The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 08, 1900, Image 1

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The Kind Yon Have Always
in use lor over jo years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
E.viiei imants that trlilo with and endanger the health of
liiliwits and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Cnstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, lrops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
wuitains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
.substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Kojjcrs fur (uvcrtior Democratic Candi
date Appears to He Elected His
Pluralit) is About 2,0011.
I'okti and, Nov. 8 McKinley lias
carried thu state of Washington by a
plurality approaching 10,000, imd it may
'.0S3ibiy exceed tbrtt figure. The tik
of obtaining accurate returns from the
from thu statu lius been attended with
unusual dillioulties, and from runny
counties it has been passible to obtuin
only statements of majorities, actual or
estimated. Tho western Washington
counties, except King, have as a rule
given unprecedented republican plurali
ty. Clark gives GOO, Lewis 500, Cowlitz
13, and l'ierce rolls up more than 2000,
Walla Walla, on the east side, isives 050,
"lid Spokane 1150; The congressional
. ..,o ncu iwuiik vviki tun iii7n"j cuv-
al, and both Oushinan and Jones are
elected by large majorities, nt least 8000.
Cushmaii'a homo cotintv, l'ierce, gave
In m 2750,
Prink has been slushed in every county
' the state. Ho Iohi-b King, l'ierce and
Spokane counties, and his pluralities
me only from tho smaller counties.
Some of tho Boutli western counties have
Kiven hiui very handsome pluralities,
"id It looked for u time last night as if
lie might overcome the Rogoro lead, but
nt midnight returns from eastern
anliinnton and from his own county of
King seemed to uiaKo it clear that he
nad loet the election. It is still possible
"iat the final returns may so reduce the
Hogere pluralities us to count him in,
"itit does not seem at all likely t lit t
"lean he uVnio.
Vi returns are avuilablo as to tho leg
islature, but it Is undoubtedly republi
can. Ulillil H'i Cru.lied to Hoiilli.
I'oitn.AND, Nov. 7. Through an un
Oftiinateaccident.llttle Master Raymond
011ver Miller, 4 years old, lost his life
lat evening. Ho was thrown in front
01 !', which his father was ubout to
Jrt down hill for the amusement of the
cl'ijdrori, and crushed to death.
A. MiIIht. tlm (ntlmr. Iiuh I'.linrL'u of
l,'fUdd farm, threo miles and n half j
Bought, and which has been
has homo the signature of
and has been made under his per
jWjty,, Honal supervision since its infancy.
Signature of
nut nn trm fttivrm mi1 I oat nvttnlnrr
J about 5 o'clock, lie started out in the
field, accompanied by hie two eons
' Little Raymond wanted his papa to roll
a loir down hill to tee it roll. Mr. Miller
hi order to amuse him, got n good-sized
log in place all ready to roll. The little
fellow wue tn start it. In some way or
other his clothes were caught upon the
Ion, which threw him over it and directly
in its path. In n Hash, even before the
horrified father could speak, tho log had
passed, leaving behind tho crushed re
mains of the little boy. Death was al
most instantaneous.
Coroner Riind was notilied, but did
not tee any occasion for holding an
JWcKlnley mid tl t'lilmns.
Havana, Nov. 0. The Cuban consti
tutional convention reassembled this af
ternoon and adopted resolutions to send
to President MeKinley the following tele
gram :
"Ths Cuban constitutional convention
has the honor and satisfaction to reepect
fully salute the president and congiees
of the United States and to express its
Bontimcute of gratitude to the American
General Maximo Gomez, in a letter to
Havana papers, says he will not accept
oflico under the Cuban republic.
"As a revolutionist." he declares, "I
have always understood that from the
moment the revolution was over, my
mission will be terminated. What re
mains to be done to attain the felicity of
tho land is nut u matter to be decided by
cavalry charges. The problems ptoselug
for solution must be solved with pru
dence and calmness and without ardent
patriotism that uiiuht be neceeeary at
cither times.
Kiililiril the lliuve.
