EflSTEHH OREGON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE. What woight do you require for comfort during tho cold weather? Must you have tho thick, .soft, and fleecy kind or arc tho lighter, thin ner, yet still warm grades preferred all wool, or silk and wool, or silk and cotton. Th rnderwoar Department has all tho many grades and styles, and none but thoroughly de pendable goods. A visit to tho store will surely be helpful to you. Examine our Fleecy Garment at KNIT UNDERWEAR Various Weights. WOMEN'S, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S 60 c Pease & Mays. AW goods marked in plain figures. PICTURE TO YOURSELF A PERFECT SUIT ... Ono that in every way meets vour idea of what is correct; then nail and seo our exhibition of new Fall styles. It's a "euro thing" that you'll find just the stvle you want. Mi If you are looking for a neat, nice, fashionable and inexpensive Suit of STRICTLY ALL WOOL, see our lino at $10. It'ri bound to give you satisfaction; hecanso.ln the start, it's made of good material; it's well put together ; good sewing, good lininL's, and cut to lit, in the very latent style sack coat. Our $10.00 Overcoat of strictly all wool, in blue, black and oxford gray, cut in long box stvle with velvet collar, nicely lined and well made throughout. Special Our $1.50 FEDORA HAT Special It you want a thoroughbred hat the top-notch of hat ex cellence you must buy one of these. We show lliera in all the latest colors, and we guarantee them equal to any -1-2.00 hat sold in Oregon. The 3 Things Most, important in Shoes are 1st. A. perfect tit that means comfort. 2d. Style and graceful design that means beauty. 3d. First-class material and construction that means service. Queen Quality Shoes for Women Furnish absoluto'ease, fashionable elegance and splendid service. No matter for what purpose a woman desires shoes, she will find her wants supplied in tho Queen Qual ity line. Many styles to select from. $3.00. Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. The Dalles Daily Gfaifoniete, frIU,,flrV" T,,f! IIiV.,U8 rP8rB!-t0 se.0,,i"! ". wi" w 1 w . leave they are at the same tmio pleased - - NOV. 4, 1900 ; MONDAY in securing ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. 0)- WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. at hearing-of his good luck 1 such an appointment. I 15. II. Grant, the enterprising cigar I merchant, will organize in a few days a 1 profit sharing association, in which lie : proposes to give away during the next j month a valuable collection of cIocks, ' cameras, siH: umbrellas, match boxes, pipes and other articles. Cupons wi'l ho given with each cash purchase, and those having the most cupons will be the ones who carry away ttie piisiea. Professor Bandvig, the wrll known and popular dancing teacher, will organize Ii'in class on Wednesday evening at S I o'clock. Last winter Prof. Sandvig had ( a largo and successful class, and this will l'KOl'I.K COMING AM) ttOING, Ilenrv Menefee, editor and proprietor of the Dnfur Dispatch, is visiting Dalles friends. A. A. lionney and wife who at present reside at Hood River spent Sunday with Dalhs friends. ANNIVERSARY DAY. Tin; CatliollcH of tile City Ccleliratu in Honor of Father I.roiiiKeeNt, Yesterday was a day thawill lone be kji remembered with pleasure by the pas tor anu members ot theuaihoiic church General Goo. II. Williams A' the I'.uUiu in opoiu house toniulit. 1'iir rent, furnished and housekeeping noni., comer of Oth and Court Htrioto. , lm p00,j n(;u,8 t() Ul(m, desiring to ioarn. Don t foiget tho speech of Hon. Gee. All should be present at this meeting at II. Williams, of Portland, at the Bali'- win tonight. liiils for thy construction of theC.entlo niiin's Driving Association half-mile track, will m opened Wednesday at 8 o'clock at C. J. Crandull'a ollice. " it is essential for beginners to learn the first rudiments and it is expected that a largo class will be oriranizDd, Professor Karnes' dog and pony show was 011 parade at noon today, and judg ing from the showing they made, their Hon. H. L. Smith, of Hood Uiver, will ; performance at the Vogt tonight will be preside at tho republican rally this even- very creditable. They have quite a ingattlio Baldwin, and will introduce ! number of ponies, several monkeys, a tlie speaker Judge Goo. II. Williams. I host of dog, a team of goals, a trained .,.. ... ... , mountain lion and a mule, and with I he ladles of he Methodist church , nBBr,KOl,01 Ull.y should be able to e ' tTT ," V'r' lTrT; i thoroughly amuse everyone. Tho p4 ' 11U Ji"llool 1-ame," which . ,.,.,, ,,,,,., n, .M. j by more youngsters than one would minimse The Dalles was the tiroud tios- petition for tlie incorporation of tho i 6uasur of ftlj If lhwir m)tS are realized for this day, the opera house will be will he givun about tho liiBt of Decern bur. :i'.v of Shaniko has been lilud with the c urity clerk. 