EASTEflfl OREGON'S GREATEST BEPflKTflEflT STORE. The 3 Things KNIT UNDERWEAR Various Weights. WOMEN'S, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S What weight do you require for comfort during the cold weather? Must you have the thick, soft and fleecy kind or are the lighter, thin ner, yet still warm grades preferred nil wool, or silk and wool, or silk and cotton. This Underwear Department has all the many grades and styles, and none but thoroughly de pendable goods. A visit to the store will surely he Ip-lpful to you. Examine our Fleecv Garment at c ease & Mays. All goods marked in plain fignrcs. 60 ELECTION BETS. foelofs In all the latest styles. In all the newest colors. OO Not necessary to pay more. You can give your friend an order for the $4 Best Hat in the World if you get him a ''ROELOFS." We arc sole Most important in Shoos are 1st. A perfect fit that means comfort. 2d. Stylo and graceful design that means beauty. 3d. First-class material and construction that means service. Queen Quality Shoes for Women Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance and splendid service. No matter for what purpose a woman desires shoes, she will i'md her wants supplied in the Queen Qual ity lino. Many styles to select from. $3.00. Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. mays & Crowe "he Dslles pally GhyonielG, i. 'ATI UDAY NOV Oysters M ssrvea i in any stylo At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "A Hindoo Hoodoo" the Voyi opera house tonight. I'll yon nee tlio ml of llio Fair. ') ir prices arc ul trays tho lowest. etvlefi in r,i r. Mies Haven's Latest rt'i-t mite, at lowest pricee. A farmers' Institute will he held ihlutidulc December lid and 4th. Uoinember that Uoeoftiiut Cream Tonic i.l promote growth of hair. Charles Irnzer, solo agent. nO-ltu Prof. .Snndvitt's regular weeklv dance tt'll he lield tliia '.Saturday) evening ft' the Baldwin. ' 0-2t Tliu inun L'.ndloy, who was injured a cinple of nights ago by being crushed lir the care against the platform of the Wasco warehouse, waH Bent tliie after noon to the Good Samaritan hospital. Melville precinct, in Clatsop county, gava McK.nley twenty votes to one for Bryan. Shou Fly precinct, in Grant emity, gave McKlnley seventy. seven vj'.ea to two for Bryan, and Jdfa pre cinct, in Gilliam county, east every vote it .ad for McKinlev. Tito empress of Germany coutitiOB her ntU'iitfon to iter home ami family of six iih mid one daughter. The court chap. Kiln was once tin unwind one of the little in the employ of Tiie Dalles Southern Hallway Co. during the pnst summer, - 'arrived in Shaniko with Iheir respective 10.1900 crews iHSt Friday. It is the intention of j the company to again take up the work i in the spring, and complete their line of I survey and ljontion from The Dalles to the southern boundary of the state, j This road when completed will open up i a vast country that only wants means 1 of transportation to aid and assist in it? i development. A-Poitlr.nd Lotiili went into C. J Stublin'n wholesale liquor store last ' tllivltt nii1 if lit It Tr tstiiltliMtr itnci (dm. f ( V It I VI Tl I I 1 I U IS I 4 tl g II IIS I'.lti- por.irily engaged at a distance in the I store, abstracted a bottle of ffieen Kiver I whiskey and made off with it. Night I watchman Like happened to etc the The i theft but before he could get his hands ' on the thief the fellow Rlarted on a run jn i west, where N.'ahttratchuian Alieky hup j nenod to be, and ran into Alisky's arms. i.iko laniieu mm in ine city ym wnere lie is at this writing. A striking illustration as to how some men got ricti wa? related the other day ut Jacksonville. Mi. Cantral, a young man L'fi years of age, worked hard up to three years ago und by close economy had saved $1,000. He purchased a cat tle ranch