. ts a i ti (tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. !and50c:5. Busier, the dwt. , At the popular millinery parlors of Campbell A Wilson can be found all tbe MONDAY NOV. 4. 1900 A Difficult Problem. It is ainonc tt.e most difficult prob-, lews of natural science for one to become ' J. E. Adeor iv Tor I'tKlelfCt WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ohio. For Vlce-TreMdent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of w York. eirwrt in f.veral line. litest things in street bats, tnmmed Co., by their combination, huve over bats, children's school hats, and also come this difficult in a practical man- tam-o'-shanter. ner " aucox 's n expert wutcn- j inafcer and is pood on jewelry, optical . 1 For sprains, Ewe!ltn?s and lameness work and encrAvinc. while Thco. H. ' ! there is nothlns so cocki as Chamberlain's 1 Liehe is an expert optician and is pood Pfn Balta. Trv it. For sale be B'ake- on watch repairing, Jswflry work nod I. . ' ' ensravmf. Their price is as low as eon- iley,thedrnWist. sUtent with cod Urkmansbip- Tficr Hustling young man can make 60 per are prepared to do ail work in thei- mnr.s nH Tt.ni. Pprmanont nna5. several lines, on snort nonce. ors tion. Experience unnecessary. rite Watch.' TUB OUTLOOK. cpenses. Permanent post- several experience unnecessary. rite , ; quick for particulars. Clark & Co., ; Fourth, and Locust Streets, Philadel hpta, Pa, iS'tf mail or express will receive attention. "S'jrn. "Dig Red The Spokejruan-Iweview has said j thai the surface indications point the re election of President JIcKin-' Plays 4 uiowb Th3 larcest and most compiete line of tO fall and winter xniiheery ever displayed in the cstv at the Campbell a w tlsou miliinerv parlors. The prices wi.l sel! ley. This will appear the more thegnods. sStf clearly upon consideration of tbe electoral vote. Tbe states of Ohio, New York. Connecticut. Illinois, Iowa, llaine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire. Oregon, Pennsylvania," Ithode Island and Vermont arc reasonabh- counted in advance by the republicans. It vrould be a sur prise if either of them went for Bryan. They have a combined electoral vote of 171, or o3 short of tbe required 224. Into a doubtful column place Cal ifornia, Delaware, Indiana, Kansas. Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Min nesota, New Jersey, North Dakota, "Washington, "West Virginia and "Wis consin, with a combined electoral vote of 111. Of this number 5D would elect McKinley, and it would be a political surprise if Bryan should curry a majority of these states. In other words, the chances seem against Bryan's breaking into the first column, and also against his carrying a majority of the votes in the second column. His one chance, as has bepn said before, lies m the possibility that the republican defec tion in republican strongholds may be greater than the republicans an ticipate, and may extend also into the doubtful states and states carried four years ago by Bryan, but now claimed by the republicans. Clarke & Fa.fc have received a carload of tbe celebrated Jam? E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints 1 Tbe only store U this city where the Genuine Imported Stransky-Stee! Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has the name Stransky Steel "Ware on each piece Do not be deceived First prize at 1 International Exbi bitiocs Htchest award at Worlds Columbian Eshibi tion. Chicaco Pre ferred by the best cookingautboritiea certified to by the most famous chem ista for purity and durability it i: cheapest 'because 1 BEST. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith . and Horseshoe?. ft Complete Cii?e of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. Just What You cuant. v, c-p $1.00 per month. Strictly first clasf- local an I long distance telephone get vice within your home. Line do not crosp-talk. Your con versation will be kept a eccret. Xo cost for installing. You pet tbe standard Huntiing Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 003. REGULATOR LINE, j DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA SAY. COf ffij rV'amcrK of the r.i-gulator Unc will run m thulo! 'J . '.p irLfctulc. the Cotnjiiuiy foerviiis lUr r.Rht ti cher.j'J i v.. .Ic :tnimt notice. Str. Regulator 1 rfT" 1 ' 4 lit T A M. : j Tnfflj;. i JL, TlmrMlmy . . Snsurday . . . I r' Arr. I'ortlmnl ! 2. at i ao r. . I.1 vt. l'ortUm! t t .i. y. Mnmlaj Arr. Dalles h: i r. x. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallos City. IK1W.V l.v. I)tlc Ht 7 A. H. .Monrtay Wilinitlay FriflRV. Arr. I'ortlum at ::r. K. Ia I'nrtUril , 1. 