The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 07, 1900, Image 3

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The 3 Things
Various Weights.
What weight do
you rcrjuim for
comfort during the
cold weather?
Must you have
Iho thick, soft and
(looey kind or are
the lighter, thin
ner, yet still warm
grades preferred
all wool, or silk and wool, or silk and cotton.
'I his Underwear Department has all the many
grades aud stylos, and none but thoroughly de
Ki liable goods. A visit to the store will surely
he I flpful to you.
Examine our Fleecy Garment at
Pease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figure.
In all the latest styles.
In all the newest colors.
S .02
Not necessary to pay more.
You can give your friend an order for the ,
Best Hat in the World
if you get him a ''ROELOFS." We are sole
Most important in Shoes are
1st. A perfect fit that means comfort.
2d. Style and graceful design that means
3d. First-class material and construction
that means service.
Queen Quality
Shoes for Women
Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance
and splendid service. No matter for what
purpose a woman desires shoes, she will
find her wants supplied in the (iuoon Qual
ity line. Many styles to select from.
Pease &
All goods marked in plain figures.
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough nt any time, and will cure the
worst cold In twelve hours, or money
refunded. 2o cts. nnd GO cte. Blakoley
the druggists.
plans i Mm
The Dslles Daily Chronicle.
At Andrew Keller's.
Ivv'ra go ul vnluus at the New York
Cis'i More. .
i ... i - i
i in m.igu urease was iebucu yester
day t j I' K. Temple and E. Cantrell, of
Du nr.
I). C 'rapper, of Hood River, wag in
totvn last night the guest of the Umatilla
Yes'erday a marriage license was
ii-ued to Charles Mcintosh and Annie
Hiwton, of thi city.
Rev. J. It. Liriter, elate evangelist , J
wi I preach at the Christiun church to- i
morrow e veiling at 7:30 o'clock. j
A private diBpiitch from Morrow i
"unty eayB it has none for republican i
prosperity by about 400 majority.
Tin- indies of the Lutheran church will
pect to carry the county by a majority
of ,'150 to GOO. Grunt oonty used to bo
very strongly democrat!'..
Mr. Charles Mcintosh, of Three Jlile,
wart united in marriage this forenoon,
November 7th, to 3IiH3 Annie Rawson,
of this city. The marriage ceremony
took place at the residence of Mrs.
Waters, the bride's mother, Rev. I). V.
Poling officiating. The oung couple
left on the afternoon train for Portland.
From private dispatches received to
day by Representative Moody we learn
tluU Wallowa county lias gone republi
can by about 1 00 maj rity. Four years
ago Wallowa gave Bryan a majority of
2(11. Harney county's majority for
Uryan four years ago was 231. This it will bo from 2o to 50.
.i:-Kliiley M ill Hnve u .Mujoilt j- or 1 1 1
Ik the lijeetoral CoHoRe, j
Pan FitA.vcisco, Nov. 7, 1900. The '
Examiner thid morning concedes Mc-'
Iliniey's election by the followinc elec-.
toralvote: California, 9; Connecticut, j
G; Delawaie, 0; Illinois, 21 ; Indiana, 13; j
Iowa, !1; Kaiisa", 10; Me.ine. 0, Mary-1
land, 8; Massachusetts, 15; Michigan,'
14; Minnesota, 9; Nebraska, S; New!
Hampshire, 4; New Jersey, JO; New
York, 30; North Dakota, 3; Ohio, 2.'5;
Orojon, 4; Pennsylvania, 22; Rhodo
Island, 4; South Dakota, 4; Vermont,
4; Washington, 4; West Virginia, 0;;
late hour, when, after each had tried
his or her fortune, they all went home
well satisfied with the evening, although
tho-e whose fortunes consigned them to
single blessedness had a determined
look on their countenances which de
fied fate itself.
Among tl'ose present were: Mr. and
Mre. Win. Johnson, Mrs. French, Misses
Ltllie Johnson, Mabel Riddell, Bessie
Middleswart. Elsie Middles art, Nora
Root, Edna Root, Djllie Graham, Anna 1 triu,lli advised 'Electric Hitters' ; and to
Dunsmore, Lurean Dnnsmore, Hester '.v great jjy and surprise, tho first
Kent, Hindu Granlnnd, Adeline Sellin- j boUle a0 " decided improvement. I
trer. Daisie French. Messrs. John Well i continued their use for three weeks, and
burg, Geo. Chamberlain, Wm.Rr.vland.
