l'EOI't,K CUM1NO ANI OOINO. in Union, Union narents, Mr. mid ' Strayed from my place on the bluff, a S-year-oid Jersey heifer; dehorned; ear murk on both ear ; branded bar Z on i both hips. Literal reward paid fjr her ulvnutv iisent for the rittirn olO 4tv BKt'.i Lao! l . Mrs. FrHtiU Cram county. virHinv - Mts. J. I. ! . M:s. C. Mi-Carri,-? , of Chicago, is in th city visiting relatives anil is the pue: oi ln-r cnusir. Mts. L. E. Crowe. Mrs. W. E. Silvester has returned froir. an extended visit with her daughter, Mifc. M. 15. Mil I'Tiie, at N'jrth i aKinta. MUs Ella Tibbet. a cousin of the Misses t-ileun, came up from Portland Thursdnv and will visit in the citv fur a few weeUS. Slnnlv Whttnev "Hiud e 11hIiu"' cumpntrv which is to mUv Hi the ost ntst j-auirday, wa in the e;i ye-tenbiy. After attending the ministerial con vention in this ci;y diirinc tiie week, Mrs. Win. tlicKeabothetn returned yes ten! iv to her home .it Columbus. Dr. A. P. Siowell was in the city yes terday on 1 is way from Goldendale to Vancouver, where he sees to cast his vote for McKinlev and Roosevelt next Tuesday. George H. Hiuias is a visitor in the . city today from Portland. Mr. Mimesis! an emhn'iastic worker in ttie interests I of tne Oregon Historical Societv and is 21S, l.... f... .i... t ......! ii'" lic:c .'( .tie puijiurtr ui euiieukiil ici.i?, , uruy. C ASTOR I A VOBT For Infants and Children. w Opera House! The Kind You Have Always Bought yi Bears the Signature of F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Night On'y, ; MONDAY. November 5th For Pale, A few choice Hereford bn 1 c'ves tL g:ble for registration. Inqw're i f 1 1 4 dw J. L. Kei.ia The Da. es. Vogt Opera House, F. J. Clarke, Mar.acer. DOG ant PONY SHOW... SATURDAY, Nov. 10 M.VltuIKIl. Prof. IJames' famous performance com ing to town. At the residence of Rev. W. T. Clifton in this city, JFrida evening:. Nov. 'M, , E. M. Stone and Mrs. S, T. Lane, both of this city, Rev. Clifton performing the ' ceremony. j OUR CHURCHES ! Whiting- & Willis' Comedians ! Presenting the Modern Comedy G.-.Sjic, A The First Christian church wii: LoU services in the old garrison building r.t 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. W. R. Hopkins and W. A. Maddrou, elders Georce KrU5S, deacon ; Pan! Kruger, pastor. Ziou Lutberan'church, Seventh and Union streets Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m; Sunday school 12:15 p. m ; Luttiemn League meeting 0:30 p. m. German services at 2 :30 p. in. Evunm 8 lOOQ Hoodoo By Jc r. Fome-, iur of '"Dakota." With tiie rrijiral N-n York rnst, in- Ponies. P.k's and Goats perform mar velous feats at the bidding of their mas ter. Al-o monkeys and n traiiied lion, j Scientific training udoVd to natural instinct civos mirth nnd umu'cment. j i 25 Superior Dogs. j 15 Stinerb Ponies. i Accompanied hy a clever ' JAPANESE JUG GLEE. to f 3 The Oallcn, Or. The Chronicle, ! Job Printers. at. 35 3:i -i- as '2 "S1 1! 