..... a L. Lane. i i SAVE YOUR SKIN How to Preserve Purify and Beautify the Skin and Complexion. Topre.-ervf. purifv, and beautify t'ie skiu, nud prevent plrni s blotch, blackhead?, n- Itie?. roughness, yellow, oily, mothy skin, i-huppin, uhcl many outer U-nn? of $1, Ti blemishes, no otlier skin or eiiiipk'xiini svj M lor a moment t j W iotr;iared with Cmcur.A N"A1 because no otlier ioap reaches the cau, vi?.. he dogged, irri'a!- .? r ii'famcd coudlck u of the Por.i.s SAVE YOUR HA R r e. :r t ' ?' GENKUAL a BiscKsmun .AND. sesi How to Prevent Falling Hair Scalp Humors and Dandruff. Cleanse the scalp nud hair thoroughly with a warm shampoo of Crn crnA Soap, viu; wich warm water dry cv.ref tilly, aud apply a light dressing of CtTiCTRA. purest of emollients, gently rubbed Into the scalp. This simple, refresh::-. c. and inexpensive treatment will clear the sctilp and hair of erupts, scaies, and dt.ndruft. soothe Irritated, Itchlmr surface's, s'imulate the hair follicles, :pp!v th- riots with energy and nourishnu ut, a 1 make the Lair grow upou a sweet, wholesome, and "healthy scalp, when all else falls. SAVE YOUR HA How to Make the Hands Soft and White in a Single Night. Bathe and scale ths baud? ou retiring iu a strong, liu i.tlir-r of fTncriTA Soap. Dry thoroughly aud anoint freely withVrrir-ritA Ohitnv-ut, the great ?!;in cure and purest of emollient'. "Wear during the night old, iuoc kid gloves with the linger "tid- cut oil. For red, rough, chapped bauds, dry ."fissured, itching, feveri-h palms, shapeifs nails, v ith painful linger oud, this r.i'jhl tretfme.it is simply wonderful and a blessiug to all attlicted with sore, chapped, rough, or tud-r hands. iHcitm. CompSale Externa! and Interns! Treaiipsnf for Ever tar, W -S ! V'4. . i (,an3.4.m orCmrrr.A Soap (i:,-). to cleaie th? if eruit. and CoC' s.-iU-f and mftcn ;l - :hlc.i" tfil cailc.e.Ccrict r.A i)!tment :K. . i'' .astantly alu Ucr.ins, tnti.ironutiiin, and i-ntavco ,.iH oothe t .1 i -n.. .ind Cicrr. UssoLVEr.T iuc , tc cj! and c.c.iie thi bintid. A Siki.lt Sir i oUtn . .".ici- -t'CC" tti- m? t irturlus dufisurtn;. and bumiiUiin? kir,ea!r, und blue! liaraou, w.b io of i-j-" wh-'iia. eio fa'.,i. Swd thrvacb 'U-ibc wo-id. 1'orrr.r. I)ki am Lucx. C.-up. i-.- If L .a:j-, " J-u &-om the b"s-, Scalu, azi Jlu.," .tc. UnrcDctin KUlUUuUl or IU1 Wagon n'1, Carringa Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. J r. Third aud Jeffc-in. Pcone 159 E riTjTiy.TiT.r.. C. F. Stephens .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. IK WASCO one Wasco county's majority for McKinley will Wheeler countv sixes a republican ihaioritv precinct. Shoe Flv. save 77 votes for McKinlev and onlr 2 for Bryan. Clatsop county reports a republican ma jority of 650 and Umatilla county 300. The city of Pen dleton gave a republican majoritj of 220 and The Dalles 183. The following are the returns from all the precincts of this couut save two, and Oak Grovegave a republican 'ma joritv of 20. si 1 : i Bjc:s. :hs. r-s Noli iRi Ap;. 