The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - NOV. S, 1900 Jsow wilt the democrats be good ? A V T- 1 1 I Filipino. Arc Jln.lrnl. I iX IllttirU t Km fo ClYl. Despite tne met mm tni .unenran : . , troop are husilv entrnired in "sup-I It !e among ti.o most difficult prob- iiresinp the riiipinos. n striKinr ite- u uiimiuiuEuuiLiiiui uc ku . v.u... , ffr111 I Llt'l I III EVVCI H( IIIICO ilWW'A U Co., bv their combination, have over-' "Will the readers of Hearst's Pacific Coast Police Gazette, yclcped the San Frnncisco Examiner, ever renlize ; -what malicious and willful lying that unprincipled sheet indulged in dur um ml for itni!ieal in.-trutnents from this country is beintriuatle bv the peo ple over whom Atruintihio once ruled. Consul Winter, writinjr from Anna hertr recent !v. referrt .i so the fact that come this ditllcnlty In a practical man ner. J.E. Adcox Is an expert watch maker anil is good on jewelry, optical work and eneravlne, while Iheo. H ing the lale can'ptign? The free silver craze is now hap pily dead and buried, and no aggre gation of voters entitled to be called democratic "will ever again run a presidential candidate on a platform play Mne musical instrument, unci tiiut the mu.-ioal taleivt uuiom i hem is irrent. The inM.runient- fcr which thej care iuom are mandolins, guitars, xiollns and flutes, ami they have de rived most of their supply -tha far from he American. The average Filipino does not lavish money on hi? imtsicn! education, however, and is not able, a? a rule, to buy expensive instruments. The Tacals prefer instrumt nt with a showy exterior, and Consul Winter be '.eves the archipelago otters n tine op- , . , , ,i portunitv for the man who irets there favoring the free coinage of silver at i0on with a j.irce MippIv of mmlml 5n any ratio. ! s-iriinients. N. V. Herald. there are few native Fit'ptnos who do I Liebe is an expert optician and is good on watch repairing jewelry work and I engraving. Their price is as low as con . sistent with good workmanship. They are prepared to do all work in the: .several lines, on short notice. Work sent by mail or express will receive prompt attoation. Sign, "Big Ked Watch." of tho celobrated Jame E. Putton ' J strictly pure liquid paints 1 That the American voter turned a deaf ear to Bryan's gospel of envy and hate is another proof of his in telligence and that he can be trusted to do the right thing at the right time. Any other answer to Bryan's demagogic appeals would have fur nished evidence that manhood suf frage is a failure. BUSINESS LOCALS. take Olilt-Kt K.i-l'iiltftl Mnti- Senator. An elderly gentleman who sat be hind me in one of the park1-, as the asphalt pavements sizzled and baked. asked me if 1 knew ex-enntor Hratl- , bury, of .Maine. "Ho you know he is the oldest living ex-senator, and there were some mighty interesting times when he was here. Let me see! He only lacks two summers of being ICO vears old, and his memory and politi cal activity extend well ba'ck to the j time of Andrew Jackson. Yes, he was an aetie man. a forerunner of the j great men in congress which the Fine j tree state has furnished. I under stand he is now lhing at Augusta. .Me., and still takes a keen interest in current political atYairs." Later, I secured a photograph of ex-Senator Uradbury from Maine, and it shows him a wonderfully preserved man, 95 years of age. .loe .Mitchell Chappie, in National Mnsrazine. i 0 mji -fir Yon will not have boils if von Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. A full line of Eastman alms and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Paint yonr house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk Lave them. If you want a first-class meal, served in the best style, don't fail to call at the New York Restaurant (formerly the Clarendon Tho lrtrcnt nml mnf enmniptp line nf fall and winter millinery ever displayed jA member of one of the audiences rose .i ... n iiir -it--! in his place at the end of a speeeh. and in the city at the Campbell & dson j m atwmion ot lhoe millinery pariors. ine prices win sen j ent The iiie g'luus. eon . n nlission:i Why nav J1.73 ner callon ior iuferior ' asked: CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIEECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Complete Cii?e of Drus at M.Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. Just What You u-tant. $1.00 per month. Strictly tirst dnm local an.) lonjr distance telephone seivicu within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will lie kept u secret. No cost for iuetiillini;. You irt't the standard Untitling Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. Wo will accept your contract for ten years and allow yon to cancel same on civing us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND 4 ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY Steamers nf tli6 Ki'Kiitntor l.lno will run n the (ol ' w.iip srli'i'.atc, tin- rimipanj' ricrvltiR the nitht to chisps'J 2 Str. ReKiilntor Geo. C. Frnm Muaiiiiltn Mlnslon. Some of the proceedings of the ecumenical conference, recently held in New York, were marked by humor Blakeley, The Druggist. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE pre.sidimroUicer thought th.. aarv was about to speak, art' , mm m paints when you can buy James E. j Patton's sun nroof paints for SI. 50 per ! gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & j Falk, agents. ml ; At the popular millinery parlors of Campbell & Wilson can be found all the latest thimrs in street hats, trimmed ' hats, children's school hats, and also ; tam-o'-shanters. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, j raisin? of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. j cndOOcts. Blakeiey, the druggist. Hustling young man can make ?60 per month and expenses. Permanent posi-1 tion. Experience unnecessary. Write ! quick for particulars. Clark cc Co.,! One Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel-1 Only.,. "Prom what outpost do you come?" 4,I am from Jersey City," replied tin man from the audience perhaps from inability to hear the exact words of the question. X. Y. Tribune. rFfTT I RACE fWRHISS DESIGNS Copyrights &c. Anyone "enrtln? a sketch nnd description ma' ! cutcfclv ascertain nnr opinion froc wlittticr a . invention i prntinblr riUen'alilo. innnuiilcj. ' mis strictly omtlilciuial. Iliiniltoolcon I'ntcnw miit (ro. 'il'Iest nconcr fur spciirinc patcn.i. r.-uens taSen tlirouirh 3Iun:s A Cu. lecclve I wtial notice, wttnour cnantc, tu mo mm s'i : J i a Da:: I nt : A M J Tlli-ilny , J: Tinu(iKs 4 i-tttunliiy . 1 5 Arr. I'ortiimJ i t i:TA) t. M. 5 I l: cr. I' nt - a. M. Motulur Wwllii-sitiiy Krlilny Arr. Dallex i; 15 I. . ulo witiiout nutlce. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. DuIUib City. i llOWN Lv. DhUch lit 7 A. H. .MniKlny WcdiiCMliiy I'rlilny. Arr. Portluiitl ut 1 :M r. si ur. '4 1 i'ortiatj ,J ii " r) a k, i Tliursitjjt ,J jatinl4jr I Ml Dnlio'j .4 For sprains, there is nothing swellings so good a; and lameness i Scientific JitMiieai!. Ohamberhiin s t a hinrt.omoiv lUmtTaiwl Kctlv. Tjircest clr- Pain Balm. Try it. For sale bv Blake- i re.iV: tour monibs.'tL l-oia byali newsdealer". iiyiuNN&Co.3G1Eroad-rewyorK ' Uraucli ice. Ci 1' HU V.'iuhioKiun. 1. I' ley, the druggist. Vogt Opera House, j-s- . ! New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such ; wide variety as we are showing never be- fore craced a single stock. Ileal imita tion croton efl'ects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. ..cHfls. mM- F. J. Clarke, Manager. SATURDAY, Nov- lOi bpia, Pa, s8 tf The Youth' C'uuiianUiu. The new volume of The Youth's Com- j panion for 1001 will mark the paper's 1 seventy-fifth year of continuous publica- tion seventy-five years, during which J it li2S had the approval of three genera- j tions cf readers. The constant aim of i The Companion is to carry into the home ' reading that shall be helpful as well as entertaining reading that shall con tribute to the pure happiness of all the ' family, Strong in the assurance that every reader gained is a friend won, the publishers offer to send The Companion ; Whiting & Willis' Comedians ! Presenting the Modern Comedy j Classic, I A Hindoo Hoodoo By John Fowler, author of "Dakota." free for the remaining weeks of 19U0toi those who eubtcribe now for the new ith the original ?ewiork cast, in-, volume for 1001. There will not be an 1 eluding Geo. Larson, Mattie Lock- I issue from now until 1902 that will not j etle nnd Harry By!Te- ; b5 crowded with good stories and articles j of rare Interest and value. Diplomatists, FIRST-CLASS SHOW! explorers, sailors, trappers, Indian fight- ' and Eelf-tnade men! , . . . . rriC6B ouana ioc. lickeiscan I Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Secoiid & Lansblin. Tbone 157 ! FRENCH & CO., j BANKERS. j TRANSACT A, E.SEKALBAXKISQ BL'fcl.SEa , Lettere of Credit issued available in the Eastern States, j Sight Exchange and Telegraphic ; Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, i St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore Igon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointe i in Oregon and Washington. ! Collections made at all points on fav orable term?. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kecpi mi draught the celfibrHtcil COM'MHIA MEEK, nckimw: eilKwl the Un titer in Tlie Dullim, nt the aiiiiul jirice. Come in, try iJniitl bt eotivinml. AUo the Fitiwt brnnds ot Wines, l.i'juor and CiKHm. Sanduiiehes nf nil L'lmlii .,l,ot 1..... 4 j' FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, j . Travel by the Stcnmors nt the Kvcututnr Uue. Th-rimtuny will endcurir t Klveltr3! ! rmis the Lot cti(T jrtjfiljl:. Tor ilirther Inlorimitliiii mlilre.1.1 i I i'ortlnm! ottice, Oak. street Duck. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Afc-f. . IS . . .) I Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. , Headquarters for Feed Grain, ot ?n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kmdf Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmlifSo Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOIl FlOUr 'I n'f' I 'oUr lfc manufactured expreeeiy for familj nee ; evrv Hack le guaranteed to give BBtiulactioc, V eel! our goods lov.or than any bonne in the trade, and if you don't ttimVso J call and git cur pneue and be convinced. I Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. J. S. HCHESCE, i'rililnu . M. IlEAM., be procured at Clarke & Falk'e. ere, etory-wnters and Eelf-tnade men and women in many vocations, beaides ihu Ifirvul nlnnla, iri.!l&.i) r t .1 , 1 r. ,i.,tl write for The Companion not only next year, but during the remaining weeks uf this year. Illustrated announcement NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, of the volume for 1901 will be sent free. Nlljcc ik htreby KiVCI1 that the unrlfrslBi.e.1 to any aUUreee, with Eamp e cop es of mve tiiea witii tt-e uii: ot me county ' , , thefatnteof Orwnn for mco countwtti iuo papur. ijie louure companion, Boston, Mass. J. A. EBERLE, pipejailorip A complete line of Fall and Winter A Xliouiaiiil Tuniucn j have Hied with tte Olerk oi the county court nf ! I thebtnteol orwon ior v mco couutv.thelr uiiol ' ment of Henry Iiarnum. decerned, nnu thut ouitlniw, Pantinu'B and Overcoating, now Jliinduv, the ith day of Novcnitwr, 15ft), at the I on dieplav, 100 diifarent varieties to pe hour of lu o'clock a. m., has been llxed by the 1 BCi from" i county court fortoid county u the time, nnd i " r, , , ., ... ie county court room in wanes city as th.-1 , Could uot express the rapture of Annie, place for hcurinK of objections to said final uu- ,MirK ton anH iin E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil- j c"u"tnrt ic.Meinit oMhemQ. OUH&, dlCJ Uy adehihia. I'a.. when Bhe found that Dr.! F. r.'ilAVfi, ' n.u .i i t. auelphia, I'a., when iihe found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely eured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she eaj'B of this .Royal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like Bounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c and f 1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley's drug store ; every bottle guaranteed. 5 Clarke & Falk have on eaie a fall line of paint and artist's bruebee. epl'i Kxeciuore. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horsesboer. All kinds of blacksmithing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in Drst-claes shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalle, Or. Call and examine roods before tomi? elsewhere. Second street, opp. Mays i Crowe's. House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession of It. A. Kpivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased tho tools and ladders. He has good mechanics working for him, and will guarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. first national Bank.. THE DALLES - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, oubject to Sight or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sk-ht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and porl land. OIKKCTOK9 D. F. TUOMI'KON. J.NO. H. SCHSNCK. En. M. Williamh, Geo. A. Liana. H. M. Bkai.l. Tie ColuoiDia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAXOFACTUKKKB OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Ilnotp and Shoep, at much less than wholesale . prices. Will eull in hulk or in lotc, or uny way to suit purchasers. ' Entire stock must be closed out "before 30 days. All Koodt! will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fittinc Coreets anil Uutterick Patterns. Your prices will be iniue. Call eurly and secure . bargainfc. J. P. McINERNY, j Corner Second and Court s?ts. - JJ. E. FALT & CO., juiJiiuiurs n. , 1 a r. t of t) Purest Liquors for Family Use? Delivoiocl to any jart of tho City. Piionijs: fd Local, l y 86s Long Disiunce. 173 Second Street, y JRIF.D BEEF, ETC. ONE FOR A OOtE. mi RnaoT. Plmpl.t, Pr.f.nt I'll I V Hoc tu. mo mill IXIK S?',i0in!. T en. SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! Uo you know that John I'ashek. the tailor, is agent for two of the largest merchant tailoring houses in America? ,.i,.. .fowknow Hint he will sell you a suit, made to your fl! c eap as the hand.ii,u.down, ready-made, you buy in- the aloref, an" j wi mi onic ,...,i iD? you k,now tl,at l,u ,,tt8 already on hand for the rowlnif " ami inter trade tho liundcoiucat and finest line of samples ever hIiowu In 1 lio Dalles? TriTTIT n a r-.-.- . . i. ovnn -AiiiuijL, Meronant Tailor, Age