9 IS. 71 !1 zi -r 2 TriTTiiTTTiiTTtiTtirntTiTiTirtiijjiriTirTWjtfistiiftiiitiTiixrriimiti""' iirirr 5: mm TMIK ht'llK.lL'Lr., KllOM I.Lt.KH Kh.i Ijfalt Ijikr, Denver, Kt, Midi I Wotth. yiimlin, Kmi is: u p. m. nifi vixy, m. unit (Jiiiciiip) "ttu i;nsu Ar.R;vi Mill t :05 b Atliintlc SHiilt Ijtka, Di'iiv-, f t Kxjiicj i Wurtli, Omiiliii, Urn mis (.Ity, fit. ChiciiKu mill Kant. l'.;ao n. in Vlrt Hunt Inxtim. I L' r, m lokniie ;Ylln WnlU, Wiiokmu a,,,!,,,.. Ih j MlniwuM)lls. M. I'mi.!. ' ilalt (Ml III III. Ml IWlllkl't . ni.i : ... IIX 'IKI illlll i.iisi, iu fScikntiCHlil lIliniiiiE Inn; iil'n ii!S (HiintH In WllMlllltUOIl HIKl I.ll.t cm On'h-nii. nml K.vpreei S p. m. Sji. ro. ! I'llOM I'df.Tt.lM' Occnil Sti'iimxlilt r j nir shii t rHiinivf Kvurj l'ivc liiiu. ll'lCit :?i a. a Kxoiimlnyfolumtifu Kv. HUnrtK-rv j . ro ARTBKU nml V.av : Fiutirtlny t IjltlillllRl. 10 p. in. , I p.m. I P. m Kx.SBnc. I . -- 6. in. UkLt;iiKm: I'.ivkk. t ;)d ta f..5niiilyifrKn:i City, cwj.-B. Ex.nufiitiV , rutem & Way IjiikI a TlU.'tlHl?. Ilttl. KlVtiHU. Mill hot. 'lltocon City, linn. ' and 'Vo)-!tmtiitif;. ! Kjiaki: ItiVKk. i.v KliMrtMi ittiiiutn to !Hiitun. (1.V ' ' iP.m. lir..ol miu in. iliiliy " cii,n Secnre your tiuKete at Cinrkvd Frtik's. ciudicg Geo. L-iren, -Mattie ette and Harry Jtvers. .oefc- fiubjVct, "The Lutheran Church." j Methodist Episopat cliurch Corner ; FIRST-CLi " S3 Fifth ind Washington. P.ev. U. F. Hawk pastor. Morning worship at 11: Sunday school at SO a. m.: clas meet- j ing at 12:15; Epivurth Lacue ut 0:30;' eveniuc service a'. 7:30. Vou will be! made welcome at all the services. Congregational cnunrh corner Fifth mow, Tan. '); '3, Prices 50 and 75c. Ticket! be procured at Clarke iV Falk's. 5' can i - i L. Lane 3 GK.VKKAi. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. USD OrncE at The r.itiE-. Okeos,( Oc:ot;r a, !'.'). l mil Tmir. u.. ,-.,. police I- uertbv ziven mat the fnllowiu?- anU UOUr. Street-:, tie. . fOling, pa tOr. , named settler ha rlll iinsiw of hor IntHiiium tr Morning worship at 11 ; Sundav school j a!e ?,ua: prot tn upwt W ber cUim. nnd .. . -. " that ald proof will be made tefore the Itesiiter i i at 12:lo; loun People s societv 6:30 p. and Receiver at The Dalle-. Oitgon. on Stit:ie . " . dav December. 5. 3"'J. viz ' ' . ' ' i flattie I.. lSt.iuly, subject, The Dticiples First Called , of The Dai-ef. Oregon. H. E. Nr. 3y, for the Christians." Evening A patriotic ad- j sw' '2l, i - s. k 12 E. W. il. . . , , ,. , H un. u 1 names tne following wltnese In prove lier dress will be delivered. . continuous xejidence upon and cultivation of . said land, viz. Calvary Baptist church Rev. . 5. ! Krank Upier.ofThe DV.les. Oie?nn. Albert ti. BUDiill pi:(,.n r ..,i. , ....., . 1 , I JIcKamey, of ill. lltxxi, oregou, Henry C lit C.ifton, pastor. I.egnlar services at 11 , Kamey .iLd K:ie.ranlund.ofThe Daili. Or a. m. and o p. m, in the basement of the new church on Union street. Sun day school at 10 a. in. In the morning ; the pastor will deliver the first of two ! cctsr JAY r. U ( A, Kegbtor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. .AND... Horsesnos 1 Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TiM and Jefferson. Piione 159 .5 .4 e y 'S 'S I '3 1; n 1 I G. J. STUBLIHG, i .-.;-. i .. : i , WiiieSp Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next dour to A. M. Williams A Co. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. ifV lnr.ie!i divtriiii? to t?i if Diplii'rr or I mi on 'u!umbl tfOulheni u I'i:.", Imuli wit i. 2, Iwvlng 'I Ito Dmli's ,it , ,j n, ta. niHKliiKdtttft ouutostions isi HrppifT jmip'.lnn nml nice tteliirnliii; innitiiiedli'')" I' liiiiKUon il'iiiter liiiictltiii und lllgs-Uitii :.u i,- me !) tr.su: ut TJ t il- full irtluulm i n hrviiI The linllr.L. or i" nilen Vi:.t K ii. ii ( w . II . l':is At Y Co. 