Price Hunter, John Davenport, Clias.
ltnlilicil tho (.rave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, la narrated by him as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and side?, no appetite gradually grow-
ins weaker day by day. Three physi-j
cian- had given me up. Fortunately, a
The lateHt returns from .Washington i Wisconsin, 12; Wyoming, o; making
liav- a pie and cake sale ut I. C. Nickel-1 drop out
een'H store previous to Thanksgiving. I ufty t0 tw
Win Hrune, of Grand Dalles, Hpont
list r .,'ht in the city in order to get the
fcleeMon returns at tho eariient possible
moment. i
Professor Sondvig'fi doncing class com-, now paying 21 cents per pound for but-
mi'ii-ee Unight. All perseim desirous of
"arnini to dance hhonld be prenent on
tlie opening night.
no iadieH Good Intent society haul
dticUt'd to tiave a Hiile of t.dstrvon the
state indicate that McKinley ha6 carried
' the state by from 5000 )o 0000 majority.
The republicans concede tho defeat of
Frink, republican candidate for governor,
i by probably f-OOOyotes. Klickitat county,
! acrosfl tho river from here, lias elected
everv candidate on the i (-publican ticket
I by an average innj irity of over 400.
j Goyotee aio taid to be feasting on
lambs idong the lino of march taken by
lleppiii-r sheep when tetninlng from
the mountains, tells the Gazette, When
separated from their mothers, an thous-
andd of lambs have lecently been, they
of their bands In bunches of
fty to two hundred and straggle around
by tliemselve". Some of them get into
other bund", but many of them get into
A number of creameiies in Oregon are
Davenpor, Iiennard Sellinger, Frank
Middleswart, Leo Root, Elinor Root,
Gordie Graham, Wm. Giaham, Edward
Dunsmore, Harry Davis, Clarence Duns-
289 electoral votes and a majority in the j more, Willie Marsh.
electoral college of 111.
Suiilln rii California,
How lln W'nit lU-liulif d.
Notable among tlio pleasures afforded !
by the .Shasta Ronta is the winter trip
Miss Anna Boyd, the leading woman 1 10 Southern California and Arizona,
of the "Hindoo Hoodoj" company, is as J j(.neWed flcquaintaneo with this section
witty b she is beautiful. A story j v. iu ever develop fresh points of interest
reaches us of a very pretty and womanly j (Ujlied sources of enjiyment, under its
rebuke administered by her to thu J cunny efciefc, in.tho variety of its inlus
handeome, but unaccomplished son of a I trjei n jtg pro,jflt. vegetation and nmnnj;
pig iron millionaire a youth who ia , its numberless resorts of mountain,
noted af much for his curly hair :ts for ! fchre, vullt-y sind plain.
The two daily .Shasta trains from
his engaging manners. Ho was devour
ing a pan roast efter tho show with a
choice little company' at Shanley's,
when Miss Boyd entered with Feme
friends. Tho youth twitched nervously
in his chair and looked at the uctrese,
ftheu said to ono of bin companione :
"Rhv. tlmt'H Minn lir.vil. .17,11 v l-Ii).
Portland to California have been re
conlly equipped with the most approved !
pattern of standard and tonrist tlfi-ping
car?, but the low rates of fare will etill
continue in eflect.
Illustrated guides to the winter leforts
j ijui now a well man. I know they saved
I my life, and robbod the grave of another
i victim." No one should fail to try them.
I Only f0c, guaranteed, at Blakeloy'e drug
' -tore. 5
j lituly of a .Han 1'iiunil In tin; C'olunililn.
j Astoiiia, Noy. 5. The body of a man
I was found by the Point Adams Life
i Saving crow (loating in tlieriver near
' New Astoria this evening. Tho remains
are supposed to bo those of Hurry Stein
doi IF, ot N.i pa, Cal., who fell overboard
from th" (steamer Uailey Gatzert on
Octob r l!0. Cuioner Pohl left this evon
Ing to take chargo of the hedy.
