A TERRI3LE ACCIDENT. 1 Al Na.h Ji Ktle4 Br in A' 5 'dci r Ssnday mora le? At N'1-, rri-itf of the 0. R & X. at iWs i Jots McWy, s.i:c?.aMiit, wave thk o sad iitlrd by sxitea etf ". 4 Aa iaqae?: teas be,,' fOo'elort rlicU ttr -c-rbi ot tbe fci'o fact: : Ffrtt ffcia Xj -1 (Max- ia from tk- CASTOR 8 A VflBT Opera House Tor Irlasis ard Children. Tte Kind Yon Hars Always Bousht - . F. J. CLARKE, Manajer. MONDAY. November 5th rew. east At J rss is on the rJr trie!: kaov it u X. 1, btJ th switch tasiae at icbd to a mtiooje was is the rsJtii rasata: eat on ! J autia liae wi;k .Jobs JeYT, A! X..- . I tie two aea tbst r fillet.-, and T. Jwiiua, s.a-otb-.- ?hcimn r.5:nr oa the fort hoard in frosit of t,e ?vr Lien t t;di: aboet six a.i- n boar. The irrirbt trt'.n had .n iorty car; iad ben aesiriar tbe werTern jaactic-a of the side ; track with tae :raia line. Ue -k'-sk; cas stopped aad xas ia the ac: of baci Ic; bis en cine to bveit uacocpied iror:. tae train xbea the 5 itcb enrtae ap- 1 proecbed. The driver ot the sxitrh ermine sepposed ererytntar as safe. Or.? trjrri. Strayed from eay pl&ce in t. . i venr-o d Jersey fcelJ-r ; de.i 'fte-i ear mark en both smlt; : braui " I halh Utp-. Ltbarti teMiif p Pmz A chc.re Ijarsfof 1 be r;bte reritrtror. It 5 rl 4 iw J I. Ke : PONY" ' Vogt Opera House, J. C!ar K2, frisnanor. SHOW.,. 3: the am 02 the bead of bi- esnci give btm tbe st?&&! io come- a.b;id, bo: Ue freisbt enriae -rai sot dear of Itt't mi in trace a.cd tbe erta?5 eo!hd-3. tfarocio-r McVer ard eseer tbr moviar vrsricf wbo, BsfortuTatr r. were os the sids betareen the t'iOCjJErtiTe?, Und;a? on tb- oppite Me ol the so-:: bcrird. escaped cannr:. iieV-j irai rua orer ecroB; tte :t.5 aad "sh bd L"t rtr'at 'ez cra-brd to tbatt ihr fractcr-rd bmi y.rotro iei : hi lit ler aad t were bad.y ct:. hi? abdomen itn.Hr brniaed a.ad Li: Onty... SATURDAY, Nov. 10 w siting S: Willis' Comedians' A Hindoo Hoodoo t of 'Dafccla. With t:.e ; ore ri;t, la- and mrry fers. fce cat &sd broirrd. S ;b nier; ere pcad Ecder :be bearr Joeoraoiive osd &y Jots r .-- k'- it ict.i with diSccHr tLit their slashed Keats eonai irraagefi ;o the ec::ae couid be backed ;boc: its visas more i&jorr. The cries of the poor frl'ovre for opta;- to rrliere their intense seffer- ia? xere pitif! in the extreme. D:-. FIRST-CLASS SHOW 1 5 Lo2S d GrifendorfT-r, the company': w ' J pbfiiciaa, oca arrived sad ampctated t 1 a'ah'i rivht lrc, bot be died :n aboc: I . Prices 50 and r oc. Ticiet-: can r loar boar;, whe JiC i ex died ool aficr , tbe eecides NOTICE FOH PC BLICATIO.V. Al JtiMt aa abont 4ft imt? &!d a.r:.i . , . . . iij-H ,,7nc 1T BI tiitit5. wmiot. 1 , bad bren in the employ of the 0. E & 1 octosers. iimt. ; J, a. ..irw -oo. e'?nMCj.rf settler basaiesaodeecf&crin'jmaoa! J Esoath?, caniic? aere fro iilerc vrhere ratle final prooi in cppor o: aer clniis, tins y. , . , . . . . . 1 Stat '! praoi vrLil l izuMie wriore the E-xriiter he resided for a jjag lime previocsfy. , an Eeceiver atTie s-'k?, Oiezon. 