The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 02, 1900, Image 1

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    ffl bt Balk
NO. 378
The Kind You Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
jyfyttfls Honal
All Coiinteriuits, Imitations and " Just-as-pood" aro but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
inl'itnts and Children Experience against Experiment.
C'nstoriu is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, .Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
wuituiiis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Niilistunce. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Feveri.shiiess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
ami Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tim Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Will Not Strili .Naked.
Virion, Colo., Nov. 1. The executive)
board of tho Victor Miners' Union was
in sequin for five hours lust night with
Miiiniger Hliijunaii uiul Assistant Malinger
Grunt, of tlio Independence mini, dis
cussiiiK Hie htriku of tlio Independence
minors on account of the recent personal
search order of the mine manatfement.
It wasaiinnuiiced that nil ililhcnllies hud
b-c-ii settled, unit Mr. Grnnt stales thut
the !i oVluck shift will go on km usual to-
d.iy. The men will strip to tliuir under
'lothinij, and if nny are snepf-cled of
ute.dinu oro they will be searched by
"iaino of their comrades under the eyo of
ii watchman.
Annthur feature of the agreement is
that the mine management will give
prefurimcu to members of the union
wherever possible. The 300 men ulieetod
by the strlko huvo been out five days.
A TlioMHitml ToiigllUH
Could not express the rapture of Annie
K. Springer, of 1125 llowurd st., Phil
iilulpl in, Pa., wlion slio found thut Dr.
Kind's Now Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
co"l?li that for ninny years hud made
ilea bunion. All other remedies and
doctors could k'ivo her no holp, but she
ays of this Koyal Cure-"It soon re
moved the pnin in my chest and 1 can
now sleep soundly, nomothine I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding Us praises throughout tlio
universe." So will evory one who tries
lr. King's Now Discovery fornny trouble
f tlio throat, chest or luiitfs. Price 50c
'"1$1. Trial bottle free at Ulakeley's
'Iriin storo ; every bottlo guaranteed. 5'
Your Know
filmws the state of your fueling!) and the
etitto of your health at) well. Impure
blued makes itself appurent in a pale
n'id sallow complexion, Piuiplea and
Mhi Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not haven
bealthy appearance you should try
Acker's Wood Rlixlr. Itcnios all blood
'llsoasea whore chpap Sarsaparlllas and
o culled purifiers fall j knowing tliia we
toll every bottle on a positive guurantee.
hUkeloy, the drugKlst.
Hulil to lliivn Si'urot Acninninit.
N'i;v Yoiuc, Nov. 1. The London cor
rfc&pondciit of the Tngoblntt, euya a
I'urlin dispatch to the Jlornld, lenniB
from a source which he cannot disregard
Hint the Aiiglo.Cierinan agreement does
"dually contain n secret nrrangemout
which has been added to article threw.
Bought, and which lias been,
has borne the siirnatnre of
has been made under his ncr-
supervision since its infancy.
Signature of
This refers to China and Africa. The
paragraph regarding China could be
published without cuusiut! nny diili
cutties, but on account of the paragraph
regarding Africa this is not possible for
the moment.
l!i:iti.i.v, Nov. 1. The lUMchsannieger
today oflicially and delinitely denies
there are any secret adjuncts to the
latest Anglo.Gornmn compact. The paper
says there is no ugreeiiient whntover be
yond the note, the full text of which was
published October 201 h.
Jloltliril (lui liruvn.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, whs the
subject, is narrated by him as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin wus almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Threo physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, u
triend advised 'Electric Hitters' ; and to
my great joy and surprise, the firet
bottle mudo a decided improvement. I
continued their uso for throe weeks, and
am now n well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No ono should fail to try them.
Only 50c, guaranteed, at Ulakeley's drug
store. 6
I'ranoti In HurliiUH Trouble.
New Yoiik, Nov. 1. The outlook for
social and political disturbances in
France is becoming graver every day,
says a Paris dispatch to the Times. In
the north 100,000 miners are ou a strlko
and the recent socialistic talk from mom
hois of the government seems to have
oncouraged a violent and revolutionary
spirit. Moreover, the Catbolics are he
coming very bitter at the declared In
tention of the government to close otll
clal careers to all who have boon edu
cated in religious institutions.