Having rented tlx- Bo I'd . in opera
house to A. Sandvig. .'ill pcreons desir
ing to rent the eaii.o Mill iijily to or ad-dre-H
,. SandvL. P. O., Box olltl. The
D.iliee. E. II. MmiKii.i.,
Adiniiiirtrator J. C, Baldwin, Estute.
Tho only store ft
this city whoro tin
(lenulne Imported
Ware is sold,
A little higher iit
price, but outlasts
n dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
clcd ware.
Otber wares look
ino has the name
Stransky Steel
Waro on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize nt 1C
International Exhi
bitions. Hichost
award at worlds
Columbian Exlnbi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
mofct famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest becauso
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled waro is special
ly imported for nnd
eold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb fjrense
does not discolor
nor catch inside; is
notafTectcd byaculs
in fruits or
will boil.
Sift r. . .s.-
and bakt
w i t h o it i
flavor o:'
cook o (f
fool rnd'
wiSl List
for years.
We can
tion tlu
imitatic :3
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors
Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ico
cream and oyster tiarlor? in Carey
lard'B old stand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
The place has been thoroniihly ren
ovated, and a shaieof tho nubile nation
age is solicited.
Open till 12:00
ter fat. At th-i same time Oregon is
now making more butter than ever be
fore at this lime of tho year, myg the
Wtrttto.-'d" Rural Wwrlil. The ttate him
been exporting a good deal of butter
'lay before Thanksgiving. Tho place of j l,a J'tHI' Coos county creameries have
Mle will be announced later. always Knt the bulk of their product to
A ,,,, i.i ., ,ii San .-rune ecu, i u inert- iihh ueeii u
" lUOtrai'ted rev vnl niiMnir u. I paih. '
strong deuiiind in California nil sum
mer and fall for Oregon store butter. A
protracted revival meeting will com-
"ciii-e in tho Methodist church this
'veiling at 7:.i0 o'clock. Pleaching to
t by Ruv. Chris Nlckelsen, of llepp-
A'l ineniberH of the driving club are
fwiucs'iid to meet at the Club looms
this evening at 0 o'clock, Bids for the
MiiMruetlon of the Hpeedway will bo'
'J-ned at tliu meeting.
'.....ill il.nil i.f Ornino'n l nit i-i w I (reainernv
f A llur v.ittilitif. I lua f.vQmifn! Iiuetli'i.
l3flllCI IIM'IH'K lllia 'I'. I ....tfr.l'
of California and Arizona m.iv he iind
Feller promised to introduce me, but on application U)
guess J -1 1 fix it rigtit now." .-50 no C. H. M.', (i. P. A.,
called for a thcet of paper and dashed Portland, ()rcg n.
off tho follo-ving note, which a waiter
handed to the lady :
"Dear Mius Boyd : I hr.vo often heard
if you, nnd I presume you have heard
of me. A friend of mine has promised
mc an Introduction, but ho is not here.
Will you waive ceremony and let me
oin your party?"
butter goes to Washington cities
Wasco eountv itavu tho prohibition
caadidato for president 78 votes, ftflP'
tributed Kiuong tho precincts nn follows:
Blglow, 11 ; Baldwin, 2; Boyd, 3; Col
umbia, 4; Dufur, 10; Eiist Hood Rivor,
11 . r. I Il 1. T.....- I.
Smlll.,,. All .n.. " I'.asi Utllies, o; ritim, i ; muniur, 1 ,
iteelf yi-stoi day In ,.m ' i 0 South J
to the front door of Fait & Co.J
"loon, which hon. tho legend, "Closed : WeH Dalles 4; Ramse y, 2. bbs
on nceonnt of WIIIIo'h election." I ! " to of tho social dei uc a h, ; 0
,.. . , 1 !!0 voteH,dist) ibuted as follows : Big ow,l ;
,,, i'ool dilldroiiJiiivo caught ;n,Iur j. Kiut l)ftIleH( 2. Flll!?( S;
u Mckinley Infection nd caught H Moflor ,. Tn,vUti 3. Wi-st Dalles, 4.
