j tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. A Difficult Problem. . tu. ft-ii run.. fu:i Plves immec 1UC UOIiy vmnmitilG. , RmJ 50 c:s. Blakeley, the drnggist. A .he p0Dniar miihnerv parlors of , It is among the most difficult prob-. TUESDAY .... SOW 6, 1900 o,mnlM, i ,, w fnnm, th lems of natural ec.once for one tocome . w r-.- - - - eitH.'rt in several lines. J. .-ucox v io you :e"m ember? IPI lli:nr III ;rPtC IlttlS. irir.lILlffU n., hr tlm r nnm I nnt nn hivu MVBt. hats, children's school lists, and also . come this difficulty in a practical man- " tam-o'-sbaster. ner ' -''C05 ,a Rn expert watch - few vcar 0"O during the hard' . ... , , maker and is good on jewelry, optical - low car. aro u ru we nam For eptaJn8 We.lings and lameness work am engraving, while Theo. H. , times brought on by democratic ) Nereis nothing sogood as Chamberlain's t Liebe is cn expert optician and is good policies there was a commonweal ' Pain B&lra. Try it. For sale bv Blake- on watch repairinc, jsweiry work and 1 . , . . encraving. Their price 13 as low as con- armv marching across the L nited ley. ? arncgis.. sistent with gemd workmanship. They State to the national capital to ap-. Hustling yoang man can make t?0 per are prepared to do nil work in thei' . . ' . . " mn.v, r.,! prnm. Trmnnpnt nnai. seven! lines, oa short notice. ork pear oeiore concress ana uemami . . sent by that labor be provided for the work- onicfc tor particulars. uiaiK iV uo. ingroen of America. Do you remem-. Fourth and Locust Streets, Phiiadel of these men had , hpia. P, 5 tf prompt Watch." mail or express will receive attention. Sign. "Big P.od Tho largest and most complete line of 108 & GI0W6 dot that.- Jlany of these men families in this stale an-1 they were compelled to CO east in the hope of1 fall and winter mill'.uery ever displayed ... in the citv at the Campbell & Wilson securing the opportunity to cam a mi:,jnerj. p3r;jrs. The prices wl,l sell few crusts of bread, and while they the gnods. sStf were away their families were left to . , . , the tender mercies of the free soup houses and the organized charity societies. Do yon remember that? These men marched and stole rides on the railroads and fought the deputy marshal; the democratic marshal, too, by the way :n their determined effort to convince the democratic president that the people were starvtng and were unable to get work. Do you remember th.U: The man who was at the head of that commonweal army was named Coxey. Do you remember htm Have you beard of him commanding commonweal armies across the United States since McKinley was elected ? Have you heard of htm agitating the nation in the interest of the working man? The Union knows that you have not. Do you know where Commander Core.v is at work? In the little city of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, where the editor of the Union was born, the erstwhile commander-in-chief of the commonweal army is establi;hing big steel works: he is putting in a plant that will employ a large number of men, and he is on the high road to prosperity. Do vou know what that means? Merely that the good times brought on by the 3IcKinley administration have been beneficial to the rich and poor alike ; to the laboring man and the em ployer of capital, and that under his wise administration the poor man can become the rich man if he is endowed with the brains and the business capacity. Did you ever thick of that before ? W. W. Union. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Janie E. Patter, strictly pure liquid paints 1 The only store ii this city where th Genuine Imnortec Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little higher ir price, but outlasn a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look likeit.butthegenu ine has the name Stransky SteeJ "Ware on each piece Do not be deceived First prize at tf International Eshi bitions Hichest award at Worl 1 Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pro ferred by the best cookinj-authomiea certified to by the mo-t famous chern ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Complete of Drus CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. at M. Z. DON NELL, TH DRUGGIST. Just What You uuant. $ i .oo per month. Strictly first cln! local nn 1 lone disUtii?t telephone service within your homo. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a eecret. No cost for inslallitip. Yon pet the etiwidiird llunntuc I.onp Distant Instrument. Continuous day and nipht service. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel pa ml' on giving us thirty duyp writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE THE JSS AND THE OUTS. Remember thii celebrated enam eled ware is special lv imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside t.