00 Wnint ' ; fir ieavej e wife tad one child. Jehn ! !r. feeefc- 5.JiA.vtr- ' . 3IcWy horse H m Colorado. He , ai 7h Qre,on H j -.v, . fr the f ?- sea about 25 veari oi izt ssd anmax-, c a, 1 k Hi. w. m. fj -j " I rS Eftaesr tneloElowMjsrwircrtMS; :r-prore Iser j r'ea- eocrinnocs resideaoe epos cad csIUtstioa of 1 Ihe iaqce,: y e:erday la.ted from 10 "JS. 0jla. AlUffl (j sl. id. ttH 5 p. a:. The verdict of the t JleEtraej-. o JJt He. Oiesoc, Heorr C i!e- j k , I Kiar ai.d Erie rKBSco!.fi! Tbe I)a's. Or ' We, tbr end-rsiffaed, tbe jarv, seni- i 1 , ti couea by rt. h. iiett-, corocer off -uJiut rue r,utAiiu.. j AVarco c&scty, Oregon, to i&qnire io:o Luo Orricx jt VitJ-.rrt. wn. 1 1 tbe adz of tbe death of tbe oodv sow . (K-s-jfaer,. KA. ' fr- t-:ore n after ,-,-a-. tt f-vir-ri in f -,ifltM!e 1 iMrT screa tb: trie Icioina?- J 1 Pocw?. Djs &d GoU prf r roi:- rej)e teau tt tbe l.iditnr of tbt&ir tas--ler. Aiso nsoatey: al s tra?Sed lion. J Scientific trtia'nc added tj ntiin'. , ;a-tiriet rivej t'.rtL hz6 amu-eseot. 1 i 25 Superior Dogs. ' 15 Superb Ponies. ' Aceompaaied by a c5e-r JAPANESE JUGGLER. 1 t) 'A f 6 Tr Dalit, Or. a: ?;t i ft i he Chronicle, Job Printers I 1 95 1 .si 4 it ! a; 6 ratt Tint Fcnr.:r Lr t'aax l)ij.r., i"t K.t Milt Lkr tvnw. y, r UJiia., City, it. u.-tu AttHBtiT Slt 1-i.ts, IMIMT. ii .... Kxirvt i Worth, fimhh. k,.-. lt,-ia ; U'). m.I mi tr, .-t l.i... VH llttt-t Clt!rsj;u m,l Ktvt insrtoo. ' I . 1 . StVanc , WiiTla VU, pj.-,t!ne Htt 1 iltsiMmiotU. .t I'm.., Vd v lIBlcth, !I1.M1,MT. ItapitJii ( t.blraro end I'm' vw s;t.incalti Kum..,s 1 K i"iT 1 ; ' 1 V. filn:tnn nt.! K; 9.3 p. SB 5 p. : Cxvun ;tcaaai-. fur r-a rrandvw Evury nrc 1 i!l 1p.m. n. m. ! t p. a. it. m. , '.Vtu.tXKTTS RirtE. W p. ni. Ei iBwlcy-Ortawri Ott. Nettt-re Ei.runtit ;ll'ns A Way . ' , : a. m, Wi.: xxmz iso Vin ! Tu.7ber. Haa Htrrst i andsnC Uctxou CJtjr, !jt. r. 1 r.io. m. s.viir. IOvbr. KtlMCfK to U-il!i 3.9) Rr. Monwta UiTI Li Tinas 9 to a. n seccre A&tir t.cbti at C.iirtt F..k's. L. Lane, BiacKsmiin ...AND... Horsesnoe Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. 5 5 5 I 1 5 C. J. STUBLIIMG, w . t - E 1 .- - Wines, Liprs Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to A. M. Wiiliims A Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. ! -3 Phone 234, l'r " OW-W 4i co t jleniiiiur c? lk vi. 2. taivio; li lI'.- s u p. c. mti. ctrre eonticUtie t H(-iT-ucr juneiion rj .1 niitr I'Murniuc ini:liri-f teniintcaoa it !tnU.jr nKti ntC! Rico mtth l.ar l Tb ll.tle i 1;. j. r. For oil (Atttrnluro ni' u (1 . S. to.i . H - l.iXt P.T, iia. Pan Ac' Ttltad.C: SOUTH and EAST via Souto Pacifso Ho Shasta Route j Trl:i leae TLe D!le tur 1'- r'.jt J end w; I nliiLi':i at t ii . in. ead 3 l. ra. THE CELEBRATED f i tie CJ5e, aad tnr fj;:o.riDe facts: i uj nwie aal f in n?.n 1 hu oi-iini. ni ? J , r . OCSPraeDS 1 i Tba'. tre came of tbe deceased ia Ai 1 ts aiI prcol wil te bm1 lfore w. B. re- f 11 w who reii2-.