The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 09, 1900, Image 3

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The 3 Things
Various Weights.
What weight do
you require for
comfort during the
cold weather?
Musi you have
the thick, soft and
fleecy kind or arc
the lighter, thin
ner, yet still warm
grades preferred
all wool, or silk and wool, or silk and cotton.
This Under wear Department has all the many
pennies and styles, and 'none hut thoroughly de
pendable goods. A visit to the store will surely
bo In Ipful to you.
Examine our Fleecv Garment at
& Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures
In all the latest styles.
I n all the newest colors.
Not necessary to pay more.
You can give your friend an order for the
Best Hat in the World
if y6u get him a "ROELOFS." We are sole
Most important in Shoes are
1st. A perfect fit that moans comfort.
2d. Stylo and graceful design that means
3d. First-class material and construction
that means service.
Queen Quality
Shoes for Women
Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance
and splendid service. No matter for what
purpose a woman desires shoes, she will
find her wants supplied in the Queen Qual
ity lino. Many styles to select from.
All goods marked in plain figures.
mags & mm
rhe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
xov. o, J ooo
At Andrew Keillor's.
Won!-knit skills at the Fair.
1)1.1 y m fun thy ml of tho Fair.
New emn pit line of jackets ut the
Our prices nro nl ways tho lowest. The
J iv r.
J'Vru goid values at the New Yuri:
Cash store. yon can always do hetter
the I-air.
At Miss Haven's Litest Etylea in
street hat, nt lowest prices).
The voniic Iml lltu nt tint nth' rrivti it
d.ince tonight to their gentlemen friends
nt tho llaldrtin.
Ketucmbcr that Ooeoanut Cream Tonic
i I prjinote growth of hiiir. Charles
r'rns r, sole agent. niMm
l'n'. .Sandvlg's regular weeklv dunce
wih l,e h,l Saturday night, Nov. 10th,
at the lialdwln. j.''t
If von have dnndruH', your Imir Ik
'ihing out. l't.j Cocoanut Cream. For
fam nt Frpzei 'u barber chop. nlMm
Tuo p js'olliej was closed thia after
noon from 1 :.'!0 to fi on account of the
'iiuural of Assistant Postmaster J. M.
H your hair in dry mid dead-like, Co
eoaniit Cream Tonic will five it life find
Inner. It Ja pronounced the lineal
'"He on earth. (Jim bu hud ut's
lurlmr shop, nyent. n'J-lni
me ejinmitteo takes this meaiib of
iiilore ing those who intend tho dancing
I'-ir'y tills evening that entrance to the
,iall uil bu mndu by the first door in
tliu rear of i be building
The young ludieHof tho Congregational
'"ami unnounco u salo of cakes, pies
II. U. Patterson and others for a new
j county road in the Mosier precinct was
granted ,.nt jt j Wood, C. A. Cramer
nnd S, I). Fisher appointed viewers.
A good-sizyd audience gieeted Iiev.
! Chris XiekeUen last night at the M. K.
I church. His theme wus "Luke Warm
I Christians," and be himdted it in his
; usually able and interesting manlier,
j Mr. Kiekelseii preaches again this
i evening and a cordial invitation i9 ex
J tended lo everybody to be present,
j There will be no eervico Saturday oven
' ing. Tho piogram oi services for Sun-
i day will be announced in
' Cduo.s'u.i.i:.
should. It is notorious that tnany of of the pretentious white face comedy or
them never thought it worth while to ganizations on the road, having fully
attend, and it wns impossible to get the i double the number of people, and in its
business men sufficiently interested to 1 singing, at least, far surpassing anything
make exhibits. Things are different j outside of tho big operatic companies',
now. The street fair has demonstrated ' the mannger is positive lie bar, secured a
what can bo done when the business ' treat for his patrons who love good sing
men put their shoulders to the wheel. ing and pure, wholesome fun. The fa
Latest eleclion returns assure Mc i moua "Olorindy" chorus of sixteen siog-
"A Hindoo Hoodoo."