1 r fox i. f TiicmIit 'i TLurwliv A't I)js at i r i.,' FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, it V 'J Travel br th" 5tMirner of the Keculatnr I.iiif. The Comimny will Pinlcavor t g' -c Hi pit-,? , roti the vrvlw- jHiltHe. ror further inlormutlmi uUdro- i f l'"r;lanj )f.tf Out -.ft-' D,icfc W. C. ALLAWAY. Gen. Agt. John JIoDcnald. a Kansas journal ist who is touring Scotland, sajs in a letter to one of the papers of Ibe Sunflower state that he recently went into a store in a little Highland town and inspected the goods displayed for sale, finding among them tbe fol lowing American products: Corn Hour, canned beef, canned peaches, cauned apricots, canned pears, soap, rolled oats, washboards, churns, cheese, hams, flour, salmon, apples, forks, hoes, ases, hammers', saws, joiners' tools, braces and bits. '-This partial list-of things used in a Scotch mountain village," says Mr. McDon-; aid, "will give some idea of the im mense trade between the United Stales and Great Uritain." Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special lv imported for and Eold in this city ex clusively by us is It does not rust nor absorb mreas-, does not discoiut nor catch inside u notaffected byacid in fruits or vppetaoie will boi and bak v.- i t b o u impart in flavor c previous!? conked' food rnd ! will last ; for years, i All kind? of blackamithing will receive ' prompt attention and will be txecnted ! Kew ideas in Wall Paper here. Such m first-c'iaas shape. Give him z. call. wfdfe variety as we are showing: never be- fore graced a sinple stook. Keal irr.ita. tion ureton effects at ordinary prices. Richardson's Old Stand, Good papers at cheap paper prices. t.egant deaiens, tasteful cniormc?, yourc Third St., near Wasoo Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Federa,, TbeD.o, . Headquarters for Feed Grain otpiikin d. w. vause, Third St. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, mi kind Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tm" Headquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendle- tOIl FlOUr f'our 18 manufuctured e.xpreeB.y for family Uie. every pack ia Ktiarnnteed to tive eatiafactiou. W'i sei. our coodE lower thun any Louse lu tbe trade, uud U you don't think so call aud net ur pneeb and be convinced. . Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. YEARS' ik44tf 50 jyBfe-EXPERIENCE mm 0 7c cau tion thJ public niraisr-t iiaitatlc .3 race Marks JESIGHS Copyrights &c. AiTinf nlln!! a Iteth and cloirTipti-'n ma' n ii j.ir ajrerum nnr opm in free wfaettier t. ii't -.- n h pnbab'r pitentat ie. ' inimnntm ' ufirtyei cUilentbil Ilaudbnoicon I'airaw f OHeit nacricr f or iterating pa:e:iM. rale;. J tiien through Jlunu i lu. recl7v rttuilna'.K!, rrithnal crinrg?, la the Scientific EmericaiL A har.il'omet7 IUutrall ww-iilr Tnrat-tt ci.--tnlati'j''f our srten-Ulf ) ttmuu. Term, ti a it: fi.ar month. V- sold L7 all iiewsdca.er. MUNN & Co.3 - Hew Yck Uracdi lifficc CSi V H'- Va3hincton, IJ. C Senator Tillman he of tbe pitch ' fork and shotgun for Southern ne-; groes who attempt to vote the ' republican ticket says that the dem-; ocratic senators were bribed to rote ' for the ratification of the Paris House Painting... J. A. EBERLE. pipe Jailorin ..CjiAS. FRANK- 1 Butchers and Farmers ..Exehange.. Kwr on draaeht the celebrated JOUMH'A BEER, neiennw;. vXl the lst U-.:t In The Dalles, r.t the uiual price. Come In, Uy it and bv convinced. Alio the Finest brauda of Wines, LI juor and Cigars. Saoduuiehes of aii Kinds always on hand. S. b'ciieMcc, rrciiocnt. H. 31. Bexu, Canhlei A complete line of full and Winter auitincs, fan ti nee and Overcoatiuc, now ' on display. JOO different varieties to Ee The undersigned has taken possession j 'ec' 'r0,n- '.IT 1 ' . t . .( treaty. As Biyan was busy loboy-; np,vej ,,a 01 B"u,' TT m m . . . i the 0t. opera bouse, and has pur- tug for the ratilication of that inatrti- chaaed lho tools and ladders. He has j ment, the charge suggests a host of Bpeculal ions, says the Salem States man. BUSINESS LOCALS. I t f. t 1 Boou mecnanics worEint: lor mm, anu elsewhere will RUirantee all work to five satiefac-: & Crowe's tion. S. K. KELLY. Suits, $20 ar?d up. Call and examine goods before coinc iseconu street, Snnjmons. Ladies' winter wnlsts 73 cents to f 2.23 k it.,. X i . t ... Ul lur 1 r. -asn store. in the Circuit Court of the fctate of Oregon for A nit line of ladies- winter waists just IaJSSoST-talW. received at the ew ork Cash Store, t .. ' Henry Hcichinxer, Uefcodant. 