EASTERN OREGON'S KNIT UNDERWEAR Various Weights. WOMEN'S, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S all wool, or silk and wool, or silk and cotton. 'IhN Tuderwear Department has all the many grilles and styles, and none but thoroughly de pendable goods. A visit to the store will surely Ik l.i'lpful to you. Examine our Fleocv (Jarment at SO ease & All goods marked in fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tl I'.-I)AY NOV. 0. HMO Oysters S9rvod in any stylo... At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Tl! ere will be at least ono "wearv Wil iu " in the I'uited States'toinonow. l or rent, furnished and Housekeeping , r lias, corner or nth and Court streets. A. Y. Marsh will give a turkey and 'nip.pigcon shoot on the beach, Nov. a UUKey and "v,2s niiJU'Jih. L M. fhintington has been confined t) Inn ii'jint) for the past week, and hi I'Jiidition is worse today than previous! reported if you want a llrst-elans meal, served 1 in the best style, don't fail to call at the j man village, where a Dutch lunch will New York Restaurant (formerly the i be served ; an Indian village with its ac (' urendon'. j companiments ; a circus filled with wild Rev, and Mis. U. F. Hawk have moved ! minimis and Irenes will ho among the ni'o the new residence just erected by I''. H. Wakefield on the lot just back of t ic Methodist church. Lieetinu returns will be recoived direct fr mi the Western Union ollico tonigl.t l alt&Co.'s paloon, and continue to lie received until the result is determined. 1 nnorrow the Construction Com imov'it steamer, Blllingp, which was wrecked Home months since on tho upper river, will bo disposed of at HherilPe sale. Ttie assault and battery case againat Tun Itiittain, which came up for hear i"g in Justice lirownlilll'e court yester day, was continued until 10 o'clock to iiionow morning. Wo learn today that James Lane, the expressman who recently putchased the tmHlnesH conducted by R. li. Hood, Jr., is very da ugerounly ill nt his home just "cross Mill creek nildge. An extreme pressure of dental work lino made it necessary for Dr. H. A. s urdevaut to secure nsniBtniice in his "dice, and yesterday nt noon Ir. A. M. Aiiraiiis arrived from Portlrtiid and no wpt'id n pobitlon with him. A reprenontatlvo of l'ovoy Bros., of ''ortland, wan in tho city yesterday, nnd we underntund tho ludies of tho Kplsco I'idiau church placed un order wi'li Imn for souio very pretty wlndoWH for tlie now addition to their church. The body of Al Nush, ono of the men i lio were killed hern Sunday morning ' fi tho railroad, was shipped that night io a ilt'in, IiIb former home, accomjiauli'd, 'y bis wife, who reached here nt noon Sunday, The remains of McVey were "liippod to his parents In Oakland, Cal., It night. The children had their Innings at the ! to; and pony show last n'ght ot the Ck't,and it goos ithout saying that What weigh I do .you rcfjiiiro for com fort during Uio cold woatlior? Must you have the lliidk, soft and Hooey kind or are the lighter, thin ner, yet still warm grades preferred c Mays. plain figure. ; tho dumb brutes played to an apprecia , tive audience, and a large one too. The. ''children ot an older growth" iiIbo were greatly entertained by tho wondeiful I antics of the clever little actors. Hudson & Rrownhiil hnvo a number I of splendid bargains in real estate which 1 they would kindly toll you about if busi I neas was not bo rushinu; hut the amount of extra work caused by t lie registration ' l.eadquarloiu being located at their office I has precluded all opportunity for adver tising. Call and find out for yourself. l The preliminary hearing of John Wil I eon, who was arretted in Portland Sun , day charged with the robbery of John- I Hton'd store a few weeks since, and 1 1. 1. 1 i.n ii.iu ..:.- 1... 1:1. ...,(! i.'