IPs ft tea PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. The now German iltetionar.v of the carbon eotnpomuK mimes 74. UT of these Milistnnees. and the end i .vet far off. The Iiritish consul nt Conenlintren Plsflauelphkt North Amur-' calls the attention of tier-on trariinp; with that country to the neceitv of Heir hi Fait. V. it does heir nt law nf:. '.' ' " ir- .. the same a nttorrej a '. strait .Inurnal. y.aW 'Hsrrv inquired me with ."-jark:.n? win l.i. ' night." Clurn "Ucim?e ott htnr nnproxeu with ape. 1 presume Scan. He (with the contrnipt of n bov of retrii-toriiur 'heir triuie-murks in Den 30) "flirls always cli-trle more than' mark. iboys." She (with the aeutenes? of 15) i ".Nature" notes a remarkable faet "That's l-fciiue thy have to look at in connection with the West Indian boy..' Stray Storir. , hurricane of .-"eiitember, 153S. it np- MeUarigle ' TU said thltn tloods has jietr that before the hurricane one n pair o" soosuinders for every pair o" f of the tautest and commonest birds pants. SchwartK "Vel!. so haf I.'" Mc tlar;'.? "How ttinnay pair of pants -no jti own?" Schwartz "Vun." Mn.ihster Union. L. Lane, Practical Ciramtcar. Teacher "Xow. Tommy. trhe me a sentence, and then we'll chancre it to the imperative form." Tommy "The hor.-e draws the watrca." Teacher "Now put it in the impt;-ae." Tommy "liet up!" Strn. Stories. Its Iienson for Heiut. "Hut why." nrkfd the amateur anarchist, for the twentieth time, "why do we need any law at all?" "Law.'said the flippant pericn. "is necessary for the conserva tion of our own property and other people's morals," Indianapolis I'res. The Boy Told Him. After a recent sU2per in the rural district a clerical- looking- individual arose to respond to a toast. "What am I here for tc-ni-rht?" ! rope ' about OOO.rofi tons and that of I ' a 2. 2, (EKKKAL BiacRsmiin .AND. mmm on the island of St. Vincent was a small bi.muiinr bird, but none of these birda have been seen since Sep tember, 105. American inventive genius is more active than that of all other eonntrie-. combined, rxnd for the year emiin:: : .Inly. 19ra. hns been more in evidence than ever, patents srranted for the pe riod number 25,541). or more than o.)00 Last year's output of manpanese ;l was the larcest on record, sm.coo tons, f divided as follows: K,in. llG'.i.wo , i tons: Spain and Tortusral. 1W.MH) tonst India, 77,000 tons: Itra.il. 62.- . 000 tons: Turkey and Creeee. o4,vri ton.-: Chili. 37.000 tons: France. 2-.-000 tons: Cuba. I5.ru) ton.-: .Inpan, 5.000 tons: other countries. lb.mxi tons. The annual consumption in Ku- Wngon and Carriago Work. ,5 Fish Brothers' Wagon. .jj. Tliira Bui Jeffon. Phone 159 T A . I I C. Fr Stephens .Dealer in... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. shoe. Hat. ( nt Notions, fur W I. Douglas shoe. was the question he opened with. "To eat:" shouted a hunijry small boy. near the door. "You've done drinked scix cups of cotYee an' .-wallered the last biscuit on the plate!" Atlanta Con stitution. It is much easier to be polite and neighborly than to rly into a passion ! Khowine vcrjr -trikin'y ti e when things don't suit you. Take t hi of craters did ttf.sur.talptii- i note, for instance, addres-.ed by a lady the picture was ontain.u in . the ("nifed State- 2Oi.O0t) tons:. Anion:; some remarkable lunar jihotosrnpbs made by Me-srs. l.o'-v.,-and I'ni.