for $10,000, paying $1,000 cah and bulanco on eacy terms. He worked hard anil managed well. Lntt week lie sold out for $17,000 cash, besides having saved out of the sale of cattle $5,000, leaving a net profit for the past three years' labor the snug emu of $12,000. Th first fatal caso of sc.irlot fever, during the present epidemic, occurred at 3 o'clock this (Saturday) morning when Geneva Fritz, the 8 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Fritz, succumbed to it after an illness of about two weeks. Geneva was au unusually sweet and lovable child, anil her death leaves u B.id blank In the family. She is s.tld to have contracted the disoato from a chuolmato who was allowed to school dining the scaling oil' A younger child in tho Frit a ia reported ill with the fame die. I'M cris with the doctrine that all men are Hiiui'ire. "Well, exclaimed the boy ftttonl w"h lire, "father may bo a sinner, but . period, I kinw mother inn't." The utnprueu f f.ititilv Wild .tf....!...l ...1 Oil 1 ...UIIIIHI A IICU .-. Cif e, T .o county clerk received a letter this ( aiiH ,mmm0ng, a girl of 11 years, 'umitig uiKiruPfuH to Hie "Homme d her brother. Archie, u bov of !) llie letter Wns from vnnrfi. warn committed todav to thu reported up in the pines.. The condi tions are sufficiently alarming to demand the strictest enforcement of the quaran tine laws, and to call or the earnest co operation with the authorities of the lelatives and inmates of the affected. The Hood Itiver Glacier says Mr?. E. J. Ilerehey, of that town, is Eupplvingj about two dozen dressed Belgian hares j for the market every Saturday. For aj time she could not supply the demand. She has told as high as fifty dressed hare? in one week. Tho Walla Walla Statesman says that in not a few homes j of t lie city of Walla Walla judging from j the advance preparations and the re- murks of market men the traditional Thanksgiving turkey is going to be largely Belghui hate; easily carved; four drumsticks instead of the feathered fowl's two; weight from five to eight pound?, and price about $1. The. States- RESULT OF PARENTAL NEGLECT. Tho Children of V. K. and Ida ltriiun I'liii.'ed Under Control of tho !;.' and Ulrlh' Aid Society. Todi.y Judge Blakeley rendered a de cision in the matter cf the surrender of Myrtle Brown, Minnie Brown and Har vey Brown, minor children of W. Ii. and Ida Brown, of this city, to the Boys and Gir's' Aid Society, of Portland. 'I tie .court found that W. K. Brown did, on the 7th of November, 1900, make a voluntary surrender of the children to the Bova' and Girls Aid Societv OUR CHURCHES Services at tho Lutheran church both morning and evening tomonow. Preach ing by tho pastor, Rev. W. Brenner. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. I!. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 .1. m. and 5 p. in, in the basement of the new church on Union street. Sun day school at 10 a. ni. Collocational church corner Fifth and Qourt streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Morning worship at 11; Sunday school at 12:15; Youm? People's Society 0:30 p. 30. Morning I kuuuuuuW iM Tho only store ft tkis city whoro thf Oenulne Imported Stransky-Stcol Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlastE ni; chi eled ware. n dozen pieceaof so called cheap euarn. BEWARE? Other wares look has the name Stransky Steel Wnrc on each piece. Do not be deceivedi First prize nt It International Eshi bitiouo, Highest award at World t Columbian Ex'lubi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best' cookintrautlioritiec certified to by the most famous chem ista for purity and durability it ic cheapest becauso BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware isspecial ly imported for and Mld in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb fjrease, does not discolor nor catch inside, is not affected by ueiils in frnit-3 or vegetables will boil, and bat'' w i t h o u impart in;; flavor Ol provioi'.fly c o o I: od foorl i:ntF vsti lost for years. that'"'"' eve"ln" fftrv"'(! ftt ' . ' ; subject, "Th! Fading Leaf." is a the father has neglected them and drinking man; that the mother has; Methodist Episcopal church-Corner done the same and is a woman of bad 1 Fiftl' ,wl Washington, Rev. fJ. F. reputation; that tho parents have gross-1 Ui'k Pastor. Morning worship at 11 ; ly abused their parental uuthoritv over j Sunday school at 10 a.m. ; class meet said children and are unfit to have their '"B !lt 12:15! Npworth league at 0:30; care or custody ; that the future welfare i Council Mfetlnc evening service at 7 j.'JO. You will be made welcome at all the services. In to eome institution ortranized for the 1110 morning me pastor win occupy me care and disnoeition of homeless, neu. i pnlpi', iind in the evening the termon ! 1..... ...1 l 1 . i ! , .. ,,l. .1. . ivuiuu ur uuuteu uuiiureu, especially me eaid minor child, Myrtle, aged 10 years; I p('" that there ...... ..i . ; I '" ...... uua u . uiuiusi. im,ufs,u ,- ,u of gai(, chi,dren rfquires their surrender aithoui:li they are sohl every day, and they must lie spoken for in advance. Wo rati, tion thji v,iblio imil::1 .J will be delivered by Rev. Chris Nickel- is no such institution in i An adj jurneil regular monthly meet ing of the common council was held last night, at which the following business ! jrown was transacted. Tho residents of the second ward pe uuoneu uhh n. MiiKBueiu ue ap-1 aKe of the otherchildren. Minnie Brown. t.....i .. :i i - j.oiiiveii uuu.iumui.il, viuc n.. a. a2(,( 5. ..... iarvev Brown, oued 2 vearn. n. '!Vv .!...ni .pi.. ..- - ..f .1 . - .. . . J .. and for the further reason of the slead- Money Di. i; it not MATT SHORBN, General Blacksmith and HoFseshoeF. All kinds of bliickemithing will receive prompt attention and will bo executtil in lirst-chi-a shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The D.dles, Or. llrit Ilirolililn); llcadiitln) Wasco county. "Whereforo it is or-1 Would quickly leave you, ii you used dered and adjudged that tho said Myrtle J)r. King's New Life Pills. Thousands be and is hereby duh surren- of suirnrerfl have i.inved their inatcliiosH i j dred to the Boys and Girls' Aid Society, writ for Sick an I ton-. Headaches. ofl'oitland; but by reeason of the tender They make pine blood and etrong ' KTOV 27th 28 til and 20tlt . 1 t...ii.i 1 1? 1 7 On'v 25 centp. enrol, .Sold liy 1 r, I fast promise of tho parents to reform 1 and properly care for tho children, it i ordered that they be surrendered to the j guardianship of the said Boys' and tiii Is' ( Aid Society pending the further order , Should the societv con-1 County Co.trt." one . ti, road supervisors of tho county L.lr o( tho fjoya anil GjrlH Au'j Society, d its eoiitents showed that tho ad drum was written in good faith and without tho least intention of insult or of Portlandi by Judge Blnkelcy, on the showing that thu children weio desti tute. Thu mother, who was forsaken . ,1 t IF ""011011 on tlio court or any one can- jtuy her husband years ago, Is an inmate iL'ded with it. It contained a bill for a J,t tlu Good Samaritan hospital in Port- balens detv" of flU.iiO. ""Tj1"'1'1' wl,BrB "hw is " L',,nr8e 0,1 t,lia JnmcB Ltiuo died at about 0 oYldBK'ftcouHty. Sho Is Eiilleilng from consump" 'Ills morning at his home near the Ition with no poselble hope of lecovery. fourth street bridge on the west side of jTiio children were tnkon to tho home Mill creek, aged about 27 years. J The this afternoon by Superintendent (laid- eaiiEu of death was iuflammallon of the 1 ner. Scarlet fever must bo spreading In "Idueys, from which ho had