'i il' i:t ' rtsnml, Or S jUTH and EAST via Soutiiei o PaGino Co Shasta Route Trnliu leave The Dalli- fur Portland and wf ktutlonst ut a. m. ii nil p, m. js-j r i t l t :. t ;.t i y s t : v i t. t at-i wrAirj .r, t I-ind OrncE at Vancouver, WjIi. i r . - .iiiiee i nereuv siven inai trie louoivin? eermone on "iae uocirme oi tne nesur-1 naiDe(1 ier ha, f.ted nntieeof hi-intention IN p- T- Ct-ziUrte. rection." Uual rvicf in th-evenin" i to maku a"aL 'r00' in Uipoit of his claim, and f W. . OCSpIicDa by, V. s. commissioner for ine Diitriot of Washington, at Goldendale. Wa-h., on Jlondav, itceirfcer 10, 1loj. viz : 'A farewell meeting will be siven Drig- Geore is. ht. i.awreiirr, adier Marshall and wiln, who ha; charge of Lyle p. o., Wash.. ho m.-ide ii E. io.ca , x. .. r, ... ... i- I for the WV. SEH'Uld E' SW'.. -te j:i.Tl y 11 of the Northern Pacific chief division. ' i r iv r ' - 1 Cranil Famvell Jleetlajc. ! i I'i .Dealer In.. 51 He names the foliowinir n itnei,u in nn,vi his lontinuout residence upm and cultivation uj miu liiuu, viz.: t Thoma J. Whitcomb, Uefirse oren-ion, ' eo. I p liradford and .William Lea ton, al! o'. l.yte 1". O . I ! , iiusinugton. . i j C31 W. R. DfMJAR ReslxUr. i? ! A D.M INISTK A VOii'S NOTICE. i f Notice is heiey fstven that the uiidrri-giied 1 1 ai is o vlOCfc. anu . ihe state oi ureson. for Uu--eoeoniitv. ndminis. . which comprises the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, on Tuesday, November 0:h. The brig.iitier is saying ! yood-bye to a number of corps, and will i visit The Dalles at that time. Majur Harris, his chief secretary, s accompa-; nying him to The D.illes. Come to the Salvation Armv hall hear him for the last time. Pientv of ; "!. " e .state of Eluabeth a. Southern. . i utwn. rtii -;:?ijiis hmvjiik rmili- aain.ii music is IH'lIl? arranged for. Coffee. I tne estate of old deeied uie htrehv notified cake and sandwiches v.iiljhe served at rto' i iTHiiin six monin:- irom ine oate nereoi. i i Dated i-eiitnilr M. la'fl Cut. W. II. CisiBfRst, c. H. soi THKn.v. ' i n. , ,e -'c Aduiinlilrutor L.tEt'T. CllErci.D. , . i Dry-Coods, Clothing, l Gents' Furnishings, h Tte Dalles, Or. iiii Boot-. HhiK's. Hat.. isi. Xi.timi? fur W. I. Dousias Shoe. Ti Jcpiinu. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUjVlBlA BREWERY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the pr iduc". of this well-know n brewery the Uni(-d f-'ate- Hea'th Report? for .June 2s. lfKHi, eays : "A more supeiior brev. never filtered the iabratory uf the I ntted fiinte" Il'mlth reports. It le abulutely devoid uf the fcli-htest train' of adulterntion, buton the other hand in ci-i. poaed of the bes't of malt nnd i-hoieeet of liopa. he tonic jualitujs are of the high est and it can he uc-d with the greatest benefit end Hati.-faiition bv old and young. Its use imii conscientiously be prescribed bv the iibvsieiau" with the cer-ainty that a better, purer or more wholesome bevenige could not pojsibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Leave l'nrtlnml " Albany ....... Arrive Anhland . . .. ' hiieriiinotito .. " ban FraiiclM;o , . .. h.SSIMI II) ..r.iXia a. ,.u.;:ih in . .. 6:w P in ... 