-enux, of the I"!,!- , r-it;, . I'ari.-. is a stereoscopic ir.i..8 Whole beir.isj'herf of h- i-i-ir direction of Hsrht eh-'!: rliif to the woman who lived next door: ""Dear Madam: Your children, who .aire numerous and appear to be di.-or-tier'y. no doubt deserve the frrqnent dl"a:rin!r yoi: i;ne them; but. as my r.eries are weak. 1 wrltr' this to ak if J au cau't do something to deaden the iiound.'" 2". O. Times-Democrat. TAMILY LIVES IN A TREE. Sew Jemey Iun 'W'Ihi IIn Iluilt Him self u Hume V't.'ll Ahoe Ground. John Ilausch, of Haledon, X. J., and liis family live up a tree. A more unique habitation cannot be imagined. In the branches of a bic oak he ha.- huilt hii home. It i, perched amen" T!,at Tlirobbtnc Hilcho the leaves and over. the top of the Would qu'ekly leave you, if ou used queer abode towers the top of the j t)r. King's New Life PKls. Tliousands rte. fcrminsr its chief roof. I 0 onfTerers have nroved their matchless P.ausch, av.- a letter to the St. Louis . f g. , d .-,...... Headache?. plate oi tne moon at ten . ys another at 2ft days, rnlnrjfii.ir no tinns. and cnrefu'ly j.ursiijr siiie by side. According to Herr Kt-ininani . there is no relation between raneid pas'e and the odor of butter r.m! the quan tity of free acid found in it. The preater the amount of caseine and of milk .-near in butler, the more quick ly dot.- it become rancid. It 'loes not appear that lifrht direct influence upon the process. ISutter made from sterilized cream will rarely become rancid, but brought into contact with rancid but ter it will turn in a few davs. It H Boots,; IML' TiiB DalMrJj & 8 the 7. 3H 4 f t f i I to to 3H 6 i Tha Del I en, Of. The Chronicle, Job Printers. - ' . - (j arITttTTTTTTrI"flI',Iwl'",,r"tI,TTT,,"I,Tl,'TI,,,," tt itur" 1 is 3S r3s ,3i 1 '35 85 iE! 'r. as a: I I .3 M.rAIlT T1MK hCIIEiiyj.r. ... foil fKDM tALLK. f JJjt Kst Hiilt l.nkr. iKMiver. Ft! t " M..U Worth, hmiuiii, Km,- fc'ii AtlllUtiO llxpte.ss I VJ:.M. in. ! Vln Hunt ! lugum. HtKikniie Mull IIIMt Kxptcss a "ift p. m Suit Ijiks. Ltcnvor. Ft i i. Worth, tlnmlm, Km! B jiih City, st. Jm Chlntse niul Hum, WiiJIii WmIIh, SI IfltlThltfilU t tan . cbo uli ji-iintK in WllhllitlCtlUl l ilt! t-'ul . n. . 1 ernOtcRou. " "" lll , una b p. in. Kkcm 1'oi;ti.am Occim'Kli'iinmhljti For Sun Knitichcd . Ilvcry 1'ivo thus. t t . m. !::.auiuliiy Coluronih kv. Mtuiimcn. iFo AhToitlA ii:ul V,av Snturdny ; I-.mal ni,-s. 10 ).. m. i i II. III. Wlt.tAUKTTV. ISIVKl:. ilj.silntlMjr nttKriiii Olty, .ScwIkic. i n'ttlem iV way IjuhJ . TH.ni, V iu a M :tTr. a I) V A M tui.'Im:r. niu, itivi:i. nii(1;iit. Urvt:oa City, liHjton. , Will Wny-IfliiUllisi. f.VAtt ltivi: it. 1 v Itltiurltt Kljiitrln to Ij!u1muii. oiiliy .t :tfti. rn. i lp.a 'r.ta. I'.x.suniij 3.30 Mi)n.,V6i and TtL IJCIVt ilnllj 3:C0o.n helps tl o tean cvpeasc. Hi J&KthJ O 1! Tl team. Saves weir cuiti Sola everywhere. Aiir nv STANUARO OIL CO. M " 7"r '"7". Thev make pure blood and Etrong tvorked around Hal-don for live years. ii.it to take. Try them. Oulv 2o cents. i vnTirr trrii ik iit iriTtnv ind air xercise auv Land Ornc e ATTncI)AU..sOr.)