sullen d "lord or less since ho received a tovere kick of a lioree ubout year ago. The 'leieased was it hard-wnricing, lndustri ' inun. About a month before his 'leuth lie bought put Dob Uoodand went '"to tho express business. JIo leayea a i'e, one child aud two stepchildren. I he Shaniko Leader says; Kuglneets Anderson and Redfield, who have been spite of recuiit precautions. One physi cian informed Tin: Ciirojici.u this inorning that lie hud iourteetf caees under his caie, and new cases are re ported almost every diiy. The residence of Mr. Glfl'ord, the'liotographer, was (jiiiirantined this morning on account of the dicHuse having attacked his httl. sun, and eevefiil recent ctses ure resicned. iTI.e prayer of tlio petition was granted and Mr. Wakefield appoint ed by a unanimous vote. The matter of construction of the Union street sewer was laid over till the next meeting of the council. The following bills were allowed and J 0- (,ol.t' ii warrants ordered drawn lor their payiBent to ulow , chUdren to remain1 muut ' j temporality with their parents, the put- S?,A C.nnve' 1!1(i.0 2n ! Puts nre icquired to report at least every b b (juniiuig, repairs 20 80 ,. ,, . .. ,, ' A A Urqui.art, special policeman. 10 00 tl,rtie uwiHUb ns to their wellare, and to W 11 Butts, do do . 10 00 further report to the court in person at Thomas Smilev. team hire 23 00 its regular bi-monthly sessions. Should , O L Phillips, mdso 125! tho court at nnv timn becomn dlpsatis- J 11 lilakoney, eight cords wood. 30 00 j flwl w!tl) tho tlealniei.t accorded the ,1 l.llllf , llltllllllg .... 1 ilU J W isiaKeney, liauling I I'D Biiiketcy, iuo druggist. TURKEY SHOOT A. 'f MARSH will give n turkey shoot on the bench Three Days- There will alto bo pigeon trap spooling at the fcaino time and place. One thousand stvlcs and sizes, tf&ssis v frwtmrv-3 WHS For cooking mid heatmg. Prices from $5 to $50. ssra, ir H Stflil Rinjei Cast RaiiQes F Blanker, labor 12 00 S J Brown, sawing wood -4 00 l)r ,1 II Hudson, medical services. 4 00 P F liiirlmm, hauling 1 00 On motion thu council adjourned till tonight. ricorj.i; com i mi and goi.nu, Ur. Huntington left this afternoon for his home in Sun i'rancltoo. Hal French went to Portland this afternoon on a visit to Mrs, French. The Yakima Herald says: R. B. Hood, of The Dalles, is in the city and will probably locate here. Kmst Jensen, former well. known resi dent of this city, arrived hero a few days ago from California and talks of remain ing here If lie can find a suitable opening. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Tbs Kind You Have Always Boufht Bears tho tiiijuaturo s.r children, tho order of the court will be, made permanent, and the children for- warded to the home of the (aid B'ljVi and Girls Aid Society without fiuther 1 notice of procedure. ' The girl, who is a very hnilWsoinc and j attractive child, was taken to thu home 1 tliis afternoon by Superintendent flard-! ner. ; Till. JJlltlfcH ftllll-ktith, Wheat-No. 1, X cents. I Barley H a ton. 0,1(81.15 cental. Wheat hayiS loose; 9 to $10 nalcd. Timothy $10 haled. Alfalfa Loose $7.50; baled S fiO. Potatoes 60 cents u sack, , Flour Diamond mills, $:.:() bhlj Du. fur mills, $3.00 Kus 30 conta ti dozu. Butter Ureainery, (13 cents; dairy, 55 cents. Cnlckens $3.50 a dozon; spring $2,50 to $3. Apples Tuble, GO to 75 cents. Jf,Voti have dundnill', your hair is I falling out, Use Cocoanut Cream, For j sale at Fruiter's barber shop, nO-lm M 1 .41 fThe genuine nil bear the above Trale-Mark . and are sold wmt a written giittruiuce. Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 1 OVER 1 If K WORLD, V Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere. The Michigan Stove Comnanv. LargQbt Maktir of Htovm uiut ttungea In the World. Otk St6t 7VAIER St BENTON, SOLE KCENTSi