3 ( lor W I UnugiH Shot ? 3 jjjS'ffiS:1- The Dsllss,Qr, jj 1 1 1 1 I? II 1 I3 ,;:la' Saves war ana K ii y fl I I ' SL cxpe-ise. .Toldeerj-Alicrs. ' Hp- STAWQARD OIL CO. tjjgffi ! , I NOTICE FOP. ue over of 220: 1 to to j to ' ! ! & IBS 5 6 Tho Dalteit, Or. 5 The Chronicle, Job Printers fir I I l OS til?. 3 1 , I..UU' -ii2 - "r j- -C;:: :.! iU ". '.'U -.1. I , L-- J, t ,111TTTrtIl TI rUlTTlt lYl t TTIJ.TtTIXX II t fn'lllltltl "t '"' tTTItt(l II B VT tlllf It P T 1 1 fl III i TjWKTPWH WlV9tWmm nrr.xr.T : nxr. .hi;kih i.,. .. " j roit i i'noa Oali.i.., yj" MHtt U' J" )i. m tilt Uki, Hcnvur, a, , Worth, OiiiHlm, i Lh,!;"'' :'.. '"Hi, I Jot , II! Atlnntlc r.:iV)n. in VM Hunt Iiigtott. Mult mid i:.lires. 0 J5 p. tn a t. m. K ji. m Worth, Omiilm, km ' ",,B ... . , .,, ,,,mS. jWnlln Wiill, Si,l.nc, Rri Ulii.nMiH.Ui. A Q' BHW MMUtll, JH!tt,,uW. ,,7 Srlniifnlrtll ..t-HR- prhl tim: ulso uU jui ,t, i,i WnclilliKtuii UI,J V.nM 3.3,.. orn Oregon. Kbom I'or.TLA.tp Ori'Mtt fctiiliiivhii't i I'vcry IV, c Ii, h. .x.siiinlH- ColumhiN Uv. Sb nmrrn. Ex SmnlHjr UtiflltiKv 10 i 111 C n. tn. WiMAVhTrr. it. .. 1 ai Er.3nuly .jrson cltv. ., v t..Rl r.xtuj , Silk-ill i- Way Luii'lY ' .WlUiMSTIK A!,:. YAM a.ainir. M0!l.,Wal . . ni. Im-Nlnnr. 7111.1, Itivi.R unci rut. oroson Wty, Ii. '.n, , utlll WHy.I.;mii.ngk I l.v itlnrfi lUiiy :!". tn. , s.i.iKt: litvi.li Iil; urlrt to wis )! and W. Inn !ltj 9:t0i. a ..1 Antelope , Mclvinley 175 Bakeoveii. .. Baldwin Bicelow Boyd Columbia Deschutes Dufur East Hood River East Dalles Eight Mile Falls Kingsley , Mosier Mountain Nansene Oak Grove Ramsey : South Hood River Trevitt -- u , ' .r.,. SO 39 141 25 24 13 58 121 171 1G 47 40 21 Brvan 29 " 11 " 29 Sf 75 " 20 " 15 9 44 75 9G 22 81 GO 50 8 ;t Tygh , Viento Warnic West Hood River. West Dalles i: ti it (( ( 19 70 113 41 35 o oo 145 90 rCDLICATION. I.AKD OrrKT. A.T TltE 1)ALLK. OF.K.. Jotice ts hereby civen tbnt the ioliowitic tiamet! i-cttler has tiled notice ol his intention Hon to mate final jironf iu tuiiort o li ciilm, nud tuat said jirfjof w!U be made tw- ' fore the resetter nil ret-eiver at The lulles, Oregon, ou satunlay, November lu, I'Af. u Calrlu .1. Jlunokln, n! Mosier, Or.. 11. E. No, 0121. for the SE or, Sec ' 31, T -2 X. Ii 12 E, W. M. lie tmmes :ne following witneies tf prove contimioii residence uhj:i, and cultivntiun o! , said land viz- i Michael Doyle, II. E. Doyle. The Imlles, nr., James 31. lirovrn aud t ttrl J. E. Carlson f Mr 1 sier, Or. I JAY 1'. Lt ( AS, ! s-J3 iKe tstcr G. J. STUBBING AM' I.HTVU Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 'est door to A. M. Willbtiia & Co. Phone 234, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice if herebr siren that the UMlersicuitl han duly tiled with the county clerk of Whvo county. Orcuon, his tinui areount mid rejrt u. executor of the estate of thuebe J. Halph!, de ceived . and that the honorable county court ha.s nxen jioncar. tnc j:c nay oi ovemoer, r.'ii. at . 