-, not affect edbv acid -in fruits o: vegetables , will boil. and bat! without, o : previously i cooked; food and will last for years. ! 1 RJ.UE IVi MrirVa JESIGNS Copyrights 5.c. Ar Tfinf cnrtin a and description .lr ipp ii '7p cn'..."-!., ' inmiiio ' inj w-iti:'i' 1sii"i i H-uiiJi-xit'ji. I'atesti or-free. J'lcat r-aeiif f fseanncpiuents. Ia-e A tat - - ir rh J:ua $l Co. TeiTe f tat notue, wi'h-iucfcaac itthj Scientific ifsnerfcan. A jn'liimc.'7 il.n-trafi'd wnei.'-. Inrsot rtr .mi Vi r . f any &intu MunMi. I'cmis. a te.tr: t ur m-.:.:i-i, tL Sow brail newsdeaic. ffHJNH&Go.3&,Bfead'Nswyorf( Uracsti usicu Ci I' fr., Wa-binnon. U. n 5 Str. Regulator I s I REGULATOR LINE. 1 DALLES, PHIITLAM) k ASI0II1A NAY. COMPANY I f-'tcurncr!' ol tlio Kcgulntnr Line nil! r 1 .v! rfiilc tlie Compiiny namrvlui; the .e Hitni ut siotlcc. ' ' Tr the fol 'j Bht to char: i t Tuoh.iv p, ThnmittT M aturdsjr . . . Art. I'orUand bh : r. m. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. j . . l'orti mi! H'tl V. Mtiutlay WwJiMsmliiy Arr.iHdfi Kegulator Line. mi 5 -. K. imiivn Lv. Keller t ; a. a. i Monday WKlticsduy i Frld ny. , ,rr. rortluiiu nt I : r. )t 1 rr 1'nrtUiul ,! ' : co a ii. 5 TutxUr TiamiJj' ,! ga'.uidjv j A't Uallrt J il .' I ! !5- i r FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, I J, Travel by the Meamt'rK nl the Itt-cnl , i rfum Hip lwt rvi ! utnr Line. 1 he Cnmixtnr will cnd'nv t IxwiliU:. For (utthcr liilnrmatio! mli!-t c lt rt- ) W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Apt. I'artUud 'iMi-c, -trwl I ick -cm 2ew ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as ;ve are showing never be fore craced a Einfle stock. Kucl imita tion cretun enecte at oruinary prices, tioou papers at cneaji Eiecant deiitrns, tasteful col for a small price, at our rtore on Third street. Also a full line of houBe palnla. Wasco Warehouse Company "We cau. tion tha public against imitati&ci SUHJJIIOIIS. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Oof Second & Lanolin. Time 151 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ntAXsAcr a knkkalba:;ki.-(i ecelnes papers at cbeaj. paper prices. W Pfl fl mi Tt ATC! trT KPPii ( Tfmn nfall Hniit. OrillCfl X'OOFf 1 a. v w w rs wwvfc w a bwfcaa. w a. . v. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot r n kin d. w. vause, Third st. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail Mndf Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tml?l Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle In the Circuit Court of t&c state of Oiirjoa for Wasco County. Irm eplchiner, I'laintiB", v. Henry apeichinjer, Defendant. In the name of theStuleof Oregon: Letters of Credit iesued available in the Eastern States. P5iKt. VinlunM nnrt T1frfinli I Transfers sold on :;ew York, ChicaKO, LltfCt' fyphnnal RnfV ind Ore- Ulllin, St. Louie. San Francisco, Portlai: t;on, beattie v. ash,, and various points . iiiareBer.;uTrutrioai.rnu auywer in n.,nn -ntl Wnnhinrton. A president lias not been re elected since 187:.'. For twenty-eight yeers the popular verdict has swung with anfailin" regularity from party to pnrtj. In 1S72, Grant was re elected. In 1S7C, Tilden carried the country by a popular majority of more than 250,000, and to this day perhaps a majority of the voters be lieve that lie was counted out and ought to have been president. In 1830, the republicans carriedtbe' country, but in 1SS-J Cleveland was elected. In 156 Cleveland failed of re-election, and was defeated by Harrison. In 1892 Harrison failed1 of election and was defeated in turn 1 entitled uit on or tefure the iat Uavof th.- j Collections made at u:i points on fs7 , , , . , , , time prwerilitd la the order fur the publleatlon orable trin. OyLlevelsnO. Jn 1890 the OCmOC of tnln summon, 10-wjt.onor bsfoiertx cunxc-( . ' uti uv.. frnm iNtti tiav of SntemLfr. racy went out of power and Mclvtn- Jwju- which midjatn day of iieptcratr. vmo. i ; 1 i tne date of the first puh'.Icotl'iti of thUsum let- Was elected. I mons, to-wit You art rwinlrtrt to pt.'ur and I anw ald complaint ouor before the luth dar 1 Here is evidence of a deep-seated '( Jvenitir, which id lotmiaruf 'o- . . veraber, Is the last day of the time urc-i UlSpOSlttDn On the part Of the ma- lcrILd In toe -rder for the publication of this ' summonj, und if you full to answer, for want ' jority of the American voters to nlavt'i'--orP'i"t"rffi"i'i'JrtotheaU-ivcentJtied J court for she relief prajul fur In plaintiff's co.u , onf flfirll- ncrfllnft Itio ntlinr nliiint. tft-u-ir Tht llic lirii.rlHiif mn'flmmir . . 