!.,i i Sept lii, K-Oi. S I Imtice Is hereby elver that tho follmvine. . :f ' uamud ettler bus riled notice of his Intention I !.... ...1.A ...... .1 In -,.w. .,r l.lu 1 ' tlu.i iu i.lin, li.ir.'! t.i ruiipji. 1111 el.ilm. una that said imtl will tc made be fore th? reciMcr itnd receiver nt The Halk-a, Ores'jn, ot Saturday, Noveaiber 10, IV!0, viz: , Calvin J. Duiinklii, ; n MoMer, Or., H. K. No, ol'.'i, for the cE ijr, ccc S!.T:X,R12K,W.JI. 1 lie names tne following wltncset to iirove hi ' contiuuoiK residence uikjh, and cultivation of : s.liil hind viz: I Jlicbnet Koylc. It. K. Doyle, The Ualle.. Or., Jnmes JI. Brown and ( url J. E. Carlson, of JIo- , Mer, Or. JAY I'. LL'CAS, ! yJtt .-He lftcr ; Money back if not cuie'i. Biakeley, the druggist. Sold 5 bv has seldom earned more than a '-i.iar a day. He j:rew tired of paying i,b: and, with the German' love of owning a home of hi.- own, he tried to buy .-orae property, from the real estate dealer of the place. 'William Hi;ehn."an. The latter owns nearly ail the land in that vicinity, and is anxious t i.-ve th" property insproted. IJe tnld Jlausch he would give him a nice j Bryan's defeat and are jubilant in con -i t :&r little money if he would runl-l si house. True the lot was far awaj Encllnlinif n I'leaxeil. London, Nov. 7. The morning and afternoon papers liere declare that sis teen to one has been forever kiiicd bv C. J. STUBLIJMG, Wii' . l.sM.L ..Vi i:i.TV!t Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to A. M. Williams A Co. Phone 234, hi THE DALLES, OREGON, t from the road, but it was dry and well ;uattd. Is was covered with line trtes. and ap especially majestic oak srrew in the center. After psying for the lot Haunch iound he hadn't money enougli to start sequeni'c, thus expressing pleasure of a great majj.-hy of Engiisliiuen at the result of the ebction in the United Statee. When you cannot sleep fur coctrhing, ' it is hardlv necesaarv that un v one should tell von that you need n fe doses of NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is- hereby given that the uiideraisnctl has duly liltd with the county clerk of Wasco county. Oregon, hii final account and reort 115 executor of the mute of I'hocbe J. Halght, de erased: and that the honorable countv court tins fixed Jlondar, the .1th day of November, t'J'U, at oeioes a. m ui aui uny ah 11m iirii.', aim mv 'ounty cimrt room in the county cou t houie In W Dalles -'lty. Wiuco county, Oreson. n- the place B for hcariuK jald final account und reio:t. ' "i All trions Intereited iu Hid estate are hen- w by noUtk-d to niar at said time and tilacr and 1 j Diiow cautr. 11 any wivrt: wi:y paio rejoin should not bv approved and said executor dU- ; chrKt. I Dat'.d this th day of Heptemlwr, IflCO. ! Executor of the estate of i'hocbe J. Ilaignt. . decerned. oeU 1 4 Sty.: fE? I'lir.!' UeMritiK to i-o 10 Hepttrer ot 1 ..ii'tMiti I'ltlniiibln Southern lu lUzts, shoutl lake No. J, leaving The liiillcn at l 10 ,. n. l iniikiiie direct itiniicutloii at Ilejijuier nnctlor. ioi! lilcur Ili'Mirnlni: niniliiudlnrtcontitctlra nt Hfiiiiii-T junction and Uisn v illi N'o. tunc at 'J lie iMllen n) ls.ao j. m I or foil particular), call n t . A. X. (.' npent The iJ.tllcx. or CH t I v. 11 I ' HU'.l 1ST, 1 11. I'm. Act , ."'HUunii.Ot SOUTH and EAST via i mm PaGlno Us ADMINlSTIlArOIl'S NOTICE. Notiei- h heieiy iven that the undcrslcntd , bu; tit-enduly uiiiMiiiitiN-l by the count) court of mi suite o: uregon, lor n-.co eounry, niirninis- 1. , 1 i.n t.,.,i i...:i.i ... .. , ' ,, .. 