. 1 . I The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY NOV. 1900 WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. Fur Vletl're.lilmt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of w York. fi:yi:d to a tcrx. have increased and not reduced the j Difficult Problem. wages of their workingmoii or sales- , ... It Is among the most dlflicnlt prob- tucn; and you know from your con- um8 of m,lurni science (or one to become stant traveling on the railroads that export in jeveral lines. J. E. Adeox & ,. , Co.,bv their combination, have over- the number of traveling men now , C0110 his dinicnlty In n practical man employed, in what you consider anuer. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch- era of trusts, is greater than cvcr,work nml unsravlnc. while Then. U. before, and that this is shown bv the'; Liebe i? an expert optician ami is pood , , , .. , , . 'on watch repairing, jewelry work anil ' records of the iailways and their . unBrnvlnir. Tlmir price is ae low as con sales of the class of tickets used by ;sistnnt with co.nl workmanship. They, ,. , are prepared to do all work in llieK traveling salesmen. 'several lines, on short notice. Work "At Indianapolis you complained sent by mail or express will repnivo; ,. ., . (prompt attention. Sign. "I'.ig Hed at a republican president could j vntcn." , i that send a telegram of condolence when Jit i - r- . I. . - .1 - .... .1 U I - uiarxo riilK navu received c:iriumi ; i a king dies, but when two republics ot tno ceebrated Jiwne E. Patton I , "William J. Bryan's dodging policy expire no republican sheds a tear, atriotly pure liquid paints during the present campaign has 1 referring of course to the South ;- , ... , brought down on his head a shower Africal republics; yet you know that of embarrassing questions from time 1 Uic United States government did to tic-e. Almost every republican , more than any other nation on earth Tirntnr lin nttomntod tn llill him ! n livinir nlinnt n mninlinn nf linifili. down, but he has skipped lightly ; ties in South Africa ; that it was the a way and given no serious or straight-j only government to tender its good forward answers to the questions ollices as mediator, and that it was' hurled at him. On his return to ( impossible, under nrticles of The I 2Cew York the other day after a Hague peace convention, for it to campaigning tour, U. S. Senator j do more. The telegram of condo-I Frye decided to prepare a review of j lence on the death of the Italian, the salient issues of the campaign in , king, to which yon sneeringly allude,' the form of an open letter to Mr. requires no defense or explanation, ToWNEV'S SfflUfl Complete Cipe of at $ i .oo per month, j Strictly Hrst elms local and lone ' distance telephone euivlco within your htiuio. Lines do not ernsE-tnllc. Vonr con- versation will bo kept a secret. No cost for installing. 1 You (ret the standard thinning I Lou;; Difitmit IiiHtrunient.. 1 Continuous day and night service. We will accept your contract for ' ten years and allow you to cancel i enin'o on giving us thirty days writ- j ten notice, j PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 008. I I .LI. -.-X.rn X -A-!-A rr.TA7 A. TA '. A TatTATSk-A rA W AT.- JirjcrXTXTXrA-riC-XTA t ATATXTJtmj Bryan, in which he said in part: "You have constantly criticised the course of the president in sup. pressing the insurrection in the Phil ippines, yet you know that the in surrection had been actually begun when the treaty with Spain was rati fied by democratic votes which were cast for it by your advice, and that by that very act you aided in placing this responsibility on his shoulders. "You criticise the size of the army. Yet ycu know that conditions in the A uk.e Iilie 0, adies. winter waigtg jn3t Philippines were critical, and the received at the New York Cash Store, lives of our troops there fn great You will not nave boils if vou take danger, when a temporary increase ' Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils, was asked by the president: and you j A full line of Eastman alms and sup also know that the act. which was ! P5ie9 i3t received by Clarke & Falk. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. as you must know that international . courtesies of this kind are always! observed, and that the failure 10 , DIRECT from the FACTORY observe them would justly have sub- M. Z. DONNEL TH DRUGGIST. Just What L, e p i i nrmTTT a mr"n t t-ntti I JXJljaUJjAlXUIl JUi.iN.Cj. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COW AX, j sii.-iinn.Ts ot tlio Itcculiitur Line will tun us i-crtln'Iol j ow.iii,' M'lit(luli. the (-'tiniimny ifurvhis the rlRlit to cIwcjc J M''.ci.ule wit.iout nutlcv. jectcd this nation to criticism." Bryan's assertion that so-called trusts have advanced prices is denied by quotations from Bradstrcet's. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ladies-' winter waists 73 cents to .2.2" at the New York Cash Store. AT EASTERN PRICES. Vou uaant. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. MATT SHOREN, General Blaeksmith and Hoseshoer. supported by democrats and repub licans alike, is but a temporary one, and itself provides that the additions to the force shall terminate on July 1st of next year. "You talk of buying the Filipinos nnd of extending government over new territor without the consent of the governed, when you know that every foot of territorj' west of the ! All kinds of bl.icksmithiiiL' will receive For rent or sale on eav terms, gocd i prompt attention and will be executed house, with bath. Inquire or address Urat-chias shape. Give him a call, this office. c30-3t I Wanted A second-hand lire-proof Richardson's Old Stand, safe. Must he in yood condition and not ! too large. Apply at the Chhonicle ' Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. office. o31-tf 1 - work. Good wages will be paid to one I 31 f U...T i j i i i fi i 1 ir zm S (H i W 1 Ilr In IH J Ilk . .1. r TiioMlay 2. TIiuimIhj . . A Htitutilur . h' Arr. I'nrllauil 2, nt i-;m r. m. i'i . I.v. 1'ortl.mtl in 7 .1. M. Mimikiy . WClllll'MlBJ- . . I rlilny Arr. Inllc! nt.' r. x. Ship your Freight via i Str. Dulles City. 'J ' lioWN I.v. Dnllci I lit 7 A. II. I .Miiliitny "tinii'Miiiy xvc uittLui Arr. iMrtinmi J Ia IVtt'anJ ,J ill 7,00 si. J TiicnU; ' t Thurnlir,S Falutilir ! Air lullo1' nl.ir.K.;, FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel hy the Stviinii'r.s of the lU'Kiilntnr Me. The (Mmiuiiiy wilt i-ink'nviir to ulvcll" ! ! urns tin- licit nTVti.u po.'sllik'. l'or (iirlher llilormntiiiii mlire'i i rorthiint OlliocOak Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Aprt. ,! Wasco Warehouse Company Xt'W idHnn in Wall I'linnr ln?r(!. Sitr-li ! wide variety as we are showing never be-' lore uraceu a suiL'ie stuck, ileal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. " " IrelnlTanaliUSs Headquart ers for Seed Grain of ail kinds. for a small price, at our store on Third , street. Also a full Hue of bouse paints. thoroutrhlv competent. Apply at '.'82 I Third street, c30 4t I T, C... ,.!.:..,. . T...., ! ihvuiii.il caiuiutiv tuimi ilk uu Mississippi was acquired by your Cafe. Pies Cake-, Boston Baked Beans own party in precisely the same way 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE and the people temporarily governed by precisely the same methods, and that the opportunities for local self- and Graham Bread, ready cooked and delivered. Phone 20-1. 2-2t , At the popular millinery parlors of Campbell & Wilson can be found all the Intoaf fhincrs in fitrppt. hnffl. trimmpil government, which have been offered j hatS( chlllWs echool hats ond aUo! the Porto Klcatis, are vastly better tam-o'-shanters. I than were given the inhabitants of j For spruins, Bwellinsje and lameness i the Louisiana territor', Florida and i there is nothing sogooii as Chamberlain's j the territory obtained from Mexico. ! vin Bal'- TrJ" 'lt- For sah'by Blake-1 --p-"- -5 ri"- wituout tuetr consent, yet you know that your own patty is governing Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin d. w. vause, Third st., Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kindi Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ..CflAS. RAM.. JC3IGNS CopvnicHTC As. AnronBMiil!ni: (iskd'h ami ilescrirtlnn ma' ruiKrfiy ascertain our cplr ou free whether a. invention Is prohnbly pntentiihlc. 'i)nimiiiilc llot.t "trlctlyconUdeiitl.il. Ilan-lonokou I'atcutc jsnt frw. ul-lett azen-y for jeeurmc patents. 1 .in.i.i taken throuuh Jlunn .v C'u. recclvu rprcul mute, witnout cnanre. m mo Acker's iJyspepaia Tablets are sold on I a noaitive guarantee. Cures heart-burn. your own patty is governing . ..,., c, tlie fo0I ,li9tress after eatint?. millions of people in the .Southern 'or any form of dyspepsia. One littie states without nermittin" them a tablet elves immediate relief. 25 cts. voice in their local or national gov eminent which the constitution and laws guarantee them; and when the I matter is brought to your attention ! and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drupgiat. Hustling young man can make SCO per i month and expenses. Permanent poal-, tion. Experience unnecessary. Wrile j quick for particulars. Clark & Co., i dentific Jiitierican. A lnndsomely HtU'tratPd rodilr. I nn.-ct clr tu'. it ion nf nnv fientiae Ji urnal. Tjriu, 13 a jNMrr four niuiithn. f 1. fcoMhyall newjilPalcrn. rlUNN S Go."filD' New York Hranch (iMco d'i V fc'u. Vashioutcii. J;. V J. A.. SSSRLIEj, pipe Jailorir Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kccpi on ilrmiKht Iho celchmteil COl.l'MIliA HKKli, iickiinw: viIkciI the beat beer In The Unllei, n' the usual price. Come in. try Itnuil be tonviiireil. Also thy r'lm-ht brands of Wines, Ll pinr nnUCiKurt. Saodrjaiehes of all Kinds iilivnys on haml. d all kinds MILL FEED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOH FlOliy T''iH '''nr is manufactured expressly for family A w Ui use ; every Hack is tmranteed to jlve aatisfactior, Wa sell our ooda lower than any houso iu the trade, und if you don't think so call and yet our prieea and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t, Barley and Oats, l'reildent. 