The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 02, 1900, Image 3

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The 3 Things
Saturday's Special.
"Mother's Friend"
Waists for Boys...
There is a splendid variety liere for all
sorts of hoys, made from Flannels, Flannelettes
and Percales. No wonder that mothers are de
lighted with .them, and the hoys are proud to
wear them.
Pease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures.
Oho Hint in every way meets your idea of what In correct;
then call and boo our exhibition of new Fall styles. It'e a "sure
thing" that you'll find just the ttvle you want.
If you Bre looking for a neat, nice, fashionable
and inexpensive Suit of STRICTLY ALL WOOL,
see our lino at
It's bound to give you satisfaction ; because, in the start, it's
made of pood material; it's well put together ; good sewing, good
linings, and cut to fit, in the very latest stylo sack coat.
Our $10.00 Overcoat
of strictly all wool, in blue, black and oxford gray, cut in long
box style with velvet collar, nicely lined and well made throughout.
Our $1.50
It you want a thoroughbred hat the top-notch of hat ex
cellenceyou mod buy ono of these. We show them in all the
latest colors, and we guarantee them equal to any 2.00 hat told
in Oregon.
Most important in Shoes are
1st. A. perfect fit that means comfort.
2d. Style and graceful design that means
3d. First-class material and construction
that means service.
Queen Quality
Shoes for Women
Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance
and splendid service. No matter for what
purpose a woman desires shoes, she will
lind her wants supplied in the Queen Qual
ity line. Many styles to select from.
All goods marked in plain figures.
Rse Dalles Daily Chfonicla,
At Androw Keller's.
"I tide Josh Sprueeby."
Tonight at the Vogt opera house.
bailies' winter waists 71! cents to $2.2:1
nt the New York Cash Store. f
A marriage license was issued today
ti M. .Stone and S. F. Line.
A nice lino of ladies' winter waists just
rawed at the New York Cash Store.
For rent ur Bale on easy torms, uood
liuiiso, with bath. Inquire or address
tins oiiicn. t,:n).:;t
The health nflicer of Walla Walla re
ports twentvfivo cases of scarlet fever
and ono of diphtheria.
(hiitaf Newman, a former subj.'ut of I
UieCurof liusaia, wan admitted today
MiillciuuiiHliip buforo Judge Bradahaw.
Wanted A second- hand firo-proof
'. Must be in good condition and not
'oi large. Apply ut thu Oiiitosici.i:
"like. a',il-il
Wanted A girl to do general house
work. Good wases will he paid to one
thoroughly competent. Apply at 282
Thiid street, " o!IO-tt
A very stylish ladlea' waist, made of
French Manuel and nicely trimmed, in
the Litest colore, only $2 211 at thu New
York Cash Store.
l!(','iilar Saturday cooking at Jones
Ujfe. f'ies Oaken, Boston flaked Beans
and Graham Bread, ready cooked and
'lelivered. 'iono201. 2-2t
" you want pies or cakes for Sunday's
''inner buy tj, tomorrow from the
Mh-a of the Catholic church. They
will be 011 sale all day at Maier A-ftien-ton's
"! .-Miaoxouonl atoro liulKilng, 013.
"iwiiu stieot, formerly occupied by C.
' Schmidt, has been rented by Hob
Fi'-iRuo, who will occupy it with a stock
0' Krucerios in the near futro.
A land slide occurred lum night below
Hosier which cleluyod ho night trains
vral hours. Anotfior occurred this
'"oriiing which delayed the passenger
"filvlng hero at 12yfr about hr long.
I'oland & IIohiiHr havo opened a very
jiwt meat and Vegetable market In the
gliding recently .ereuted by F, W. L.
Ihbo between thu Sklhlio Hotel and
he Obnrr lloiiae. It will undoubtedly
Pfovo a great convenience to residents in
E"st Knd of town.
Next week C. J, Stubllng will move
''a wholesale stock of llquora to the
"j'ek Heroliouio immodialely back of
new retail venture, known us the
J Hank Cafe. The change iB made in
.'order that Mr. Stutiling's entire buBi
jiioss may bo more conveniently under
: his personal supervision.
I Tho Glacier says A. A. P.otiney has
I bought the whole of the property be
j longing to his eon, Clyde, at Hood River
land will continue tho business at the
jold Htand'. Thu father and son have
( changed places, Clyde going to Tygh to
, uiiinagu the farm, w bile the father has
; moved his family to Hood River.
I Protessor C. L. Gilbert left for Salem
j thiB afternoon to confer with State Su
i peiiuteudent Ackerman regarding the
meeting of the State Teachers' Associa
; tiou, which is announced to be held at
Albany on December 20th to 20th inclii
sive. Professor Gilbert is secretary of
the department of Buporintondence.
Yesterday evening an unknown Indian
stole tho saddle from Charley Snipes'
horse while the animal was tied in tiie
Ha was seen in Portland on the 3d of Oc
tober at the stand of a boot block having
his boots shined, and from that day to
this all trace of him has teen lost.
Judge Mays has absolute faith in the
old man's honesty, and greatly fears he
has met with foul play.