1 Chitmbemin e Cough iietnedv to alUy trator of the 1 state of Elizabeth A. southern. In? wife and three small children atf , ..... . deceived. AH iroim havitut elaim asairi.t liuehmnn '"- h"ui nu .t.ns meeitateoi aiu neccusiu are nereoy notintfj 11 n bis iTiHDL'Hr enriiiiiL's. told him he would have to trive up the ! l-ep po-fsllilu. It is cood. Try it. lot if he didn t begin the hotiRe. taie iy tJinueiey, tne tirugLMst. For Itryau Foci- liuilly. Lincoln, "Nov. 7 Ilryan c.itmot con ceal hie eeHrjgs. He looks disappoint ed and act- that part. Ho break fisted at 9 o'clock and elated be had ci jiyd a full night'fc rest. He promised a pub lie statement as soon as he analyzed the vote. He is cut to the quick over the negative position of bis town's people. It i'b predicted he will i.ot remain long in Lincoln. to iirecnt tiietume. with the nroir vouchers therefor, to me at my oitice in Hd, Orej;oH, 1 v.ishii) aix mouths from the date hereof. Dated seiitember-.'l, lU C. H. SOrTHEt'.N. 1 xi 4iC AdminlstMtor. IMC UtLtDliA I n.U .. .GOIiOjWBlA BREWEKY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tho product of this well-know n brewery the United .States Health Reports for June lis. l!li)0, says : "A more aupetior brew never eti lured the lubratory of the United -Stales Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the sliirbteBt trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is com: posed of the best of malt and rhmcjst of bops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit ami eutisfaullou by old and young. Itit use can conscientiously bp prescribed by the physicim)" with the cereaiutv that a better, purer or more w bolesonie beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Shasta Route Trftliik leave The Halle for Portland and wij HtatltuiB ut l.i a. 111. and I! i. m. U-nvv rortland " Albany Arrive Anlilanil RaeniiiHiito .. " i-an f'raiiclnoo . :il) a in ':f!m it in lO-SOpn .1.' V. a in lUKUra . .'. U) . m l:lB . 7 I. ! in a. Dan: Arrive Ogdon . ... " Deliver " Kitn.Mik City ' t'tiluagn A ir 11 m II ljm uumam 'J:uin 7:Llain T.'i'iaro 7 1". am 'J.Jiaa Arrive iMh Aniseles 1 :ti0 n Kl I'bmi fi.U) p m " l'ort Worth a in " City of Mexico t'. V, n m ' llouvtou I hi a 111 " New Orlcaim ( a in " Wahhlncton fi I- " m " New York 1-' I.'. m 7 COa n n 1.1) p m 1. .flam 11 .im liOin 0 :'Mm c 12 am 1: U'ta NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is heicby itiven th it the undcrslBned ( hfli duly tiled with the County Clerk of Was-o ' County, Ortjson, hl-i llual accotintund report as 1 administrator of theewiate of Adolpb Auidlus, deceased, and that the Honorable County Court , has fixed Moulin), the.'itli day of November, lt"). . at 10 o cluck 11 111 of nald day as the time, ond . the County Court room of llio County court ' Iioum; In IiallHsClty, Vaeo County, UreKnn, as . the place fur litnlln? iild final account nnd re- : port. All iwrtonn iiitcroited In iald estate are! hereby notified tonpK-arat ald time und place r.. 1 1 I and khotv