31) Dalles -A VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1900. NO. 382 The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, mid which has been in use for over 30 years, has borno the signature of 0 , and has been made under his pcr- LX-JVffitfrrfT,, somi1 supervision since its infancy. wzryr. '-wctuvi Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-ood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of lni'imts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA CJnstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc iiiit:ims neitlier Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Mihsiunce. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the .Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCHTAUR COMMNV, TT MUMIAT .TMtCT. NEW YORK CtTV. PLURALITY IN MULTNOMAH Portland Cave ,8?o (Jul. McCrakcn lilcctcd Hepresentative 1$)' Over 3,0 Vote Far Under Registra tion. roi: l'KKSIDKNT. MeKiiiliy, rt'( 0,8'j;! ilrjRii, dem .1,-K!1 Woolley, pro -I75 Marker, pop 40 i)i;li!', aou-dem a54 MiiKinley'rj pluralty over Bryan. . .5.45U McKinley's majority over all 4,584 I'OK llUrilKSENTATIV!: McCrakun, ret ' 7,C3i Jffi'ury, dem 4,180 Cox, pro 1)84 immune, cH-dum-uuioti 88(5 Huiih, Hoc-detu !!41 Thompson, soc-labor 235 McOraken's plurality over JellVry.. 3,491) McCritlii'ii'a majority over all 1,053 I'residunt McKinley carriod Mutt noiuah county yesterday by approximate ly 5000 plurality over Bryan, and more than 4000 majority over Bryan, Woolley, iWkdr and Debs. Returns from 7(1 of liie 80 preuincla in the county five him ''lo0 plurality, o( which the city of Port lind contributed 4830. The precincts t tu be heard from are expected to hicnwe tliu plurality to 0500, with votcH to spuro. Colonel John McCraken, the republi can camlidiito for representative to till Ui vacancy caused by the death of A. J Knott, ran 2l00 behind McKinley, i'Ut lie easily dietiinced Jellery, hisdcuio MtIu opponent, und had u hands omo ""'J'xity. IIIh plurality will exceed 3500. tilery did not got tho full Bryan vote Tim vote was euprisiiigly light for a i'rt&lduntiul election and weather that ivh8 Hpilnic-liko. Little interest was "iiuiifetiiuci by eltlier republicans or loni(jcrute, and U was uppaient early In Hie day that the poll would fall far under lll M'ring registration. In Portland tho votu waa ubout 3000 less thaii'the regis Nation, and in tho entire county about 3500 ItBs, Tho total vote of tho county ovur 3000 votes less than tho poll for Signature of preHident in 1890. Comparad with 1S9G, McKinley's vote is 1931 U-sb this year and lirvan's is 2019 lees. Final returtiB will slightlv reduce these ehortitgeB Notwithstanding the republican de crease, McKinley's plurality is ubout 5500 this year, against 5371 in 1E0G. Tho prohibition, regular popnliBt and social democratic vote was comparative ly light. AH told, it will not begin to touch liryan's vote in Multnomah county iu 189(3, which was 0453. Krriurt'd Wheat Aitbiirp. Oukcio.v Citv, Nov. 5. -Tanners have not sown as much fall wheat as usual, for tiio reuson that tho contiuned dry weather did not put the ground in fit condition for plowing, and the recent heavy rains have further iuterferred with the work. Many of tho farmers in the vicinity of Moialla and Liberal are sowing clover on the grain stubble, with a view to enriching the soil by u change of crope. Much of the land in this section has been continuously planted iu grain for many years without summer fallowing or giving tho ground a rest. Clover makes excellent hay, producing two crops a year, and its roote, when plowed under, tend to enrich the sou. CatHrrh Cunuut ll Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Ih a blood or constitutional disease, and Iu order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tuken internally, and acts directly on tho blood und mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of tho best physicians iu this country for yea-s, und is a regular piescription. It is composed of the best touics known, combined with i tho best, blood puriueis, acting uiruuuj on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingrodleuts la what nroducos such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. .!. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Hold by drrnegiftH, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. 12 Wumaii Wi'li u otitfttftiu, Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 0. A shotgun In the hands of a woman ended the career of Ventura I'aco, a Mexican robber, in a sensational manner last night, Mrs. Bona Peterson heard a noise in tho cat tle corral, in tho rear cf the honse. Tak iug u shotgun, she went to Investigate, und saw a man trying to steal a calf. She fired both barrels luto his body, killing lit tu instantly. M'KINLEY IS OUR PRESIDENT SWEEPING REPUBLICAN VICTORY END OF BRYANISM. Mnrrt Elrctnrnl Voted llinn Four Years A(jo-ext emigre Is Safe Itc liubllcans Curry New York by 150,000 Mnjorlty. Klcctonil Vote; I'oiiulnr I'luralltlcft. i Kleetoral vote. l'ojmlnr plurnlltks. fcTATES. ! 7 Alabama ArkniiM.s ...... Ciillforulu Colorado CoiiutPtlcut Delaware HorMii Georgia litntm Illinois I u rj 1 it rj ii Iowa Kiiimii Kentucky Louisiana Maltiu Maryland Massachusetts ... Michigan Minnesota Mississippi ... Missouri Montana Nebraska vrnda New Hampshire New Jersey New Vol U. . . . North Carolina . 11 s 40,000 w.oao 10.WO ,66o 25.000 40,000 2,(O0 21 15 13 10 100,000; iiO.OOO loo.oDO so, 000 1,000 55,000 0 b 15 11 U 12,000; 50,000 100,000 73,000 55,000 H0.000 lt,000 S "l 10 couo: 26,666 50,000 100,000 fcOO :w,oco North Dakota..., Ohio Oregon G.O00 23 4 'ii i 77,000, 11,000, 250,000 1,000 reunsyivania,... Khodc Island . .. South Carolina . , booth Dakota.... lL'ioOu' 45,000 ' s',660 I'cuncssev', 12 15 Texas 175.0TO Utah 5,000, SO, 000 Vermont Vlrelula 20,000 Washington.. .. Went Virginia. Wlseoimin Wyomiug ....... I i; 12 3 5,000: 17,000 105,IX, 4,000 Total I ITJ2 I 15) 1421,00o;G50,S00 Clilneso unit Jii8 May Vote In Couatla. V.vscouvku, 15. C, Nov. C Five thousand Japanese and Chinese who have been naturalized during the pas.t year may vote at the Dominion election iu British Columbia on December 7th. The Consenatives of Vancouver have obtained legal opinious that Japanese are all entitled to vote just as soon bb their naturalization papers are made out. A telegram received from David Mills, Canadian minister of justice, admits the general contention that the Japanese may vote, but suggests that the election returning oflicers iu each case take competent legal advice in their own localities and act upon it. Kditor'tf Awful I'llght, F. M. Higgins, editor Senaca, Ills., News, was afllicted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he triad Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's tho surest pile cure on earth and tho beet ealve in the world. Cure guaran teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Ulakeley, tho druggist. 5 Have Agreed tu Arbitration New Yoiik, Nov. 6. A dispatch to the Herald from Valnaraiso says: Signifi cant announcement is mnde in view of the reported agreement of Avh South American republics to apply arbitration in the settlement of their disputes that Cbilo is about to reduce her navy. Tho government will sell one third-class cruiser to Kcuador and another to Peru and two torpedo boat destroyers to Japan. The fact that one of tho warships will be sold to' I'ery, which is one of Chile'n opponents in tho Taenn-Arioa disputo, gives additional weight to tho declaration that a settlement of the controversy will be effected sooVi. Ohai!Ki' III" I'luii of CaiupalKii. Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 0. Secretary Koot found It'iecfBsary some days ago to is sue ppfclrtllueti notions to Mayor-Uenernl MacArthur, governor-general of the Phil ippines, regarding the conduct of the campaign iu Luzon, says a Washington dispatch to the Herald. These Instruc tions were due to dissatisfaction over the successful operations of the Filipinos. General MacAitliur's policy wat to scatter tho troops over a wide range of territory, carrying out in tide way tho policy' initiated by General Otis. Filipinos ae aembied in sufficiently lare numbers to make vigorous assaults upon American garrisons, who iu some instances suf fered distinct reverses. . Tho war department is understood to havo directed General MacArthur to pre vent further successful operations by collecting his troops In sufficient force to deslioy any bands with which they rjay come in conflict. No important Insur gent operations have occurred for eoiuo days, and it is believed tho execution of the department's instructions Is le sponsible for this. General MacArthur's friends say he is handicapped by the absence of troops in China, but the fourteenth infantsy left Taku on Saturday for Manila. Other regiments will follow and General Mac Arthur will have about 70,000 men with whom to inaugurate a campaign against the insurgents. lleverenit l'.rown 111. New Yokk, Nov. G. The Rev. Dr. John Wesley Brown, the rector of St. Thomas' Prolestant Episcopal church in this city, andoneof the best-known cler gymen in this diocese, is dangerously ill but his family is unwilling to'speak free ly concerning his condition. Dr. Brown's church, whicli is in Fifth avenue, is a very large one, and is noted for the number of its wealthy and fashionable parishioners. Dr. Brown is 63 years old. He was a civil engineer, hut became a Methodist minister in ISOfi, and later joined the Episcopal church. He had a church at Middleton, Del., and went thence to Trinity church, Philadelphia; Christ church, Detroit; Trinity church, Cleve land, O., and St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo, where he stayed for six years and nearly trebled tho income of the cathedral. Many fashionable weddings have taken place at St. Thomas since he has been rector, includied those of Miss Consuelo Vanderbiltand the Dukeof Marlborough ; Miss Pauline Whitney and Almcr'c H. Paget, and Miss Clarke, daughter of Senator W. A. Clark, and Dr. Morris. To Fight Against Agulnaldo, New Yoiik, Nov. fl. A Washincton dispatch to the Herald says that Adju-tant-Jeneral Corbin has received from Judge Taft, president of the Philippine commission, a dispatch forwarding n message from Senor Buencamino, form erly secretary of foreign affairs in Aguin aldo's cabinet. It is understood that Senor Buencamino, besides unreseived ly accepting American sovereignty, sub mits a proposition to organize a force of Filipinos to make war upon t,be,eup porters"oT"hIs former chief. Struyeil. Strayed from my place on the bluff, a 2-year-old Jersey heifer; dehorned; ear mark on both ears; branded bar Z on both hips. Liberal reward paid for her return. ol0-4tw Bkkt Baolev. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't fonzet this. 1 Tho Dalles Street Fair has como and gone, but Tho Fair Storo has como to stay. Wo aro saving the people money on Men's Clothing, Underwear, Hats and Shoos, as woll as Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery. You will find in our Storo lots of bargains. AVo havo tho best lino of up-to-dato Jackets and Capes for Ladios' and Missos', and about ono-third loss in price than other stores. Como and seo us and wo will bo pleased to show you our goods. Wo aro agonts for Miller's All-Wool Clothing. THE FAIR. THOROUGHLY GOOD COTTON COMFORTS Buying Cotton Comforts is risk business. It's mighty easy to get tho cheap-no-account, shoddy-filled apologies for bed-clothing which- soon wears in holes and becomes "bunchy." But we sell the "Snow Flake" ana "Downelme (Jotlon Uonitorls, winch are made by the'largest and best-known manufacturers of this class of goods. Tho filling is put in evenly and smoothly, and so fastened that it will stay that way during the life of the covering. And the coverings! You never saw such a host of unique and attractive patterns in every conceivable color-combination and effect. 'rices ? Well, they're mighty modest. These ex amples will give you an idea of tho line: "SNOW-FLAKE" Covered with fancy figured silkolene and tied with worsted; size 70x75 inches; each $1.65 Same, finer quality cotton and covering; 74x77 inches; each $2.00 and $2.45 "DOWNELINE" Best silkelene covering filled with purest laminated cotton; 72x83 inches; price each $2.95 and $3.45 Don't buy Bed Clothing until you've seen us. A. HI. WILLIAMS & CO. Your Faca Shows the state of your feelings nnd tho state of your health as welT. ' Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and i Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not havo a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing Ibis we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, the druggist. Mokt Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. -5 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. Clarko & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. EB FHIR, The Place to Save Money on all kinds of Merchandies. 133 Second Street, THE. DALLES, OREGON. mm Sheepmen, Atlvntloii! Itucks fur Sale, Having disposed of my breeding ewea today, I havo thirteen thoroughbred Merino bucks for sale. Theeo aro choice, large and in fine condition, and will ba sold cheap rather than keop them over. Inquire at Prospect Itanch, on the Deschutes divide, or of A. S. Roberts, box 507, The Dalles. o'JG-'Jw lluu't Kub It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and tho pain is gone. Sold by Clarko & Falk. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arua & Falk. For rent or sale on easy terms, good house, with bath. Inquire or address thisofllce. ooO-Ilt THE FAIR. I- . . v v