.ji.. .,.,,.,! n,iH ,;in,in,!ov!r,,l; tomorrow was set for the hour of trial. Attornev Sum K'rirt; will nmirar for Mm defense, and District Attorney Menefee for the state. The Women of Woodcraft will give a ''street fair and carnival'' at Fraternity Hall on Friday evening, Nov. 9th. The Old Curiosity Shop, with Little Nell and her grandfather in attendance ; n Ger attractions at the carnival. Admission, 10 centB. Certainly tho nrtlet who designs the Youths' Companion calendars leached tho zenith of his artistic ability when ho designed tlie 19J1 calendar, which we received yesterday. Each year lias excelled the other in tho beauty of design and 1101 lias capped the climax and strewn our months with roses, the fairest one of which i tho Puritan rose which adorns tho upper part of tho calendar. It is a fit ornament for any parlor in the land. Judge Williams was last of the politi cal speakers at The Dalles, but by no means least, for, as was expected, he yavo one of the most convincing ad dresses last night at the Raldwiu a Dalle.'! audience has ever listened to. Tho judge doos not soar into tho heav ens and draw hii conclusions from the ""Wiirs, but confines himself to the logical nrtrl 1 . . .1 : I 1 ....ll.t.. side of the question and keeps within the understanding of the most unlearned ....... I I. ...... I... .. ....... 1. r his party and the principles he lands for. His audience was large and most attentive, and no doubt tho influ ence of his speech will be far reaching. Tim breathless utillnesfl of the day seems to be in keeping with the import ance of the verdict which is to bo re corded later 011 in the midnight watches. Even the heavens seem to bo preparing t0 Weop with tho Dmn. the losing 8ld, or f leu to give 'em thunder. Tut ro may have been a hot tune in New yorU toduy, but it wasn't evon warm hore. iSuvo for tho presence of knots of men 011 the street corners and about tho polling places, one would never have imagined It was election day. Voting has bben going on steadily, however, and from the number recorded at noon it is evident 110 cltl.en Intends to slight GREATEST PICTURE TO YOURSELF A PERFECT SUIT.... Ono tlmt In every way meets vour idea of what is correct; then call and see our exhibition of now Fall styles. It's a "sure thins;" that you'll find just the stvle vou want. If yon aro looking for a neat, nice, fashionable and inexpensive Suit of STRICTLY ALL WOOL, nee our line at SIO. It's bound to pivo you satisfaction ; because, in the start, it's mndouf good material; it's well put together; good sewing, pood liniiise, and cut to lit, in the very latest etyle sack coat. Our $10.00 Overcoat of strictly nil wool, in blue, black and oxford irray, cut in long bo:: etvle with velvet collar, nicely lined and well made through out. Special m-$i.5o special It you want a thoroughbred hat the top-notch of hat ex cellenceyou must Lny one of these. We show them in all tho latest colors, nnd we guarantee them equal to any $2.00 hat sold in Oregon. hie privilege as an American citizen. At different places throughout the city returns will be received tluriij the nmht, and many patiiotic citizens expect to Keep viiil until the result is assured. Those of our people who eniov the , . r , ,, , best of n.us.c and thoroughly appreciate wie uesi woi k iiv uie oesi nrusis win by tho best artists remember with pleasure the visit of Mr. I Elmoie Ricv, the violinist, to our city! about a year ago, when a teciUl was 1 fit.iir!ti tin IT nf l linll ? r l?,rtf lot b. . ... ... ...v. . . ....... again in The Dallea making arrange-1 moots !o cive a recital on the 2nd of January, when he will be accompanied by a talented pianist. Tlie Methodist church has lieen secured for the occa- eion. and those who have placed their names on the list of patrons, as well as others who will lo given an opportunity to do fo, may look foi ward to a genuine treat in tiie musical line. The festive sturgeon, which in other y-ars was so numerous in The Dalles, seems to have hud his day and stepped dovMi and "in" lor a few years. Al- though the season opened'on the first of the month, few have been seen in tho market computed with tho surplus we were wont to have. The sturgeon in the Columbia were ptactically extermi nated several years go, and after they wore all gmie a lny was passed for their protection. Under this protection a new generation 's glowing up, but they have not attained a very large growth yet. It will probably be quite a number of years before any very laige ones will be caught, a's it must take some time for a Btursreon to attuln a length of 10 to 12 feet, which was not an uncommon size for them. It