cause, it un there U-, why said rej-.rt rllllcFQl bUDD1169 nhnul-1 not be approved and said administrator wwiiw dlichaisd, Dated this Oth day of October, lyu), llauch thereupon .secured a number of bie boxes. He had conceived the idea of makinir the brnm'hes of the iree serve for uprights and timbf r.. The nails in the boxes were Aiiflicieiit. On the strom; lower branches he crossed and reerossed the boards. It made a wry uneeu floor, but the branches were strong- and the boards -would not slip. The house is circular, liut very irre-rular. Above all there is a smaller struct tire ihat llausch call.s his garret. When the wind blows the whole structure shakes and s wings like a hammock, jjet the whole family I've there. Nasal CATARRH In all Ita tuze there aboc.d be cleaulmnn. Hy's Crccm Balm lean.,iootlieandheil8 tha ditiwd membrane. It curs j catarrh anddrivea fiway ft cold la the head iiaickTy. - , , , ..... ... , ...... , . -. . : 1 nuj lianiCT nii:iuiiiiiiiHK wimvsv to iiiovi: uvr CJrcnm Balm U piace-1 Into tbcjiostrlU, apreada W ith Ely's Cream JJalui you are armed ' cuiilinuous leaidcnce iim and cultivation of rrvt' tit mn,T,r-,rio Arirl Ia filunrlw.1 IIIlAfta Im. I nnalnnl ICbcol P.lanli Tint, Vawaw ' MM III lilllff. Viz: jiieiiaianaacnruio:ioiTi. it li not urying ioe not proda:c ineezin. Large Size, SO ccnta at Viuz ijisti jrby raall; Triil Hue, to cents by null. U.Y U-JTHKltS, 3 Warren .Street, New York. DE ALE IIS IN fill kinds of Irviti!r iir(!iiariitloilS fiiiunlv devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, j ... . . (i,!',ti!' i.ri. ..it ai. i.fl a .i 1 Adminhtiator of the ctateof Adolpb Agldius Mutwu auut'ic w lutj xuvutiAtuiiu mm uutuui- i (Jtceattd. Octu posOjCausinfjafurmoreseriouBtrcrttblethan j . . the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid u!I dry- : inn inhalants, futuen. emokes ond tnuiTH i NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. oud tuo that which cleanses, soothes and j lasu OrMCE at.'I iu Iuixkh. Oukoox.i ; henla. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy : October ', I'.'.'j. i .'and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head 1 Notice Is bertby civen Unit the foltowius easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo .' nntntd settler has tiled notice of her intention to I n.Mll fr,. in 1 All ,1r..i.tKi nll 1, "a:c n 'ul i.rm,l iii .uiit of her cllrn. nnd ........... . ... w ... ....- .... , mat saiu prtan win ire mauu ueiore 1110 r.esisir 50c. size. Ely Brothers, CC wnrren bt.,lS.l. and ltcceiver atTbt- Dalles, Ohuoii, on Wnlnia- Tho Balm cures without pain-, docs not day, Utcernber, S, K'X), viz. irritate or canno suoeztntr. It spreads itself liaitie i.. liumiy, over an irritated and angry mirface, rcliov- ".JU$ ,,"Ut?' o; K. Nt, for the ng.!.ra.m51di?tc'y thojMlulul inflammation. ' Hii nTi: tnu foIlowhisr'wltiiM lo nrove her cuimnuous n aald laud, viz Flunk IJtpler. rifTht Dalb-s, Oietfon. AlU'rt O. JIcKimifV. of ill. Ilofxl. Ohkoii, Henry C. ile- Kamc-ym.d Kile Orauluiid.of The lMllr, Or. I Wt27 JAV ! I.UCAi-, IteKlster, Kb II In it Kruh Fire. 8ai.kji,Nov,7. Til- 8.year-old d&uzh ler of Mr. utd Mrs. John Mack, who live near Klaylon, fel' in'o a brush fire on Monday afternoon and was terribly