"U, lu one ot tint riiniim vnnterdnv the I ..II Ill l.ll.. II... . 1 linln ....I1...1
y - ' : 1 no .11 lOUIM-oi-lllu-roau lu iuiKm iimih-u
eight votes distributed tie foPown: Bake
oven, 1; East Hood River, 1; Eitt
Dalles, 1 ; Falls, 1 ; South Hood River,
1; Went Hood River, 3. West Hood
River, it may be observed, in the home
t-.t ..mi .if Mi I'fuiill.
,0Ml, 11.60 and 2 fid nl the N'uw York ' .taiu1 fm-.rcxiilcnthil hlcntnr. TIih Ihreu
(Storo. I V0t0li of that precinct show how much
A I'llvute dispatch from Grant county , ire u pop cut lu his own precinct in
K-veu McKinley u nnjrity of 235 In tlnmo piping diiyu of McKlnley pro.
"iVt-n precinul. The republicans ex- porlty.
ttMchur voted the little olkg and found
for McKinley as agalnBt 17 for Bryan.
W'u are tolo ngentg for tho well-known
'"Wilton Brown hIiocb. Bo sure and
Kl'l our prlceu before making your pur
tlinees. Lad!o' liuht weight druos bIioch
Miss Boyd nibbled thoughtfully at the
point of a gold pencil case, looked quiz
zically at tho young man, and sent back
this reply :
"My Dear Young Man : You had
better join your niiunii."
Aa tho curly headed youth is telling
the stoiy on himself, wo do not feel that
we violate any confidence in relating It.
The Hindoo Hoodoo Company will ap
pear at the Vogt 011 fjatuiday evening,
Nov. 10th.
Alio, iIiiIiiiniiii I'.ntditiiliiK ut .Milkier,
Mosmt, Nov, r, 11)00,
On lout Wednesday evening the' young
people of this vicinity were invited to
spend the evening with MIsb Mabel Rid
dell at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. JohiiEon. It being Halloween the
young people were first greeted by grin
ning j lek-o'latitertis from gate posts uud
houat) tops. The evening was enoyably
spent in cracking Jokes as -well as nu!n
and playing Halloween tricks and games. 1
The merriment was kept rife until a
j The New York Cash .Store is tho sole
1 agent for Hamilton Brown nhoes,
For rent, furnished and housekeeping
' noniw, corner of 5ili and Court sireetH.
A. Y. Marsh will give a turkey and
trap-pigeon shoot on the bench, Nov.
27, 28 and 29ih.
If you want a Ilist clasH ineul, ferved
In the best style, don't fail to call at the
Now York Restaurant (formerly the
Professor Sandvlg, (ho wrll known and 1
popular dancing teacher, will organize '
IiIh class on Wednesday evening at S
o'clock. Last winter Pinf. Sandvlg had '
a largo and successful oliiBs,nud thin mil !
bn good news to those deeiiing to learn.
All should be present at this meeting ae
ll Is essential for beginners to learn the
Ilr6t rudiments and it is expected that a
large class will be,
TI111I Tlirolililng lli'iiilm Iin
Would quickly leave you, If you ii"td
Dr. King's New Life Pilln. Thousands
of suU'erers have proved their inau-hlem
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and tlrong
nerves and build up your health, Easy ,
to tuke. try ihem, Only 2.) coiiIh.
cured, sold by I
Mfinev luek II nut
Blake'ley, the druggist.
Clarke & Fulk, have on sale a full line
of paint and artiet'd briisher.
; -.; ; -
: m ws One thoiisand stylancl sizes.
M tpftrav For cooki riff and heating. 3jB$T m
I IHWie genuine all bear tlio above TralcvAinili ,0 I
I J8np antl are so't' w-" a will ten goaraiitcc. .THir H
I fflBSm Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition l900liS? I
m WKUimamrw ,y pirsl-Class Sluve Merclnnlt eyeiywliorc, cT HB
o utdoouiy by Thu Michigan ritnve Company, u
Jguwnr Largent Makum of Htovua anil Himnoj lu tliu World. oak Stovn