O.RsR V0GT OFFKA. HOUSE, Lane, Tunnrimt klmt ONt NUJr- i ONLY. I" 31 as Si lis' ii iv 'I SENERAL r in Ilivip 1 m i in uiaiuiiii - tl k .' I BETTER ! W J BRIGHTER i BiaDKsmun .AND. Horsosnoer BIGGER BETTER BRIGHTER Busier than Ever. Xew Songs, Dance?. Music and Specialties. The Biggest and Best Show of the Season. Don't Miss Seeing the Heal Show ADMISSION. - - 50 and 75 Cents. Seats on sale at Clarke & Falk's Drue Store. Wagon and Carringo Work. ,J' Fish Brothors' Wngon. -V Third ana Mm. Phono 159 3' V . A-J V A.J ...Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, j Gents' Furnishings. Moots Shoes. Hat!". Clips. Notions, for V, L. Doupliii Shot;. "cu- Triui sellout. It 1 1 H pjn-ti i tl In a D up Sturr. "One day 1r.?t winter a laily came to my drug store r.iul a'-ked for a brand ol couth medicine that I did not have in steek,' says Mr. C. II Grundin, the nopulur druggist of Ontario, X. Y. "She r. ., , , was disaptioir.ted and wanted to know unner w men asi pupiis v. uus, The second quarter of the faii terra closes this week. With the close of the i3nr!er come the examinations upon the work done during the last four weeks. In the higli school we have b new rule class r.atidtng i ninety five per cent or ' ' , ,. . mend. I s.ud to hwr thai I could freelv rec over tnav be excused from examination. . , ,, , - , l 1 . . UllUilUUU V. Ml 11, UCI 111111 c -.uiik.u ,viiii;-.ji The fcatlet fever, which had almost - - , . . . , ., and that she couid take a bottle of the, Vecmic an epidemic, has been ureal! . . . ........ circumscribed bv the action o: the city ; . .. . .. .. , she did not find it worth the monev to council .regarding quarantine regnia- . ,, ,, ', , , . . , ., br'm: back the bottle and I would refund u:ns. he regulations of the council ' . . . , , , . , . ... i , the price paid, In the course of a dav were in tv enctorsea uv me sciuo: imam, , - , . , . , . i i .i ; or two the lady carue hack in cotnnanv, I.a.sh Orrn i; atThe Dallks Or.:.,f and strong efforts are hem made by the . . , . sent mo. s , iinii o menu ,ii ucvu ui nuuiiuu uicuitiut , n pi. fa l.prvliv nlvpn Dint Ihi- fo (iw hit nd advised her to huv a tottle of Chain, mimed settler has Med notice of his intention j jUsg?, The DallesJrJ j I Si helps the teatn. Sa ca war nail kj expense. uia every wucrc. jtes J&M- STANDARD Oil. CO. JS i k f 6 6 The Datlr.B, Of. The Chronicle, dob Printers. , a: IE i . i a: t 3S a 12" ! Is , :c . 1:' '31 , 35' , r:!S ' :i! at. I 3S' 3: I 33 I I I A 11T ioa Kiikt Mull I.' J' p. ill, AtlnliliO i f.xjircio I l'J..Vin. in, Vti Hunt Instim. Si nl I mid j:xprt' U.Si p. m 8 p. us. TIK M'l!Kltl'I.K, KltOM Daiai:, Suit l.nki, Denver Ft Wurtli. Omiit.ii, Kim jm. city, St Umi, Jit:v , Mll Suit IjiU?, Denver Ft i n. World, llmiilm. ki 1 " SIIH CUV, Ht. ..,h C'hk'NKo mat I. list WhIIu Wllllll. HltolHIIP. B....... .MllinenpollK. m. p,m, 0'"v,'" II II I II Hi. Mil.. .,..1 .' 1 -M'l (llin.,,.,. ,.,, W...I . :.!' ..""'I S-nWiiiisnLd iltiiilim; oil . 1113(1 llll p.ll.111, tu S Mhlilnj; ton mid l,u,t em Orvgim. From I'oetumi Oci'iui bU-iimahii r. For fiini l'rnticl-co Kvery Five Uast. K p. m. I lo Astoria and S'.uy s Sniurdiiy " Undliigi. ID p. m. tin. tn. ', Wiu.AMKTTr. Uivnn, pa)n m Kr.siil.di oreuoti tllty, Newlrc, Kx.bnaSj ; Milein iV; A ny Land ' ,, ' "-..J!1' Wi-iasi:tts asi. Ya 3.non.a. lia.'lli!ir.; mu. Kivi:tts. Jlnn..Wtj mid int. itlrcpoii t;l:y, Ii vton una FiL nml Vay-li)dliig. i I I v Hiparlii I iIhIij- ' s .!' H. 111. Ksakc Itivr.u. Kljinrlli to l-CKlhtuli. 