The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 10, 1900, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.,
- NOV. 10, 1000
Dr. W. U. Lewi, Lawrenceville, Vn., I J Difficult Problem,
write. "I nm mint- Kndiil Dvaricnein
Cure in mr nraclim amour severe cbjop 1 . It hi ninong the most difficult prob-
ot indigestion nnil find it an admirable
1 lems of natural science (or one to become
expert in jeveral lines. J. E. Adeox iv 1
A reader asks for
j remedy." Many hundreds physicians ( Co., by iheir combimuion, have over-;
I depend upon tiie use of Kodol Dyspepsia , conio this diflicnlty in a practical man- ;
:..f - Pnrn in ninmnnh trniili 9. Tt d PPStS uer. d. x.. auciu nil vieri hi.vuii-
llllUl UiaVIUll wa " c ,..
, V I . ,
i . . . , . ... n maKernnu is troou on jeweiry. nnucm
4o the Indian name of the Columbia I w,,ai -" 8 . work nd Pvlnc. while Thco. H.
,, r , ...,. the cood food you need, providing you Liehe h an expert optician ami is pood
xner. ben the firt white explor- (,o )0 overonl, vonr eton)Hch. Gives , on watch repairing, jewelry work and
crs came into the country the Indians , ;Ia?innt relief and
dwelling along the stream had vari- Sold by Clarke & Falk
ous names for the great waterway j
Snokatilicum, j or Fricndlv "Water,:
"Walni na, or Big river, and for the; Sew sample line of jirkets at thejwatch."
a permanent cure. ' eiiRrnvinp. iheir price is as low ns emi-
are prepared to do all work in their
several hues, on ehort notice. Work
sent by mail or express will receive ;
prompt attetition. Sign, big lied
upper stream the melodious name
Multnomah was sometimes used.
The earlier navigators and explor-
i Fair.
1 Clarke & Falk have received a carload
j .You will not have boils if vou take)ot the ceehrateti jame E. i.atton
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
; strictly pure liquid paints :
A Fnll linn nl V jofnmn nlno nm! eilt
crs found it diflicult to unite upon a , jus, r(!Ceive;Tby c!arke & FalL-
name for this majestic river. The.
, , , , , , it! For rent or sale -on en?v terms, pood
older charts marked a considerable R.,th 3t)quirc or ml(,re5g
stream falling into the Pacific, and ; tnjs 0Qiee, O30 3:
termed it the Kio de Aguilar, in pairit j.our llDUse with rnintB llmt ftro
honor of a Spanish lieutenant who is j fully puarnnteed to Inst. Clarke it Falk ,
said to have sailed into these waters i have them. ,
in the ICth eentury. 11 is the ceneralj other pills can equal De Witt's
belief of histoiians. however, that Li"'e Early Klwe for promptness, cer-.
, ., , , ' . . tmnty and efticiencv. Sold bv Clarke & .
.niiita jjaiiuvt uuiuic uiutiiii';
v rtt-t liAt-n n iintnt rt n I 1 !n rtl'nr !
""" " " fc : If you want a first-class meal, served;
he discovered was one of the smaller i ln ,iie best st.Pf on't fa;i t0 call at the '
streams ilowmc down from the j New York Restaurant formerly the'
mountains of Southern Oregon. ' Clarendon. j
Other charts indicated the Kiverj Ths largest and moat complete line of !
of the West, the River Thegays, and ' ? "nd Tlnter nlllDr-v dfl8P,.ved '
later the Ii.ver Oregon. Ihe origin ( mma(!TV pariorgi The )ricos will ge ; DIRECT from the FACTORY
of the latter name is lost in mystery. : the gnods. eSt, AT EASTERN pRI0ES
Jonathan Carver, wlio penetrated 1 Why pay n-b per ganon or inferior
the wilds west of the Mississippi . paints when yon can buy James E. j
river during the ISth century, Is Patton's sunproof paints for $1.50 per j Q-gQ. C. Blkeley,
tbousbt to have been the tirst to p , " i
, talk, agents. mJ
employ it. In his quaint and inter- j Tfae method n dea:isiR? the liver I
esttng book he stated that the Indians j 3 the UBi 0f the famous little jdlls '
lie encountered in the Rocky mount- known as DeWitt's Little, Early Rier.
ains told' him of a great river rolling jE.v t0 lake- Nuver Kr5PL'- M h-v
far to the westward, and this river ! Uiarke & Fa,k- t
he called the Oregon. ; At the '10puIar ParIors of ,
, , 1 Campbell & Wilson can be found ail the
Ihe most plausible theory of the j laten lbjnca 5n gtreet iiatg trimmed
origin cf this name is that it was . hats, children's school hats, and also
hestosved bv earlv Spanish navigators tam-o'-shanters.
- i
$1.00 per luonth.