burned before she was refcned. The father and mother of the child -were digging potatoes near the house and the Utile one we only a short dis tance from them when the accident cc currtd. She is in a serious condition. The 'New York Cash Store ie the sole .agent for Hamilton Drown shoes. Wanted A second- hand fire-pruof Bufo. Must be io (food condition and not too laige. Apply at the CiiiioNici.i; office. o3l-tf TURKEY SHOOT A. Y. MARSH will t-ivu a turkey shoot on the beach Three Days Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th There will also be pigeon trap spootliiK at the same time and place, Crandall&Borgeti UNDERTAKE . 3 EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. T.obes, BuriaSh Etc. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. I-A.sn OrriCE at V.tr.'iiouvr.B, Wash. October a;, low. 1 Notice U hereby Riven that the lolloivini;. naintft setllvr hs tiled notice ol his intention to make tliml proof in tupport of his claim, and ; mat aia prooi win i imiuo ucioru . 11. i ic i by, P. fe. commlsslonfir for the Uittrlct ol ' tt'..l. . i.,.ll...r1ul,. IC-fr. .if, tl. ..I,... Juccirber 10, IC-vO, vU OeoricB It. Hi. bmrrnncr, of I.yiC I'. O., Wash., who made If. K. No, 10,0)5, 'ij'jjhe Vi lj, fiKJ4 and E!i HWii ec J,T. 3 N, "lie n a men the followiui; wlliicite to prove bis continuous residence Uon and cultivation of ouid laud, vl-.; Tliouins J. Whltcoiiib, lieorxe fiorenson, !co. llradford and .William Lcaloii, all of l.ylc I', O,, Wushlnxlon. cat W. It. UUNIIAU Itegl.ter. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy G-rocor os. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Subscribe for The Chronicle. a- Advertise in The Chronicle. l'tstlnnn mid Tourlnt car on both fralm fhalr ciirr. Sacramento lo UiMun and hllitvi. nnd tourltit care to t'hlcaj;o, lit Ijiiiih, .Ntw'Ul Icanti and WiikUlnt;tiill. Couueelini,' at Han I'raiiciico utli t-vorl atciiiuiililp linen lor Honolulu, .lapim. thl Philippines, t.'entrnl ntid nouth Anie-aa. lice iiKunt at The Dalles ntutlou or uddrtst C. H. MARKHAM, Ouueral J'asneiiKer Afcnt, I'ortlnml. Or MM h I' 1 5,MI'.M. Yellowstone Park Line. Till: U1NIN0 ( Alt ltOL'TK KIIOM l'OKTUS" TO Tin: KAHT. 1HK ONLY DIllllCT LINK TOTIIK VhlXOW- HIOSH l'AUK . .eavk. tunion Depot, riribaad I sis auiv. No. 2. Kant mall for Tacoina, No HenttUtOlyiiipla.t.rayii Harbor and Koiith Hend ipolliti, Hnokiilic, Itoif laud, II. C. i'lillmali. I.Moscow, Ix-wlHinii, urn 11:13 A. M. fiilcillumpinliiliiKCuuii try, Helena, Mllitie .IU, Ht. I'alll. OinuliH, 1 KaimaH City. ht. Uiiil. (IhlcaKO und nil polnt 'n 1. t fiiAl nitfl HiioIhcilHt. I'liKut Bound Ilxprci;;. . . J( ll;S0 1'. .M.i for Tueoiiia and health: i.w.v " and inlcrmcdlato 1111111" rulliimn llrtit-filiixK and tourlit ''"'juu :inncniillK,Ht. I'HiiIund Mtmourl riMI"'""" ullliout cihaiiKe. . t Ion a Vu-itlbuled tralim. Union dupot eounw-"01" In "11 prlnulHil citlu". , , ,,,,.. IhiXKHltv checkel lo dl-dtlliat (ill of lM- ( r or liuiidMmiely illimtiuttil ilebcri'tlveiii- tiekett., nleeiilUK car reservation, etc., can write A. D. CHARLTON, ( AUKlHtaut (iciiornl ranM-iuter AKeiit. '" Minblicet.coriierThlid, i'ortlund OnH""- No. 3. Jjlt, It, K, HMITI1. Osteoimtli. UCM.m 0 and II. Chili. U tu lllM. TI10 Otesoii.