1.8 UI I.Ewirras dailj NOTICE FOP. PL BLICATION. that a verv uood rerommendatinn for the remedy." It i for sale by G. C, Blakeley, the drujaist. teachers to carrv them out. Tliouh there are a nunilier of pupiis out nf school now on account of the disease, it i? noped that by this close attention to quarantine inles the fever may be ttnppfd. Wednesday a gentleman representing the military echonl at Sn Rafael called -at school looking for prospective etu dents. This reminds us that with the ...... . . . 1UUU1U UV 11CU1111UC33. school facilities of today, preparing for i , , .... . .. ,., ' Xiij'B L renin xaim all professions and vocations in lite, no , ' , ' cleansea.sootheiandhesls one need be without at least a rudl- ( tbe dUeaed membrane, aientarv education. Mttitarv officers of It cures catarrh and drives ... " i , i ... , , , c. sway a cold in the bead tiifjn rank speak of this school at ban . sici.. i? ii.h tieiit n: i!ip Kino in , " , , . , i tion to make tinal proof in support of hN berlain's Couph Keim-dy. I con&idfr tiaim, and tnnt snld proof will be made be- Nasal CATARRH la all its etazea there should be cleanhneia. Katael as one of the United Statee. Oa Wednesday mnrnini C'reuui Balm U placed into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying does iote were d.stnouti-d to each pupil of gi.tJ.)rbrn)a!i. Trial S5.10 cents by ma!,, the hish school HO that we Illicht see ' a.Y I:r3TUEKS, 36 Warren Street, Xew Tork. Jiow the voters of Oregon cast the ballot fore tbi reci.-ter nml receiver Ht The Dalles, i Oregon, op anturdny, November 10, law), viz Ch1 In ,1. JiunBkln, of .Mo-Ier, Or., H. E. No, ol'.'I, for the &K qr, Sec 31. T 2 X, R 11" E, W. M. He names tne following witnc"es to prove hit continuous residence upon, und cultivation of said land viz: Jiielmel Doyle, It. E. Doyle. The Dalles. Or., llruwit uud l iirl J. t. Carbon, of -Mo- Jaraes il sler, Or K."J JAY P. LUCAS, .Re ister HA'rAIATAfA1A-lATA1AAlATArTAIA1AiAlAIA1A'AIAfAIA'.ArA'tAAIA'A,AUI2 4 5 I, 5 5 r I !5' C. J. STUBLIHG, WHO' ,l.t AMI M.TAI Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. "Xesl door to A. M. Wiiliams A Co. Phone 234, THB DALLES, OREGON, i 3 ,5 i 1 .3 sample bal- We are sole auenis for tiie well-known Hamilton Brown shoes. Be sure and get our prices before makiuc your pur chases. Lidies' lipht weight dress ehoee for ?1, 1 50 and $2.50 at the New York Cash Store. cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money tor president on Tuesday, and Prof. Lindere announced that though it was a little late to be counted in, we might hoi 1 an election by the Australian plan of balloting when we have time and vote for electors for president and vice pretidnnt. Twelve boys from the high school have organized a alee club as an ad- junct of the literay society. The hearty j refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cte. liiakeley encore they received at their first ap-j the druKKiets. pearance on Friday afternoon has en- j TiifctTiroijiiiuc iie"dueii couraKed them to take up regular prac-; Wfml(J qnickly lt!avt. vof j you used tice evtiry other day at close of school, i Dr, King.9 Nevv Life .ilIgi Thousani8 'lhe eighth grade was inviteu to t'e , of aufrerere have pr0Ved their matchles merit for Sick and Kurvous Headaches. They make pure blood and si roup nerves and build up your health. Eaey to take. Try them. Only 25 cente. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley, tLe druggist. o NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is herein clven that the undersiiriicil I has duly filed with the county clerk of Watco I county, OreRon, his llnul Hi-count mid reiort us executor of the estate of fhoebe J. IlaiRht, de- ceased . mid that the honorable county court hns llxed Jlondiiy, the uth day of November, 19W), nt i 10 o'clock n. in. of said day as the tine, mid the ' county court room in the county cou. t house In Dalles City. Wu'cn county, Oregon, ui the place 1 fi. huirUi., knlfl ,l,ul ....,., ....... I All mrsnns Interested tn said 'stntt! an. hi?- i I by notified to imiiear at iid time and tilncc and I i tt .. . ... ....... ...I., i nwv tnu-v, ii mil iiiuit; it., ii piiiu i . should not be approved and said .executor dlv 1 clmrueil. l)ii Ud this L".'tb day of September, l'.KO. . 1'KANK .MENEFEE, 1 Executor of the estate of Phoebe J. Jlnicnt. deceased. oet:s . ( iU.T:yjy.i.yTit:rx.y,:riTxiir,a.j 2 Parn.'M d.initc to k Vi llcpunrr ct p.iititi. on ttolutnbhi Soiithcrii m i Ill25, nbuuM fnkr ,Nu z. lunviliK 'I h' Dulles at 1" 10 . a. makltiu direct ciiiiprcllons lit lloii,ruiirt!on nml lilirgH ItcurtiliiK tmiliit,illrirtcoimtioa at Ilrppucr tiiii'tltl and II'i-rh wnh No. l.ir rlPiK at 'Jhc Dalles at Vi..) p Hi i'o: full purtlnulitrg rati n ( A X. t'o.'i HRcnt The lmllek. or m'.nt'.t w. II . , i:l.WI!T. i.lii, Pus. Aut , "nrtUmil.Or SOUTH and EAST via v THE CELEBRATED A DM I N1STH A rOIi'S NOTICE. Notice I herc'iv civen that the undcrsliriied ' ha Ikcii duly npirfiiiited by the county court of Acker's English Remedy will stop a fr&W Bocietv t'xereieee laat 1-riiiay. incee, with the visitors, filled the assembly room ot the hijth school and made an appreciative audience. The program waa interesting throughout. The nu merous rtcitatioue were pleasing and the instrumental aud vocal selections tntervoning received merited applause. Last came the Eociety paper, which con tained some interesting things, particu When you cannot sleep for coughlnp, it is hardly necessary that any one should tell you that you need a few do-ies of lady the article on the prevalent use of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy lo allay poir language and ulang. The too com- i tl,e "tation of the throat, and make ... f uUr.., In (l.n llf.aBtina sir, nf I p pOSftlWo. It ie UOOtl. Try it American speech today. W. C. ! ea!e lV Blakeley, the druggist. AiltertUHd l.nttom For following is the list of letters remain ing in the posloflice nt The Dalles tin -called for November 0, lftOO. calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised: Allen, Mrs Nellie Allen, Albert AdamP, M Bishop, James P.owerP, George Chingan. Mrs J L Chase, Mrs Lena Clark, Mrs Ann D iuglae, Jo F Diuighty, F A. l!stahrMik, Mrs FM Huher, Mrs J Hummel, Mrs 11 Johnston, Mrs Villa X,)'oii4, J L Muhoney, Mrs SI' Marshall, Mrs B (U, Morric, J 1'aflVnbeiger, A Prater, Cap lUveare, Fred finyder, Albert Vanavery, H M Williams, Lilla WilliamR, Mies Ina Drj'intr preparations Bimply devel op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up tho Btcrelions, which adhoro to tho membrane and docoic- poaeausingafarmoroficriouatroublothcn l erBOnS l!iB nrrlin.