i . , WEDNESDAY NOV, full dinner TA tu Nebraska. Four vears in ore of a pail. We Lave met the enemy autl '.hey ars ours. CASTOR I A 1900 or &nts Children. in Kind You Have Always Bought A Difficult Problem. The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. It is among the most uithcmt pro&-j letns of natural science (or one to became I expert in several lines. J. E. Atlcox A ; Co., by their combination, have over-j! come this difficulty in a practical man-: ner. J. E. Adeox is an expert watch maker and is c.ood on jewelry, optical ' work and engravini:, while Tiieo. il. Liebe is an expert optician and is pood on watch repairing, jewoiry work and . engraving. i heir price is as low as on Yon -rill not have boils if von take s-"ent with po-d workmanship. They i i are prepared to do a:! work :n Ihei .warKevsrasK sure cure mrooii-. 'several line?, on short notice. Work A raotiou is now tu order to make a full line of Eastman 5lni3 and sop- sent by mail or esurpis will receive Bears tho Sigttare or BUSINESS LOCALS. the vote unr.r.tuiou. plies just received by Clarke A Fa!k. Paint yoor house witb paints tbat are , I prompt Watch. attention.- Sign. 'Bis: lied Complete Cipe 3Ich.inley will do business at .ne, Mt cnarantoed to last. Clarke & Fali old stand for the m xt four years. . bave them. """" 1 Wanted A cir! to do genera! houco- The nest issue on the program is worki Good waes wiH pM t0 one the Thanksgiving turkey and how :o thoroughly ccu patent. Apply at "S2 get it. Third street, o30-4t 1 Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior The election of McKtnley is the ; paiiitJ when yon can buy James E. repudiation of Bryan and all his Patton's sun nraof paints for $1.50 per works. Brvan will never he heard P-lirn. guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & , ; calk, agents. ml ut aaiu as a presmea.uu uauuiuaie. ; - .1 i . . . ' I J utarce raiK nave receive. cnuuuu of the celebrated Jame E. Patton i strictly pure liquid paints Acker'? Dyspepsia Tablets are sold cn : a positive guarantee. Cares heart-burn, raising of tbe food, distress after eating, as or any form of dyspepsia. One little beyond the possibility or a resur rection. The demagogy that wey. over the dead beat and the lazv and table: gives immediate relief. 25 els. shiftless and had not a kind word for and 50c:s- Blakeler, tbe druggist, thethriftv rnd energetic has been; At fa ntilbnery partes of ,,",, , , Campbell fe ilson can be fonnd all the rebuked. In the hands of a repab- la;wt .hiRf; in ..rtet hatS trimmid hcan atlminislration coofHenee will , bats, children's school hats, and also be maintained and labor, as well as ' iam-o'-shacters. capital, will receive its just recogni tion nnd regard. 0T at M. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. $i.oo per month. Strictly first rlii? local nn 1 long distune telepliono strvico within your ho.'iio. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You cet tbe standard Hunnlng Lonp Distun. Instrument. Continuous day and nlpbt service. We will accept your contract for ten years and nllow you to cancel same nn pivinp ih thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. TOLD SY FOOTPRINTS. I Tbe largest and most complete line of ' fall and winter miilmery ever displayed rin the city at the Campbell & Wilson i millinerv parlors. The prices will sell ) the mods. sStf CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Just What REGULATOR LINE. You uuant. t t r 2 ? i 6 ' r 4 I DALLES. IWilM) k ASlOiilA KAY. COJimT V.ir' " ot ttifc l:cctiit4ir I4e ri'im- ) thelol 'i w i; ( .;.,... the Ccitapfln- jvrrrtig the ! to chasgt i 5 Tell-Tnle Mind "VVurn li y u Msn In n Part- Senrcliluc fur u 31 u r-dtrpr. i A Thouand lon-ne Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of lI2o Howard St., Phii- adslphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. ia ; King's Xew Discovery for Consumption Geo. C. Blakeley, The Drnggist. "The part played bv footprint the frichtful tragedy near JUIoxi r- j bad completely cured her of a backing minds mer" said a Xew Orleans rail- , coh that for manv vars had made road man, relates the iiine-Dei:io- crat. "of a most remarkable 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE life a burden. All other remedies X 1 1 C h hnnnpnrl n rvrMWl mnn- -.... - 1 - ' n, r:.. ..