'Iho petition is signed by H"Veniy.ivo qualified electors, residents 0 s lauiko. The eoniplelo election returns will bo received at the Umatilla House tomor-rtt- night, beginning ut 0 o'clock and eni'liuiing until tlie question of who "hall be the successful candidate is de cided, "ay Logan has given up hia practieu a' Miaulko mid is now located perma nently ut Moro. J)oo miulo many friends filled with a joyful throng tonight. Ctiarles McAllister, the sheep king of Croy, Oregon, was legistered at tiie Ho tel Condon this week. Mr. McAllister id in seaich of from liOOO to -1000 ewe lambs, but could lind none for sale In this neighborhood and explained that hewtuUIln all probability havo to go to Tlie Dalle.1 in order to have his want supplied, He incidentally mentioned that ho had disposed of hie owes and lambs recently for sjO andfl respectively, Mrs. Frank C. Baker, wife of the ex-1 of this city. It was thfe twenty-fifth an state printei, is visiting the family of niversary of the pastor's consecration to B. H. Grant ol this city. j Ul(J priuo,, andthe male members' Rev. Adelhelm Odermatf, prior of the j 0f the congregation determined to com X. . A I Til -.w.,1 t.n.r. 1.1 1. inipi ...uim-iL.; , .nuu.ru uuu u ,)iemorate the event by presenting the inoining tram today. i ,. . ... , . , Father BronEgeest witn a well-filled J. M. Perry the popular traveling e, while the ladies fixed oft a ban representative of Armour & Co of fcotnh 1 . ... Tt -n Omaha, epent Sunday in The Dalles. , T 'at tlle Umatilla Houses the form , , n 1 ,l through which tliev would'express their Hugh (iourlav, ol Tin; CiinoMCLi: left . ,. ' at noon todav for Goldendale to speak tee' lav the event- at the republican rally to be held at that I A solemn high mass was celebrated at place tonight. j 10:30 a. in. by the jubilarian, Rev Win, William J. Lauder, of Salt Springs, is ' Hogan, of St. Man's c.Uhedral, Port a guest at tlie Umatilla House having land, being master of ceremonies and been here for the purpose of deli vering a 1 Rhv.t Vnrhaap. of Baker Oitv. Pen- O. bunch of lambs which he sold tc Colorado mission, and i gmtolatory speeches, manifested their l1"11"-3, I- i-,.... a . o .. ..: eood will in an anuronriate nresent of feem to have forgotten the fact, or per haps do not know it, that you are the largpst subscriber for this church, and if I would sum up all the e'xtra bills ou paid out ot your own pocket and roin your privue means, your contri butions would reach the large sum ot $2000. (As financial secretary I know of what I sneak. In view of this fact alone, it is not more than proper and right that your friends should give vou, on this joyful occasion, a sign of their esteem and grat itude, and therefore they offer yon this little purse and beg you to accept it graciously. And now IJextend to yon, in the name of all those whose signatures you will find upon these papers, the most hearty congratulations on your 'silver jubilee and hope that we all may live long enough to celebrate your golden jubilee. Father Hionegeept, in a few earnest and impressive words, thanked his friends for t heir kindness. The other priest, alter having made short con- , , . , . 1 Verv Rev. A. Odermatt, O. S. P., prior Reverend r other Hogan returned to I . , . . ,,, V... hi homo in Portland on the noon train, he having been in- attendance at the celebration of the silver jubilee of Rev. Father Pronsgeest. Kolilx'tl tlio Crave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tlie subject, is nut rated by him as follows: "I was in a moat dreadful condition. My (ikin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a triend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I of Mount Angel, acting as deacons. Rev Hogan preached an eloquent and im pressive sermon, speaking mainly of the dignity of the jiriesthood and congratu lating in fit and elegant language die ju bilarian. The choir sustiiined ite well earned reputation in a number of veiy sweetly-reudered selections. After high mass the congregation ad journed to the reception room of St. Mary's academy. Here