1 nerutofoicnndnowcxntinzb-2twetplinlittand I It IS true that the surface indica- ' defendant t; dissolvtil and held for nansht. and , ' plalntirT and defendant be in all repects ii-1 Hons point strongly to the re-election voreed from each other, and that pui'iiitr A comilite line of Fall and Winter , r nme bo chuiiKwi to her maiden name, to-wit. V hub " imi n tiuer of ilclvinlej. But there are depths la loie, und for jch other nod further relief aaitinu'!?, t'Hntings nnd Ovurcontlne, now , , ,. . ... 1 a to the court raey seem just nnii equitable. . on dieplav. 100 diirrent varibtlttS 10 se Of public sentiment which Can not be ?hi summons I iwrved upon you. Henry ibe rrQm , , . , , Speiehinijer, the above named defendant, by " sounded until the ballots are cast and , publication thwof in the iuu.e wneKtvi , . ciltt'j.sici.E for nix connecutive weeks by order MlrC Tor ZkTA lln counted. Undercurrents are swirl- of Hon. w. u iiradshawr, judue 01 the ubovc ouito, jiu afu up. entitled rourt, which older was made on, nnd ' tog which may upset all surface , aw of .epieri ; Ca1l and wrnnlno good, before eolntr calculations nnu land Uryan in the Attorney for mintnr. eisuwnere. beconu street, opp. Maya White House. A bl surprise may " .tTZi be in store for the country. It may ' MATT SHOREN, w iuu rt-eieciioa 01 i'resicieni jic-, Kinley by unexpected majorities or ( it may be a landslide for Bryan, i There is a quiet vote, running into' ..GflAS. mM- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on drancht the celebrated f':.TMI!!A UKLIi, ncenoiv;. wlired the best b.-er in The Dalle, at the usual price. Come In, try it and be rocvineed. Also the Fineht brands of Wines, Ll-jtior and Clear. Sanduiiehes of ell KuidJ slvvays on hand. ton Flour We sc:! our iroods iowi and yet rur pricye ant Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. This Knur is wauttfactutcd esprL'SB.y for famll; tist : evcrv sack is eunrnntetd to irive satisfactior. We sc:: our iroods lower than any houpo in tho trade, aud if you doii't ttunkw call and yet rur pricye nnd be twiivincud. J. S. scncscK, rTeeldent. I!. M. BeaLL, Cashlei Htiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry fioodf, Clothing, lioote and ''hoi'?, at much lee? thar holecale prices. Will eell iu bu.k or iti lotf, or any way to etiit purchnat're. : Entire stock must "be closed out before 30 days. All goode will b gacrificed except Thoinpon'e Glove-fitt pr Corsets ' and Biitterick Putterne. Your prices will b luine. CkII eur.y and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Socoiul and ( unrtts. J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailori THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Hanking Uueineas trancacted Deposite received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. ' Collectione made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. . Sieht and Telegraphic Exchange aoid on New York, San Francisco and Port land. directors I D. P. Tiioiir-Ho.v. J.so. S. Schjince. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe. ' H M. BfcAi i.. j me DolumDia Packing Go., . PACKERS OF ! PORKand BEEF il AN I KACT U KE K8 OX 9 f J. E. FALT & CO., J ofroprlotors Commercial Sample Rooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use? Delivered to any part of tho City. f Street, y Phones: 01 Local, S5H Long Oietance. 173 Second the millions, which refuses to bej canvassed by the party workers of either party-. Spokesman-Review. General Blacksmith and florsesboer. Acker's JJyepepeia Tablets are eold on positive guarantee. Cnrea Jieart-burn, raltioc of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little All kinds of blackemithing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in fuet-claes shape. Give bim a oil. HqUvSe Painting... JFine Lard and Sausages Piircrc nf s RDiun SAY! Lend Mfi Ynnr "Rnr! Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. The undersigned has taken possession of Ii. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to , the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased tho tools and ladders, ile has ' good mechanics working for htm, and i i will KUirantee all work to irivu satiefac-1 l i MBUtl P mn 1 . tiOIl. StojsrifjhUli". ilZIiT"!. "M. "PJ? In, or Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIF.D UEEF, ETC. ONCFOR ADOSK. nil I t f'rapli. Pr-ftnt I'll I V oor.ick.n. 1.777...' 1 w SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! Do you know tlml .Inh ri Putt Kitl tlio latins tu ntttit for twool the larucot iiierchant tailoring houses fu America?' V Do you know that he will noil you a suit, made to your ortlwr, M & clieap us the hniid.n.o.dowii, ready-made, you buy in the Hlorte, '' j guarantee a fit or no eale? 'it Do you know that ho has already on hand for the coinlnK jfc and winter trade the handsomest aud finest line of samples ever ebown w in Jhe Dalles? A J JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent, j 'nffMaMfmiT