-: rrx. .. ' r'.' ' sayi of of a little store near the Florida line and she this F.oval Cure "It soon re moved the pain :n my chest and I can was murdered one mailt and the jilaee J nw 81 enP soundly, sometfame I can -et on fire. Several negroes were ; scarcely remember doins before. I feel suspcteeL and the whole coumryirfe Iikt scundin? its praises throughout the turned out to search for evidence. universe." So wi'u everv one who tries la the rear of the'burned store was a j Dr Kinc's New Discover'v iorany trouble marshy place, in which the footprint o :he th-roa chest or pr5ce 5,c iLl ZV'T ? d,"Cer:i J Trial bo-.e free at BlakeleVs ible, saowing- that he had wo-n a , , , , pair of heavy bropans. the rih; het-1 j drn;; store ; every bottle gaaraateed. o oi v.aicn scemec to nave been spar m a very peculiar manner direct ly across the middle. "Among- the searchers was a to-do younjr farmer, and as soon a- K taw the footprints he was horrifiVi' to recoprnhre the aiarks of his ov.i. shoes fhieh he had on at that moment. The split hel was Etilt of a chance blow with Kion in the mahy-soil was absolutely , F. j. Clarke, Manatjer uorked up to 1 iLfcllM j For sprains, swe'.linjs and lameness f there is nolhins: soccud as Chamberlain's ' well- j-Pa'n 2aim. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, tne cirursist. Thacz MAfir.s Jesigns COPYRICH7S it ArjTone cnrt ;as ':e' rt nna dCTcrSruini es n.c .r sic?" cn- r' u Irw; ncr a ioiufnc r -fi-2:-ia.. IIani?b-ot mta!cat !. - less a::c' n - txuzic patents. V !"cu 3 :aien t.t iu.fa Jtunc i Cu. recelTt tibial :Miu, whoui caaryc In tue Scientific Jfitiericait A. hanrt..omofT r :ntratJ I Treailr. Threes: clr-,.- fnurraon'b' St..(l byo!l nowxdeaicr.. MUH&Cq.3c-'-New York li r n. l.v. l'orljnl 7 A. !. M oriel j . U'Ine-fij' tTtduy Arr. (Mile b t5 r. x. Ship yonr Freight via Sir. Dallos City. -J ; ; , i.v Dun. km: a. m. j; Thutrly . . . satunU . Arr. I'urtlanU t r. it. t? is : J Travel by the -teamwK nt the flFCcUsnr Un-. Tb' onii.ti will (nde.ivnr t 4 n!i tin; bcxt v.t ;cc ii!Vi!e F ir nuttier iiilormntiuu udurt l.v. DhIIm nt 7 A. li. , MniKluy VV,lncMluy Regulator Lino. tf'K. 1 mi .Mr. 3i. I r-.n'1!.d,i TuUHll.lr,5 i iutitij i , 1.1U-9 i nt r .,; FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, t Furtla., V. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Airt. 5 Waste W ereiioose Company p. s. a pitch borderir.fr cn irenzv. and. rertlrzlrtf- 's vtrmtv One critical position, the youn-r man had ! Only?. jiresence enoutfii oi m!id to make mk excuse end slip away, tie wenr straight Ltnie. put on another pair cf shoes, hid the oW ones and rejoined the party. "Two or three days later the crim was traced by certain circumstantial evidenee to a nepro who workf-d on his farm. The fellow broke down and confessed and incidentally cleared up the mystery. On she night of the murder, according to his srory, he had noticed the brogan ir the penh of the farmhouse and lippropriatei! thent. intending at the rime to ruereiy rob the store and fty ihe country. After killinp tbe sioreiieejMfr he ehanped bin plane and came home, thinking to divert suspicion by re maining quietly at work. Conse quently he returne'. the shoe where he found them. "After he had made this confes sion the farmer told his own story and produced -the tell-tale footgear. Heaven only knows what might have happened had he been causht with them on his feet the first day of tie frearch." t:; Vogt Opera House. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. !Cor Second Uaoiftlin. Ttone 157 New ideae in U'all Taper here, such wide variety as v-e are showing never be fore cractd a single stork, iieal imita tion creton e'Tecte at ordinary nrineo. ISnrdnaSu or Seed Grain ofaiikinfo. nBASiK for Feed Grain ot riikin d. w. vause, Third st. Headquartei's for Rolled Grain, ai kindf Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s?dMi?LkSS Headquarters fcr 4,Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour SATURDAY, Nov. 10 Whiting & Willis' Comedians ; Presenting the Modern Comedy CiaSiic, Hindoo Hoodoo i FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ; riiAScACTA KKEKALBAinriNGBChl.SEH LetterE of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraph!', r HAS. FRflW- "5 Eutehers and Farmers ..Eehange.. Kr on ilmnshr the ce!cbrn!l COLI-MBIA BEER, icsnn;-edg-J tne best brr in Tbe Vnllvt, a! the uscal vr"1- Come Sn. trj ttnnd lit pocvtncwl. Ano the Fin: brauda of Wines, Li ;aor anil Ctsats. Sanduiiehes of all K'.iid aitraji uu bund. This y'jHT is ,-4nKrftCtljr(.( erj'tess.y far 'amiij use. everv pack i L-uaranteed to e;ve saMsfactlor. st.: pur poods ic ucr thu:: any house in the trade, and if you dou t tliinlio 1 ca.l and set -ur prices and be tj&v.uced. , Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. J. E. SCHENCt, hrcaldent. II. M. BeaII., i Cajihiei By John Fowler, au'hor of vcuh r.