10 o'clvcs: n. m. of wld day as tin? tine, and the enmity court room in the county eou t house in ' Dallas City. Wa-eo "ounty, Oresou. h the place I lor neanne saiu nnai aeeoui.i ana reori. I i All tienons inteteted in sid estate are here- i 9 by mitititrd t" apiar at said t.mc and pUri' und i d s(tu inuic. ii mi j iiiviu uv, .,i ?ttiu ii'KEi : huuld not be approved und .tid vxecutor di- ; ItiUed thi. r.Uh day of seMember. ltW) Executor of the estate of l'hoebe J. Hnfgnt, m dewrued. ocU) J THE DALLES, OREGON. ijjcjl 4 4 1 ! 9 A DM LVmR A rOK't- NOTICE. . ;ict her.'"v clxeii tEMt tbe niifli'rs.'t-nMl hatendul apitiited by the county court of Ihi- strftp lif f irn'nil. f.ip W M.fi KinnM 'arlmlr,ik. ' trator of the i!aie of Ellzulth A. southern. I decenseil. All iper.ious having claims ajainst j tno estate of mild defeated ure herebv notified to present the name, with the prnpur' vouchers : inereior, ic me ai my on.ee in iiiyu. urtgou Tithin six month from the date hereof. Dated September 1, 1.0. C. H. SOI'THEItN, '- 26 AdininUtrator. THE CELEBRATED ...GOMJIBBIA BREWEKY... AUGUST BUCKLER, Prop. Of liit pr' Juft of ti.ip weh-knottii brewery the United .States Heultli Ilepor.e for June 'SA, lOrtiJ, suys ; "A more stipetior brew never entered the liibruturv of the l otted isUte Health reports, It is absolutely devoid j tlie fc.ichtest trace of HilnUeriUioti, but on the other hand ie co'i: posed of thp beet of malt nnd choies-t of hops. It tonic qnalitieD ure of the high est mi l it can be used with the urentest benefit und eatiefitelion by old und yotini:. I' ti'e aui canec'entioiialy be prescribed by the plivgidunn with the cereatntv that a belter, purer or more v, holeaotne beverage could not possibly be found." 1 i t 4"S- I'm ic tleaiijiiR to c t tleptitr point on i iiluitihla gnutherii j iliw, ilioua tiiif :i. J. leiivlti',' lhe Di.: is nt .J j,, B, tiiHk'nt; ilttirt cunticolimi at ' itnor Juucuon ttiuBn Ketumltic mnut i : tcunnectina ai (li't jiiiri .'unttlcii und I.:ki- v Ko. 1,. mitis i.t The lialleku' !.- I'or full partlciiliirn ..' . N, Cd.i Mitt-i.t The Diillti.. nr ....(" W' ii 1 KUH'RT, t .(.ii, l' Ac urtland.Or SOUTH and EAST via men Shasta Route Truth leave The Dn!le fur 1' irt;itiid and jtj; ntatlonrot I Zj a. in. Hnd 3 p. m Souinern PacificCo Leave i'urtlaud " Albuuy Arrive Ashlnud ...... ' biicriiiuouto , . . " ban Krancbco k fiura ":(Xi.n l: Data 10:Kfc 12 i.. a m H:3llm .". m p m l;33o " l,, p in -6.1iim Arrive Oftdntl " Ihinver " Kalma tllty " Chicago ,". I' ll III 11 11' B Dim m 7 . ra " i'lCi '. i ii ui Arrive Ub Aimelr.H " 1:1 1'ns'i " Kurt Worth.. .. " City of ilexlco . " Hoimton " New Orleailii . " WiuhltiKtou. .. " NuwVort I t r. .U i it 1 in . I v. y a i i r ',- i in I i m 7:CUm r,-C0pia Ii l)lB j jj a m C SipB 0 Unci ii ir 28 30 ft" has dulr County, OrKon, hl tmal iiceount and reort as 44 I Bumiiiiairaior oi tneeniuie oi Auoipn A km! HI I decemed, und that the Hunorahle County Com 9 NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notlre i heieby iriven th it the undorslctied : Hied with lhe County Clerk of W asi-o I East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 72 55 64 It Happened lu u Diug Store. "One day last winter a lady catpe lo my drug store and aeked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have in ateck," &a)b Mr. C. Ii Grandln, the oopular druggt9t of Ontario, N. Y. "She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough reparation I could recom mend. I said to her that I could freelv rec- the latest colore, only $2.23 at the New York Cash Store. "For three daya and nights I Buffered agouy untold from an attack of cholera niorboe brought on by eating cucu tu bers, " 8&y M. E. Lowther, clerk of the district court, Cntervilte, Iowa. "I thought I ehould surely die, and tried a Countr Court ' has tiled Mnndui. ttic.'itli rinr of Kiiviiiiitu-r. 1ml I at 10 i'clix;k a in. of said dy im thu time, and' ine Luuiuy inurt room oi tne county court1 rftf 1 J c house In Dalles City, Waneo'.iunty, Oreon, nsHI! Kind'1' Ol port. AH persons interistfd In ealc! eatntc ore j hereby notltktl to appear at aid time and place I and show caliku, it un there be, hv said rejxirt should not be approved and Mild adminisitutor ' uucnaise, Dated thu ith day of OcIoUt, 1'jijo. J. 1' AfiltllfTK. AdminUtrator of the state C Adolph ARldiua, I (ki.cuHd. octS ; DEALERS IN Funeral Supplied -i .tar . .i : ..r i ommeiid Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , UU"" .eu.ci.es u, au i no ud that she coutd take a bottle of the ' Pno. I 'or, a bot,It! o( Cfiatii remedy and afler CivinK it a fair trial f ! t'Tlam s Colic, Cholera and JJmrrl.uM cbe did not find it "worth the money to edy and tbiee doses relieved me brius back the bottle and I would refund ! " "', ' , Tf,llB TVnbdy hr b' the price paid, In the course of a day j L'keley, druggist. . or two the lady came back in company i with a friend in need of a cough medicine I anted A second-hand Cre-proof and advised her to buy a little of Cham- eiife', Mn6t ,ff laood condition and not berbtn'. Couch Imt-dy. I consider J latKp' Af'P!-v Bt lliB Cnno.s-ici.1! that, a very ;ood recoiiimeuiiation for i olBce. o31-tf the remedy." It in for sale by G. 0. 1 Blakeley, the drU'.'itHt. f When you cannot slt-ep for coaching, f TURKEY SHOOT it is hardly nece-isary tdat any one should tell von that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Couh Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make eleep possible. Icisuoud. Try it. For sale by Blakeley, (he druist. A very stylifh ladies' waul, made of French flauuel aud nicely trimmed, Ju A. Y. MARSH will uive a turkey shoot on the beach Three Days - Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th There will also be pigeon trap spooling at the eauie time nid place, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAM) Ori ICK AT 1 lit IUM., OllEfiON, October a, VM). 