1J. M. llKAi.r., Cashier you have not one wotd of coiulemna-i Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel- sS tf A complete lino of Fall- and Winter SuitineH, I'antinirs and Overeoatinu, now on display. 100 different varieties to se tion for it, but meet the issue with 1 bpia, Pa, evasion worthy onlv of the merest I Hheepmeii, Attention! isucks fur sir. ! lect from pettifogger." Havina disposed of my breeding ewes ; c,,;hc (fon 3nJ llr. Senator lryc then shows up tbe!tn,3a-v' 1 havo tl,irleen thorotiKbbred 2UUb, dfa jp. ii t i i uuiiiu uutMB xii';;u hic uuujur, Cl n ntvnncc r r Wppnn'ki nr-niimnut rt ' tueauiu treaty nnti nas tins to say: ed cheap rather than keep them over. ' & lorowo's "You are constantly talking about Inquire at Prospect Ranch, on the'- the so-called trusts as contributors Deschutes divide, or of A. 8. Honoris, I pax ou, ino uaiies. o'm-'w n .11 i . ; , . t . i . large and in fine condition, and will be S K to the republican campaign fund, when you know that the sworn testi-l mony submitted to congress shows that the sugar trust was a heavy contributor to the democratic cam- Editor' Awful I'liclit. j F. M. Hifc'uins, editor Sennet, Ills., j Xewe, was alllicted for years with piles ! that no doctor or remedy helped until I ho Iri'il Ilucklan'fl Arniitu Salvt?. H paign fund and that the chairman of ; wrilfca two boxes wholly cured him. It's your own national committee is the the surest pile cure on earth and the Iiead of the most complete monopoly ! best eHlvo in the world. Cureguaran i i r i i .if o.. i.j t... Tt..i...t in the L ulted States, the round cot ton bale trust, while Mr. Crol;cr and other leading democratic managers, who nie now supplying your p-trty with funds, organizod the most op pressive trust known to people, the Tammany ice trust. "You said in St. Louis that under the trust system the traveling men will not he needed, yet you know that investigations by the department of labor show that the so-called trusts have inoreesetl instead of dc creased the number of traveling men and other employes, and that tbey ! teed. Only 25 cents. the drn;.'uiat. Bold by Blakeley, 5 House Painting... The undersigned haa taken possession of It. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chaied tho tools and ladders. Ho haa good mechanics working for him, and will ttuimntee all work to five aatitfac tion. S. K. KELLY. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, oubject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proccoda promptly remitted on dav of collection. BiKht and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on Now York, Run Francisco unci port laud. DIKttOTOHa. D. P. TlIOMHSOH. JNO. 8. HOIIKNCK, Eo. M. Williams, Gko. A. Lirbk. H. M. liu.'.i.i,, Tiie&oluiDiPacKiDgGo.! PACKERS OF Wagon Shop. PORKandBEEF norsesnoeing. . iGunning, i Blacksmith, Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, i Cop: Second & Laneblin. 'Phone 157 ' JIA.NUI'ACTUKKIIH OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND FRENCH & CO., HAMS & BACON BANKERS. x)RlKD BEEF. KTC. rUANSACT A KNEllALUAHKINIi JJUfclNEH Lettere of Credit iaaued available in the Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry GorxlH, Clothini:, BootH and Shone, at much less Hum wholesale prices. Will sell iu hulk or iu lotfl, or iiny way to unit purchasers. Entire stock must "be closed out before 30 days. All goods will bo eacriliced except Thompson'fl Glove-fitting Cored! and Butter id: Patterns. Your prices will he mine. Call early anil secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. -O-JkVC x-fw mr- L-tJ$ Jj. E. FALT & CO., J Proorietors of Commercial Sample tooms. 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use? f Dolivorod to any part of tho City. f l'hones: 51 Local, , H J 868 look Dieiance. 173 Second Street, y Eaatarn R tat ph. I Sljtht Eikchange nnd Telerapbi' Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago, St, Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various point In Oregon and Washington. Collections raa4e at all points on fa? orable terms. ONE FOR A DOSE. ) Hmor I'lmplrs, TfiTtDi I'll I I SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! $ Do you know tlmt John Fashek, the tailor, in ajfent for two of W the latest muruhunt tailorlmr liouses iu America? 4? Do von know tlmt im ii.in tw.li ..u ..,..,1,. trv vmir order, a? 4fr chcan as the liniiii.n . r,u... ....!.. ... . .. i i., utnres. aiai jfe Kuaranteo a lit or no ealo? Do yon know that he has already on hand for the conilnB W and winter trade tho handsomest nnd fluest Hue of samples ever bIiowb g JOHN PASHEK, Merohant TaUor, Agent, j