EftSTEHN OREGON'S GHEflTEST DEPflRTJIEJlT STORE. The 3 Things Saturday's Special. "Jflotbefs Friend" Waists for Boys... There is a splendid variety here for all soils of boys, made from Flannels, Flannelettes and "Percales. No wonder that mothers are dc- hfed with tliem, and the boys are proud to them. i hi j .-, wear Your Choice Saturday 69 c Your Choice Saturday SEE WINDOWS. Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. PICTURE TO YOURSELF A PERFECT SUIT.... Ono that in every way meets vour idea of what is correct; then call ami see our exhibition of new Fall styles. It'e a "sure thing" that you'll find just the etvlo you want. If you are looking for a neat, nice, fashionable anil inexpensive Suit of S ntlCTLY ALL WOOL, seo our lino at $10. It's hound to nivo yon Batisfaction ; because, in tho start, it's made of good material ; it's well put tognther; pood sewing, pood linlncs, and cut to fit, in the verv latest style sack coat. Our $10.00 Overcoat of strictly all wool, in blue, black bos style with velvet collar, nicely out. and oxford pray, cut in lone; lined and well made through- Special Our $1.50 FEDORA HAT Special If you want a thorouphbred hat the top-notch of hat ex cellenceyou must buy one of these. We show them in all the latest colors, and we guarantee them equal to any $2.00 hat sold in Oregon. Most important in Shoes are 1st. A-perfect fit that means comfort. 2d. Style and graceful design that means beauty. 3d. First-class material and construction that means service. Queen Quality Shoes for Women Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance and splendid service. No matter for what purpose a woman desires shoes, she will find her wants supplied in the Queen Qual ity lino. Many styles to select from. $3.00. PEASE & MAYS All goods marked in plain figures. mays 4 Crowe The Dalles Daily Chronicle, 'ATIMIPAY NOV. 11)00 - 1 other years both the sheriff and the newspaper have been petitioned by many for 11 copy of the list, and to in sure all who desire the list now being I published, at the request of the sheriff, , 1 111: Oiiiionmcli: today mails a paper to j their addrees. I Never in tho history of the office has a . mote thriving business been carried on . in the matrimonial lino than is at pres ent going on in the clerk's office, every 1 day witnessing the issuing of at least : ono license and more often two. Today 1 we find that a lieeno was granted to ! W. 0. Vunderpool and ivlith Sawyer, of 1 Pufur. I The dancing season will bo opened in n fitting manner uexj, Friday evening 1 when tho society you4ig ladies have do 1 cided to give u complimentary party to ' their gentlemen JVfend-i at the I!aldwin. ' On that eveningtiu lir"t of a series of j club parties wo to have been given, but , the young nron graciously resigned 111 j favor of the iudies. Lveryouo should consider they have a ' After five weeks spent in receiving ppvcial invitation to attend .ludge Wll-1 treatmentat (iood Samaritan hospital limns' lecture at tho Haldwiu Monday j i" Portland, Misj Klizaboth Schooling night, " j 1 (.'turned home on yesterday afternoon's II..M n w w.i ...111 I dolHyed train, KruiUly improved and we Hudwin this evening, presenting the J democratic sido of the question to his j ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kcguliir meeting of the city council t'lis evening. Thursday William Holder was at 1 jiuted pastmaster at Shauiko. The oilliTlora will make their usual 1 next .Monday, lie at home. The Indies Aid Society of the Christian church v. id servo lunch during election night, Tuesday Nov. (ith. ; made, his enthusiasm lias got the best of him and this morning he boarded the boat and this nfternoon at Mount Hood precinct and tonight at I'iue Grove, in the Hood river valley, will in person tell the people just how it will all ! happen, and what their part toward ). X. I.. llt'Stuuraiit l:olilel. Business men on Second street, be tween Federal and I.uughlin, have bgun to consider their places of business as a target for all sorts and conditions of burglars, and well they may for almost (that end consists in. llo will return , ever3' weeit tney are cancel upon to con tomorrow and resume his duties Mon-! tribute to tho fund which keeps these day, ppeaking on the Washington side of the liver Monday night. Tjie Dalle? no doubt has a "kick con ing," for she Iuib certainly been slighted hearers. There will be no Sunday school at Wie Lpisenpallau chinch tomorrow nor 'in f illowiiip Sundays until further notice h'1 t'iven. Tho Junior Kudeavor of tho Christian '.lurch will meet at tho home uf Miss L'li'h Mel'lierson tomorrow afternoon at ' o'clock. Mr. Max Ii'teddo.iiiuin la now solo proprietor of the Antelop'i Herald. Mr. t'nodwin, the retiring partner, will turn his attention to tho sheep business. header. All members of Cascade Lodge, No. "Oil, l' 1. 