-d m Tbe Ia.i-e itrd was an . Vwarirvt, Etw, r2 . Ai ' 'A r eaipiove Of tbe O. li. & X. Co. ID Us, George li. St. Laurence, 'jt I CASiehy ofva'-d-OTastercfsaidcoir.riaEy.IafLrSeP.f,.,wsii..H.E.K r n V f? nn " : rinrhinn li That c the -ith dav of Sovezcber, ' friae w. -eh &t '-.. -w-s.T sx, r. 5 XJr VjOO-S, ifcning, n i&po at the hoc.- of s oV.ocv a .. m. of tiJ5 loSVwr::r . pr,4 j Gents' Furnishings. raid djy, ta sta yard?, jn said cs:y,;bt- crcUunoc rcidae opoi; azxi cui:tTun.T ' ' , - j caaciv aoa stase, ana wane in tae era-1 Tit-; 'j ploy of said eomp.rty a said yd. ; B,i :tr5Tr2K . ' Y ? J rnaiter. betrjz on tbe foot board on the hiustoo. j 3 L "- a' -i0 ? a LSI V. K. W XhAK K?iktr. J f A DlimsTP.ATOP.'S NOTICE, , I J J T'-iP'-blf X' " - v e ir:ain tin. nrwn uai iacu:j app-xe:ec uy utecucu: court wf ricn w-s .rt.e1.2r sam eoetno il? tniU,. ,H Eujgt a. nthrr.. d by reason of ssb;eh overUpptne of ceeeaaerf. All versos hrtsi? cu:t2 ra:c.t friat of eojrir;e Nj. 43, irbeo eid easiat , 45 cof'JJed wita entae "o. lt)6, of tra:u ; Ju. 2i, wfaici eajsae Xo. lOo ira; oa StCe tract 0 i, sn Slid yards, cad part- Katie? t- b-'e-r l1tc a: u,e orwir-rs'jTiied ly evenspptag on ta ZD sairf tricin- anrl th- artrirnrsfh nf s.i,4 tre eststt of ftW deceased sre berirbT ; -fieil -nri"P Vn J& awl mili.in rrrrr'' to present :lis sersc, m:b tr.c prijr .-.ui-oers ?Z -i T?:t-' ? ? ""-'v'0.11 p'f e , tterelor. u, me at my os.ee in Bed. Ortsor.. tbe std Al Xash thea and tbere being, tritbtc lz moatr. frosi tte date hereof. -was isjored bv lre;u tb'owa off eoine ltu September :i. lKft. ,,,., i .Vo 49 aad.cr.d.r tbe wfe , thereof, c " S: , and w,ts tr; fared absut bis bead, h:s I rivhtJc-s beias cot off aad bis left leg NOTICE FINAL .-LTrLEME.V T. end foot leioc incised, &cd hi abdoraeu y0tit ( iieieiT siter. h t 'i.e under-ned ' beinc brcteed, and froca irbicb injories fcai C-uy sieu v.ia iue usrty oerk ti tbe ea!d A! Nftib died, aboc: the boor f iJB?tT- Ora.hu t-t acetmn: ua rerxir: t of o Ciocc, .ov. 4, llfjO, in eaid Daiies . detei, er,d that .be ISonorab.e ConniyCoort Ct t y. , fcat ftied Muadaj , the S;h day ol Xoroster, ii t, 1 Tbat the said deceased came to b:s " w ciiCfc m. erf aid uy a. tne time, end? deatb tbroazh and by reason of tbe c.re- ' &rtll Ieeaer;S of some pereoa or persons, bot ite plaee lr Uarlcs Mid rioa! accooutand re-' whom this isry fs naab'e to determine. AM i-roai Sstenrted in said estate arc: aereby noaEed to appear s ald time and plate I V, . t. e Vt VESTf R, 1 si;d bow cauie. 11 auy tbere t, wr,y id iei:t f 'dieaa'5ed, f Tfee DsUss, Or, j 1 ...GOliUpiA BREWERY... 5; AUGUST BUCKLER, Prop. Si -........ . , . . . f i iaf pr jr. ' ; - wei.-ea'ja nre-rery te United Mate; Healt! Reports for Jar.e 2. 