tie pastor re ceived the personal congratulations of thf. iiipmlinrfl nf litfl flnnk firwi tin. mn. sentatlon was made. Mr. II. Ilorbriiii', ' chairman of tliu committee, in piesent ing a purse to Father Bionsgeest said : Ri:v. Dj:au Fatiikk: A few months ago vour esteemed fiiemi, Rev. L, Ver- t their own. At 1 -..'iO about sixty membeis of the ' congiejatiun and other friends sat down J to an elegant barquet at the Umatilla lloue. I'he banquet was tho ladies' j contribution to the pleasures of tho oc casion, and it came to Father Brons I geest in tho form of a surprise, for he was i.ot a.varecf tin-ladies' intention I till a few hours hi. re Iho banquet took 1 place. After ample justice had been ! done to the eood things provided, Father ! Verbaag, aeting as toastmaster, in a neat littlo speech lhat put everybody In good humor, proposed tho health of tho Jubilarian. Father BrOnspeest respond ed in feeling terms and earnestly thanked those present for this last and crowning evidencj of their kindness towards him. In response to numerous toasts short impromptu spercheH were made by the clergy, Messrs. N. .1. Siunntt, M. T. Nolan, H. J. Mainr, II. Herbrlng, F. W. L. Skibbee, Hugh Gourlay, Mrs. M. T. Nolan and Miss Lizzie Bonn, while Miss M. Purcell contributed to tho plensuro of the occasion in a characteristic Iriah song. At vespers Very Rev. A. O.lermntt preached a powerful sermon that was highly appreciated. And thus closed: a day that will iong be remembered witU pleasure by the pastor and congregation of St. Peter's church. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. A IViv Iiiipnrtitiit MattiTH Cunnlnrri'il at tint I.RHt .Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of tho council was held in tlie city hall Saturday evening, with the following members present : F. W. Wilson, F. S. Gunning, Andrew Kellar, Fred Lempke, VV. A. Johnston and James Kelly. As Mayor Dnfur was out of town, F. W, Wilson presided. After the reading and approval of tho minutes of tho lact meeting, the reports of Marshal Driver, Treasuier Crandall and Recorder Gates were read and ap proved. It was ordered by the council lhat a culvert be constructed across China creek, Mr. T. J. Seufert agreeing that he would furnish scrapers, horses and men for the construction of the same and will build a road across the said creek and tip the beacli to Three Mile. The claims of tlie Columbia Feed Yard and Charles Payette, which were re ferred to tlie finance committee nt the previous meeting, were cut down 0110 half and allowed. A petition of Charles Miller praying that a deed to lots .'i and -1, block 43 Gates addition to Dalles City, be issued to him by the city, eitice lie has pur chased tlie same and completed his pay ments theieou, was referred to tlie judi ciary committee. Tlie claims against tlie city, which were then lead and allowed, will bt published tomorrow. For rent or sale on eay terms, uood house, witli bath. Inquire or address this office. ' c30-ot Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ico cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal lard'tj old stand. She carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of the nublic patron age is solicited. li. K. KEIUilJSO.V, Physician and Surgeon, Olllee, Vogt lilock (over 1'n'tntllPvi, JCaplmo-dw Till: Il.VU.nS, O'tKCiON. continued their use for three weeks, and i iisrSed sent 'caUiolit am now a well man. I know they saved 1 tt.ln(;n together and informed them tbut my life, and robbed the grave of another I the time was approaching when yen victim." sso one should fail to try them.' would celebrate the silver jubilee of your nu. r.n,. ,.r.m.,.l. ni.Pbikelev's drm? ordination to the priesthood. Your rev- w..v..v, , , " fined triend, wbo presided at the meet- One thousand styles and sizes. hor cooking and heating. 1 GO Prices from $5 to $50. store. Sliri'iniici. lug, proposed 1 mu some luii ui u ceie- A.....i...,i it,,, !,, fr Nui f, bration ought to take place on that oe- 1 ji.iclnti nnil cmnruahul nu u u it 1 id I n 1 1 r i I 1 I ,r , if J I.UC1UJ IUIU CUKMOIM J t CUUwMliHIItl I IUIYU1K UlPJluruu UI III n.a. Steel fUngt Cast Ranges in this vicinity durinc his residence at ! the whole band averaging over ii5 per iJhaiilko and hu will be greatly miBsed.