1 0U will not have boils if yon take In the name of the Htute of Oregon: Clarke & Falk's sure cure for hni! You Bre berelir required to upix-ar ond answer w u. b eure mre j0r tJoi1B. ,. ,lle(j a,,ainn .ou i the above A fall line of Postman filnia r-nrf nn- entltltd ult on or b-.-fore the la.it day of the .u,i i.hi. u. Msinrnn ainia anu eup- , ,me Jirei0llrj j the order for the publicition oi mi summon, wwiunn or miotcsix coiiyc- F- s. Gunning, Fifst Rational Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON ! A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, eubject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made aud proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. oip. Mavs ' file.ht an,d Telegraphic Exchange Bold on ! ' i ew York, San Francisco and port- : land. j DIRBOTOKS. ! D. F. TnoMPHox. Jno. 8. Schksck, I , Ed. M. Wilmamr, Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. Beau.. ! Retiring from Business. ; Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Ciotl. in?, Boots and Shoec, at much lees than wholesale prices. Will sell iu bmk or in loU, or uny way to euit purchasers. , Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. I All goode will lw sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets ami iiiutertck i'atterns. i our prices will be mine. Call earlv and secure bargrtttiP. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Cmu't Sts. i utlve we!fc from the aith day of Fefitember, ' piles just received by Clarke & Fulk. vi anted A second-hand Cro-proof im which idd atb day of fptamUr.im U ' flpfllpr ill Rhpkcmith ClIIUlMcC eif- ln. lu. i ,n, i n. i ' thv "ale of the first publication of thl um : UCtflCI III DlfiLKdlllllll OUIHJIICO, BJie. .'lUat tW in L'OOd Condition and not I mnnw. ir-wlf Vin nr.. fMirvilfr,,u...iruni I rr Ttie GoliDia Paciino Go.. Blacksmith, PACKERS OF WagonShpp, PORKand BEEFi riorsesnoeing. 9 9 r J. E. FALT Sl CO., ) gfprle'rs Commercial Sample Rooms. t Purest Liquors for Family Use? Uclivorod to any pari of tho City. 173 Second Street. Phones : 51 Local, 80S Long Distance. 31ANUFACTUKEK8 OK too large. otfice. Apply at the i Fine Lard and Sausages f,rl,.,.,, ., i anwcruld compbiintouor tforth luth dnv .A S"S I 5wavraA,S5J? iSt . Cur Second & LauEUiL Tfcoue 157 Curers of fr BRAND ; oil x ! L,end Me Your Ear! 1 ...llul i . ( . . - - . . . ....V.I f . ... .1.1 ' ... . itt ailLi. ill .tit; muvr iu. .lie I'Lii'iiuuiiuii ui n io uo general llOUee- UDirnons,ami ii you ian i aiMWr, lor want wnrl- f,f,rjl a-n ...iii l I,. thereof pUlntlff will apply to tho aboye entitled W0r.. tiOOU wages Will be paid to one . curt for the relief tiraVwl for In Dlalntiin. com- tboroughiv coninetent Annlv at plaint, to-wlt. That tbe bond of mawimony t- I . u"u'''elen" I'PO 8t -8-il.CTOtoforeandnowexUtlniflrtiweeHplalntlfrand Aliiru Street, ofi0-4l i defendant be dluolvtd and held for naught, and Kegular Saturday cooking at Jones Cafe. I'iee Cakes, Boston Baked Beans and Graham Bread, ready cooked and delivered, i'hone 20-1. 2-2t Acker' Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, railing of tbe food, distress after eating, or any form of dyapepia. One little i wcicuuiit uihuiicu anu uciu iui nautili, UI1L ' Dlaintlrf and defendant be in all i&vxa dl vorceo irom eacD oiner, ana inai planum name be changed to her maiden name, to-wlt. Jna Pole, and for inch other and further relief ns to tbe court may icm Juit and eiutbtble. TliU iirnrnom In usrveU upon you, Henry fipvichloxer, the above namtil defendant, by FRENCH & CO HAMS & BACON h. . Dooukf'wtlmt,Jol,n the taiior.u fr uoo( X AUUX W W V-V-f 1 ,K JJ.SSXy the largest merchant tailoring bouses in America? BANKERS. TKAMBACTA E.VKUAl.BA.N'KfNO BUiilNEi Letter! of Credit isaoed available in the Eastern BUtee. KIgbt Exchange and Telegraphic JEIKD BEEF. ETC. publication trweof In The uu.lt r.Ku "OMwn aoiu on new xore.uniawo, (.kko.vicxk for nix eoncutlve ek by order . 8t. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore of Mori. W. I. liradthaw, J'tdne of Ibe above eiiuura court, wnicn omer was uiHaeon.ana bean date of beuteoiber 'J7, Ti'EU II. GATES, 129 Attorney for 1'Uliiliir. ONI FOR A DOtB. tl n, . . - ' t nriuinn rimnin a-.a gon, beattle Waab,.and varloua poinU kiutf it. biIkS. in Oregoa and WMbington. 1 ABLm7,2K' CollSetloas made at all nolnU on fav-1 i rhSii&Vaii It. . " '! oraiue wnai. ems 4 to ,.i 0 J.0"15"0. f'Rt l'o will soil you a suit, made to your oiiler, n ( heap as the hand. u.o. down, ready-mado, you buy in tbe stores, an" guarantee a lit or no sale? ... i ,D? y" know that ' has already on band for the eomlnir and wii.tur trade the tiandsoineHt and finest line of samples ever shown In J he Dalles? JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent, j