PKOI'Mi CIlMtNO AN1 flOINO. Mrs. .1 visiting lnen) it- 'h- euv VOGT Opera House I Booth-Tucker, who arrived here from t England on the stefinier Teutonic. Ho H C' of PortlrtUd, i9 trutit tliprp lnrlv 111 D.Onlmr ti infill. the General to conio over nnil assist in .. 1) WhiMi-ii. . Ivingaley, , was in the solution of the problems which tiie' Huni'"' n,K,,t ' t,,B Lmat'"a ' Salvation Amy , en.ienvorinS to solve, j ,, , One of the chief problems, he said, nas i J. Harvcv Smith eanie tip toilny from ,,,,.,.... ,,., , . , ., j q Martin1' oriivn and left on the tie-' uinm..m: hum ui.iiiiiaiiini muj iaved iratn for liisliome in Grass Valtev. i farm colouies which the Army i? eslr.b- j MONDAY. November 5th His si-juirn at liie sprincs has entirely 1 lislisne in some of the stales. relieved htm e.f his rheumatic troubles, j "The Army, which hrta the power lolin H. Orsvilebmitrh and his son, under its cliarter to issue bonds," the , Krnly, arrived Iiere from Baker county commander said, "niav issue bonds to ZHsh SfhKfcX We ! o15rrr t,u,l0f9 Golden Encle mine, -vh-ch is owned liy on a b'1s'a- u 1,1,3 bet!l1 Si"J tllat HnueH and a nuuler of Dalles capital' the poor in the cities ilo not want to go ists. lit sajs they are at present Ukinc into the countrv to live. Thev Jo want alitor,- that wit! ran from .1500 to 47000 ; l0 po ,,,, ,he c'oau.ty, x ,,ave -m mon ! applications fur homes in our colonies Hi- Tnuir. j tl)an j cjn EMnt General liooth la a . , , . ,,i .i i organizer and will be able to aid Tiie m.irkets here and all over the." . . , ... , ,. i i ii t- . , 1 us id a sitisfactorv solution ol the prob- world are f xtreniely dull. Eatern and ; J foreirn markets especially have been i ,"' , , . . , ..... , I." i hen niked ns to tin tumor that he decidedlv weaker, resulting in lower ! , , , , , ,", , m i. i i ! was to be transferred to some other com- values an aruunu. i muiiig uure i; very inactive and sellers are alow to accept the (HiTereti will not pay above the ruling price un less for future business. It must bo, admitted that at present there is little! encouragement in foreign or Eastern ! advances favorable to the holding in terest. Stocks of wheat in ail leading European ports continue heavy, while , expcrtins countries are rushing supplies to market, and a tree selling movement j geems to be general. With perhaps the j largest stocks "in sinht"' known io the ' history of the trade so early in the sea situation, but exporters are very in- j erent whether thev buv or not, and i niaii'i, Commander Bootl.-Tucker said he knew nothing of it. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought F. J. CLARKE, Mnnanor. One Night Only, DOG and PONY SHOW in Prof. I'arnes' famous performance com ing to town. Boars the Signature of 4- C. mud l'arrwell .Mm-till;,-. A farerrell meeting will be given llri"- ; Ponies, Doys and Cioats perform mar ' velous feats at the bidding of their mas ! ter. AUo monkeys and a trained lion. I .Scientific trainirii; added to natural j instinct stives mirth and amuement. adier Marshall and wile, who ha? charge ! 25 SUTJeriOl DogS. eon, nd a "rowing impression that this of lht' No-'-hern Pacific chief division, year's crop will amply meet the world's w"c comprises the states of Oregon, requirements, it is not surprising that ; Washington and Idaho, on Tuesday, buyers move cautiously and that what- j November 6:h. The bri-i.'