A startling incident, of' which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is narrated by him as follows:
"I was in u most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes euiikon,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Threo physi
cians had given mu up. Fortunately, n
triend advised 'Kleetrlc Hitters'; and to
my great joy and surprise, the firet
lnttlo made u decided improvement. I
continued their uso for threo weeks, and
am now a well man. J know Jhoy saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try theiu.
Only.GOo, guaranteed, atUlakeley'a druir
stoie. 6
Plurality Against Him Grows And
Still 309 Precincts Arc Unre
Yesterday's additions to tho returns
of the Oregon election slightly increased
the republican plurality in the state
from 14,105 to 14,225. These figures art
yet subject to material chaotic, however,
fjr they are based on unofficial 'reports
from only 500 of tho 709 precincts in the
state, the results in the other precincts
being estimated. The 500 precincts re
port votes as follows:
MeKinley ; 40,52
Bryan 2H.1S0
Woooley 1,!MG
Debs 854
Darker 12S
Total 70,935
MeKIuley's plurality 12,347
It is estimated that the unreported
precincts will add 1808 to the republican
plurality The precincts from which no
return has yet bec'fi received are tho
smaller and remoter ones. Probably
the total vote of the state will not reacli
Sj.OOJ. In the precincts that havo been
reported there lias been little attention
to giving the votes of the three minor
parties, and the official figures will
Barely show a mateiial increaee for them
above the totals given this morning.
Cuturrli L'auuot He Cured,
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remediee. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'B
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It waB was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cim.vuv & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold bv drrtmgists, price 75c.
Hall's"Family Pills are the best. 12
Sculp Homily Fund.
SaLkm, Nov. 7. State Treasurer Moore
received today fiom Malheur county
H937 S4,to be credited to the scalp bounty
fund. This nuiount is about one-tenth
of the sum already received from that
fund by Malheur county. One of the
peculiar things about this scalp bounty
fund is that the counties which receive
the largest amounts therefrom are as
tardy as those who receive almost noth
ing, in collecting and forwarding their
share of it. Almost all the big sheep
counties have so far failed to send in the
amounts levied against them. It must
be that they are not anxious to have the
law continued or they would show a
willingness to contribute their share to
make it operative.
Keillor' Awful Might.
F. M. Higglns, editor Senaca, Ills.,
News, was alllicted for years with piles
that no doctor or remedy helped until
he triad Buoklen's Arnica Salve. He
writes two boxes wholly cured him. It'a
the surest pile cure 011 earth and the
best salve in the world. Curo guaran
teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley,
tho druggist. 5
lintli llouous ul'tt Hafii.
Washington, Nov. 7. The nest sen
ate, assuming thatyiostato legislatures
will fulfill their duty and choose sen
ators to represent their states, will stand,
on the basis of yesterday a election, 40
republicans, 27 democrats and 0 inde
pendents, with the legislatures in doubt
In three states, with the privilege of
electing four senators ut this time. The
legislatures in doubt are Delaware and
Nebraska, in each of which states two
senators are to bo chosen, and Idaho,
with out) senatorial chair to be filled.
Among those classified in thu Independ
ent column are Senators fitewart of
Nevada and Kyle of South Dakota, who
in the last congress acted with the re
publicans on all party matters; Turner
of Washington and Harris of Kansas,
who acted with the democrats, and
Wellington of Maryland.
New York Market. (
Chicago, Nov. 7. Wheat opened
higher this tnorilitig on better cables,
Liverpool being up ?nd, G l3a.
New Yoik opened at 79?j', December,
and had frequent and rapid fluctuations
between 797ft and 78,3.j, closing at the
bottom. Some of the heavy operavors
were free sellers on the advance. Stocks
were very strong as n result of the elec
tion. Close yesterday, 792a.
Open today, 70j?4.
Range today, to 79K.
Clo6e today, 78?i.
It Happened In n Hrug Store.
"One day last winter a lady came to
my drug store and asked for a brand ol
cough medicine that I did not have in
steck," says Mr. C. R Grandin, the
popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She
was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recom
mend. I said to her that I could freely rec
ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
aud that she couid take a bottle of the
remedy and after giving it a fair trial if
she did not find it worth the money to
bring back tho bottle and I would refund
the price paid, In the course of a day
or two the lady came back in company
with a friend in need of a cough medicine
and advised her to buy a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. I consider
that a very good recommendation for
the remedy." It is for sale by G. C.