1'j. snys . -A more ea pet; jt bre never entered tae .amatory of f.e l"a:ted tats Hea.th reirts. It is abt.ntelr devoid f i-.f stit.tfs: 'race of sduiteratioa, butoa tt.e other hand is ox"K)sed of tii- Y-n of mit aad rao:c t of .'iops. Its t'jnic jna!ities are of tiie bi-b-est anJ ir eaa be urd witb tn- gredtest cnefit tad fatUfa-'ioD bv old and yooae. J?s D?e can corc en'.ioos.'y be precntd by tbe piniciBn wild be cenatntv tbat a better, porer or more trhoSesocne beversye cHtl not pO;-ibly be foend." j Leave Portla:d ... . a r.i ' Aitiuny U , a I Arrtie AfbUod !-.;. a :.. " aacramiuto .' 1,1 ) 1:1 an 1 ratKdiOo t !-. vi Ojrd in leuver ... Kaiia Vi'.y Cttlca;o .. Arriir 1m Au$elui ... El Pm " K.irt Worth ' I'tty ot Mexico . " Houituo " New Orltrn ... ' New York , S l' rr. ; :r. 7 1: a 'j 1 l r. b : i :a t i u : . li i . . .t. ;,. i I. ., - t" ; lv ij p in 11 3)in lian :' I5ra : Jiara V 3)aB - tfl n i uifn Dam j Aam I '.,. tt f .-..m East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 4v t I hutlinna tod TourNt oar ! t'ialrrs Sarrnrauato U Uirdi" and touiUt cr tu thicaijo, et U leaaa Wmhlngion. CotiuwtiiiK at Vau KrauciK" uinuip Hr.i- lor lloiioiuiu. . th trains. evenl CIlllH, Mica fAXLE Crease lightens th: load thort'31! the read. ClTAUI-ES PAVCTTE, A.M. AU.IS. C. MtREr50Lis, Geo. T. Pake, NtO If. GiTE--. iclps the team. Saves wtrar cau expense, ila every wbers AOE BT STAMSAKO OIL CO. Cf andall & Barget 1 DEALER.- ,N J fill kinds of undertake i. BuriaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. " The Dalles, Or. 'a t- Iated thin Jth dar of Oetoter. 1M. J. v Af.iDir... fd4Slnritor,'f,WUte'jfAiif,0AsIdt NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT.. Jour fc NOTICE FOR PLBLICATiON. e. I "oliw ; hTtbj yirerj that the ntwtosljii! : hai duly Died w.tb U.e ?uuty c-s of Vaco. o.untT. Ornson. tm fina. dtcouat and rejort as , . executor of tr.e t!a .f Pbo 3. lltlctt. At- I reaped , and thai the hor.nrabie cocoty ciKirt tai i yoiXTenitef, iif.o, i Shorts the ta:e of oar feeling -ad tbe -xV vnzcz x1 f5" a'- r.f rnr (.fcltli . rrll n,nf. i Not'-, it hf.r virn ff wt ih' i Sxed JJondar. tbe 5tfc d , -,. lf , . j , , naciea fettiertai tied notice t hi tateatkia imuvwrx a. iu n a m oj i,c iirn.nira ii.e 0,00a makes it-elf apparent Ja a paie Hun to caie final woof lc tunttt ! fcU ' er.ur.ij rcom irt tbe cocnty eoir t r.one in acd sallow cO!iiV.-iion Piinr.les a-r" ' li3. and teat ald voof will U made fce-! .VC?1'. '""J"' rtLn the , , , , ' f.i,i r f....,.vi i ootioed to aprear a: a!d time and vUi aad 1 eak and -ro-n out and do not have a ' . trKt. tm.r luJ' V". tZlti . f.ow can, tf any taere rc, why wan report i ac vac frhouirl trr i. T K 12 E. V, . M. nr----i, , - , tietitay appear a Acker'e Blood Eli sir It. t I . . .1 . . ...... V I . Bti uwju ; conaanoa reideaeeu;s rtni-a i l..i. h... Cor.,.r.i!!3.? .