Tho Catholic pp'bs is very bitter and
the clergy are making common cause
with Ilia other enemies of tho govern
ment. Only tho fact that tho govern
ment controls tho church's funds pre
vents the nleriry from expressing their
opinion vigorously ou tho inattnr.
When you cannot sloop for coughing,
it is haidiy necessary tlutt any ono should
toll you that yon need n few doses of
Chamberlain's Cough Itemed y to allay
tho irritation of tho throat, and make
sleep possible. Itlsgoud. Try it. For
sale by Ulnkoley, the druggist.
Clarke & Fall! have ou salo a full line
of paint and artiBt's brushes.
Will Maintain the "Open Door" io
China and Protect the Integrity of
the Empire.
Washington-, Nov. 1. The alignment
of the powers on the British-German
agreement is now complete. Aside from
Italy and Austiia, whose adherence to
the agreement was expected owing to
their politicnl relations with Germany,
Japan is tho only one of the powers
which Iibs given unconditional nssent
to the agreement. As the matter now
standf, five of the powers are united in
all the terms of the agreement, viz:
Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Austria
and Japan; threo of the powers, United
States, France and Kussin, accept the
clauses relating the open door nnd the
territorial integrity of China, but with
hold action on the third clnuse, relation
to further procedure in case any power
sei;:eB territory.
Neither tho state department nor the
IJussian Embassy lias received informa
tion of Russia's answer although the As
sociated PresB, in its London dispatch,
announced that the reply had been re
ceived at the British foreign office, Oct,
110, and bad unreeervedly accepted the
first two cluuseB. In regard to the third
clause, Russia referred two contracting
parties to the Russian circular of April
25th, saying that Bhe would modify her
attitude according to circumstances.
The effect of the exchange has been in
bringing five of the powers to an agree
meut to respect the "open door," and
the integrity of China, and to consult
among themselves as to a future cours6
in case any of the other powers sought
to take Chinese territory. These "other
powers," as the negotiations have now
been Bhnped, are the United States,
Franco and Russia. ABtothe United
Stated tiiere is no possibility ot an
initiative in taking territory, so that the
terms of the third clause would appeal
to France and Russia and would bring
about concurrent action of the five powers
in case either of these sought to extend
their domain in China.'
Cuturrlt Ciiiinut Itu Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the sent of the disease. Catarrh
is n blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must lake inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a qnuck medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is areuular nrescrintion. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood puritieis, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciikney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold bv drrnggipts, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
11 (i in uh Carried Sterol to II In Grave.
New York. Nov. 1. While workmen
were clearing up a cellar formerly occu-
led by the late Dr. Thomas S. Holmes,
ho had a drug store in Brooklyn, they
came ucross a box securely fastened,
hich was found to contain the petrified
head und trunk of a girl about 12 years
old. The police made an investigation
ud became satisfied that the skeleton
ins the property of Dr. Holmes, who, it
a said, experimented with an embalm
ing process, which he had used during
tho Civil war, and the Bscret of which
he died without rovoaling. It was Dr.
Holmes boast thot he had discovered a
process of embalming that would ossify
bodies. He was at work on the process
when he died.
During the war, Dr. Holmes em
balmed the bodies of many solliers.
Ho also embalmed tho body of President
It llniii iii'tl III a lime Store.
"Ono day last winter a lady camo to
my drug etore nnd asked for a brand of
cough medicine that I did not have in
stock," says Mr. C. R. Grandln, tho
popular druggist of Ontario, N, Y. "She
was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recom
mend. I said to her that Icould freely rec-1
otnmend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and that she could tako a bottlo of the
remedy nnd after giving it a fair trial if
she did not find it worth the money to
bring back tho bottle and I would refund
the price paid, In tho course of a day
or two the lady came back in company
with a friend in need of a cough medicine
and advised her to buy a bottlo of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, I consider
that a very good recommendation for
the remedy." It is for sale by G. C.
Blakeley, the druesist.
In Ml its etagCB there
should be cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses, soothe and heals
tho diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold in the head
Cream TSalm is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads
over the membrano and is absorbed. Ite'.lcf is Im
mediate and a euro follows. It is cot drying docs
not produce sneezing. Largo Size, CO cents at Drug
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 30 cents by mall.
LtY 1:K)T1IEHS, 30 Warred Street, New York.
Strayed from my place on the bluff,
a 2-year-old Jersey heifer; dehorned;
ear mark on both ears ; branded bar ou
both hips. Liberal reward paid for her
ol0-4tw Bagi.ey.
The largest and most complete line of
fall and winter millinery ever displayed
in the city at the Campbell & Wilson
millinery parlors. The prices will sell
the goods. sStf
Vogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarke, Manager.
gSfc. FRIDAY, Nov. 2d
Grand Operatic Orchestra
Carload Special Scenery
Novel Mechanical Effects
The Great Sawmill Scene
All New Specialties.
Watch for the Uiu I'arade.
Note the price Kntiie house, 50c.
MMwi noiic suvrmi. Fnir ImK fiomo and none, but The
!q aro saving tho people money on Men's Clothing, I ndorwear, Huts and bhoes, as well
3 Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery.
....... f. 1. r 1
You will nnd in our btoro lots 01 nargains.
Wo lmvn ilm hnst line of un-to-dato .Jackets and
and about one-third less in price than othor stores.
(Jomo ana see us and
AYo aro agents for Miller's All-Wool Clothing.
Blankets and Quilts.
Tiio bed clothing needs early attention. Man' of the
pieces Hi at served last winter, and the winter before, must
be replaced this season. Now is a good time to buy; good
because later on you will not have the assortment to select
from, and the best numbers will have been sold. Further
more, if you buy now, early discomforts may be avoided and
a full season's use enjoyed.
Jlere are the best sorts to be found in their various
grades all marked at unusually reasonable prices:
At $3.00 "Spokane Fnlls"-a gray
and brown mixed, wool blanket; wool
warp and Miing; 10-4 size; weight 4
At $3.90 "Cross Roads," iron-gray
wool blanket; bright border; wool
warp and filling; 10 4 size; weight 5
At $4.90 A 5'4' lb all-wool, 10 4
siz3, Oregon blanket ; dark gray mot
tled; bright border; cloth bound.
At $5.00 "Pleona" silver gray,
sanitary wool blanket; guaranteed all
pure wooi warp and filling; weight 4-
pounds ; 10 4 size.
Cotton Bed Blankets. Used extensively for sheets in cold weather;
wbitee and grays; 10 4 size at 00c, 75c and $1.25. 11 4 size at .fl, .1.50, $1.75.
Coarse Wool Blankets. Cotton mixed ; medium and dark gravs and
blue; at $1.25, $1.4!i) $1.75, $2, $2,25 and $2.50.
Indian Robes. Finest wool, beautifully colored in various tribal designs ;
tome particularly attractive for couch covers, etc. $3,50, $4, $1 50 and $5,
QUILTS. Filled with clean, white cotton, ami covered both si-lea with
figured silkelene, tied with worsted ; full double-bed size; at $1.03, $2,01)
and $2.45.
DOWneline QuiltS. Large, lIullV, comfortable; filled with pure,
laminated while cotton, covered with" bust quality oilkelene; plain and
figured; knotted with worsted ; a first-class article; price $3.40.
Other quilts various grades from 75c up.
The Place
to Save Money
on all kinds
of Merchandies.
wo win no measeu 10 snow you
133 Second Street,
At $5.00 A 1 1-4 b'.', 0 pound all
wool Oregon blanket ; good dark gray
mixture; special value.
At $5.50 "Monosi" camels-hair
all wool blanket; 11-4 size; weight 5
lbs ; full size, and all wool warp and
At $6.00 "Greenland" white
blankets; all wool, both warp and fill
ing; 10-4 size; weight 4.t pounds.
Othei grades white wool blankets at
$4.00, 5.90, $0.75, $7.50, .$7.90, 8, if 10.
Colored wool blankets in various
grades, to $12 a pair.
Fair Store has como to slay.
Canes lor Ladies' and Misses'.
our goous.
' v.,