I. I . '- 11 " "- I II I f t The Dalles Daily Chronicle. iTlTZT'dZ A Difficult Problem. FRIDAY ' instant relief and a permanent care. NOV. 9. 1900 sold bv CUrfce - Falk. It is nmone the most difiicnlt prob- : lems of natural science for one to becoim ex pert hi several lines. J.E. Adeox&j : Co., by their combination, have over-!! 1 Slr,.IW .MIT UlllluUltJ ... C )IHV.IVHI ....... BUSINESS LOCALS. It is the full dinner nail more than! anvthinc elc that brok" the ueck of1 You will not hare boils if von take ' J. E. Adcox is an, expert watch- j am mini, lul iu.ii u.ut- iut un,it ui . .... ' maker and is cood on lewelrv. ont cl i lOiarke talk's sr.re cure for nolle. work nm, cn(.rav:nc, while "Theo. H. : i A full line of Eastman nlms and stir- Liebe is an expert optician and is pood on watch repairing, jewelry work anil enpravinp. Thuir price is as low as eon- I tier Srjamsm. The very latest returns indicate plies just received by Clarke & Falk. that Brvan has carried Texas, Wamic For rent, furnished and housekeeping sisteut with cid uotkmanshin irinnt'ov nnil V.mnnp rjoms, corner of otn ami uourt streets. ; are prepareu to uo an woric in tneir JUD?S,CJ ami anaenc. . several lines, on Bhort notice. Work " ' " .. , sent bv mail or esoress will receive lied 3JcKtnlev'$ papular majority will j Jtjliv guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk j pr0mp attention, constderablv larger than it wa; ' have them. j Watch." Sign, "Big 1)C four years a0, while his electoral' 0 other pills can equal De Witt's . Clarke & Falk have received a carload vote "will benonrlv tvo to Mr. i Litlle Eirl' R5?ers fo-r proinptn8S?' cer." ! of the celebrated Jame E. lV.ttou I tainty and efficiency. Sold by Clarke iV , atrictlv pnre liquid paints Bryan S one. :Falk. i It may ue in the interest of etb- li yon want n first-class meal, served I .InnN r:i ,n nnlt at tViu '. r.olo2V as it is certainlv iu the inter- : . . t , . , ' - l New ork Restaurant .formerly the' est of archeology, that a few speci-' rjart,1K0I1-. mens of the genus Bryanite are still ' For gprilin5i cwe:iin;s and lameness left in the Kingsley, "Wamic and ; there is nothlne so cood as Chamberlain's' 2sansene precincts. Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake- ley, the drucu'is4.. The largest and most complete line of fall and winter millinery ever displayed , city at the Campbell & Wilson ; At the close of the national cam paign of li-UC Bryan wrote an ac count of it and called it "The First , in the city Battle." Jt is dollars to dousbnuts mvnery parlors. The prices will sell; the gnof.5. son Why pay si To per gallon for inferior : paints when you can buy James E. that Bryau will never write an ac count of the second battle. i ar - - " W W:. Complete Cii?e of at M. Z. DONNELL, THt DRUCCI3T. $ i .oo per month. Strictly t!rt class local an. I long distance telephone service within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for intlulIitiR. You iret the slandurd Huniilng Lomr Distant Instrument. Continuous day and nlpht service. We will accept your contract for ten years anil allow you to cancel sam'e on uivlng ui thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 008. 5 i REGULATOR LINE. ! CHOCOLATE BON BONS. T . , . . 1i,i Patton's sun proof paints for $l.o0 per i In orwa before a ptrl is allowed . ' . J ! gallon, Guaranteed for o years. Clark & , to marrv she must have a state cer-' Falb. acents. ml - tiQcate that she can cook. And yet ; The best method of clecusinp the liver ' DIRECT from the FACTORY there is a disposition amons ignorant is the usa of the famons little pills i TJtJTnTPC 't-n- a TVif.t'a I.i-tlp Karlv P.iapr. i Al iliAb i iiitllS rKlKjjZ. people tn f.nnlr.r Xnrwnv snme known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers . . - ,:Easv to take. :Never gripe, sold by " Ciarke & Fa'k of civilization. .New lorfc I'ress At the popular millinery parlors of w 3 i Campbell n: Wilson can be found all the ; j latest thinps in street hats, trimmed j L.I1 - l.-.4 n9n 1 ' Just What You Luant. The election was anomalous in this respect, that hundreds of thous ands cf democrats voted for Bryan tam-o'-shanters or refused to vote for McKinley, ' Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on 1 while they devoutly prayed that a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, Dryan mibt be buried so deep that ' raisins of the food, distress after eatin?, , , .-or anv form of dvspepsia. One little - he would never have a resurrection. ; , - , ' , n r.. tablet fives immediate relief. 2o cts. I j ' 1 1 s c ri.i 1 . 1 . .) : . . Hustling youns man can make $60 pf r . month and expenses. Permanent posi-, ins TammnD s tas each vear on . rm.r!.n mmcr.o.g.rr. Writi. : ou ir tur-..i . pnr ortn'-ai poolrooms, 750,000; 100 swell gam-' Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel-, 'j.,,. The Druggist. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE The 2vew York "World publishes , the following estimates as represent- 1 zr little !faP',a' Pa eS tf 1 nAc rviAimb Jcsions COPVniGrlTS &c. Anj"neen"l!r? ake' 'b and c!c3crlp:.ni niv i..i.ir a.,cr..il 1 onr onir'')ii five whctiiT a irnntinn ( nrnhnbJT tratentaalc ' nniunirA 1 in strict ij-TOii3dentUi. Ilanil .ooton 1'Rtentr ,ue .tiur.ii i.u. lecsiTK ciihtsr, in iiio r IV-TT v ftp & DALLES, IWIAXll k ASIORIA MAY. COf AKll ."ViiiniTe ol tlio Ilcyulntur Uiic w IU run m : thelnl-'j u.iitr ht.iohii:. iut" i.oi!iumy rcorviv iuv xisLl to cbesa m 1 ,!u wi'.'i.'ut notice. Str. Regulator N Ht T A M. r.' liii.""da) , TUui!v ... 4 Hnturdajr . ' Arr. I'li.-llptul , al 4.30 f. M. II. l'ortlttntl t 7 A M. Mnmlny Iritliiy Arr. I (lilies u Iv. I-. v. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalloo City. ) i I rnrttdiiij J Ht : to .1. x, i Tlnunday ,5 'tttutilrty i A T It4l t; r..,' 5 I' FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, j Travel I17 the Stcnmi-ry nl tlio Ki'cnlKt' r l.'r.w The Ciitniwtiy -HI cihU-hv)- tig' c III AU 3 or iiituit'rriiinrniHiioii uac.rw y j llOW.S t.v. 1)h11 lit ? A. l. Momlnr WfllllCullllJ' iog uiauui JJiuc Arr. l-DrtlHiid 1 Ht I :.10 I-. 11. II ri)i tin' tjest c:u(t jm;ll)ie. Ft I'lirtlfiKt Ollieo. Onfc Sttcot 2icl;. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt. aTllT Tj Y.Y. T.U ri.T.T I'XJTa'T V . TAy,H?T.I JT TJJCUOJtll Wasco Warehouse Company II I . .ia Ann. 1 Ann gamblins houses, -51,300,000; 500 I Clarke & Fa'.k have on sale a full line policy shops, 650.000; 1000 dives, of paiat and artist'g brgbe- $900,000; 'illicit ta on ciime per year, 4,1,j0,000. Ana the lnslitu-, lion which levies this tas on crime, is the one of which Mr. Bryan, a few i da3's ugo, said: "Grc3t is Tamman' Scientific American : A h.i"!on-ly lllntmld w-oS'.y. I-iriroit clr j T-W; i.inriuontha tl. SolJSrnU Tievridrjl'r-i. f Urs.n;t. Ofl.0-1 G3 V Wahm-;ion. I), f and Croker is its psjpphet." Bryau's ' Vogt Opera House, p. s. Gunning, F. J. Ciarke, Manager. connection with this infamous blotch ; on humanity was his fault as well as j Npght SATURDAY NOV 10 1.:, :--.. I Only... ' Simultaneously with the report that ilcKialey has carried Nebraska, and that the Nebraska legislature will probably be republican on joint ballot, Mr. Bryan announces through thels'cw York Journal that under no, circumstances could he be indused to accept the office of United States j senator, even were it tendered him;' that he made his Gght for the prest-' dency and lost and is not now going ' to take other men's positions from J Whiting & Willis' Comedians ! Presenting the Modern Comedy Cia-tic, A . Hindoo Hoodoo them. Bryan's magnanimity is on a By John Fowler, author of "Dakota." Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & Langlilin. Tiioiie 157 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. I ritANSACTA KNEUAL BANKING BL's'lNEIS 1 Letters of Credit icaued available in the J. B. sckenck, New itlea? m Wuil Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore traced a einnle stuck, iteal imita tion cretun eheete at ordinary pneet-. j llntXta for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. Srt!mSSaifiiroftoLeapd Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rUkia d. w. vatjse, Third st. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, aJ kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tmum f i Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle ton ilour We eet! our poods !wi and get i rr iirietB and Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. ..GjiflS. FRflJK.. Bufcehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kccpk on drnusht the colebrnted (OLl'iilllA BEKK. iiciiiow: fdRHl tfcc bot U-r in The DhIIct, ot the usual price. Come in. try it.and tie ponvllifed. Also thu f'lrifnt brands ol Wlneii, Li juor end Clears. SandTjuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. Ttii ?1jut ir manufactured isprese'y for familj ut-e . i-verv Back i imirunUil to irlvc eatiefnctioc. I We eet! our poods lower than any lionbe in tho trade, and if you dou't ttiiniw ! call and get i-rr prietB and le convinced. Eastern States. i'rctdenu 11. M. HitAl.l,, Lwth'.tt par with that of the Irishman who ; rowed he never would stnv where !WJtl the original NewYork east, in- he would not he kept. eluding Geo. Lareen, .N'attie Lock- ette ami Harry Uyere. A Thuusaoil luDgut'. ' Could not express the rapture of Annie, -A- FIRST-CLASS SHOW E. Springer, of U2o Howard Et., Phil-! adelpfcia, ?a., when the found that Dr?i Prices 50 and 75c. Tickets can King's New Discovery for Consumption ; he procured at Clarke & falk'e. had completely cured her of n hacking! cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no heip, but ebe eays of tide Itoyal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now bleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Jard'e old stand. She carries Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble a r n T r r v of the throat, chest or lunge, 'rrice oOcjA IUll line OI CanGieS, and$l. Trial bottle free at Blakelcy'e t -j drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 5 IN LltS cHlCl V.lgcirS. Feelings of safety pervade the house-, Tl(e ,,a(;e Jm8 hwn thoroughly ren hold that usee One Minute Cough Cure, ovated, and a share of the public patron the only harmless remedy that produces ; ee is solicited, immediate results. It is infallible fori Open till 12:00 P. M. cougiiB, coius, croup anu all tnroat nnu , lung troubles. It will prevent consump tion. Sold by Clarke & Falk. c?: l T7. L .1 ff' 1 I... : Transfers sold ou New York, Chicago, Cl ffCt' rMannDal KrlWt St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore 11 40111x01 UQUA. son, beattle vvaan,. and various points the DALLES : in ureguu mm u aui.nitiuu. i Collections made at all points on fa' i orable trmi. ! Htiring from Business. i Closing otit my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. ; I Dry Goods, Clothing, Hunts and Shoes, at much Ichs r than wholesale j prices. Will sell iu hulk or iu lot1, or any way to suit purchuFure. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. ; All goods will he eaciiflcd. except Thompson's lilove-fitting Corsets , and Biutetick Patterns. 'Your priceu will he mine. Call early and secure 1 bargains. J. P. MelNERNY, Corner Second and Court ts. J. A. EBERLE, pii?e Jailorip Ice Cream and OvStPT ParlOrS ' A complete lino of Fall and Winter vyjjiAi ai .Suiting, Pantings and Overcoating, now T T , , . ion display. 100 different varieties to se .drs H. L. Jones has opened ice ; rom. cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal- i Suits, $20 apd up. Call and examine goods before going elsewhere. Second street, onn. Mavs ' & Crowe's. - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted , Deposits received, nubject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collodion. ! Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on 1 New York, San Francisco und port. , land. DIHItOTOKS. ' D. P. TflOMi-EON. Jno. S. SciiEN-eif. ! CO. iu. V 1I.L1AMB, IjEO. A. LlBK. H. M. Beam.. Ttie coiiinia mm Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDTACTUliKKSOK 9 9 r J. E. FALT & CO., J proprietors Commercial Sample Rooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use? Delivered to any pari of tho City. f( I'hom-e; 51 Local, , . 1 85s hong uhuncv. 173 Second Street, y Dr. V, H. Lewit., Lawrenceviile, Va., writee, "I am uning Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my practice among severe caaea of indigestion and find it an admirable remedy." Many hundreds of physicians depend upon the useofKodol Dyspepsia Curt in stomach troubles. It digest what yon eat, and allowa you to eat all NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Kutlci) in hereby eiven that the widcrlKiiel hare lil tl rllh the Clork of the county court ol the Htiitool Oregon (or Wbm.o countr.ttieir mial Ht-(ount a exwutor ol the lost will and tfu. ineiit of HeiirV lUrnura. deceHMxl, una that Monday, the 4(h day of November. 1900, at thu hour of lOo'clofk a. m bus been fixed by the House Painting... The undersigned haB taken possession of K. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased tho tools and ladders. He has crrmft m li n nT . 3 u; nvlr I n (. fnp lilni anrl (,'ouuty Court for ald comity an the lime, and " ... .. ... . , i ne counir court room in uanci ax ino win gupniiuee nu worn 10 kivp ouus.ui; Ilnce for htarlUK of objeolioua to Hold filial c- j ,1 f!tiiini anil inH HeiiieTnimi m Kile ume. I Fine Lard and Sausages ! &m- it Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JP.IKD BEEF. ETC. DfLGMMiO eplS J. W. -FUKNCUi t, r. jiajb. Kieculorn. I -..2if"'V',,,'.h,'looi, ONE FOR A DOtl. ffll A Rm. Dii... HswH H H sV Hiiion:i"a,virth,',i.1:.rsl sr .m i."'.n. .,!',.lc.,'4i,.', ivpi. ZJLXSz UO of SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! it.. uP k".ow t,mi. Jo,,n I'abliek. tho tailor, is agent ' ... ...crunuui uiiioriiig fiotiHes in America? ..i.... U '0,1lk,10,w will toll you a suit, made to yo-.r order, as A ?L? he, 'n(,,'-lown, ready-made, you buy in the Horcs, and A guarantee a fit or no tale? ,i,iM,)'0.uk,"llTtl!"1 1,0 ,,u8 "Ireadyon hand for the comlni.' M Jt and winter trade the handfomest and fiuest line of camples ever shown in 1 nu Uallfb? Jk J JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. J