-j'Uidland rlz -",-.. i y.scMti Itoslc. P.. E. Dor: 0 cal.ed pariner fsi ; inoviuj; this a t , Jtroes il. isrotra aid i art J. E. Carbo-.i, c.f Mo tel! every bottle r-n a pont:ve snrantte. ' Kt' ' j.Y f, BUfceley, tbe drafirt. , rA.J?,?Z!r.t dtbla-VtfidayofBeitemter.lJ'O. , and calttralioc olj ' n;AN'K UENEKEE, i-i. t. rv i iv. ! Execotor of U eatatt i i'boebe J. Uaisnt. , FT!' V?.P??i . eaat. Ccu . PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. IXC AH, tlx win NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. I. btlipplne. Central aad aouth Au-i'ica. cce agent et Tbe Dalles ttattoi uldrs C. H. MARKHAM, Oenerat I'anenscr Agc. rt.and.Or Hero Fa Yellowstone Park Line. THE Dl.VJ.VO CAlt llOL'TE niOM H 'tTUM TO THE EAeT. THE O.V1.V DIltECTEt.VE T0T11K itUX)W MONK I'AKK I-ist. Orrtta jli Tut Uxixt, Ob., i October. 3. 1H.O. ! Wbypyil.75 per gatwn for inferior ' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. VutU U hereby riren ibat the foiiowlrit. .tii ' b ' ' 'named tettler ban filed notice ot lib InieDliou ' palate when tun cn boy James E. Notice I bereby tlvea tbat tbe crder!gritd 'tomakcnmU kik.i in taiymot bii clatm.and ra.toa e eon praor paints lor 41o0 pert ttefcUteoJOrtsronforWascocountv.tbeir tnal and mwtreratTbe Ualle. Otecon, on W'edr.es- Hon, srairattetd for 5 vears. Citr k & ' woiint exeenton of tbe tut will and teta. oy, Ixwaber 5, l'jt, vU.: ' "gnie. snj Jtondar. tbe b darol November. JWu. at thef . . . .."""r ' boor of loo'cloek a. ra., baa been fixed by the ' V','c HvV.V.'TvJ'i.1:..;; Iar Couuty Court for aald county aa tbe lirae, and , x -rl. T 2 . K 12 i., . tbe eocnty eocrt ronm In Dllea City aa tb . le "Bl ,ot foUovIn witneaaea toproTC place lor hearlne of objeeilona to ld Cnt ac- ''j iftlnnoua rtaidence upon and cultivation count arrfl tie Mrttletneat of tbe aaroe. ot midland, vlr.: , j u' FKEN'Clf jant Lapicr, Jamea K. hteele.Erfc Oranluttd, T. V. il A VH. Albert Davldaon, alt of T be Pallia, Oreoii. epn Eiecutort. octiT JAY K LUCAS, EtxUttr. A very etylifL Udieu' att, mtde of French flannel and nicely tritstned, In tbe Utest colors, only 2 23 at tbe New York Cash Store. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. , Ualoa DeFSt. nriiatd I Sti No. 2. i EaM wall for Tacoraa, Seattle, Olympla. 0r) Hurbor ui,d noutli liviid i liotiibi, fipiiLaiie, Koj land, li. C, l'ullmai.. Mux.(nr, UaUIon, lluf II. li A. M.'fnlollnropidinliiKOun . try, llclcim. yiiiii. fat. r'nu!, Oranba. ' Kaunw Clly. St. JUH. ,CbicaK0 and all iilnt No. I. cut and aoutlieatt. Puitct &jund rxirt 1I;S0 1. M. for Toeoma und heattlc and intermediate pjint r.ai. No. '.VOI'.H. No. 4. no A. Mi I'ullman lltatelaf and tourPt 1J";"1 ..!? .1lni:eapol,e(. Paul and HMiuri rn crp"H wltbout cbaiiac. .,s.,tnt Yuattbuled train. Uulon del, t on ncctiou lu all priiiclixil title, , . ,, nnnAagv cbtked to destination Of "'lU.r, 1-orliaiida.noely illuadrttcd dfcrl!ilve mi ' tieket4, aluptn car reservation., etc , - 0,1 write A. D. CHARLTON, Alunt General Panseuxer A cent. ,v, Monl ou aireet.coruer Tblid, I'oitland On""' fjK. It. K. 8M1TU, Osteopath. Roomt JOuud II, Chapman Eloct. The Oiegon. '