1 Notice I ticrcby itlven that the folluwine tiained settler hasliltd notice of her iiitentioti to make tlnal proof In aupport of her elnitii, and iiiamaiu proot win w innac hetore the r.ettlater and iteteiver at The Dalle, Oresoti, on Wednes day, December, &, llf.o, viz. Ilattlo I., liiinily, of The Dalit, Orefton, ti. K. Nc, iV;, for'the JW -i rite SI. I -i N, f. Vi K. W. il. Hhe names tne (ollnu linr wltticstex to prove her coiilitiuou leiidencu upon uud cultivation o( said land, viz: rruni: j-nj.ier, ornie d.iiimi, oickui, AlU-rt U. McKumey, of Jit. Hood, Otexon, Henry C Mc Kumey ut.d KiIl i,ranlund,o! The Dallen, Or cctS7 JAY 1. IXTAH, IteKlster. NOTICE fOU PUBLICATION. Urrici: at Vamcouveii, Wash. October a;, lain. t Notice Is hereby elren that the (ollnvvliitr 11 it in ed nettler liax tiled notice ol hla intention i to make final proof In support of hik claim, mid turn iniu ywnn , ill iiiuuu iwmiv ,1 . I). I im- It, 1'. fi. tunmlMloncr for the DUtrlct oi U'shliiKton,at lioldendale, Waih .oii Monday. DtcetrberlO, 1'XO, xU : tlourgn It. hi. biivrrtncr, of I.jlc I'. ()., Wab., who made 11, K. No. 10.0ft for tho Wk, Hiid K'A BWK ccS,Tp 3 N, U iaK, w. ir. He uamek the followiut; wlttiCMca to prove his loiiiliiuoun residence upon and cultivation of wild land, viz.; ThoinnK J. Whltcoinb, (icort-fiorciihou, (feo. Ilradford and ;Y)lllm lealou, nil of I.ylc I'. O., Waahluglou. 031 W. U. DL'NIiAH lleglnter, Crandall&Barget ! UNDERTAKE . fp EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. fjobes, BuriaSh Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I havo re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer os. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. rtitluiaa and Totirint cam on ,tht.Jr"iB- Ohalrcnrn Huctumeiito to Oitd' iiiiU MWJ uud tourlhtcurn to ChiciiBo, ht 1. ! .NctfOt leatiii uud WahhltiKtou. CounectliiK nt Ban Krniirhc with Ktiiiuihlp linen tor Honolulu npan. Lli.ni, l'hlllppltie, Central nud south America. Bee nootit at The Diillen ntntloii or iiudrtM C. H. MARKHAM, Cieucrul 1'am.eiiF.cr Aitent, I'ortUnd, Of Niiilni Paci Yellowstone Park Line. THK lllNlNO CAU UOt'lE I KOM rOItTUM" TO Til K KAT THK ONLY DlIlKtn" LINK TOTllfc VEI.WW MONK I'AI'.K i.c4vi:. Union Depot, Ftftbaad Sis No, a. No. ' KaftniniHorTiiconift, Seattle, Olyiupla,""' ' iHiitboriuid South liciid j point, Bpoknni'. Komi I I.....I II ' I'll : 1 1 1 I l i -. IMomiiw, U'wimou, n"i I1;1J A. M. fiiloHuiiipiiilulnircoun a 11..1 tli,.ii.nl.il IU, Omnlm. (JhlCHKO inn! nil point iinat .nid hnlithi-tlht. l'liuet Bi.uiKl J-Xl.icji ( J, t.. .r... .mil si'iittle i,wii- j und liiteriucdlntu pmuu No. I. ll;ao 1'. M, 5;M1'.M' No. 3. ullmiin flratclHM mid tourl t .VluiieanolU. St. l'uul uud MImoU" nlthout chatiHc. ,.,,nntclliM" Vcmtlhulwt traltiH. t'tilon deMil cotinwi. lu all prlnclpitt cltlON i iinkeU. iimkkhko oiui;ei in iKniiiii" ";, miitt' ror liaiidMiinely illuntintw ilccr'l'tl c m jn gf ruftcnfiiii""wi - tlckutu, aleepltiu car wruc A. D. CHARLTON, AhdlHtant Ufiiural rHencr Aki;; 2I(1(on. KOiihiieet.conicrThliil, I'ortlutiu uriK Jj It. U, K, HHlTil, Ostcoimth. Itoonu W mid Id Cliapniuii UU . 'l'l'c ,'Jjf1 Oretfou,