-r-Mr..,' v.n- v,,.t n.t in. in Ore2on and WaehiDL'ton. cludinc Geo. Lars'cn. Mattie Lock- ! Collections made at uu pointe on faT- ette and Harry Byere. ! orible terras. I A FIRST-CLASS SHOW Prices 50 and 75c. Tickets can be procured at Claike & Faifc's. J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailorip A complete line of Fall and Winter A Mrance rinil. AVhile a wjuad of workmen were em jiloyed in constructing a larpe dry clock at Cherbourg they made "a Mranfre discovery. For ome time they had u.ed an enormous oak lo? as a fcort of fulcrum in fnovlnir about the granite blocks and one dav this sbe concty court room In Lelle City at h ' ii.tf srifSilenlv hiirr. ,.,. ..,- l i JUce for hcannr of obictIont to asid final ac- jop sutiuenn burr.t open under an ex- ! count end the settlement of the jme. Traorumary pressure. Jo the amaze- I j. w . fbenck, ' Call and esamine Koods before coIol' : & Crowe'. ment of the workmen a .tiff pareh ment fell out, together with a shower of jrold and iler coin. Then.- rr.s a grand run to tecure the prize, but in the end the workmen had to turn oier the find to a wa:ri'rate. It was ascertained that tbe io? had beta orig inally part of a fortification, and that at the time of the laying of the tirnt Mone Louih i'hilippe had placed the document and coin in the Jog. Gold en Day. ric HiPst National Bank. 'f?55f:tilJV"llarl0ne inJS THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Eneinefis transacted Dejiosite received, cabject to Sight Draft or Check. Collectioaa made and proceeds prompth remitted on dav of collection. i Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold cn Xev: York, San Francisco and p0ri. . land. DIKECTOKS. j D. P. Thompbok. Jso. ti. Schisck. En. M. WiLiiAitfl, Geo. A. Lisex. ' H. M. Bcai.i. i TDe ColuniDia PacKmoCo... PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF UAUCFACTCKEES Of Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRA Nd HAMS & BACON j)1KD BEEF. ETC, tiring ipom Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, C'lOthine, B ts and Shoe?, at much let than wholesale prices. ill euil in bulk or in lot?, or fciiy way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must he closed out before 30 days. ! ill be eacriflcad except Th'impion'a Glovt-fitl'iic CorecU ( 'attern?. Your prices will be miue. Call early imJ secure J. P.McINERNY, ! Corner Second and (Vu'tts. ( All coode w i and Butter ick I bargains. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Xutice Is ht-rebr Blvn that the onrferslgned have rilrI with tte fieri; of the ccuntr taiart of the stnteof Orecon for Wsco countv.thelr dial nillnf'H I'ntlns anr! Oi-ercnailni nrur ! uconnta excutor of the last will and teta. r ,, ,A58?tS- . if,. t! ' ment of Heury Baronm. deeeaitd, ana that OB dltplay. 100 differeut varieties to ee . ilondar. tbe 4Ch darof November, lHu. at th lect from. Lour of tOo'cUCk a. ra., has Uen Used by tbe i-oBuiy tonn lor sua county i me nine, arm O ?!. , UK6, tytU di;u up, 1 9 r J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors CommereiaI SampIe Jjooms Purest Liquors for Family Use? )elivered to any part of the Oily. f 173 Second Street. I'honee: 51 Local, S5 Lon? JJi8tr.nce MATT SHOREN,tt im i House General Blacksmith . painting ana (lorsesnoer. SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! The undersigned has taken poeseaalon of K. A. Spivey paint thop, next door to HuitliD2 voauff Kan can make tfiO attr month ni p.n. !..,,. ,s. f in firet-c!aB ahape. Give him a calf. tioa. Experience uucc-cmary. Write quick fo' particaUw. Ciaik & Co., Fourth and Locaat Street!, I'hiladel bpia, Pa, t.tf All kind of blackemithlnjf will receive the Vogt opera boo?, and has pur- prompt attention and will be executed ' c hated the too! and ladders, lie baa Richardson's Old Stand, ! rood mechanics working (or him, and will gswntee all work to give atla.'ao i tion. ONI FO A DNL Third St., near Federal, The I4lle, Or. c Trr t V "eV,urte EiLLS in day u ummui wrariB. Tbc. . j . 1)0 'ou tnow that John Pashek. the tailor, is agent for toof f the lareet merchant tailoring houseo in America? V you know that lie will sell you a euit, madu to your order, M 0 theep ae the hand.it.e.down, ready-made, you buy in the eloree, and A guarantee p. it nr taiuo .. I 'J LUIl . Do you know that ho has olready on band for tbe coining M f ?"uyh 1116 oandsomest and finest line'of eemples ever shown in 1 lie Dalles? JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. J 1