlato aud a care follows. It U cot drying does not pruduco Irgo Size, O ccnti at Drug- leti jt liy mall; Trtxl Kizs, 10 ctuU by mall. . JUVVr 1X3TIII5U3, 5J Warrou Street, New York. We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Cmto.vici.K, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregoniati, price fl.oO, both papers for if 2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. tf Fur Pule, A few choice Hereford hull calveH eli- : gible for registration. Inquire of nl-ltdw J. L. Kkm.v, The Dalles. Wanted A second-hand fire-proof safe. Must he in good coridition-nnd not too large. Apply at the CnitoNici.u office. o31-tf Fur sprains, .swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blako ley, the druggist. Wanted. A woman or girl to take care of a child, five months old, Apply to P. Hknni.noho.v, o3Iw.lt Moaier, Ur. For rent, furnished and housekeeping rooms, corner of oth 'nnd Court streots. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Siloes. Hats, earn, bullous, for V. 1.. Uouglux Hlioe. fi a I a rx"i aTa r A'r.-r ixt a'at,-: a i a-a- t i" . a i a. t m.-a, r. I a. t a AAt a a a "a a VA.i't j G. J. STUBmjMG, Wl!0l.lU.t. .'AH I.KTAII. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Phone 234, Next door to A. M. WilliauiB A Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. IE .. .. 4 .1 3 , iK7 1'iir.ic (IcHtiiiK tn K. t iicppncr ct i ttitr on riluiiililii Soiitliorn i,i ll'-.', shoaM , tiiko iNil. i!, lfiivlng '1 lit- lie It' i nt Vi 10 p. B. ' making illieiit e.iiim'ctloiis at lli'iiiii'rjuiirt!m ii ml Hiec l.r'Uriilnt; itiii.liij'ilifTtciiiinccUon nt Ui',iuor iiinitliMi mill IHfir-i llli No, I. ir ; ruPu; tit '1 In' JihUcmiI 1. ,ji j m 1 I'ur lull pnrtlcnlntH r. . n V N, , uRenlTlie Pnllcx. in .c, i W II 1 Kl.lllT.T, i t.v.ii, I'm aki l'iirtlm),Oi Telephone !,"o, fc?. ii seconu at., Tie Dalles, Or, 5 1U 1 THE CELEBRATED ...G0M11IBIA BREWERY... AUGUST BTJCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thin well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for Juno i1?, 1000, says: "A more supeiior brew never entered the labraUry of the United States Health reports. It is ubMilntcl v devoid of the slightest trace of adulteiation, but on the other hand is composed of tliH best of malt and chuicept of hops. Itn ttiuic ijualttiuB are of the high eat and it can be lined with the greatest benefit and salisfanlion by old and young. Its tiH"can conscientiously bo prescribed by the physicians with the cereaiutv that a bettor, purer or more w liolesom'e beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. SOUTH and EAST via SoLitnem Paciilu Go. Shasta Route Tralim leave The tlallen fur 1'nrtlaiid and mj htntloii!. at I:'.'.) a. in. nnd " . in. U'iivo l'ortlaad . ... Albuuy Arrive Anliliiml " hiicriuiKUito . . " bun i'riincl'cn h ;aiii in 7:tpn . 1J Miwn lOiblpm H : ii m tt:3) ;, ihi i in I;Sib . 7 t.i v in Mica Crease lightens helm the team. Saves wear nnd expense, hold every wncrc. HA UK Jir CTANDARD OIL CO. ; NOTICE OF FINAL SliTlLKMKNT. Notice In hereby rIvcii that the iiuilenlxiHtl have filed uittrthe Clerk of tho county court of tliefitatoof Oregon for Wasco comitv.tiiclr flnul tt'.