seems to be the proper caper now adays in Tne Dalleo to bo ready at all times to shaii) w ilh your neighbors and others who may demand it, all your goods, chattels, etc., and your objection to such a pioeediiio is not considered. The latest theft reported is that of a trunk, which was stolen last night from the depot. Mis. J. C. Meins had. sent tho trunk of little Miss Golden to the depjt by an expressman betweeii 7 and 7 :.')0 o'clock, and when eho arrived later to check it, the trunk was minus. A number of loafers nbout tho depot had been noticed by tlie expressman as lie deposited the trunk there, and It Is susplctoued they had a hand in its dis appearance, f-earcn was at once insti tuted and later the missing trunk was found in the lumber yard back of Peters' sawmill, 'fhi1 contents had been ruin aged, but evidently tho thieves had no use for the personal effects of a child, and so far as could bu ascertained noth ing had been taken. When you cannot sleep for coughing, it is hardly necessary that any one should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make sleep possible. Jt is good. Try it. For sale by Hlakeley, tlie druggist. A very stylish ladles' waist, made of French flannel and nicely trimmed, In the latest colors, only $2. 23 at the New York Cash Store. DEPARTMENT The 3 Things Most important in Shoes are 1st. A perfect fit that moans comfort. 2d. Style and graceful design that means beauty. 3d. First-class material and construction that means service. Queen Quality Shoes for W omen Furnish absolute oa?c, fashionable elegance and splendid service. No matter for what purpose a woman desires shoes, she will find her wants supplied in the Queen Qual ity line. Many' styles to select from. Pease All goods marked in plain figures. Claims Allow ett. The following claims against tho city 1 ;vere allowed at the meeting Salurdav night: j T J Driver, marshal's salary . . . I Geo Drown, c-uyineer'a BalaVy . . 1 Jas Like, watchman's salarv . . , c j Crnnda1) treagnrer.8 g!,,nry. i-7f, 00 75 00 50 00 120 00 50 on. Ned Gates, recorder's salary W Galbreth, labor 44 00 Chas Payette, hauling 30 00 W 11 Brown, labor IS 00 K Marrmis. dn (! 00 t t it 1 1 i nn j ji uruwn, Ull II V'U j A C Neitrel, do 21 00 i r. "a -i ug --o u-j Webber?' o 1 johu Jack'son, extra police j fin 0 00 14 00 ! 14 00' 10 00 ; S 00, 8 oo! 2 00 ? 0'J Paul Paulsen, i f.p Qn'.lu"yi do do do Win Galbreth Louis Fritz do do Chas Champliu Geo Heckett, aoor W II Atkinson, do 10 00 13 00 4 03 G George do Geo Dorris do A T Dodge do L S Robbins do 4 00 . 4 00 I T J Driver, meals : 7 (i) Regulator Line, freight 25 Seufert-Condnn Tel Co, rent for j alarm system 2 50 D W Vutise, mdso 1 10 Chronicle Pub Co. printing 8 00 S M Atkins, storing wood 4 00 A G Long, battery zincs 14 40 W A Johnston, tudse 13 85 Ned Gates, money advanced 5 00 J Julian, sawing wood 4 00 Jas Rlakeney, 8 cords wood 41 00 Ti-eiKUi'i'i-'ri ICt'iiojl, Oct. -Jill. Ial caoli, general fund !fi'J70 51 Receipts of month 3101 24 JiTotal ij-5170 75 CO.STllA flillDl'l'. Oct. 5, warrants issued if 4I.0 05 Oct. 18, interest on bonds 1110 00 Total Balance cash Nov. $10 JO 05 . yoiio 70 let. All May .loin In tin Chorus. The following parody on a familiar air may be claimed by the silvcrites, lint tl.ero's not a republican in the land who has any objection to pining iu tho re ft aln : IIinv ilcnr to our heart Is the uM Mlver dollar, When hoinegnoit fiiomt jncMMits It to low. Thy liberty heart without uuekttu nr collar Aiul other ktrniiKu things that to its m-ciii mi now : Tho wiite-Mircnillng 'iijle, tho nnow below it, The ctitr.s ami the won!. uilh ttiunlraugo things thoy tell. Tlio colli n! iiiV father! Wo'ie Khul that wo l.uow it, 'or Mime time or other it will ooiao in rlnht well, The tpieail -canto dollar, the Mur-t.uuif;lol dol lar, Thy old Kltver dollar that wo till love mi well, AdvHiittigi' n Hi 11 1'i uit Dryer. Tlie Walla Walla Union has tl o f.! lowing to say iu favor of fruit drytrs, which Dalles piople would do well to consider: "The output of the fruit dryer of the Walla Walla valley this season has been enormous. Almost two million pounds of dried fruits, consisting in the most purt of pi lined and apples, huvo been placed upon the