"Only think of tho impudence of that
innn llanna," said a Bryanito camp fol
forward Movement Convention.
The meeetings at the Methodist
church are now numbered with past
events, but the influences set in motion
Will go on.
The convention closed last evening
with a sermon by Dr. Booth on "Sent
Forth to Save Souls."
The services in ttie afternoon were
lower as he addressed a number of ' opened with devotions, led by Rev. F.
gussls seated around the stove of a hotel
in a little town not a thousand miles
from the south bank of the Columbia
river. "Why, Hanna had the audacity
the other day to stand before an audi
ence of American citizens and say:
'How dare Ilrvan attack the character of
Death of .'.Irs. J. I. Lucau.
L. Johns. The presiding elder thenj
It is with profound sorrow that we re
cord tho death of Elsie Sturgill Lucas,
wife of J. P. Lucas, register of the TJ. S.
land office at this place, which occurred
at 0 :30 this morning frora blood-poisoning,
after an illnees of only a few days.
The deceased was born Dec. 2S, 1872,
near BJker City. She was educated in
part at Camden college, Mo., anil grad
uated with honors from tho Monmouth
plays & Crowe
presented the topic "The Practical As- j Plate normal school. She taughta num
pect of the Forward Movement." This! her of terms in the Ecbools of Baker
was followed by an open discussion in j county and Baker City. October 13,
which most of those present took part. 1S97, she was united in marriage to Mr.
Dr. Fisher was requested to eay tome ; Lucas and resided with her husband for
thing concerning the prat inc bands of a sho-t tinis at North Yakima, moving
a man of my financial standing. Hov j neatly half u centurv ago. His address to Arlington, Or., Njvembsr, '97 aud to
dare he' " "Hold on, judge, " piped
a little mair from Onarga, Illinois, who
hud hitherto taken no part in the con
versation, "Where did you see that
I Rni'Hi'li V" '"T Mm- it in 11 nnstmner."
f ' ' - --- " (-! I
shed back of LjuIh U-irden's store. Tho sinswered the "pidge." "I'll give you
Lndian turned the horse loose and nack- r' fo" 11 I"1!'01" tlmt contains a speech of
ing tiie saddle to the Kast, Knd sold it to
Mark Hanna with those words in it."
a bov for 2.0. Mr. recoveted I J vo it l "t vne nouse," saiu toe
: " in I'l' " "I5r
the saddle aud horse this morning.
M. P. I-enbcrg, of Hood River, has
been campaigning for some time in
Klickitat county. Ho spoke last night
at Timber Valley, north of Lyle, and
will speak at Lyle tonight. Ho and V.
T. Dutch, republican candidate for
couniy attorney, and A. K. Coley, candi
date for county auditor, came up from
Lyle this morning on the Irak! a and re
turned this afternoon.
Captain Fred H. Sherman, who is
wall known in city as formerly the
captain o.f one of the D. P. & A. N.
steamers, was united in marriage at
Portland October 21th to Miss L-jIb Ad.
nah Helm, youngi'Ht daughter of Mr.
and .Ms. W. J1'. Helm, formerly of
Chicken Springs, this county. Miss
Holm will bo remembered by the teach
ers of this county as an exceptionally
capable instructor.
One of our liryan exchanges comes
oit In buld-faco typo saying: "Vote
fur McKlnluy and 110. cent wheat." Our
farmer friends will remember the time
whim some of the.Fo same people weie
upholding u democratic president aud
25-cont wheat. Wo admit both prices
aro ridiculously small, but then Mr. Me
Kinley is yet paying fourteen cents
more per bushel than your democratic
president did, and the dhToronce in two
husholfl will buy an awfully good meal.
Shaniko Leader.
LiiBt spring Judge Mays sold u bunch
of slicop to nn old German fanner
named Gustavo Stinu from Glaokainas
county, Mr. Mays accepted tho per
sonal note of Mr. Stinu In payment aud
it was drawn fur eight hundred odd dol
lars, payable October 10th. Several
timcB since Mr. Mays heard from tho
old man and once he ran across him in
Portland, mid ever aud always Mr,
Stino said ho was doing well with the
sheep and would be on time when the
note was due, About the first of Octo
ber Mr. Stino hud raised the money and
tie left his wife and sou on the ranch to
come to The Dalles to settle hie note,
added much interest to the meeting, and
it is hoped may prove a means of inspi
ration in the conflict. Rev. W. 0. IJen
adom upon being requested, oho re
sponded with an address to the meeting.
Everyone voiced the sentiment that
tiie meeting was a success.
CuniuilABlniierH' Court.
judge." "Bring it down then," said
the man from Onarga, "and here's your
money." But the judge didn't brine it
down, neither then nor since, although
tho Onurga maisis sti l in tiie neighbor
hood of tho hotel by the south bank of
tho Columbia. c
BryauiteH aro working themselves into
u fine fren;:y over a statement alleged to
have been made last week by Senator
Scott, of West Virginia, in a speech
made in New York at a dinner given in
honor of Theodore Roosevelt, to the
effect that trusts are a good thing, the
Standard Oil trust among the rest. Now
what if ho did make this statement? It ,
is beyond question too sweeping, for j
borne oo-called trusts huve used their j
power too arbitrarily, but it is infinitely
nearer the truth than anything Bryan- Out 31 Warrants.
ism lias over uttereu on tno sutijtct.
Investigations by the Department of
Labor sJiow that the c-O'callcd trusts
havo increased and not reduced the
wages of their employes and have in
creased and not reduced the number of
worklngmen or oven traveling salesmen,
as has been alleged. Nor havo the
prices of trusts mado goods, with pos
sibly a few exceptions, increased beyond
what was natural anil legitimate as the
result of increased demand, increased
cost of raw material and increasod wages
of employes. Said an intelligent rail
road employe to tho writer tho other
day, whoso political predelectlons aro
sufficiently indicated when it is said that
ho was an ardent supporter of Judge
Benui'tt last June, "I havo given a good
deal of attention to this trust question,
aud for (lie life of mu I cannot tell
wherein the trusts are injuring inn as a
wagu.earnor; can you?" No; the
QiiitoNK'MC man couldn't tell him nor
can anybody else.
At the regular monthly of the water
commissioners held last night the fol
lowing claims were allowed in addition
to tho salaries of the regular employes
of tho board :
II Curl, lahor ft 00
j J Man, labor IS 00
David Stroud, labor 1(1 GO
Win Morgantield, labor 10 00
J Busch, labor 17 '10
F Clark, labor 12-10
FS Gunning, repairs 1 30
Mat Shoren, repairs 0"
DJ Houkman, repairs -1 HO
MayB tk Crowe, mdso !) 70
Maier & Benton, mdso -1 21
Tho treasurer reported :
Oct 1 Bal cash on hand
Cash, W A Miller for city lots
Water lent
The Dalles in Auuet, 1S9S, on the ap
pointment of Mr. Lucis to the register
ship of the land office.
During her short resilience here she
made a host of friends, who mourn her
untimely death. The heart of this com
munity goes out in profound sympathy
for the bereaved husband.
The remains will be taken on the
nijht train for interment near Baker
Don't Kr.'i It In,
Just wet the hfl'.'fM pari freely with
Myeti-rions Pain ( ure, a fvotch remedy,
a-id tho pain is gmie. Sold by Clarke &
('laikeit Falu'n flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your urocer for them.
Tho only store ft
this city where tht
Oenulne Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher In
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap onam
cled ware.
Other wares look
has tho name
Strnnsky - Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exiii
bitions. Highest
award nt Worlds
Columbian Exliibi
tion. Chicago. Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it; in
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled waro ia special
y imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It doe3 not rust
nor absorb fjrease,
does not discolor
nor catcli inside; is
in fruits or
will boil,
Stto . . wtwi
and bak.
w i t h o u ;
flavor o.!
o oolted
food and
will last
for years.
We cm;.
tion tlu
agnicf ;-.
imitulio 4
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors..
Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ice
cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal
lard's old stand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
Tho place has been thoroughly ren
ovated, and a share of tho public patron
age is solicited.
pit. K. K. FKltnUSO.V,
Physician iind Surgeon,
Cairo, Vogt lilook (over I'oitnSH'iv,
JCaplmiMlw Till-: DAI.I.B-J, O'tfliON.
!fl302 16
54 liO
,.423:14 01
012 72
One thousand styles and sizes. J&su,
m Fr f 0kjS heat"- W
jfnees irom $5 10 $50.
Nov. 1 Bui cash on hand. . . .$1981 21)
AdvertlKi'd I. utter.
Fur t-ul,
A few choice Hereford bull calves til.
gilile for registration. Inquire of
nl-hdw J. L, Km.i.v, The Dalles,
Clark A Falk aro never closed Sunday,
Dju't foreet this.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in tho postotlice at The Dalles un
called for November 2, 1000. Perilous
calling for tho same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Broa n, Ralph A ,2; Myers, Clias
Bates, MrB Bert .Martin, Mis FC
Bitsell, Fred J McCauley, FO
Bundel, Mrs Geo Merlon, fid W
Moore, Frank ,W
Myers, Miss Kitty
Norman, Fred
Powell, i W
Remington, Mi?s N
Steel, Clarence
Tomliii, Kd
Ward, Heuiy
.Walteis, Susan
Welen, Mrs Kniiua
Wilson Hun v
Zhin, Mrs A
TliHt Throlililiii; IJcmlui'lttt
Would quickly leave you, If yon used
Dr. King's New Llfo Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make puro blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take, Try them, Only 23 cents,
Money back If not cured. Sold by
Blakeley, the druggist. 5
Campbell, Mrs D
Callahan, Mrs Jas
Cary, Miss Alice
Denne, Mr
Gurnlu Mr John R
1 lowland, Miss F
II ad ley, W O
I lug ten, Mr
Hynes, Mr R (2j
Kellv, Mrs A ij
Kalauquiu, Furl,
fTho genuine all bear the above Tra-le-Mark
ana are sola witn a written guarantee.
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900
told by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere.
v&docmir by The Michigan Stove Company,
Largest Makurj of etuim una naogea lu tho World, Oak ttov
Tmemst BENTON.