Kinley 202 votes in the electoral college
against 153 for Uryan. Kentucky with
onlv 13 votes is in doubt. Mcivinley's
vote in 1SU0 wae 271 to 170 for Hrvan.
McKiuley carries Nebraska by at least
toinoi row's , 2000 and tho republicans count on a safe
I majority in the legislature. Mclviniey
carries Indiana by about !!2,000. Idaho
goes for Uryan by a small majority.
North Dakota gives a republican major
ity of over 12,000, or about 4 to 1 of the
The state association of county judge0,
commissioners and assessors will meet
in Portland Tuesday, November 20th.
As in years past, tho purpose of the an
nual session will
iiuestions of taxation, nnd how to make
reasonable levied cn property through-1 Kinluv a plurality of over 4000. Ohio's
out the etate. It is expected that more j plurality fur McKiuley will he 73,000
than one-half of the county judges will!'""' Inwa'e U9.072. McKinley'e major
attend the meeting and special atteu- j Washington will bu beUeen 11,-
lion will be given to the preparation of 1 000 and 12,000. Rogers, democratic
various recommendations to bo present-1 nominee for governor, beats Friuk, re-
be discussions of tiie ' vt's -t. .Mckinley's plurality in ill i -
I .i.iiu lu 0."i AllO IlLtlairfiru mi'fiu "T.
ers, now with the "IIotte3t Coon in
Dixie," wns for sixteen consecutive
weeks the rage at the New York cisino
roof garden. They were also seen for
eiht consecutive weeke in Chicago, and
appeared in nil of the principal cities of
the country between New York and San
Tho only ntorc ft
this city whoro the
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen piecc3of co
called cheap cnam
eled ware.
Other wnre3 look
has tho name
Stransky - Steel
Warooneacli piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize nt 16
International Exhi
bitions. Hip: heat
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by rhe
most famous chem
ists foe purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
told in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb fjrease,
does not discolor
nor catclunside, is
not affected by ncid;
in fnuts or
will boil.
Sit.. .fi
ana aau:
v i t h o si
im part inf,
flavor Oi"
o o o k c l
fool Pliil
will last
for years.
I'i:ri.K C.111NO AND (JOINfi.
ed to the next legislature looking to
greater uniformity in the county assess
ments. The auction s.ileu of crown claims of
tho Klondike, which b'.van on October
2nd, reopenwl on Nov. olli, in
Tliis has created a gn at stir among tho
hardy miners, who have been iudustii
ously mouting about tho ueid looking
up the prize prop-irtlci tho queen haa
fur ealo. No one knows just what claims
to bo offered aro blauksor which contain
tho hidden pri.'S. Tho claims emiuaco
nil thitt.havo lapsed to the government
from failure lit representation and other
causep, and nil that have been reserved
in alternate properties.
li'iiil Heckler, u Wapinitia sheepman,
was kicked by n horso in the side yes
toiday afternoon and iiad threo of his
ribs fractured. He had brouht to town
i a fuiir-hoi'se load of ho;;s and when ho
arrived in tho neighborhood of the
I Columbia browery tho lead horses be-
faun ontun?led and ua .Mr. Heckler
doscoii'JoJ from tho wagon to straighten
thoin out, one of the wheel hordes kicked
him willi the abovo result. Ho was
taken to tho Uinatlllu House nnd had
iikihIimI to I iv Dr. I.OL'an.
en ndy nt IVnsu & Mays' grnoeiy de-1 ir.,1,1.., ii,t,.a ,,rn vi-rv tmlnfnl
iMriir.ont, tomorrow (SalunJuvi from 10, i.... t t ..rh.t
f,'.!r,nH.. .1... , .... ... unu.u.,..
--.! in uiu lorenoon mi uigllt,
A, KnOX. 1 1 II 1 1 u I .Man unit
dlrectora of the Hast Fork Irri
ailng Conipniiy, of Hood Ulver, Jinvo
'lied mi niuendnient to tho coinpany'd
utieles of Incorporation, increasing tho
"mount of the capital Block to if50,000.