.ier is saying ever strength should develop, as the ; good-bye to a number of corps, and will season parses will lie of slow crowth. I visit Ttie "-dies at that time. Major The difference between wlley and j Harris, his chief -ecrelan , is acmmpa Walla Walla in this market is very wide n''Dt-' 1,iln lo Tl,e "-dies. Come ta the this season, owlns to the short crop of ' Salvation Army hall at S o'clock and the former, and exporters are unable to ' her hiul loT the last time. Plenty of buy, as millers pay fully 6 to 7 cents i muslc 15 "em arranged for. CuHee, anuwi'jhes will, be served at All invited. Cait. W. IX. Cr.AnniEK, LlEl'T. CllEKHLO. Ponies. nor hliahel mori thin lhf vaIiip nf Wnlln C1KO ntlti Wiilla. Ac to niinlnlmris nn tho mnr t-pt the close. we can only give figures representing the valne of the article for export based on cost, freight and insurance, and sell-! . , , ing price abroad, which would -KXttSS; Club or Walla Walla wheat worth 52 which adhere to the membrauo and decom and 03 cents per bushel. Some parties , pojo, casing a far more serious trouble than have been paving hiher prices, but the ! !he ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry- fl t .1. i" i . , i ing inualaiits, fumes, smokes and snuffs firms that have done so must need , an uae that 'vhich cloanscS( BOotl)es ttgd , wheat in the future, as all exporters are , heals. Elv's Cream Balm is such a remedy ovetstocked for all the present or near-I aud will cure catarrh or cold in the head by overdue ships -Portland Commercial eas! -v 1,a ?XeaM?MuA ?'f . v , I mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the i.eview. ov. I. i -0c slze , Tjrothers, r,C Warren St., N. Y. iho lulm cures wuuout pain, does not irritato or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm youaro armed against Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Fever. 15 Superb Accompanied by a clever JAPANESE JUG GLEE IS51'' f l i & r K 1 ? i s 1 i ass 1 I ? The Dullon, OP. 11 f 4 The Chrfoniclc, dob Printers I 3E I lip I '.IS' : IE I ,?s 4 EE ; Sfc; ' '26 a: 3r 3. 3 ieenre your tienets at Clarke S; F.iik's. L. Lane, BiacKsmiin .AND. "Uncle JomU Sjiruceliy. The following is taken from the Cleve land Daily Recorder of August 15, 1SI9, commenting on the "Uncle Josh Spruce by" company, which plays tonight at the Vogt opera house ; Wagon a'nd Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jelfewn. Piiono 159 1 JtWrilT ATA' J.1 A. 1 A I A-Jk!Jk-A t .1.1'A : A-. A A t A A ' ' A A I A "A A"A'7 A " A A A A A I A"f ! C. J. STUBMIMG, t .'.M. I hi Kit Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to A. M. Williams A Co. Phone 234, THE DALLES. OREGON. irir.r.TiTin Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior tllfftfa trhun onti tmo fmnu ! I- "Theiankee farmer, whether drawn r-.. t . , - U ... , -, , , , , Patton'e sun proof paints for Sl.oO per v gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & j Fa!k, agents. " ml 1 S with a skillful or unskillful hand, nover gets let loose upon the stagt- without creating as genuine fun as any comic character known to the theater, fie is a real product of American soil, and an American audience recognizes this. For many of us there is a soft spot for the homely life of the farm, and while the escapades of the typical country green horn in the wiles of the confidence men Floral lotion will cure wind clianninc and sunburn. Manufactured bv C'arue 5 & Falk. ' l NO'rTci:" of"fin alT stTrrLoTKNT. j Notice i hf"hy given that tiie uniJerjiari.(t j J hai duly fllcd with the cciiuty cicik of 'aco'fj COIlntv. Oroil. hl finjll Jli'fTilint nnrl rMirirf ' ? 1 executor of the estate of rjioetw .1, Iiaisht, Ue- ! C. p. Stephens .Dealer In. TDvy Goods, Clothing, Gcnfcs' purnishings. Iiootii, Shoes. Hat"", tnps. Nollom. for V. I. liouKliui HUoc. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiBjBBlA BREWERY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product nf this well-kuonn hrevory the United States Health Reports for June US. 1000, says: "A moro eupeiior brow never entered tho labratory of the Trilled .States Health reports. It is alculutelv devoid if the HliHhtest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand ie eotmmaed of wie nest oi malt ami choicest of Imps. Its tonic qualities are of tho hii'h- 0 of Xew York, alwaya caue amusement, i ceanl ; a:ij tht the honorable county court has! . . , . , , fixcil Jlonday, the.ith (Jay of .November, I'.'je, at there is a respect for the type of charac- , io o eI?i; a. in. of snid Onv as the tine, mid the I ter that removes it somewhat out of the SKS Vll S plane of the merelv uproarous and ')r hcirinjr Mid fiiidlaccouiit ar.d repj,t. i , .. . . ' m. All tKjrsoiif Interested In said tUite Hre here-: makes it a genuine character type. That by notified to appear at said time and j.lao; and ! snow cause, u any mere ic, way who report f! 131 hi. n . Telephone N'o. &, scconu Ht., The Dalles, Or. est and it can be ued with tho ureatest benefit and Katisfacliou by old and youiiL'. Its use can corifccientiotmlv be nreserihi-il lw tin. i..ui..i,...u ...i.i. the certainty that a bettor, purer or inoru wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Straofc. THl?l T) A T .T .ttir mjonnw . 78 VUUU11, is why "Lncle Josh Spruceby," a play of the accepted New Enuland farmer type, pleases so well at the Cleveland theater, and why it drew a crowded houie Monday afternoon so early in the theatrical season, The nlay has no great novelty in it, but it does not need one. The "Uncle Josh" will carry the play, his troublec with his daughter of a serious nature, and with the bunco ateerers of a comic sort furnishing the etory. The leading character, 'Uncle Josh,' is well ca3t in the hande of Fred erick II. Carter, and the company ie acceptable, including as it does a special orchestra. There ie a realistic saw mil) ecene, where the virtuous efcape beini: eawn in twain by the villainous, and a realistic husking bee at Uncle Josh's farm. It is as entertaining a produc tion a one will find at the Cleveland." Hiihih t'aptnreo Niiirlj- llrltiah. Cape Town, Nov. I. It transpired to day that a Itoer comuando captured British outpost of ninety men in the vicinity of Geneva October L'Sth, and afterwards field up a Cape Town mail train, looted the carriages and paseen gere, deiroed the mails, set fire to the train and decamped on the approach of un armored train. Not wtohlmj to be hampered, the Hoera Liter released the prisoners they had captured. ll'iiitli In Tukti Jlii i of Aiiirrlcuu Army Nkw Vokk, Nov. 1 General William B joth, cominander-in-cliief of the Salva tion Arny, ie coralns here next h'epteru ber to tike practically the control of tho Silvation Army in the United Stalee for at least six months. This announcement was made last niulit by Commander should not be urmrovKl and mid executor ills chirgwl. Dated this 'JC'th day of September, I0C0. FUANK MKNKKKK, i:.cutor of the estate of J'liocbe J. llalKnt, deceased. oou NOTICE FOl: PUBLICATION. Laxo OrriCK at Thk Iullks, Our.,, . . . eepfj;, VxQ. s J.otlce l.i hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention tlon to make final proof in upport of hli cUIm, and that taid proof will be made be fore the reKlter and receiver nt Tho IJalles, Oregon, on Saturday, November 10, llw, viz. Calvin J, Diinukln, of Jloslcr, Or., H. K. No, 51J1, for ihc 6i: ir, hec .11, T 2 N, It 1'.' E, W. it. Ho names toe following wltnce& to lirove his continuous reaidencc upon, and cultivation of Mid land viz: Michael Doyle, U. K. Dovle, The Dalles, Or., Jamet M. Ilrown and latlJ. K. Carhon, of ilo. ier, Or. JAY 1. I.UCA8, K23 ;f'.e isict Mica 'Axle Crease lightens tho load ehortens the road. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I-IND Ofmce at Vancouvkh, Vhi, uciouer vu, i'j;o. i tip, the team. Eaves wear and expense, hola every wlierc. ua.jk r STANDARD OIL OO. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Im.ip Oinct at TllK On,, ( ocloler, a, l'.i0. 1 Notlco Is hereby slven that tho following named K-tller has filed notleoof lih intention Notice In herebv elrcn that I hi- fnllowlriL-. iiHiiml ettler has fllul notice ol Ills liitciitiou to make final proof in Jiipixirtof hU claim, and that n.lld proof will be niacfo before the neuter aud receiver at Tho Dalles, Oregon, on Wiilnoi day, December 5, IW), vU.: to make final proof In tupport of his claim, and Henry V. iloKitnitty , iiihl taiti iiruiii ixi muiie oe;ore i . ii. im. nr n i... ikiin. r .... by, V. 6. commlloner for the Dhtrlet; of 'rtecTai T!! N, K 1SK ?W it. "" luVt iV2r in I'Wi "'"'".. oh Jiounuy,; llc :lrnt,s lnc following wltnestci lo prove ma coiininiou reiiiciiec upon ami cultivation DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Burget i UNDERTAKE EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. Hobes, BufiaSh Etc. Q.R.&R ,.L 1.1 B, ' W . U u ......... I , i.r. ... ... i,r.;in;j,i run i 1-noM Dam.k!), I Kmt :.unlt l.nkr, Denver, ft Mnll ; Worth, hnwha, feii IJ i.p. m. tns City, M, i,,,,,,, thlrntin niul Kant, rox ft'! , Mill I'I'j a. a Atlautln iKnlt t Jiko, Denver Ft KxprciK ' Worth, Omaha, im,' r...'iii. in. mis city, ht bun. Via limit- OhlcaKoumlijiM. ' lii:,'tiin. Hl"i!iiine i Walla Walla, Hpoiane, ,,. Slall ; .Mlui.eapoli;. m 8r?m?' Clili'airo ntiil Kiut via mid Kxpic.ix li ili p. m n li. m. B p. m. Hokanonkil llmitlnc Ion. IllMI 111! pIllhtN ll WaililiiKton ami Knt em Oregon. Mill , and '!"tsi KllOM I'llKTLAKIt Ocean Hlenmstilpt it hall Krauclvii Kvcry I'ivo Dav. n.Jla.a p.m. I p.n !.'...(..n...l.. (I.. 1... 1 P . ............... i.uiuiiiiiin uv, nicnnicrs. Ki han. 'To Aktoku and Way nt :-H,mday i I-iivl!iis. lop. m. i. a.m. W IM.AMBTTK lt.'vr.n. l3)nB l.jr iiiiidiiylOrc;toii city, Newl-rg, Ex iunS't j Salem i Way Ijinil'.s ' T a. in, .Wat AJif-vrr. and Yam ni-.,Tinr. hij.i. ittvr.i". mid rhi. ():(t!oii (;it), Dm tui ' mid Way-1 :iiiiIIuk- l.v ltlintlii daliy .'-'i a. in. ' PMAkl! ttlVKIi Itlpi.rla lo Moi;.,Um mid i'li Urn I.twisros lUlly 'J:TOa(n .!Sr l'nr;i. ilmlfiilK to ai to lleppw ct lpintK mi I'lilnmblii Southern i i bizsi. itioull lake An. lunvlni: Tin- Dal! - nt l: Up. a. mtikiHK intuit I'oniieclloii at Ili-piaier junclioa mid Mg;i. Itftinnliig iiialiiK-iliM'ttiinncclioii ut llo pner 'mii'tloii and 1 1 1 1.-c; - iti! .No, nvi'iK nt 'Jin- DhIIomii I. .j - in For lull particulars in' Muent T ho D.illei,. or mi-: , v t) tt . II 1 I'.I.IH'KT, Hi .i. I'n. Ac' I'lirtlnml.Or SGLiinern Pacific Co SOUTH and EAST via MP Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for 1'ortUnd Mid mj fttutlim.s at it. m. mid 2 p, m. Leave Portland " Albany Arrive Axlilmid . ... " hacrameiito .. " bun Francisco s :iia m ?;)i)n .J-J -V n in 10:Wsu U a m ll:3ian ,iio. m liJiam 7 I p in 8:l"an Arrive Opluii , " Denver " Kai.iHCity " ChlcaKO ... .'. !, am II rn a in 9.lan Arrive AiikcIu." . .. ' 1:1 1'ifo " Kurt Worth.. .. " City of Jleslco . " II on item " New Orleans .. " WinhliiKloll ... " iiuiv York...... ! a m I ii in 1 jnpm ii i ut I, lull . Ill -n i in i' : . ii r, i 'i m a: i. p in J;:A3 T.OOaw (1.