0. Hlks, arc particularly re quested to be present at their hall this "voning us business of importance " 111 bo brought up lor discussion. hope will Hiion he able to be about our streets again. Miss Schooling has had a severe siege of four months, and her friends are gratified to hear of her re covery. Wo have for sale a neat litllo home on Thirteenth and Pentland street, con sisting of nicely arranged house; good lot, fiOx 100; Bina'l chicken house, yard, etc.; small orchaid, city water, and near high school. Parties are going Hast and will sell for If taken within thirty days. This is a t'reat sacrifice and will go quick. For particulars call on or ad drees Hudson it Jlrownhill, The Dalles. Mr. J. I Lucas left on tho midnight train last night for linker City, whither ho boro tho lemaina of his wife for bin inl, the funeral to take place In that city tomorrow. Ho was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Sturgill, w ho ar rived hero iust after Mrs. Lucas' death There aro still somo reminders of tho yesterday morning; a brothur, who has wont carnival which should bo removed i)(!CU unending school heie, and Mr. ' once. We refer tothudebils which was raked together at the silo of the Kntuida and is still awaiting tho garbage K'nijoii, which conieth not. -A number ,of the V. M. C. A. boys met last night and have duteriiilued to form u debating n"1' literary society, under tho abovo organization, and have "'quested the nreaident of the Y. M. C. A. to call a nicotine of tho hoard of di rectors in tho near future. and Mrs. W. II. Wilson. At Arlington they will bo jVined by H. N. Frostier, county clerk of Gilliam county, and Mrs. Frimer, who are intimate friends of Mr. Lucas. The Midway, which moat Dalles peo- Iplti are perfectly familiar wuh since our recent carnival, it seems is not winter proof, but must needs hibernate during tho extreme cold weather, and has taken up winter quarters six ml leu south The Sutnptor Miuer says thero are of Portland at a small station called I've or six Inches of iinow at that place, mid at the mines near thuro there have huiiu eighteen Inches. Antelope had n "hiiow storm during tho oarlv part of till uuak, but the nearest we come to it was to got a whlll'of It in the air. A tax list Is not generally considered a pleasant document to look upon, partic ularly t0 those whoso names appear theron, mid 'tis usually those who are conspicuous by their absence, that are anxious to vlow its columns o'er, In Uertha. However, very few of the per formers rust during that season and have scattered to various parts of the union, awaiting the time when the ac tive soaeou will begin, which will be on Jan. J, 1001. The editor of Tin: Chiionici.k, Mr. Hugh Gourlny, has for lo these many months been wielding his pen in favor of republican principles through the columns ol the paper. As the time draws near when the decision is to be by republican speakers during the en suing campaign. Four years ago woj had speakers galore, and good ones too, and lively times ensued. This year the committee no doubt came j,o the con- ! elusion that their mission was not to call . "the righteous, but sinners to repent-j mice," and therefore struck greener 1 fields. By way, however, of making amends for its apparent "snub," we are to have the beat of the wine at the end of the feast, and on Monday night will 1 have an opportunity to listen to one of j the most logical and popular speakers of 1 tho day Judgo Georgo II. Williams. 1 If any have not sufficient interest in ! the result of the election next Tuesday or imagines his vote is not woith re-j cording, it might bo well to remember) that one man saved the honor of Crook county four years ago, that county being carried for McKinley by the vote of a village schoolmaster, Howard Isenberg. Since that time tho young man has served his country nobly in tho Philip pines and upon returning with the volunteers entered upon his previous vocation and was sonl by Superintend ent Gilbert buck to his former school at Cross Keys. A few days since he wrote Mr. Gilbert that Crook county bids fair I to again dteide lor tho right side, but j this time by a much greater majority than a singlo vote. j Js it possible after "Si Perkins," "Josh : rascals afloat. ' Last night the I. X. L. restaurant, j kept by John Burgrafi', was the scene of jTjeijp depredations. Upon returning from tho theater with his family, Mr. Burg.-afT waB about to unlock the back door when ho discovered that someone had kindly left it unlocked for him, and upon going into tho front room found ' that his till had been broken open and jiflO, most of which was kept in a purte and canvas bag, was missing. Tho rob ber, however, deciding not to leave him I entirely broke, left if2 in silver in tho till. Nothing further had been dis ' turbed in the dining room, but in the J kitchen a wire screen had been removed 1 from a side window. What this had j been done for could not be discovered as ! it was evident the fellow had neither I entered nor departed by that route. Stranger still, but presumably to cover I up the 'act that ho had a key, the lock jon tho door had been broken; but in ! the meantime ho overlooked the fact I that ho had forgotten to again turn the lock on, giving his motive away. There is little doubt in Mr. Burt rail' mind who his visitor was, and before long he expects to return the call, in company with officers It is high time some of these thieves weie captured, and to accomplish this it seems evident our officers will not be compelled to go far from Tho Dalles. "When Iviili;lilliciii(l wuh