Kliokiiat county, Wash., has elected
i iiBiia), every ninti on tho republican
injured internally.
Tliu cjiitract lias not yot been Jet for
tho construction of tho race track, but it
will be, in nil piobability, within tho
next day or so. Tho (Jentleinen'is Driv
ing Association has nil tho money need-
ed to llululi tho work. J ho surplus ol
Hon. W. II. H. Dufur wbb in town
today accompanied by Mis. Dufur.
Mrs. Gurtis, of La Grande, is viViting
I with her daughter, Mre. W. A. Kirby,
j of this city.
j J. D. Wilcox, of Grass Valley, was in
I town last night, tho guest of the Uma
j tilhi House.
j James Mackin, a pioneer stockman of
i southern Sherman county, in registered
I at the Umatilla House.
I Franlc Baker, formerly stale printer,
lis in tlio city accompanied by Mrs.
linker. Thev are the guests of their
Bonin-law, II. II. Giant.
publican nominee, by about 1300. Cali
fornia gives McKiuley the enormqus
plurality of M0,000. Oregon's plurality
for McKiuley ie in the neighborhood of
N.000. '
A .1 TM f ii i r 1 1 ii q !mn it cn fi".j-l t it
Oregon apples will be worth f 1.00 per for ub()U p(x weeks fronui broken leg,
box inside of three 'eeks. Colonel II.
E. Dosch, secretary of the Mate board of
hortieulture, who c'osely follows the
market, bases such an assertion upon j
the big jump of prices of apples in the
New York maiket. Baldwin apples
have advanced from $1.50 to $2.50 per
barrel ; King, from the same price to
J20 nnd $!J, a barrel; Yoik Imperial?, ! j (. rsjfc
irom to si a uarrei. iteu laoi
caino in touay from Uiifur on ins way
to join his family at Portland.
I'l l villi) School - Diiy or Kvonliif;.
Poisons desiring instruction in En;
lis!) branches, ornamental penmanship,
short hand, shau'e.pen wiiting, fiee
hand drawing, book-keeping, higher
Linathematics, music, etc., please
iloor second floor west of Cur-
h tica mill i.niififl bfriukf 1iiii'.ili.nnra
tipples will bring in New ork over,. ... , , i
1 , , ,.,. , taught to read and write hugllsh in a
these prices an advance of 2 to 50 cents)! w jt,8J0)p .
a mirrei. , as soon as uiese iscis oecome
known, Oiegon, apples nill naturally
raise a notch in price.-1, because tho local
inaikot is sympathetically effected by
tho New Yotk quotations. Colonel
Dosch au vises growers not to Do in tooj
Ulg a nurry to sen. j no growing iavor
of tho better class of Oregon appleH for
the export trade, taken together with
tho failure of the apple crop in tho main
Eastern belts, is a good indication the
pi Iff b will hit tho top notch. Quito a
number of apples have been placed by
dealers upon cold storage for Christmas
trade, which helps lo strengthen the
market. Telegiuij.
"The Hottest Coon in Dixlo," which
comes lo tho Vogt next Tne;day night,
Ih the leading colored attraction ol this
country this season both in the number
iiixl prominence of its members, Won
derful progress lias been made in tho
Piior, E. Fiti:i:i:
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Siguaturo of I
about ii'MO remaining in tho hands of caliber nod popularity of exclusive col
tho treasurer of tho street fulr has, been
'"Wet. Coloy, lepubllcnn iiominoo for i donated to tho nssociatlon on tho under
'""'if, according to a report received 'standing thnt tho distriet fuir will be
'ru at noon today, beats Hmith, the
""mocratlc noinliiee, by a iiiajorlty of
"evonty votes.
In tho COUlitv inni-t ImiIhv IIhi ix'litlnn
' W. II, Jtoduinii for tiie vucatlon of 1 hHVO been allowed to leuyo Hern, and
would not have left If the people ot flit)
Dalles had taken tho interest in It they
held hero next fall instead of at Auto
lope. It is not thought that there will
be any trouble in getting the fair back.