(0 pU i r. U iSala l-uuaci li iVpl.l G r.' tipu Decrber 10, 1'.KO, viz tittorge It. Ht. Litirroncc, of I.ylo I'. O., Wah who made If. K. No, I0,(Oj, 'V W & HK'A "I,d VAi HV, 'A Ktv r5,'r' " S'' U lie names the following wltncMM-s to bin onilnuoun rekidcrice ii)on and cultivation of taid land, viz.: Thomak J. Whllcoriib, (ieoricehorernioii, f.'eo. Ilradford and '.William U-aion, all of l.ylc 1', O , WhiIiIiikIoii. o-ll VV. i;, IlL'MIAlt Ilexlstcr. of aald land, vl.: Klank Luiilcr. James It. fiteele, Krle Oranliind, Albert Davldkon.ull oil ho DalUa, Ort-gon. f-cf-'T JAY 1'. LUCAS, ItmUter. NOTICK FOB PU'BLICATIOI;. l,Al OfHCK .IT 1 1IK DALI.K1, 0IK(10.N', October Zi, liu). j Notice l hereby given that the followins- nainol tattler hatilkil notice of her Intention to ' mane final proof in tupport of her claim, and i that said proof will be iiiude before thu itntUur i mid Itc-ttlvL-r nt'IliL- lJalltn. Onioii. on Wtihw. Notice Is hereby siven that the iiinIcrslBiicd day, December, 5, l'JW, viz: linen ny tno county court of ii.m. i.. it.,.i.- of Tho Diillei, Orexon, II. K. St,SSH, for the HWJi Bee 21, I' N . It jssK, NV. M. hlit- named tiiofollowliit; wltm-xtcs to provc-her continuous iwfdcncc iioii and cultlvulion of nld land, vli Frank IjiiiIlt. of Thu Dalles. Ou-irou. Albert li. JIcKairay, of Mt. ilond, OrcKou, Henry (!. Jlu Kuiuey m.d llflc (iriiilillid,o! The Dulles, Or. octv7 JAY I. LUCAS, UiBhter, ADM IN1STB ATOIt'S NOTIOIJ, lice Is hereSv siven that the inidcrs has been duly apijointed by tho county court of the sUtc of Oregon, or NVhko counlv. adinlnli. Ira tor of the ittute of Elizabeth A. .Southern. dtteaicil. All iwraoii havlllK claims agaliitt too estate of ta d fut-eatctl are hereby notltkil toprernt tliewirne, with the proper vouchers therefor, to mo at my odlco In llijd, Oregon, within tlx mouths from the date hereof, Dated sei'temtA-r .'l, Jtwi. C. II. 80UT1IKKN. to; Administrator, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle. riillmnii mid Tourist cars on t, ith trtlw ( hair cars Hacrainento to 0d' d and HIM. mid tourist cam to ChlcitKO, bl Unh, Newer leans mid WnshiiiKtou. CoiiiRftliir' nt Han Francli''" with KK-ril stciimshlp llui-a fur Honolulu, Jaiin, Clil"", I'hlllppliics, Central mid .South America. Bee uncut t The Dalles station or aililttw C. H. MARKHAM, (letiernl 1'ttssciiKvr Aitcnt, I'urtlnuil.Or "T 1 Tl 'C lien hi D Yellowstone Park Line. TUK Dl.NINli CAIt HOL'TK TIIOM I'OKTWKl '10 'I'll K KAST. THK ONLY Dll'.KCT LINK TO TUK Yhl.l-0- HIONK l'AHK I.KAVK. union Depot, nrtbaod I sis AllltIV. No. No. Kiist-mnll for Tacoina, Heattlo, Olympliiitiriiy s llmbor mid Hoiith llcnil Ipolnla, Hpiikaiiu, Itis land, II. V I'ulliiiaii, i Moscow, UtHlsKiil, Hill 11:13 A. M.iraloUumpmluiiiKcoiin , try, Helena, Miimciin Ills, Ht. J'aill, Oiiiiilm. I Kansas City. Ht. Umls, iChlwiKO mid "ill I'Olntfc No. I. u-ast ami nouthciikt. I Timet tioiind l.xpresH ., Jl!S0 I'. Jl, for Tacouiu mid beattli' T,.. I mill Internusllatu olnti No. 3. ...... .... . , i.i.iicni f . i-uiiiiimi rl-eiasM miu kiuii" , ,Ilt, .Minneapolis, Ht. l'liiilmid Mlssoiitl rival""1" IVIIIiOlll CIlHIIKC, , nictlOlll Vristlbiiled IralMH. I'lidll I CPOt COlH'l"!"" Ill all prlueluil eltlex. funkcti, iiiiKKam o CCfciil io ucaiiuai i' ,;:,,gMi Kor hiiiidsiiiiuiUMIInstiiiti-i I cfcril'll ; tickets, slechliiir car riaierviitlmis, elc.uii write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ieiienil rasseimcr AKcitt. w ' ton Htrcut, corner Third, 1'ottiaiid OiiUO'" J J It. It. II, NM1TII, OsteoputJi. Uooms 10 and 11. Uhniniinit IUocK, '1 1' 'J"!!" OrL-L'mi. ' "