-m. fort,, fif filnrrli A vnirl nil Arv. i- , ", '. r v -: , i deceased. All persons having claims against tno estate of tald deceased are hereby notified j ... j.iv-ll. lll FUl.l'., ,l.l ,llv H,'rTJl ,1'UUll'l H therefor, to me nt my ortlce In 11 .d. Oregon, ! within six mouths from the (lute hereof. W .. .GOIiUj&BlA BREWEKY ... AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of th' well-known brewery tho United States Health Hfpnrts for June 2S. 1000, says: "A more supeiior brew never entered the labratory &f the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is cn-uposud of the bi'ft of malt and rhoi(.vs-t of hops. Its tonic qualities are f the high est and it can be lined with the greatcet benefit mid patiBfaction bv old and young. Its use can contcientioutly be prescribed by the phvciclaiip with the cereainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." If Soutiierii -PaciHG Go Shasta Route Trains leave The Dulles for Portland slid wj htutlons ui u. in. nnd S p. m. Leave Portland " Albany Arrive Ashland " hucruuifiito .. " hnu Ininchec, . V!)n m 7:Wim .l.;a)ii in 10:Wpra .U St a m ll:30sm ,'i:tX).m l;J")ta . 7 !' p in 8:15 a ta Arrive ORilon " Ix'iivcr " Kansas City. " I'hlciiijo . . 15 i: a m 11 13 urn , l:tKi a tn 9:0) tro "J'liB .ata 7 I', ii in it:a)sni Arrive Urn AiiKelci . . ., " Kl Pas., " Fort Worth ' City of Mexico . .. " Houston ' New Orleans " WllKlllllRtOU . .. " New York , . . 1 ".i1 p m . C-UOpiu . . it III . . !i .v. n in . I I' il i . . r a in . r,. i- .i in .1'.' I ' p ra 7.oom frCfll'ta ii.:nm li ."A m :Wnin f ii pm C 12 ra 12 t'ipm East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Dated September ul. l'XO. C. 11. SOUTHERN. e 2f. Administrator. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. 4 fc r' s Notice Is hereby given tint lhe undersigned I has duly tiled with tiie County Clerk o.MVhsco I County, Ortgoii, his final account and report us j 1 administrator of the estate of Adolnli Auidius, deceased, and that the Honorable County Court 1 has fixed .Moiida,thejth day of November, 1'.'), ' at 10 o'clock a ui. of said day ns the time, and the County Court room of the County Court) rtn j c. house In Dalles City, V,'aco County, Oregon, hsiHII KlnO OT the place for hearitis said limit account nnd re- 14,1 rLlu-3 wl port, ah persons inierrntea in saia estate nre ntreoy uoiiueu to appear at smu tunc onn plact; nnd show 'cause, it any there be, why said report .should not be approved and said udmlulstrutor dltcliH'Ked, Dated this uth day of October, l'jou. J. P AUIDiUS, Admitilatiittor of the estate of Adolph Agldlus, deceased. oetfi Allen, Mabel Bums, 'riioina? Kartell, G A (2. Hell, Mies Ada Clark, E Clark. Mrs B B DavK John Disbry, Arthur NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. l.VJ OrricE at The Dai.lcb, Oannos,) October 13, VMO. j Notice Is hereby clven that tho following tunned settler has filed notice of her iiiti-ntloii to rnnko nnul proii in support of her claim, mid that said proof will be made before the l!eg!tr nnd Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes day, December! A, JVX), viz: llattlu L. liundy, ing inluilauts, fumes, smokes nnd Bnuifn 1 The Dalles, Oregon, II. K. Nc, M5S, for the ' i!"lr HV'1UCV t B0S' f thQH ar , Hhe ntnSfolloVrngVlVnesses lo prove her heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy continuous icnldencu um und cultlviitlon of unu niii vuiu vtivntiu ui uuiuui mu xieuii i ioimi, nt- Frank Enplcr, of The Dalles, Oregon, Albert ;. aic- ..... .u.u vuium tuu 11KUU POrlltT fin1 ilpaup,4l A par.! alo. will l.v ,..Uo.u.v. B.U 114 uu , M,.L-,ni... M, H.rf.rt fl!..,.r.i,"llr,,!.