Aa a matter of fact it ought never to
of u county rond in tho Wainie
country wag denied. Tiio petition of
ored hIiohh during tho past five vears.
until they now tuko rank with our lead,
lug niniisement attractions, mid tho
doors of many of the leading theaters
of tho big eastern cities nro being opened
to them and marvelous business in
moil instances 1ms been the result. In
its costuming, musical selection?, com
edy, etc., (his newest bidder for public
favor will compare favorably with any
"A Hindoo Hoodoo," claiming the
distinction of being a comedy with a
new idea, opened at tho California
theater witli a matinee performance yes
terday. Good sized audiences witnessed
the afternoon nnd night productions.
ni... i - i
i nu inn centers arounu uie coiiipiiea-1
tions ariain;; from exhibitions of the
occult art of Chandra Dass, the Hindoo
who is tliu Hoodoo. Tiie foul of Will
i Risk i! sent to Mars nnd that of Dr.
Upson Downs to Jupiter, nnd when tho
' Hindoo conjures Dr. Downs' soul back
, to earth it enters the body o! Will ltiik.
In the second act tho various characters
jget within tho magic circle drawn by the
j Hindoo ami become quacking ducks,
I barking dogs and similar comical possi
j bilities,
I Gsoi-pii Lirsen ns Will Rink nrnvnkes
laugh after laugh, and Mattio Locket t as
Edith divides the honors of the stage
with him, These with Edmund Bur
roughs as bpllboy, form a mirth -)rovok-ina
trio. 'I he S. F. Call, Oct. 15, 1900.
"A Hindoo Hoodoo" nt tho Vogt Sat
urday cvi-ninir, Nov. 10th.
It is well to know that DoWItt's
Witch Hazel Halve will heal a burn nnd
stop thu pain n nnri'. It will euro
eczema and skin diH.-ase and uglvl
wounds anl sore?. It h a certain curo!NoV. 27tll. 28tll aild. 29tll
General Blacksmith
and Horseshoes
All kinds of blacksmithing will receive
prompt attention nnd will heixeeutu!
in iirst-elnss shajto. Give him a call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The D.dlcs, O.-.
A. Y. MAU.'Ul will give a
tnrkev stioot on tho bencli
Threo Days -"
for piit. ConntHi f-it may bu oil-red
yjiu. S 'o lint ou get tho oriciuul De
Witt's Wi m If z I Salve.
Tin re will also be pigeon
trap spooting at the h.iiiio
tlmo and place.
Dn not get scared if your heart troubles
win. Most likelp you buffer fiom in
digestion, k'odol Dyspepsia Cuiu di
g;sts what you eat and gives I lie worn
out stomach perfect rest. It is tho only
, preparation know ii that completely di
gests all classes of foods ; that is why it
cures the worst cases of indigestion aintj
Stomach Double after everything elm
has failed. It may be taken in all coi
ditious and cannot help but do von good
Sold by ClaikeiV Fulk.
A very stylish InduV wiiiM, made oi
French flannel and nicely liiiniued, In
Hie latest colors, only 12.2!) nt the New
York Ca3h .Store.
This is tho season when mothers u e
alarmed on account of croup, It is
quickly cured by One Minute Cough
Cure, which children like to take. Si Id
by Clarke & Falk.
ff gifSj. One thousand styles and sizesTjwBseL,
CTftf5y P-r cooking: and heating. w
I JIHili Prices from $5 to $50. Ifer I
I wferarThe genuine nil bear the above TraleAIflrklJv
Jgggjl and aro sold wlili n written guarantee. Jrp I
I Jiiiili Award8ti wWi?s,isffi,,i,iB 1900 wS) 1
BlSSSS gold by Flril-Class Stova Merchants ovorywliero, yy4H
TJ wduoniriy The Micliigan Stove Company, O
Jtosluwisft Lrubt Mukm-d of ljUmijuiid ljaaggj i1.10 World. Oak 8lom,F