The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 08, 1900, Image 3

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The 3 Things
What weight do
you rocjuiro for
comfort during the
cold weather?
Must you have
the thick, soft and
fleecy kind or are
the lighter, thin
ner, yet s( ill warm
all wool, or silk and wool, or silk and cotton.
This Underwear Department has all the many
grade? and stylos, and none but thoroughly de
pendable goods. A visit to the store will surely
Ik helpful to you.
Examine our Fleecy Garment at
Various Weights.
Pease & Mays.
AW goods marked in plain figure.
In all the latest styles.
In all the newest colors.
Not necessary to pay more.
You can give your friend an order for the
Best Hat in the World
if you get him a "ROELOFS." We are sole
Most important in Shoes are
1st. A. perfect fit that means comfort.
2d. 'Stylo and graceful design that means
3d. First-class material and construction
that means service.
Queen Quality
Shoes for Women
Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance
and splendid service. No matter for what
purpose a woman desires shoes, she will
find her wants supplied in the Queen Qual
ity lino. Many styles to select from.
Pease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures.
Acker's English Remedy will etupn
cough at iiny time, and will cure tlio
worst cjM in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 2 ute. unil GO cts. Blakeley
the druggists.
mays i otowe
it An
Tho only store ft
this city whoro Hit
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher ire
price, hut outlastfc
ft dozen piccesof co
called cheap enaiu
eled ware.
Other wares look
ino has tho name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitions. Hinhenl
award at World t
Columbian Exlnbi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by the best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ista for purity and
durability it ic
cheapest becauso
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
XOV. 8, 1900
servoa i
At Andrew Keller's.
. ftS
Iv'ra gold value3 at the Xew fori:
Cas'i stori!.
His tents at tho postotlice will he
i.ere 1 otiuhaif, begin nine next quarter.
'morge l'jrter and Alic.i Frazier were
mi'cd in marriage today by Kev. U. K.
Hawk, at the I'matlHa House.
.lame Stewart, Murdoch McKay aim"
Alexander McCartney took out full eiti
zuhb' paperti before .Judge Blakeley yes-,
terdiiy, J
I. T. Mcfirath and Cora Hell Conly
were united in marriage yesterday by
lit'v. W. 15. Clifton, at the hitter's "resi
dence in this city.
I Heppner. Thy say that they are mak
j ing money by themove, as they told
their old farms at $00 an acre and have
; bought just as good soil at $10 an acre,
, with a much better climate.
Money-lenders are doing a hind office
I business these days, so they eay, and in
i nearly every instance tho loans are so
licited by farmers for tho purpose of
j buying more lands. Tho brokere say it
, is a very rate thing to find a farmer ask
; ing a loan in order to nay an old debt,
but when he does the loan is only for a
short time, and is solicited because the
' farmer refutes to sell his whyat at the
' prevailing price. y
preachers in The Dalles district. He
will preach ai:ain tonight. Everybody
is earnestly invited to hear him.
Discoveries of pearls in the upper
Mississippi river has caused a tremend
ous rush to the clam beds. Boats ate
Porow.ling the river, and more than 1000
persons are cncimped along tho river
hanks. The finding of a few thousand
dollars' worth of pearls started the raid.
One of the pearls recently found weighed
100 grains, and is said to ho the largest
pearl vet taken from the river. It was
ifsold for ::;ooo.
The board of officers detailed by the
war department to find , if possible, an
John Roth, Kingsley, is in the city.
Mrs. J. W. .Stewart, of Corvallis, ar
rived in the city last evening and left
todav for Prinewlle.
! W. II. Edrick and Peter Feldhausen
i were registered at the Umatilla House
: last night from Mount Hood.
! W T. Gardner, superintendent of the
I Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, of Port
. land, iB in the city on business connect
! ed with the home.
I'lilt-Dlnm-i -Tail Votes nt Vlento
to I. i-t Woll Enough Alone,
A man I.indley, who claim" to emergency ration that will meet all the
ViK.vro, Nov. 7, 1900.