Strictly lirst c!ti!8 local mi l long
distniicu tclephono scivlcu within
your homo.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
vernation will be kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
You pet the etntuhtnl Iluntilng
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night service.
We will accept jour contract for
ten years and allow yon to cancel
wmi) on giving ua thirty days writ
ten notice.
Jast What
You uaant.
The Druggist.
in honor of the province of Arogon
in their native land. The
Columbia, it is hardly necessary to
add, was bestowed by the river's
discoverer, Captain Gray of Boston,
who sailed in over the bar in May,
171)2, in the sloop Columbia.
A few other points in t connection
with the history of this river may be
of interest. The trading post at
Astoria was not the- first white settle
ment upon the river's banks. In
1810 Captain Wftiship attempted a
settlement and built the first house
at a point lorty miles above the
mouth. The Astor enterprise came
in 1811. The first white woman to
come into this country was Miss
Jane Barnes, who arrived at Astoria
in 181 -1, coming from England in
the ship Isaac Todd.
Prior to the advent of the whites
the Indians had large villages along
the river. Among them Wishram,
at the cascades, peopled by n
villainous lot of thieves and cut
throats, who-e descendants, half a
conturj' later, became so troublesome
to Lieutenant Sheridan. The Indians
along the lower stream were more
peaceably inclined. Tiiry dwelt in
rude plenty, and were fairly prosper
ous and happy until one of the sail-
ing vessels dropping tnto the river
brought the deadly seeds of small
pox. The pestilence spread among
them, and the losses were appalling.
So thoroughly were the natives
cowed by this disaster that for forty
years thereafter, when they became
turbulent, to bring them to terms it
was only necessary to bring forth an
empty bottle, securely corked, and
threaten to let loose the smallpox.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Aiironescnillii? r. "ketch nnd description ma'
q'il.ily ojcuri.iin cur oplnlnn Ircje whether u
ItiTontfnn I' probnhly lmlcutable. ' immtinlo
t iinMrlct'vcontnientjiil. II unltooiou Pntpntt
ient ltc. -JMest nzenry for socuniv patents.
lMtci.t taken throui-n ilunu & Co. rccelvw
jjrrLH ntitcc, nitnout etiarae. mtno
If your hair is dry nnd dead-like, Co-
name ' coanut Cream Tonic will pivu it life and i
lnster. It is pronounced the finest ,
tonic on esf th. Can be had at Frazer's 1
barber shop, spent. nO-lm i
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are soli! on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, :
raisins: of the food, distress after eating, j
or any form of dyspepsia. One little i
tablet gives immediate relief. 23 cts. '
and 50 cts. Blckeley, the druggist.
Hustling yonni: man can make $60 per
innrf Vi r. nl arnutiBoa Prmaiwinr nnci.
tion. Experience unnecessarv. Write f T 1 Cf
qnick for particulars. Clark & Co., j W w L LJje'
Fourth and Lacust Streets, Philadel-
hpia, Pa, :8 tf
.-teumori- ol tin- lti'iiIutor Line will run ni iht IhiiW 'j
w,ib m ludiito. Hie Coinjiatiy itfervltiR tlie right lo chds j
i. lew
ullt lllltlCI.
Str. Refjiilntor
K lit
A M.
H'Ttu-iiiuy. . ..
J, Thuisltty . .
f uturiUy .
r; Arr. l'.irUmul
p, lit l. .I) 1'. M.
HI 7 A. M.
Wettiii.'M'.iiy 1'rlilny
Arr. Dalkw
h u l'. u.
Ship your
Begulator Line.
Str. Dalles City. ;
I.v. DullM
lit A. Jl.
J'rldiiy ...
Arr. l'lirtliiinl
ut I :.!0 r. M.
I a l'ort!!il.J
ut - wa, x. i
PntutiUj i
Atr llallM'J
nt r
1 Trnvi'1 liv Jlio fptiniir( nf Hin ttittilntnr I.!ni Thi rmntuiti v will intliitvnr elvi- ttk rut
5' runs tin lx.'ht crvl n.3!tlt!. Kur iiutlur tiiformutiou utlilrcftH
C, lirtla:i(l OBIre, Out Street UocU. W
C. AULA WAY, Con. Apt. ,1
Scientific Jferican
A hantljomelr lllu'tra'eit wee'tlr. I.reeat fir--ulatlou
i I nny f len- it)' J 'tirnai. Terms, a
re-irt four mon'.Iu. ? Svlii l-yall nwsdealen.
Brand! Office VZ V S"-. V'esliiCirion. V. t'
F- s.
iJfe?sI1!,&&4S! IfddUU If At DlllfUdO UUilBEJdlll
fore craced a finale slock, lieiil imitn- 1 I J
! tion cretun etfects at ordinary prices. "
EnrSnMaSiS tor Seed Grain of ail kinds.