7.1) p in 4 4 4 4 Arrive 0don " Denver " KaiiMikUit) " t'hleairo 6 l.' a in 0;u a id 7:'.'i a m 7 . 1." a m Arrive I.O AiiKule Kl I'iimi " Fort Worth. .. " i-'lty of JiiMtluo . " Houston. . .. " New Orlviuid .. " WaihliiKtu'll " iiciv York .. l:'Aifin . n:li p ii. .. (; :' a in .. i:.Vi 11 11. .. 11 1.. .. irj.'ni 11. . fi r.' .1 in .12.1.: p m "CUpm 1U ... i m I! .mm l,.1'im f 1,1am 1! hum 'i (ia ra ' iam 'j JUaci 7 Warn 1 'Ojita 1 am h ni 1 1 1 mi , j.pn. I I ! H III . ' I p m 1'itllmr.n mid Tonrltit cure on ti'il' I'hnlr cam RaurHnientu to OR-li-ti ' and totiriat fiiifh to CIiIiiiko, fit Umis Icuim and Wuhlilnnmn. t'lllll. 1 I 'a o .Suirut- novcnil the close. All invited. ltnliliecl Hie (iinv-. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. startliug incident, of which Mr, : ha dtiir tiled with tht ( mint-. i:r..rk v.. Mica Urease lightens the 4 ! ! hclp3 the team. Saves war and expense. 001a cveTywitcrc. MADC BY STANDARD OIL. CO. NOTICK OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. John Oliver of Philadelnhia. was the Lounty, Orgin. hl.s final account nnii rert as ------ j sumiiustraior i,t ine estate 01 Anoipi. .irkihis, , subject, la narrated bv him as follows: I deceaied, and that the Honorable County Court "I was in a mt dreadful condition. My ! nYSn'id tuiT& skin was almost yellow, even ennken, ' . T&T?ouil tOllCUe coated, tiain cnntinilallv in tmnt the nlace for htarlnz said final account nml re- ' and eidee, no appetite-gradunlly grow- BMiKWJiS tlme'dli.ace ing weaker day by day. Three physi-! ffiMMffi ciaus had given me up. Fortunately, a ' uichaijred, triend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to Datwl XMs ith day 's. T'.wn;, my great joy and surprise, the first , , Administrator of theeatateof Adolph Asidins, ijoiiie maue a aeciueii improvement. J . - - - - -j .0te 1 herehj given that the undcrsiijiiui continued their use for three weeks, nnd NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. am now a well man. I fcnuw they eaved ImndOitick atThe Uu.r.n, Or;.,' i fxecutor of the estate of l'hoebc J. llalhi, de- ,,-lilu n,l n, i i.,.1 tent o two. l 1 ccttful nl that the honorable county court has ,u ' ne (,rnt. ui unuiutr l.ntlcd in liftliv pIvpi, th, n,,. f.iii,iuin,.. , li.td Jlondar. the 3!h day of .'xivernber. l'ji.O. nt Victim." No one ahuu dai to try thera. ' naraeil hitler ha hied notice of hi. intention ! 100 c.lwk "-n.uf ld day an Ihe tine, ,aud the n -n . i . m tiii , Hon to make tinat proof in .upport of hl i guilty court room In the county con. t home In t)nly oOc, guaranteed, at Blakeley'g drug cUlm, and that ald proof will Le made be- P"! V,aco county, Oregon, ut Ihe place i Htnre K ,,,re 10 - eter and receiver nt The Jm let, vrmB sain nnai ai-ci.iini niiu reiKM. , Oreaon.on e-uurday, .Vovernber 10, 1'.M', vk: :. All iron iiilereated In Maid esiate are here- Vnur Fc ru ii. i ii.,..ul i I by notllleil to apr nt n.ild time nnd place and fahowa ttte ilate of your feelingi and the si.t.'