-foiint im executors of the lunt will and tcitu incut nf Henry Ilarnuni, deceated, mm Hint iloadiiy. tho 1th (Ihv of Novcrnbur, I'.'OO, nt the hour of 10 o'clock u. in,, has been tl.xen by Ihn County Court for t.iid county us the time, nnd the county court room In Mailt City hh the nlucc for licnrllik' of oIiIccIIoiih to B1I1I llinil n- vaunt and the tottleincnl of tho hiiiiu. J. W. KltKNCH, y. i'. MAYH, opJ. Kxecutors. NOTIOK FINAL SETTLKMENT. Kothe In libieby clvcn th it Ihu iinderiileiKd huH duly filed with tho County Clerk of wWn County, OriKon. bin llinil uccoiiut inn! rc(irt ns udmliiiHtrulor of tliu culuto of Adolph AKldiliw, dfeceuted, nnd Unit (he Honorable County Court lam fixed Mondu) .the.'ilh day ol November, It), at 10 o'clock u in. o( Mild (PiyiiH tho time, nnd tho County Court room of the County Court houtoln DullchClty, Wukco County, Oickoii. hk the pkcu for hviirltiK mild final account una re port. All iivrtniM I n ((.rented in mild entnlo lire hereby iiolllleii touieuriit mid time nnU plucn and know eaiikf, II nay thuiu be. why mud icport nhoiil'J not be approved and mud admliilnrator dlkclmiied, Puted thU 5th day of October, l'jUO. J. I'. AGIIUUS, AdinhiUtiHtor of thocntatuof Adohdi Agldhu'i deceuied. oclU i DEALERS: IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies GPandall & Borget UNDERTAKE . .. tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. l.obes, BuPiaSh Ete. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Taney Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Arrive Oicdou " Denver . . " KiinsHNClty " Chlcatjo . . Arrive Ims AiiKvlen . . , ' Kl I'llMI " Tort Worth.. .. " City of .Mexico . " llountoa ' New Orleans . " Wiishlllgtoil . . . " New York i.KM'ia U.anti .''inn TrSaB ', l a in u:3)sm I .0llll ii in t in . (, ii a in . u II in I if n in I, . , in i, I ' , in .U t - m ".Want 6-wpti fi,.7im l;ij)l'.l Ci)t D-L'mn j-llia I'tilliaan mid TourlHt ear on both twlDi Uhnlr curs Hiieriiiiiimlo to Oirdi-n mid hi U. nnd toiirlHtiiiira to Clilcmto, hi liul. .cW' leuiib and WiihliliiKtou. ConneetliiK nt Kitn Kimicli-c with mJi atcntiialilp linen for Honolulu fnptiii. t-W'i I'lilllpplnci!, Cuutrul and Hoatli Aiucrlcu. See ngunt at Tho Dnllct. Htntlini. or wldrcM C. H. MARKHAM, Cieueiat l'nmvilur Attvnt, I'nrllnuil.Or Nortliern Pii Yellowstone Park Line. THK PlNlNd OA It HOtHK I UOM I'OKTUND t o Tin: i:akt. THU ONI.y JIlti:CT LINK TOUIK YKU-OW'-HlONt: 1'AUK 6VK. ! Union Depot, nrihand I su 1.1! A V No. B. 11:15 A.M. No. I. II;U) P.M. I'ant iiuitl for Tiii oiiiii. M" Hcnttlo, olyiiiilii.',','V Harbor and Kniith lletnl points, Kpokiiin', l!"'" land, 11.' (J., rullimi'ii MllM'OW, lJ iHtdll, IHU j fHloHuiiipialuliiKC'iiiii .' try, Heloiin, .Mliiae'i'' Us, tit. IMul, Oiniiliii. KaumiK City. lit. l.oiili. ... i .1 ..I I.,, int.. uniuiiK" nun i'.i I'" Ko.3, cant mid Hiilitlieimt. .... . i I I ' v ,,r(,.4 .. rimoi niraiiii 'v'' V,i 7'(OA,l. for Tiicoiaa nild heiitl (' Tw nud Intermediate poium I'ullmnn llistehiM and, U'1 TZnU MlnneNpolls.Ht. l'liilliunt Jll"iul rlicrH without oliunue. . , , ...,,,,u-ctlou Vustihiilwi tniliiM. tin (in deoia cimiicci' lliiKKiilte ohcaked In dentinal on ' ,,twr, I'orlinudMiinulyllluatiatei liU.u rlptlyt ii tlekutN, Hleephm cur reberviitiims, eH.. -n A. D. CHARLTON, AMlHlnntCiuneral I'lihwuiter ,Kat. - ' , noiiHtteut.cornurTlilid. I'l'itl''"" lm JjU. It. K. MITII, Osteoimth. in,. ,L- ThclWl' Itooia 0 mil II. Chapman Hlo.M "'t.p.'i Orecou.