Dlakeley, the druggist.
"Shut Full of Holes."
Lincoln, Neb,, Nov. 7, "To have
been shot full of holes" is the way
Dryan's closest friends refer to j ester-
dav'e election. The crushing defeat of
the Nebraekan has cast a deep gloom
over the populist national headquarters.
Bryan's cherished hope was for a plu
rality of the popular vote, whether he
was successful or defeated, and the blow
delivered has etaggcred him. The great
republican gains in Lincoln and the Etate
ol Nebraska were the least expected by
Bryan. "
"For three days and nights I suffered
agony untold from an attack of cholera
morbus brought on by eating cucum
bers," says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the
district court, Centerville, Iowa. "I
thought I Bhould surely die, and tried a
dozen different medicines but all of no
purpose. I cent for a bottle of Cham
heilain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy ai.l three doses relieved me
entirelv." This remedy for sale by
Dlakeley, the druggist.
Strayed from my place n the bluff,
a 2-year-old Jersey heifer; dehorned;
ear mark on both ears; branded bar Z on
both hips. Liberal reward paid for her
ol0-4tv Dkut Baoi.kv.
Dug lilt 11 Child.
Sheiiidan, Nov. 7. Frankie, the 3-
year-old son of R. Mendenhall, was
bitten and his face was lacerated by a
savage dog. The dog was promptly shot.
Clark & Falk are never closed Scnday.
Don't forcot this.
The Dalles Streot Fair lias come and gono, hut Tho Fair Storo has come to stay.
Wo aro saving tho peoplo monoy on Mon's Clothing, Underwear, J hits and Shoos, as well
as Ladios' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery.
You will find in our Storo lots of bargains.
Wo have tho best lino of up-to-date Jaokots and Capos for Ladies' and Misses',
and about one-third loss in price than other stores.
Conio und see us and wo will bo pleased to show you our goods.
Wo aro agonts for Miller's All-Wool Clothing.
Buying Cotton Comforts is risky business. H's
mighty easy to get the cheap-no-account, shoddy-filled
apologies for bed-clothing which soon wears in holes
and becomes "bunchy." But we sell the "Snow Flake"
and "Downeline" Cotton Comforts, which are made by
the largest and best-known manufacturers of tins class
of goods.
The filling is put in evenly and smoothly, and so
fastened that it will stay tlmt way during the life of
the covering.
And the coverings! You never saw such a host of
unique and attractive patterns in every conceivable
color-combination and effect.
Trices? Well, they're mighty modest. These ex-
j amplos will give you an idea of tho line:
"SNOW-FLAKE" Covered with fancy figured
silkelcne and tied with worsted; size 70.75 inches;
each $1.65
Same, finer quality cotton and covering; 74x77
inches; each $2.00 and $2.45
"DOWNELINE" Best silkelcne covering filled
with purest laminated cotton; 72x83 inches; price
each.. $2.95 and $3.45
Don't buy Bed Clothing until you've seen us.
Your Fnco
Shows the state of your feelings and tho
Btnte of your health as well. Impure
blood 'makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you aro feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this wo
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee,
Blakeley, tho druggist.
Moki Ten positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts.
and 50 cte. Blakeley, the druggist.
Clarke & Falk'e flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
The Place
to Save Money
on all kinds
of Merchandies.
133 Second Street,
fe-v- 'J
- v V V .
- vv, V w
Sheepmen, Attentlmil 11 ticks fur Sale,
Having disposed of my breeding ewes
today, I have thirteen thoroughbred
Merino bucks for sale. These aro choice,
large and in fine condition, and will b'j
sold cheap rattier than keep them over.
Inquire at Prospect Ranch, on the
Deschutes divide, or of A. S. Roberts,
box 507, Tho Dalles. oL'O-'Jw
Don't Hub It In,
Just wet the affoctod part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch lemedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clqtke &
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C-'arko
& Falk.
For rent or sale on eosy terms, good
house, witli bath. I mini re or address
this office. o3d-:!t