EuVron Ciihonici.k: Viento, com
posed almost exclusively of workingmen,
gave McKinley 30, Bryan S.
A grand lull was given on the night
of election at Chilly's hall, where bulle
tins of the associated press were read at
'intervals. On account of the mournful
Attorney Wallace Mr.Caminant, Judge ; appearance of the Bryanites and Aguin
have been working on the railroad near
Mosior, while attempting to cross the
track in the neighborhood oi the Wasco
warehouse last night, was struck by cars
and driven against the platform of tho
waiehouse, sustaining a broken collar
I requirements of troops engaged in active
warfare, while away from their base of
supplies and in a hostile country, wtiere
provisions are scarce, left Reno, O. T.,
with a detachment of twenty-five men
from Troop A, Eighth cavalry, for ex-
hon', a broken lib and severe bruises ! perimental purposes. 1 he men will ob
on the left'hip. lie was brought to the j serve tho same routine as if they were
city jail, where his Injuries were attend-! engaged in an active eauipaigu against
ed to this forenoon by Ore. Logan and
News from tho middle fork of tho
John Day rivr-r tells of considerable
incitement there over the discovery of
l.uiies interested in the Kindergarten j fylvanito mlitfa mine, which is owned
rl. are revested to m.M-t Mrs. "Dunlap ! h-v tiUter, of Huppnor. This is
norl. are requested to meet Mrs. Dunlap
anil Miss Taylor at the Congregational
e'.wh tomoriow ( Fiiday) afternoon at
!Uo .'flock.
saul to bo tlo first sylvanlte discovered
on tho Pacific coast, and tho giound all
around thy Ma (1 jwer has been located.
Old minem sav it is a second Cripple
'Pi... ....... . i ,,, , , J Hi III iiiem nuv ii id ii ecvuuu uiimiic
i on young ladies of tho Congregat ona . J . , , , '.
,.i,., , , , Creek. Snow is already accumulating
Mtureh annonnco a bit e of cakes, pies . , J, ,,. i - . , ..i
nn i ,.,.wi.. .t f t , ' ' In that locality and interfenng with
mil eandy at Pease & Maya' grocery de-
Maya' grocery
pirtii.ent, nest Saturday, from 10
ak in tlio forenoon till night.
This, Thursday, evening is the regular
"ifi'ttiig night of tho A.O. U. W., mid
as there will he work in both degrees' it
ii he earnest depiro of the M. W. thr.t
"1 lesideiit and v
r ler be in attendance
At the suit of SuperintendentGardner,
of tho Poitland Hoys' aud Girls' Aid
Society, Mrs. J. I'rown was summoned
before Judge Hlnkeley this afternoon to
show cause why she should not surren-
fli.f In flu urii'lutl Ilpr Mltlinr ('llil. members oi the l (r()) Qi r; a)(, re(1,,eL.llvelyi oll
tlwi ifrnmirl ff lifivlrn t'tnuKli nhliQHfl 1 1 r
I l.e returns ftom all the pixciinitB In j ,nntertiul authority over them by gross
Hie county imvo been received and they ,,j criminal neglect and of being unlit
I'lace Melvinley ahead of Hryan by WW l0 i,v tu., j,, j.r cure or custody,
votes. N.insene'a volo Is SO for Hryan, T1(, cafe js Ull(jt.r hearing as we go to
" ior .McKiniey. Oak Grove is 115 for
MfKmiey and if. for Hrywn.
oreignton, of 'lhreo Mile, jester- capiuied at Portland ouo of tho thieves
dn onsigned to a Portland uommlaaloii What u fhort timo ago broke into the
hj'ino ten boxes of NowUm Pippin ap- Wore of W. A. Johnston and stole a lot
P'ih to form part of a "shipment of fruit U (!UttUrv. The thief, who gives his
tO Chlnu na ...,.-.1........ ( t, ! , . . . . ...