In I louur." "Say, Chinimy, wot'a dis, a tioop comin'V" . j (' "Naw, you'so don't know nothin,' repeated dopos of 1 , , ' ' ... ' 1VM.,,,!, M 1 I dt 8 "UW S01,l "'l'" mushrooms which the recorder had pre viously collected. Last night the jail waB well filled with drunks, among them Jim Buscho, a half-breed, who repent antly promised to touch not, taste not, handle not until New Year's, and was therefore discharged. Others were Lte 'Gordon and John Keipton, who were fined $5 each this morning; Joe Doe, j who was discharged on promise of good behavior, and still thero are two or three left in durance vile on account of non payment of "dues." When you cannot sleep for coughing, it is hardly necessary that auy one should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make sleep possible. It is good. Try it. For ?ale by Blakeley, the druggist. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, L'u-.iranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fa!k, afrits. ml Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and (-unburn. Manufactured by C'artjo A Fall;. IXlll't Kilt) it In, Just wet the nfl'-e'eil part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, u Scotch remedy, and the pain i gout. So'nJJ'y Clarke & Falk. Clarke A Laitr's flavoring extracts are fie bH-jt. Ask your urncer for them. m Tho only store ft this city whero tht Genuine Imported Stransky-Stccl Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlasts n dozen piecesof so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARES Other wares look has tho name Stranslty Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 1C International Eshi bitkma. HipihCHt award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cooUinfcauthontics. certified to by the most famous chein ists for purity and durability it 13 cheapest because BEST, Remember this celebrated enam eled waro is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. w It does not rest nor absorb pjrease, does not discolor nor catch inside, is notaffected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil. Sib., ..--i and bah', w i t h o u : impartinf; flavor o' previously c o o 1: c (I foo 1 find will last for years. Wo cau tion tin puMir. nv;a:r.'i imitati. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors.. Mrs H. L. Jonps has opened ieo cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal lard's old stand. She carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of the tiublic patron age is solicited, jyi, K. K. PEKOUSIIN, Physician and Surgeon, Ollici-, Votft lllock (over l'mtollUe), JCaplmo ilw THK lUI.MH, O'UUiOK. like pei forniancee, perfectly devoid of a soinblanco of merit and permeated with a strong flavor of "chestnuts," that tho Vogt was crowded with an audienco composed of tho best people of the city at last night's performance of "Uncle Josh Spruoeby," tho name of which was a sufficient indicator of what the play would be? Just why such shows (which added to their already ineritless uature, persist In slighting audiences In small places) are always certain of tho bett houses, while other deserving compan ies are blighted, Is boyond our ken, and yet such, we reluctantly acknowledge, Is invariably the caso in The Dalles, and In this instanco there was positively 110 room for doubt as to the merit of the play, as everyouo was conversant with Its untitle. Some may, however, cen sure home newspapers, claiming that notices preceding were (Uttering. True; but It will always be observed that such comments are taken from other papers and published as advertisements, for which, as In other cases, we do not hold ourselves responsible. Paint your house with paints that are fully gnaiaiiteed to lust. Clarke & Falk have them, Two street Arabs with a bundle of evening papers under their arms were standing before a poster on u dead wall in San Francisco. There was a pictuiu of a Hindoo pointing with two fingers of his right hand at two largo "O's" near his feet. The fact that thero wore no words of explanation to the edd design gave rise to the above questiuu ami answer, which caused a reporter to pause in the covert hope that a scrap might develop. "Days nottin' to it, Chinimy, dey's uuttin to it, see? You'su tink cos your mudder keeps a pig flat yoti'eo knows more'n me, see?" "Say,you'se, I ain't no pig." Saying which Chiminy smote the larger boy a mighty swat upon the nose, whereupon the larger boy promptly took to his heels leaving Chiminy In undisputed potses slon of the field. All of which goes to show how little it takes to start a "rouh house," "Hindoo Hoodoo" at tho Vogt, Satur day, Nov. 10th. So great has been the pressure of busi ness at police headquarters the past few days that the officers have scarcely had leisure in which to devour the surplus of 1 m'tlwfh One thousand styles and sizes. rnl Fr cooking and heating. JMIItt I I ffiffilMThe genuine All bear the above 7Vn JeAIark Jin v I I BRPsLw nd arc soId wit,i a wrtten guarantee. JfrL I Bp Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 HMti? I I II'T'W'iTTmI j OVER ALL THE WORLD. (M&tWM asaa Sold by Flrsl-Class Sieve Merchants everywhere. & jj ucddoni iy The Michigan Stove Company, li MHIERJ&'IBENTON, SOLE HCENTS,