market which other wise would have been left to rot by the fanners and fruit growers. "W. J). Smith, who operated one of the lurgest drteru in the city, closed STORE. $3.00. down last week, said : 'The dryers have been a great help to the fruit grower, as we have saved them thousands of dol lars which would have undoubtedly been lost had not the dryers been put in op eration. The nnrket for tho most of this fruit 13 in the larger eastern cities, ChitMgo, Philadelphia and New Yoik, although the eider and jellies find a ready sale on thia coast.' "This is only an infant industry on this coast, and the great saving already made will undoubtedly be increased sev eial fold in tlie next few vears." '(hat Tlirnhblnjr Ilciulaclio Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sulferetH have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Rlake'ley, the druggist. 5 Notice. Having rented the Baldwin opeta house to A. Saudvig. Al! persons desii ing to tent the sarno will apply to or ad dress A. Saudvig, P. O., Box 530. The Dalle?. E. II. Mkiuiiu,, Administrator.!. C. Bildwin, Estate. Acker's Englien Remedy will etopn coiijrh at any time, and will cure the w jrst old in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 etc. and 60 cte. Blakclcy t le diu!'inis. One thousand &U9 nir tuoKintr Sleet Range m Worlds fTho genuine all bear AlUM.JoJ Cl.nl l),Iv aim aro Bum wilii fiwaiuou niai nut) OVER ALL. I Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere, lladoDidy Ijy The Michigan Stove Conmanv. lurntrt Larxeat Maltiira of Stovua 7MIERj& SOLE I'KOI'MC COM 1 NO ANI OOI.VO, Robt. Jones was n visitor In tho city Irotn Grass Valley yesterday. Geo. T. Prather, of Hood Iliver, wna transacting businees in tho city yester day. Mies Rose Perry wns n passenger on this morning's boat for her home at White Salmon. Messrs G. T. Pair and Ed Sharp left on tho noon train today on a businesa trip to Sherman county. Mrs, M. li. Ilnxter, an enthusiastic advocate of tho rescue home work ar rived here from Portland tuday. Mls.1 I'atiencn flormnr. ivlin ll 11 a oftr.n!- tlln hflHt flllV Wl'l'lia with i-l.till luuu in I I... city, returned toiler home Independence today. t Hon. E. L. Smith, who wa9 in tho city to attend tho political speaking last night, returned to his Hood River Home, on the boat this morning. Mib. L. E. Crowe and her cousin, Miss McCartney, of Chicago, are visiting Air. anil Mrs. Robt. Mays at Antelope ami will return homo tomorrow. J. P. Lucas returned on tho noon train today from Raker City, accompanied by his mother, who attended the funeral of Mrs. Lucas at that place. Mrs. (J race Gordon, who has been rt cnest of the family of her brother, Ed Sharp, for a short time, icturned to her homo in Portland yesterday. Mrs. C. W. Nottingham, who has spent a few days with her daughter, Mies Ethel, and eon, Irving, returned to her home in Portland on ttie noon train to day. Hugh Gourlay returned home on the noon train today, having delivered his republican message at (loldendale lust night. He will resume his duties 011 Tub Ciihoxici.u tomorrow. Chares L. Campbell, ono of The Dalles boys, who is a credit to any community, haa returned to Eugene to agaiu take up bis studies at the university. Charles has chosen civil engineering as his spacialty. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ico cream nnd oyster parlors in Carey Bal lard's old stand. She carries ! A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. Tho place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of the unblic patron age is solicited. Opor. til! 12:00 P. M. TURKEY SHOOT A Y. MARSH will give a turkey shnot on tlie beach Three Days Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th There will also bo pigeon Iran Bpooting at the sanio time and place. General Mill Work Hansen & Thomsen Miimifneturirs ami Dcnlois in Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring, Pino Lumber, Mouldings, Etc. BEE HIVES AND FRUIT BOXES 0( All Kiwis. Third Street. Tho Dalles, Oregon. styles and sizes. A&&, anti neaunu,, yk Cait Ranges the above TraioAlark -W'i 11 wiiliuii uuaruiiitrc. .!. rwnnntil.... (titt 'GM. rcina tiuoiuuii nuu lit WUKUU. f und lianueu Iu tho World. OA Stove. BENTON. HCENTS.