"o mi .-a illinium, in num. i j mime ae Wilson nere nut weni oy me
possiblo to do in that line of JLmo Qf Howard in Portland, was ar
rested bv t ho l'ortlniKi cmei oi ponce in
.Sheriir ivully has succeoded iu having
an enemy.
Complete returns from 2-i,and incom
plete returns from one of Wasco county's
L'." precincts, indicate McKinley'e plural
ity to be 5o2, which is a gain of 50 per
cent over the plurality given in 1S90,
and shows an advance of lO'.j per cent
over the republican plurality of hist
June, based on tho vote cast for dairy
aud food commissioner. All hut three
precincts in the county show a repub
lican gain upon the vote in June, the
total of which was practically the same
as at yestei day's election, both being
about COO less than the registration.
Tho practically complete vote of Wasco
county gives McKinley 1J552, Hryan 1020,
Wooley 80, Harker 8, Debs .'17. The vote
polled for Debs, Harker, Wooley and
Hryan combined is 222
P.rvan vote cast in 1800.
I'homas O'Dav and Colonel C. h. b
Wood, of Portland, are in the city on
business connected witli the suit of
O'ltiley ye. tho Columbia Southern
W. II. Quinn, of Grizzley, Crook
county, arrived here today from Hunt
ington, Oregon, where he disposed of all
his sheep. After a rest of a year or so
he expects to go back into the sheep
Dr. T. W. Huntington, of S.ui Fran
cisco, arrived here on the noon train in
answer to a dispatch announcing his
brother J. M.'s illness. Unfortunately
he was not able to reach hero till the
end came.
Death of .lumen M.
leu M. Mu
Mr. James M. Huntington, assistant
postmaeter of The falles, died at his
homo in this city this (Thursday; morn
ing between 4 and 5 o'clock, of inflam
mation of the spine. -
Mr. Huntington was born at Rockford,
alditta the monotonous McKinlev pros
perity bulletins were not cheered so
loudly that they could be heard moro
than five miles away.
II. C. Jackson and Croker will not be
in the next cabinet. We will bo found
at the old stand after the 7th at Manila ,
bay, P. I. G. W. Agiry take notice". )
Agents wanted for W. J. HrvRii's great '
book, "Tho Second Battle." Price $10 ; !
worth about two cents lor waste paper
Applv to anvbody with more dollars
than seute.
A- iiatkut full of Hryan and Grandma
Stevenson h.idges to give away
to auv of Uie kids of Viento.
Oxu ok Tin: W.m'
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled waro is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It docs not rust
nor absorb fjrease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; is
notaflected byacid?
-in fruits or
will boil.
and bah'
w i t h o u
flavor o
cook o d
food : nd'
will lasl
for years.
Wo cau
tion t !; 3
tented 't'e
Ice Cream and
s Oyster Parlors
ii Mrs II. L. Jones has opened ieo
ooly ' crea,n n,u' oyster pailors iu Carey Bal
1 1 lard's old stand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
rojponse to a telegram sent him by tho
sheriir of Wtuoj county. Somo of tho
may bo
W II. Butts toduy sold to u man
honi Pleasant Home lli Afartln Whw
uoiisu and lot on tho bind' noar tho ' stolon proporty wab found on hia person
Tiu-kmari greenhousep. The consldero-' and hits been identified by Mr. Johnston,
lion was $500 cash. Mr. Wing IntmidH ! Sherllf Kelly brought, him here to
to inovi) buck to his ranch iu tho Wamio answer for his crime.
e,""trj' j A fair-sized congregation met In tho
Giving to tho death of their esteemed;, .;, church last night to hear Rev.
neighbor, Ja. Huntington, the Women ' rjitr8 Nlckelsen in the opeulng service
"l Woodcraft will not have, their enter- '0( protracted ellurt that Is Intended to
j'diiiuent this week. Mr. Huntington j jt over weveral weeks. Mr. Nickel
had been ii aiouiber only about sIxIgeu'D theme was the "Cumo of Moroz,"
'"ontliH. This le the llret lose of a bene-1 iui it was a retnarkablv able etl'ort,
(t meiiibor Cedar Circle bus had, I commanding the eurneat attention of
Five families rni-ontlv urrlvud from his conitreLratlou from start to finish.