- 1' M uiaifea lor 10 cents. All druggists Boll tho Kamey ui.d Eric Uruiiluiid.o: The Dalles, Or 00o. Bttso. Ely Urothors, CC Yi urren Bt., K.Y. (JCBS7 jay P. I.t'C'AS, ItcKlster. J.UU jjuiiu curea vniiiuui puin, uocs not irritate or caiiso suonziug. It spreads itself over an irritated aud nngry Hurfuco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. witn .iy 's urcaiu Jiaim you nro armed DEALEBs IN Funeral Supplies Grandall & Burget UNDERTAKE. tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. F.obes, BuriaSh Ete. Wanted A second- hand Gre-proof aafe. Mast be io good condition and not -tnn Inruo. Annlv at tlin Riinns'lfM.K ' -ofllce. o31.t( I agent for Hamilton Brown shoes. against Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Fover. Notice, Having rented the Baldwin opera house to A. Sandvig. All persons desir ing to rent the same will apply to or ad dress A. Sandvig. P. O,, liox 530. The Dalles. E. H. Mkrp.iu., Administrator J.C. Baldwin, Estate. The New York Cash Store is the sole NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. f.A.Ml OrKlCK AT VANCOUVF.!!, Wash. I October 2tl, I'.M). Notice is hereby given that the following. named Milder has filed notice of his Intention to imiki! llnul proof in suixirt of Ills claim, and thai ufd proof will be made boforo W. H. i res. by, I', h. coiiiinissioiier for the District oi sliln;ton,ut doldendule, Wush., on Mondu), JleceicberlO, 1!)00, viz Utxirictt li. Ht. l.uwrtmcr, of I.yle P. 0., Wash.. vUio made II. E. No, 10,005, for tlie.WU ti&4 and E SW'i tec 'J3,T U N, it 111 E, Vl , ill He mimes the following witnesses to prove his rniitinuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz.; Thomas J. Whllcomb, tleorge Korcnson, "eo, Ilradfnrd mid .Wllliuw Ixuiou, all of Lylc P, O,, Wushliigton, 031 W. U. DUNliAH Ilcglster. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Pullman and Tourist curs on both trlu Chair ears Sacramento to Oitdcn nul r.l I ij"i and tourist cars to Chicago, St l " i. .NewW leans uud Washington. Connecting at Sun FrHuebf" with H-vcnl sti-amship iinvs for Honolulu, 'upun, Chins, I'hlllppiucs, Central uud South Atncrlcu. Bee agent at The Dalles ntuttoii or nil(lr(s C. H. MARKHAM, tieueral Passingcr Agent, I'ort.itml, Or hiri Fa p ii Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING OAR ROU'l E FROM I'OKTUSP TO THE EAST THE ONl.V DIRECT LINE TO Till VhhWW- HI ONE PARK I.CAVK. No. ! 11115 A. M. No. 4. II ,3o P, M, Union Depot, nrthand I sts abmw Kt inall for TiUoma, Peattle, Olymplii.tiW Huiborniid South Head points, Spokane, lloss land, Ii, V., Pullimi" Moscow, Ia!IIuu, lutf f ii.ii ii in i, miiihiL' noun try, Helena, Mimical"' US, Ol. J Itlll, ui""","' Kansas City, St. Uail. Chicago und all point" cast uud southeast. Puget Hound hxm'x , for Tuconiu and fseiittii' und luterincdlato ioints No. OjMP.JI. No. a. to A. 51. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. Piilhnnii llrst rlass and toiirh t 'w'l0"lDS MlniieunollH.Ht. Puul und Missouri rutri'"'" without (ihange. ....mieetlooa Vtisttbitled trains. Union depot cotinei-"" in all prluclMil cltlof. , . ,,l,.u, JKKKe clieekeU to destltiut on ,tter, J'orli.indmimelyllhistiutiH tlt-scrl tlu 0, tlckuts, sleeping cur rimcrvntlons, etc , u write A. D. CHARLTON, Asslstutit Ofiierul Pussenger Agent, 'iff sou Htreet.corner Tldid, Portland Oris"" jjlt. It, K, HM1TII, Osteopath, Room 0 and II, Chapman UIobKi The WjJJj Oregoti,