.n, k u k. w, u. ' " "'",u, "ppnt" "u imir ui- Htateof your health ad well. Impure ico!,&7S ''yvry aZ l ln I'"" ,"1 " PH': Sy,e. .:. K. Doyle.Thc ..., Orv "C htijU nnd baIIovs- compb-sion, Pimplea and Jamen 31. liroivn and inrl. K. Cmlio:i,ohl t1U(", wu Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling ,',ler'0r- JAY l. I.l i AH, NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION, weak tsuii Aorn out and do not havea .'Ke mtr ( ..,. , itppeartinc you fchould trv ' "' " 1 . . . October, r-i, lt. DEALERS IN M kinds of Funeral Supplies GfandallfiBopgei UNDERTAKE tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. P.obes, BuriaSh Etc. slininshlp llnea for Honolulu, Japan, fliina, ritiiippnicH, Lentritl imil uoiitn AHU'riia. See iiifuut at The Dalles alatliill. or nililri C. H. MARKHAM, deiierul ranaeucer Ak'eiit, I uf t.and. Or lien Faci NOTICE OF FINAL SKfTLttM KNT. . Notice Is hereby clvon that ihe fnllowlnc liftnlffil kottlf-r hflK llusl tirilfr,- fif hU Irirpnllnti .-.iiuee is nereoy jriveii tuai ine unuertlKlicn healthy Acker's Blood Elixir. Iicure alt blood liuo.,e.,a i.'U-i, ..I,-,.,, ..... .:ii i Nnticc Is hereby civen that the undertluncd , in inkc final nrrxif in tin iiort of hU claim, and ,. . " '""'" , have tiled with the Clerk of the county court of . that tald prraif will be made before the reKliter HO called purifiers fail : knowing tlila wo the State n! Oregnn for Wco countv.thelr flnl I und receiver nt The Dalles, Otc'ou on Wednts- oll l.i.l ,t n,aiii. I aciouut a executors of the last will and tesU- day, December i, Uo, vj.: eell every iKJttli-on c positive guarantee, ment of Hanty liarnurn, dmnteit, rum that' n,,- c sieKU.,.v lilakelev the dru"-iet , Mondav. the ith day of November, liCW, at the j . , S L- . ,. , t aiiaheiej , me tirubiat. Uwr n( 10o.cJoek R 'm bas u) ,ixiA . n of The U'. Iten, If. K. .So. ftl, for the A very Btyllrh lndiet' waist, made of I the nmntv court ruim in imii.-s ntv ' ii,.. Ho names the following witut( to prove place lor hearing of objeclloiu to Hd final uc-, "I i'miiiiiuuus leiiuvnee upm aim cuiiivuiioii vuuni uuii ine eiuenieui oi tne name, "French flannel and nicely trimmed, in the latest color?, only ii 2'S at the New York Cash Store. fcepU J. w. . 1 1 KKKS'C'II. MAYK. Kxtcutorj. uf .aid laud.vU.: hiniik I-anler, James li. filt-elc, Krlc Uranluiid, Albert Davldion.all of The Dalim, UreKou. oelLT JAY 1', I.UCAK, hesUtcr. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Yellowstone Park Line. thi: Dt.siM. cut norm khom poiiti-aM' TO THK KAST. THE ONLY DlltKCT LINE TO THE tl.MW. H i ONE I'AKIC i.iaVB. union Depot, ruih and I sij av No. No. 2. Fast mall for Tiionma, Scuttle, Olyniplii.dray'h Harbor and Hoilth Hend polnti, Hpiikmie, Kois 'laud, II. ('., I'lUlinnn, 'MiiM'OW, Ixiwlntoii, llllf .. 11:12 A.. M. fiilollumpinliiliiK"iu'- ' try, Heleiui, jllliiien IIh, tit. I'iiiiI, Onialui, Knilhiis City, tit, UnllH. ,tlhIciiK and nil l-oluts ,. So 1. 'east and (loutheait. i I'liuot rioiind Express .. 1I:0 P.M. for Tnconm mid bealth' 7iK'A unit liitunncdlatu (hiiiiU Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. I'llllmiin Hint-elani nml toiirlrt nlwi'",..!? .Minneapolis, Ht. PaulHiid MUnourl river l"""" ivlthdiit change. ,,..,, In all principal uite, , . . , ItiiKKiiKe cheoktsl to destlimtlon of tloktw. Kor haudwinuly llluiiiiiteililencrlptlvi' i""0'; tlftketn, aleepliiK cur reMirvatloiin, olc, cill iwitu A. D. CHARLTON, Asslntant (lonurul rai.eiiKor Afroiit, ift' M""' oiiHtiet,C(iiuerThliil, I'ortland OrW- Jjlt. It. K. HAIITI1, Osteoputh. ( Itotuiu io mid ll.Cunpmuu Block'. 'Uto '!!irt Oieuoii.