.the Middle Went have boughl farina and j Mr. Nickelsen iu a rising young man
ettlu l Iu Morrow county, northwest of who is Justly etteemed one of the ablest
I'llnilo Kelitinl-luy or livenlnir.
Persons desiring instruction in Eng
lish brunches, ornamental penmanship,
shoit hand, shade-pen writing, free
hand drawing, book-keoping, higher
mathemitics, vocal music, etc., please
call first door second floor west of Cur
tiss' mill, Second street. .Foreigners
taught to read and write English in a
few lessons.
nS-L'wd&w Piiok, Z E. Fiti;i:ii.
Fur rent, furnished and housekeeping
noms, coiner of 5th and Court streets.
A. V. Marsh will give a turkey and
trap-pigeon shoot on the beach, Nov,
27, 28 and 2IUh.
A very stylish ladles' waist, made oi
French llunnel and nicely trimmed, In
the latest colors, only $2.23 at the New
York Cash Store.
For Infants and Children,
Th Kind You Havi Always Bought
. xl..
ftiuttturo of LjitffrytMcJUAi
111., March 8, 1855. With his patents
he went to Olympia, Wash., in 1807,!
where ho grew from a boy to manhood.
In 1S82 ho settled at the site of the
present town of Huntington, Baker
county, Or., where, with an older
brother, he was engaged for some years '
in the mercantile business, ami from
these brothers the town was named.
In 1SS-I ho married Mary B. Mills, for-,
less than thejuierly of Olympia, who suivives him.i
In the year 18S0 lie caini! to The D.illen .
and accepted the position of deputy
county clerk under George II. Thomp
son, which olliee he held four yea is. 1
Since that time hu lias been engaged in
tho abstracting, real estate and insur
ance business.
Throughout his e.ntiie business career
his life lias been marked by the strictest
f.ilthfnlnees to every trust. His fidelity
aud integrity weio never iiucstioncd, 1
When Mr. Forrest Fisher assumed j
charge of tho IJ. S.- postolllce at this i
place some monthjj'ugo he selected Mr
Huntington as histissistaut. i
Ho has been, ever since ho came to
The Dalles, a faithful member of the
Congregational chinch, and has tervul
as deacon during tho past six or eight '
years, He was also an active member
of several of the beueyolent aud iiuui-,
I imcd orders, i
Mr, Huntington hail only been ill
about a week, and his Hidden demise j
was a great shock to the community in j
which he has been so long and favura-.
bly known. The deep sympathy of all
gee out to the surviving widow aud six
fatherless children, the eldest of whom
la only 15 yearn old.
The funeral will take place from the
family residence, on Seventh street, to
morrow afternoou at 2 :30.
Ba'.hvin opera; NlltS aild CilaiS.
fthonsf lo A. S.mdv g. All persons desir-
Jiug to tent the same will applv to or ad- I The placo has been thoroughly ren-
dress A. San.hig, P. O,, Hex b'Mi. Tho ovate.i, anu a snare ol tl.e nubile patron-
13 ' , iu onl mil nil
Diilt-s. E H. MismiiLi.,
Admini 'ratorJ.O Bil win Estate.
Open till 12:00 P. M.
One thousand styles and sizes, Sto-
For cooking and heating.
Prices from $s to $50.
flangus I
T 11 1 if 1 11
lurmrt .
genuine all bear the above TrafcAlark .
and are sold with n written guarantee.
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900
UVfcK all inn wunm, v riCM'
Mail eon I ) by Tlio Micliiuii Stove Cumpaiiv.
L&rgoai Mak?ra of Htovod una Hanguu iu tlio World. Oak Stover
. m