- Antelopu Herald. William llonrv, formerly in tho em I'loy of lilakuley ic Houghton of this city, nml later with the Shaniko Drug Co, left (or Pendleton today. Ho states that 'l i the intention of the latter company h lehulld their atom in the near future i'liu Sui Joso Mercury says a Santa Ulara farmer got n wife through ft mur r'nK" bureau, Hu also got a law suit, u divorce, a nut of fnre'dosed mortuiiues '""I " baliy ho knows nothing about and ; lK t rent the same will apply to or ad prospects of moro things to come. I dress A. Sandvig, P. O., Box 630. Tho 'atriinonv on tlie binmm tilan has noB- Dalles. J'.. II. Mkkkii.I., Hlbllitiesof aen.ilHlilnii hevoml thucx- AdiiiinistriUor J. C. Baldwin, Kstate. l'-'Btiition of the ordinary venturer. I'lofeaeor Albeit T. Baldwin, of thle u h' lias accepted a position as teacher "I music In tho Mt. Angel college and W'H laavo for the sceno of lilt) labore In n '' iliiys. Mr. BaUlwln la u graduate In xniBic from that institution and la a to oiurkably flue musician for n young man "I his age, fully capable of performing 'lie duty imposed upon him. While hia head. This is, wo understand, tho high est price ever paid for graded ewes and lambs and says much fur the ability of Mr. McAllister as a broeder of sheep. A certain individual jn Condon will have hats to cell as tho result of wngnre made several months ago in regard to tlio ptico of sheep this fall. Condon Times. N'litlof . Having rented tho Baldwin opera house to A. Siuidvig. All persons desir- When you cannot sleep for coughing, it is hardly necessary that any one should toll you that you need n few doseB of Chtimberlaln'a Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat, nud make sleep poeHlblo. It Ib good. Try it, For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Paint your houee with paints that aro fully guurantoud to laat. Clarke k Fulk have them. today, 1 have thirteen thoroughbred Merino bucks for sale. These are choice, large and In fine condition, ond will be sold cheap lather than keep them over. Inquire at Prospect Ranch, on tho Deschutes divide, or of A. H. Roberts, box r.07, Tho Dalles. o20-2w IMlliil'H A.vfnl I'llKlit, F. M. Iliggius, editor Senaca, News, was elllii'ted fur yearB with piles that no ductor or remedy helped until ho triad Buck leu's Arnica Salve. He proof of our gratitude to you the laiting of a puree, etc. A committee (you see the gentlemen present heie) was ap pointed for that purpose, and I am ' pleased to say that nearly nil upon whom we could call cheeifully gave their mite for it. Tho committee is especially thankful to the missions of Kingsiey, Cascades and Hood River for their gen eromi contributions. Rev Father, von have now been a mis-' I siouary pi lest for twenty-five years and III"-! have labored here in Tho Dalles for over twenty years. We all know how hard and uncoasingly you havo laboied in title mission. You were always ready to assist tho poor ami the needy; always Wf5y XZZt wriles two boxes wholly cured him. It's 1L,a(y t0 answer sick calls and adniinis tlie surest pile euro on oarth and the ter the sacrament of the holy Catholic best salve in the world. Cure guaran- "hurdi to the sick and to the dying no . - i or . ciii . in ,i,, i.. matter how far yon had to travel in the teed. Only 'J5 cents. Sold by Blakeley, vaet mlm ()f tfmwa 0rm)Ut This j the diuggist. o nieiitloii only oi juisunt, but it is proper - -r - for mo to say hero today that the eiee- Floral lotion will cure wind chapping tlon of the new St. Peter's chinch is the and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke ' erowning work of your pastoral labors k Falk. Don't Kub It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Sootch remedy, and the pain i gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracte are the best. Ask your (tracer for them. i among us. Although, in your mndestv and unselfishness, you would not give permission to have your name engraved in the corner stone, still 1 venture to fay that future generations will thankfully I 1..,. I II. ot. 1 1.,, I,. .11.1.. I I GU.V..I UVI ... I. IV. I p.PCIO HtV IJMIIUCI of one of the handsomest churches in Oregon; a church which is erected to the glory of God and in honor of St. Peter, the princa of the apostles, Some members of our congregation iMturnert The genuine ull heat tlie uhove TialeAlark .mil ni-A Knltl Willi n written I'liiir'iiliei?. i i-i. -t n..!-.- h..i. r- i j i innn &'. Awaraeu rirsi nize cans cxposuion iuu OVER ALL. THE WORI.O. ) Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere. y Madoonii iy 1 lie JMichigaii htove Company. Iiurtiebt Makera of Htovon unit Hiuutos In the World. ok Stovee 7VSHIER25t BENTON, SOLE HCENTS,