'Srt-ffisHSi for Feed Grain 0111 kin
d. w. vause, Third St.! Headquarters for Rolled Grin, an kind
-1 Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TmuftSo
5: Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour
Clarke & Falk have on eale p. full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Wagon Shop,
VOgt QpSra HOUSfi,; Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. ,
F. J. Clarke, Manager. OOF SBCOUtl & Lallll. TJlOUe 157
..CHflS. FfiflW-
and Farmers
Keep? on draught tlie celebrnkil
COLl'MHIA liEKH, nokniVA-:-wlRed
the Uvit Uxz in Thu Uultts,
t thBiiiuul price. Conic In, try
It nnd bt coiivliired. tho
riucMt brmidh ol Wlaon, U jiior
and Cigars.
olull Hinds iiliveyson Imnd,
This Flour is manufactured expressly for famll;
use; everv miuk vt t'linruiitt'cd to uive'sutialnctici:.
! W'a poll our gool8 lower thun nny lionet; In tho trade, nnd if you don't thmico
! cuil and net cur prices and be eunviuecd.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats,
Whiting & Willis' Comedians Letters of Credit ieaued available in the . J.s. scur.scs,
Eastern States. '
Bight Eichantco and Telegraphic
Presentiop the Modern Comedy
A .
By John Fowler, author of "Dakota."
II. 31. 11KAI.I.,
Transfers sold on New York, ChiciiKO, Li t?Qr Mahrmal Rahl
and Ore- xifcw lutAvnui UUim(
St. Louis. San Francisco. Portland
con, Eeattlo Wash,, and various pointa THE rjALLES
iu uccguu uuu 11 iiaiiiutiiuu.
Collections inado at ail points on Icy
arable tonne.
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Ooods, Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, ut lunch lese thun wlioksalo
prices. Will eull iu hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purcbuaera.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
Ail noods will bo tncriiiced except Tliotnpson's Cilove-fittinK Corsets
liutterick Patterns. Your priced will bu mine. Call early and secure
Corner Second and Court .Sis.
pipe Jailorip
- - - OREGON
A General Bunking IluoinesE transacted
Deposits received, oubieet to Sitcbt
Draft or Check.
Collectionfl inado and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight aud Telegraphic Exchange sold oil
ew York, Kan Francisco and T'ort
land. DIHBOTOK8.
D. P. Thokpso.i. Jho. S. Schknck.
EO. M. WlI.MAMB, GliO. A. LlKBK.
II. M. Bkam-
t . y
.-luijrioiora r r r ti
With tho original New York cast, in
cluding Geo. Larson, Mattlo Lock
ette and Harry I5yera.
A San Francisco preacher lust
.Sunday took as bis theme, "What
JJced Hive We For a Hell?" And
the Albany Deraoornt answers by
saying: "Wo haven't any need for
it at all. "We got till wc wanted
The Albany Democrat says the
vote in Lion county was enough to
jar the bones of some of the old
timers. A demoorutiu exchange is sorry to
say there are some things surer before
"lection than after.
Prices 50 and 75c. Tickete can
bo procured at Clarke &. Falk'a.
Wool-knlt ekiita at the Fair.
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors..
cream and oyster parlors in Curny Bal
lard's old stand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The place has been thoroughly ren
ovated, and la (bare of the nubile patron
age ia aollcited.
Open till 12:00 P. M.'
Tne DoiymDia Packing Co..
Suits, $20 ar?d up. ;PORKand BEEF
A complete line of Full arid Winter
SuititiiiH, Pantings and Overcoating, now
on display. 100 different variuties'to se
Icct from.
Call and examine goods before going ,
elsewhere. Second street, opp. Mays j
& Crowo'a. ' i
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
y Purest Liquors for Family Use 9
)elivorcd to any part of tho City.
A Pl.on.-8: 51 Local, . .
y m i.onu Distance. 173 Second Street, y
The undersigned haa taken poeseeHion
of Jt. A. Bpivey paint abop, next door to
the Votft opera homo, and haa pur
chaied tho tools and ladders. He baa
.1 1 !.. - 1.1 t.l... 1 t
Kuuu iiicuimuiuj wurKiiiK ior nun, nun ONE Fob a rtrtorv MaTra m
will grantee all work to Kiv . .S Dll I 0
tIOn O t TPITv ?Da4
S. K. KELLY. ifdiffSSK
SAY! Lend Me Your Ear!
Do you know that John Paahek, the tailor, Ih agent for two of
the UrKest merchant tailoring houNce ill America?
Do you know that lie will aoll you a suit, niado to your order,
cheap us the hnnd.nie.down, ready-made, you buy in the fdori'H, hh
Kiiarantee a fit or no sale?
Do you know that ho him ulrendy on baud for the coming fH
ami winter trade the handaomeat and flneat line of tamplea ever abown
in ihe Dalk'B?
JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent.