i CALIFORNIA LEMONS. Four Million Dollars Wasted in Growing and Curing. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. T&e Kind Yob Have Always Bongi.1 BUSINESS LOCALS. Bears tha Signature o. 3"hc Principal GrnWffi Ild to Send Kxprrts ti Sinln nnd Itsvly tu L.rnrn the llualccsa Prt.pr rlj. Ladies' winter waists "3 cents to $2 -', at the Sew York Cash Store. , A nice line of ladies' winter waists just received at the Sen York Cash Store. C&styd&UAi Clarke Jk Falk's sure cure for Uii5. ( I A fuli line of Eastman slms and snp- 7 rar ,7; " j piles just received by Clarke A Fik. ; f,n, r" nifi, e tl.n bluff, i Vial your house with paints that are . a '-vctr-oid Jersev heifer: dehorned ;u 1? rimranteec 10 .asi . . t r 1 hnvp t!im . "The ureindlce which existed until ear mar 0:1 un ears ; nramisu Par . B , - - quite it. thi- fi.imf:ii' irr.'v.-n lemon sa retr.-n. Best Baoakv Clarke h Ftdk recently in ThU counutry , SO.n aips against- tne tiomestic invv.n icmon is rem-n. fa--t disappearing and American eon-' ol0-4tw Mtmers of the :i ui; nr.- beginning to! ... n . 1 f appreciate tne Tact taat a n.e lem ons can now he obtained from south- era California n eur came Idedi erraneaa ports, remarked a wh. iesale f mi: merchant in Sew York to a Washington Star writer the other day. "Indeed, a far as ihape. Ue. pungency and good keep ing qualities are concerned the Cali fornia product has within the past four year?- become a dangerous rival of the best Italian and Spanish fruit. The r.nnnal consumption of lemon.- Gne in the United States amounts t - tru . T. 1 SUA link' find 5pain supplied us with 4.70O.OCi) Coses of lemons and 300,000 boxes were grown in California. Last year there were imported from Mediterrant an countries 3,800,000 boxes of lent ins and l.sno.CUO boxe of the fruit came from the Pacidc coast. This year the importation of lemons will be con siderably smaller than ever before and. providing the present high dard of the California fruit is main tained, the growers of the state nil'. in the course of a few .seasons suc ceed in driving- the Mediterranean lemons from our markets, jut as they have driven out the foreign prutie. and raisins. "While lemons hare been grown in southern California for over a htm-, drcd years, the cultivation of lu ; fruit as a commercial industry dates' only from In that year the j first trrove was started on a lartre scale at Iliverside with the intention of prcdncing fruit to compete in the t-atem markets with that imported from Italy and Spain. The zeal for lemon growing soon spread to Po mona valley, to Santa Barbara. Ven tura, Ontario and Pasadena, where the growers, in trying to make the cultivation of the fruit a profitable industry, met with a great many dis couragements anil failures for the first half dozen year?. '"The tree trrew and bore some ex cellent fruit, but while it was found that a shapely, thin-skinned and juicy lemon could be produced on the trees, it was found a dirlicult task to cure the fruit so that it would not only not rot and show blemishes, but would retain its pungency and oiliness of peel, as well as its full acid juiciness, from the picking season in winter until the following summer, when it wa- wanted bv the consumer. Tor Sale, A few choice Hereford Lnil calves ill from rjile for registration. Inquire of r 1 4 dw J. L. Ke:i, The Dalles. Liberal reward paid for her anted A second- hand tire-proot. p ife. Must be iu uood condition and not too litrpe. Apply at the Chronicle office. oSl-tf i Wanted A ?5rl to ia ceiioral house I work Good waes wiil lie p.idtoone I thoroughly compttrnt. Apply at 'Third street. IJetrnlar Saturday Cife. I'ies Cake;, Boston Baked Heari; ( ami Graham Bread, ready eotkea and ; delivered. Phone 204. "-"t I ' Why pay $1.73 per callon fox inferior ' . paints when yon can "buy James E. 1 , Pattou's sun nriof paints for $1.50 per j talk, agents Vogi Opera House, F. J. Clarke, Manager. 2S2 o30 4t cooktnc at Jones i lemon.- 0ne f ITI 1 n H R V Ill oabontNieht flUnUHJ, ilU V- I U , gallon, guaranteed for 5 years w biting & Willis' Comedians ; Clark & : ml , linnet Pimr r-ntnrti-. p."rce!a:n was common in Presentics the Modern Comedy C .issic. Hindoo Hoodoo 3" n Fihx .e"-, Mi'1. o? ' Dak-itc' With tl. rli::T:a': S-w Vrk csst, in c.uding Geo. L-irses, Mattie L'jck ette and Harry Byers. I hir.es Europe for tW yar hffore a lr- I man po-'er succeeded in finciiriff out , the process of makine it. The Chiin se r -pottery : scattered ail over the worM. i and r here valued: but nowhere . wa- ih di-tributlon more curious than tr. western Canada. Early in the cer.'urj a Chinese junk was cas-t sway ' or. he Pacidc coaat of Ameri'-.t j:t ( ! south of Vancouver island, and i? ear- 1 cc of wil'ow-pattrn piaie f!l .r.t ' the hands of the Hudson Boy com- ! j pany's oflicers. Stil! ir. the n motes' I trading posts of the fur traders a j fir.e specimens remain. Cinrinna 1 1:,-quirer. m t, 'i 'A (OS The DoltcB, Or. 1 The Chronicle, Job Printers. :!: I I ! s '?S 11 M i 2 i $3l'Va. ,. , ,- ,fi.i..v.".; ii1i1ui.j.i..-ii-u-i:.ia'iJ:j-i.;i iiJ.wil,.JHIW' - - l-J .L-Uii?i jj"n n lTtui tiniiTi mxirntiirf nxtuJii n noun sin ttttttt x iii ti ' tTTx-t, f 3: 0.R.SR - w 11 r. r a r.t I'd a Tlr. yCHKIiULX, I'kom tui.i.cs Knit suit l.Hkr, Drnvcr, Kt Mntl Worth, Omnii.i. Kim' li 'A . tn. Kits City, st. Uuls, I j AtlKiitlc iShU UVs, Denver, Kt I i:xiircvi Wnrlh. (itnHlin, Rati ' 12-1 n.m., i:u.v, St. ln, Yi llimt-i ClilciiKti mid r.nst. 1 siokiinu 1 Suit mid llxprc!! 8 '2S p. la S iu. VVbIIh Wnlln, Hiifikinn;, Mttiiiciilill. st. I'imi, iMtluth, Mllunukrc, (!!il('KL'l unit KnM, vlti KroUaiiunkililtintitii;. urn; hImiiiU imlntiii WahliliiRtdii niirt Kint urn Urvtrtin. I'! rum rnr.Ti.A.Nr Ocemi Stcai:iRhl!i. Tor Sun I'rrtiiclsco Kvcry I'lve Dv. AtlUtt , Mill t:ft j e ipM Mail , ml tl'tOJ n.:to.ni tp.n. K...-iiuiUj-etili:mtilii Uv. Stcanii'm. f.x ic.,(, ;I"o Akturu anil V.ay sMinrtlay Umdlniri. iv j.. ra. ! Git. ni. ' ViM,txirrTE Kivcr.. t:a)p.B Kx.-9un(t) ti:i,-j;ii tjlty, .NewUrsj. Ei.sunds't , 8a!ew ,V VVay U:id t I d. tn, , Wiu.wrrrr anii Vam 1 rue.Ttntr. iiill i:ivmi. nnil U iOre?iin Ctty. liaytnr.. I I and Way-Uimllni!. rtntiy .1 itt n. m. 6KAKK ItlVKll. Kipnrlu to !.uwi:im. n.S! n. m. Mn.,VM and I rt. I.X.VTI I.IWIHCHI dill; !-.au.ra AlLTX ! At A: JL I AT3 CrA.-TAtAIA1Ali.lA A FIRST-GLASS SHOW;- L. Lane, Prices 50 and 75c. Tickets can 1 i be procured at Uintke S. Falk'r. 4 GESKK.VL S0T1CE F0K PUBLICATI0S. La-i Crncr. luz Ixllz-. Or.Eno.s-,. Ooioter'.. l'.ti. 1 Notice Is bcrebv giveti tbat the fulluurm? named settler ba filed notice of her iuteuuon to maie fical proof In supirfir: of her cli:n, and that iald prtxjf will br! innde before the Ktsi-ter aud Receiver at The Dalles. Oregon, on Wednes day, December, S, 1J. v.l llattie I.. ltiinU)-, of The Dallef, flreson. H. E. Xr, 55i;, for the w Sec n, ft 32 t. W. 31. che names taefollnmiiz winu-ise? to prove her continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud, viz: Frank 1-apier. of The Dalles, Otes.in, Albert (j. JleKamer, of Jit. H'kxJ. Oretrnu, Henry C Jlc. Kamey nd Eric i.taiiimid, of The Dalles. Or OC127 JAY V. Ll AS, Register. SOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. 1 GMSitlt .AND. Horsesnoer Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mc-rn, Piione 159 I i j 1 C. J. STUBMfJG, w i. : l s 1 . i trii, Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Sexl door to A. !. Williams k Co. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. ..t:Vi fj-riTaT-.T-iiri vJ.'r I T v.i v-T..r . T.. t . r . t t . r.. T. t r : r i r i T . t , t,. t i t.itj7 tXf fur ie ii'lrttiR to bo t iirppntr or le.'ilK i n i:iluiiililu -(nillii:rii via Itlzss, tiimU Hike No. lcul'lus 'I he Dalle at 1.' ID p. n. i.ii.klr.K illrert ciiiincrtioiM at Ilfjijuifr Juuctlcn nu t I'-Iruii Ik'turiiliiR aniiiliic direct I'nniiecucn at !!i-piierJuiiotlOtl and ItlKKi- Hn Jio. 1. ! ut The Dalle hi lv:an p in. I'nr full tmttJtmlMii itil; (. A. N. (V ncciit The Wile, or wM u H. i;ri!I.HI UT, ( I'uk ,if , I'tirtlttid.Or SOUTH and EAST via Soumera Pacific Gb. Shasta Route Traliik leave The Dalles fur l'ur'.iaud and mj l htrtUuui at l .i a. in. aud Z p, in. Land Office at VaN'-oiter. V.'nh. t Oetulwr 1K0. i -The art of curing lemons was only I re" rf,nh", K ZX .V proiieriv learnuu uv tli i tthfornians ( tnmafce nniii jiroof in support ; his clai.n, hiiU . f i in 1-iiT, when the principal lemon p-rowtr clubbed together and sent experts over to Italy and Spain to learn the business, and now they are producing- excellent' results. To make ilie lemons sour they are picked be fore they begin to turn yellow. The fruit is then put in a curing houhe, v. here it is kept at n temperature of about 50 degrees for some - days, which 'sweats out' all the sugar. It is then removed to another temper ature for 00 days more before it is .11 f" TZ Cf-iWoier bv, r a. corntni'-ilODer fur the District of Misn1t1310Ti, at doiaenuaie. i-!B..i'3 0iuim; , Dcearbcr 10, luio, vi : Georse 1:. St. I.8-r-cci , of Lvte 1'. O., Vah.. ho made II. E. Jio. lO.CftV, for the WU aE't and E' . ctt -e: Zi. Tp a X, B J2 E. W. M. He iinies the foUoA'inr witnesse to prove bh ' ontiiiuou- residence upon and cui:ivatio:i of aid land. vU. . Thoma? J. W nitconib. G-oise orenm, ' uo. Ilrodford aud William Ijjatoii, al! of. I.j le I". O . j f asntuuin. .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Itjiif. sh-i-.s. Hat ' aju S'.'ior for W . L D.ius a shoe W. It. DCXBAK ltsri-ter ADMISISTRATOP.'S SOTiCE. . ; i i.,....v ...... . i . ... .1 ...... . . l t , . . , , , . , t ,iu, w ib uuir iiini iiic ui'Ui .anru - .....,. . v. .,... i uai beeu uui apjMiiniea uy me eiuni. inirt est degree of acid ami the larcrest de- the Mate of Oregon, for ttajcot.-.uni:-, adm;ni- , ... , , . , , . trator of the tstute of Kllzabeth A soutn'-n. jrree 01 juice is oouiineu. one 01 tne i dttMi. An pon. havlne claim-. saii:it curious effects of this 'sweating proc- tue estate of f aid decerfed are her-o tiotifl-.d i, .,i., m... J .1,- ! to pru'nt th3 same. ith the pr-.r out-hers skin. It originally grows thick and tough, but the aeid seems to eat ir up. Bough estimates, put the capital invested in California in growing and curing lemons with all the appurten ances at $4,5(10,(100. 'The person whose knowledge of lemons is limited to an occasional pur chase of a dozen will lie surprised to learn that there are 17 distinct va rieties grown in California and Flor ida. These differ in size, shape, qual ity and skin and iu keeping qualities.' But there are only four vurieties that have any popularity in California and in eastern inurke(. These are the Eureka, Lisbon, Villa France and Bon nie Brae." !' .. ii leiepanr.r -v 5 III --ecoiid a. r j The Dallss, Or, rw mk 1 rit. Ut.Lt.bKA 1 tJJ $ .. .GOliUfllBm BREWERY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Leave I'ortland Allmiiy Arrlve Ashland sacramento ' hnn Kranuhco . Kiainns 7;C0.m .U'HOan. iu jo p ra IJ-:tt a li: 1) :ora SUOpin I.KaDi . 7.1 p in it Uio Arrive Ocdmi " Denver " KntiHun t;ity " Chicago . . 6 I'nn 11 l''n , UiOCa m :! ra 7 VJb a la " i" ra T-.liam It .Warn Oi the product of t'.is well-known brewery tlie United States IIuaHli Ueports fur June 2v 1900, Hay?: "A more eupeiior brew never enteied ll.e irtbrat'iry of the United htntes Health reports. It ib absi;lute!y devoid 'f the sliKtefct trace of adulteration, but on th othbr hand i." cO'Lpofed of th- btvt df ma't and ch'ic;st of hops. Its tonic qualities arc of the high eat and it citi be uai-d with tlie greatest benelit und saticfaclion tiy old and young. lis u-e can conscientiously be prescribed by the phyticiiin- with the cersaintv that a better, purer or more w holeaoiiie beverage cuu id not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 4 $ 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I Arrhc Ja AueitlT.. . l"J0pm " El Piimi C:C1) P in " Kurt Worth n ' urn I " City of Mexico ,. !:.V a iu liuunton i;wn i Xew Orleans fi-.'.". a ii. " WuHhlllKton fit.'" in New York UMpm 7 ,() 0 El r, no pm III El f ! h ra t w ii r.i i .'ipm i Unra U U I'd r Axle J Grease -1 I helps the team. Saves wear miu B R tspcttsc. bold everywhere, STANDARD OIL CO. jHN Suutlirrn Ca!lfiirnt, to Sonthern Oalifurnia and Arizona Kenewed acquaintance with this section will over deve'op freah points of interest added sources of enjtymunt, under its eunny skies, in the variety of its indus tries, in it- prolific vegetation and among its numberless reports of mountain, shore, valley and plain. j deceaMd. SOTICE FOIi PUBLICATION'. I.;:rj Office at The Dau.k, Oi!;... :ept, 1L.0. s Vnixl.tn nm-inu tht fileiai-rns nfTunloil -"ce l hereby given that the following Otaliie among trie pleasures auorueu , namMl 6euiBr im, notice of IiIh intention by the Shasta Iiiuto is the winter trip i tion to jnake final proof in juiirt of ids ' n .. , ' eltlrn, and tnat said proof will Un made be- lore ;ne reBUier nnn teeeiver at i ne iiaii1.-, Oregonop fcaturday, November lu, I'Jf), vie. ChIiIii J. Ilunaklli, of Mauler, Or., II. E. No, itj;. for the &E or, Sec at. T -1 X. R i E, V. M. He names tae hjlloivlnjrv.-ltucai.' to prove continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said laud viz: ilichael Doyle, It. K. Doyle, The Dalles, Or., Jumo 31. llromi ut.d i nrl J. E. Cnilson, cf tier, Or. JAY I. LUCAS, jv r.e met therefor, to ine ut my ottce in II id. Oreifox.. wltctti st: mmitn? iron: trie date nereot. , Dated aeptember .'1. VXD. , C. H. SOfTIIEItN ie a .du..iiltrator I sotice finv.lStle'ksTT" I Notice i. heteby given th it i' t undersigned ' ha duly tiled v.ith the I oup'j fieri of bsti County, Oregon, hl h.ial uccuuut niid report as . udmlnhtralor of the estate of Adaipi Asidius. I defeated, ai,d tbat the Honorable loutity ( nrl hai- fixed Jlondaj.tbeSth day of November, 1!0. ( at 10 o'clock a m. of said day as the time, and the County Court room of the i our.ty court liouic iu Dalles city, Wasco County. Orejron, its the place for hearing uld final nceouut and re-1 port. Alt wsons interested tn said estate arc ' hereby notified to appear at mid time and place j aiid show cause, il any there be, v.-ny sn;d report ! should not bi approved and said administrator. dl.ChO'SflKi. I ! Dated this ith day of October, VM. J. I- ACIDirs, 1 Adrait.htrator of the estate of Adolph Agldiu.. NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTLEMKN'T. - , Notife Is hereby given that the nndcriisiiHl i hai duly tiled with the comity clerk of Wux.o ' count'-, Oregon, his Mia: account nnd rcjort as . I executor of the estate of t'hiwbc J. Ifaight.de- ccaMi , and that the honorable county court has , fixed Monday, the ,itli (lay of November, WA), at , lu o clocic a. in. of said day us Hie tine, and the i-ounty court room in the county cou. t houso in , Dalle City, Wusco county, Oregon, s the place ' for heurlng said final uecount and re-i.t. All Krsona interested In said estate arc here- ; by notified toapjiear 'at said time and place and ' show cause, if any there be, why said rejKirt ' should nut be approved and said executor ills-1 charged. Dated this '."Jtil day of sertember. lw"0. ! FHANK MENEFKE, ' Execulor of the estate of Phoebe J. ilalght, I deceased. oc US . DEAI.EB.s IS .All kinds of r Funeral Supplies Grandall&Barget UNDERTAKE I. fp EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. 1 fabes, BuriaSh Etc. The two daih .Shasta trains from J PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. i I.AJ.7J OlUCE AT THE DAIXKS. Ol... October, l'.oo, 1 Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has tiled notice ol Ms Intention I Portland to California have been re- j NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. tenuj equipped witn tne most approveu i yutIce Is hereby given tbat the undersigned lo make lltial nrr-i( in siipimrt of his claim, und ment of Henry Itanium, deccuaed, and that continue in effect. Illustrated cuides to the winter resorts of California and Ariziu may be Lad cn applicition to C. II. Makkham, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. before the register on vutlnei - . -i .u,ii.v 19 sicivu hto .ui.. tiiv uiui-iaiKiu.-u l iu final lid!" 111 m l i li.ll , if I II pattern of standard and tourist sleeping have filed with tlx- (Jlerk of the oouulr ejiurt of I that tald pnof will le made before r . , . . , , ... .' the Stateof Oregon for Wasco countv.thelr final und receiver at The Dalles, Otegoii, cars, Lut the Joa rates of uru will still aciouat as executors of the last will and testa- day. December 3, !'.), viz.: .x-eu.eu, aim inaii Uury V. fllcKamer. Sen flirt 'by he Too DMles (m?o... H-,E. No, 31(9, for the v as the time and i- i eec. '.'1, 1 - N, K 1." I., A 31. ialles City as the Uv ,lnrnt tne following wltncssc-s to prove Jlondar, the lib day of November. lOOo, it the I nour oi i jOo'cIocka. m., b Countr Court for said county , I. , . ....11 . , r,r.m I lkdllo fllfv place for heurlng of objections to said final oc-1 ''js continuous residence ujrfiu and cultivation Lount end the settlement of th J. W. FRENCH, F. V, 3IAYH. sej.n Executors. of ald land, viz.: Flank lipler, Juine I'.. Steele. Eric GrHultiliil, Albert Davidson, all of The Dalles, Oregon, octifT JAY 1. Ll'CAS, heglster. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. I'ut'.imn und Tourist ours on bui.'i traliu. I'halr ettrs Keriimuuto to Ogdi-n "' J f' 1 and tourist cars to Chicago, St liiiis, New yi-k-uus mid Washington. Connecting at Hun Fmnclsi"' i.sii e.v.cr1 steamship lines for Honolulu. .lapa.! thin, I'hllipplnes, Central nnd south Amenm. Sec ugcut at The Dalles btalloil. or adclrtss C. H. MARKHAM, Oeuetal Passenger Agent, I ..rtlaml.Or Nortbem Paci Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAP. liOf'lE FliOM !'0r.TI..VSu TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIKECT LINE TO THE VrM.0"'- HI ONE I'AKK utvi:, No. 'i. ! Union Depot, nriband I sis abv. No. 5,MI'.M. No. a. Fast mull for Taconia, Seattle, OI.vmphi,li'iiys i llartior una houiii nenu points, bpokaue, Ko-'s-'land, Ii. C I'ullman. 3tuM'uw, U-wlston, Hill n-n a m (iii.iiiiniiMiiiiifiii.'couti try, Helena, JIliiuciipo lis, Kt. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City. fet. Umls, Chlciigu and all points l'UKCt Sound Express M 11:00 P.M. for Tacomii and heattle .,WA. ( and Intermediate points Pullman llrst class und tourlit l''!',., .VltuieniKills.Kt. Paul and Missouri river pom" without chauue. ...tiniis Vustlbuled truliiH. Uulon depot connection' In all principal cities. , ,,tl, liaggaKf ohM-.kI tn destlnat on of V"-."'tter. , Tor handsomely llliistiuted dcscrlptlvt ; """j; tickets, sleepliig cur reservatloiu, etd call u write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. soiiKlteet.coruerlhlid, Portland Ortt.""- Jjlt. It, K. 8M1T11, Osteopath. ISooms 10 und 11, Chapman Ulock, The J"p Oregon. '