i ma rrson.ic ciiMttvn ami ooino. .1. L. Gnttlim, ( li.. 1 Ilivor, i in ihe city, the uxh of t'i" CiiiatilU Hume. Mrs. C. F. !'! grand chief of linti'u. r:.MiiiiH.t lii'ii i. last tiifilit from nt) -tiioial visit to ti e Portland lodges. Mi-- .Moll Kliuilt, who has been livii p in Seattle for t!ic past four years, returnel home jesterday and will prob ably remain iiernnuentiv. Drutilirii tiiilliint A I f rti-il. Marshal Driver and Imie Fritz marie n raid last ni.'lit 0:1 the Indian camp near the head of the old brewery grade, und (nthered in five bu k- just a they had iittbib'd aleiho! enonyti to tit them to hold their Uiiiai tiiii.'v oriyie. They were arraigned bef"re the recorder this morninc. Three of t!:"in were titled ." tjacb, one $3 and tlie others discharged. They belong to tl.e Warm Spring reser vation and claimed to be on their way home from the Yakima hop fields. As the flS wot tii of tines considerably de pleted their exchequer, the chances are that their drinking bouts will soon come to an end. The question still remains unanswered, wtio furnishes thesis Si washes the liquor? ftruufl FarnrHll Meeting. CHINA'S FIRST LADY. The Empress Dowager Said to Have English Blood. Itrnmrknlilr Intellect mill Wonder ful ClnirncterUtlei. of the Wom an Who Hulei the letl iile of the Chinese. A farewell meetinz will be given Brig adier Marshall and wife, who has charge of the Northern Pacific chief division, which comprises the states of Oregon, 1 Washington and Idaho, on Tuesday, J November 0:h. Tne hrisadier is saying j good-bye to a number of corps, and will viiit The Dalles at thai time. Major j Harris, his chief secretary, is acoompa- ; nyinir him to The Dalles. Come ti the Salvation Army hall at S o'clock and hear him for the last time. Plenty of! music is beiii4 arranged for. CotTse, cike and sandwiches wi'.l be served at the close. All invited. Cut. V. R. Cp.aiukee, Lieut. Ckefeld. l'ew people are aware that the eni pre. dowager Is credibly believed by well-informed people in China, .lapan and India to have l'titUli blood in her veins! There is no doubt that her mitt her vu a Ktironean. though whether iiriti-h. Portuguese or ISiis sinn deponent Milth not, says the Lon don SUeteh. Though eloe on 70 year.- of aye. hc is still a good artist, und K said by tho.-e familiar with the Ciiine.-e language to be a tiiie poet. Some !'.! year?- ago she olemnl.v pre MMiteri a Ion poem of her own com position to the llanlin college. Trans lation of tho-e articles dealing with Chinese alTairs appearim.' in ieiuiing !.tirnpc:t!i new.--papers are carefully read lty her. so she i. iiiit" aware of the jealousy and suspicion which animate the powers rh" moment the Chinese problem come.- under discus-don. Very. ery few of the millions whom she rules with an iron hand have ever seen the einpre.-s dowager. As regards all outward forms and ceremonies, she is intensely conserva tive, and it is said that sh- cm n dis cuses high alTairs of state throrjfh a door and through a curtain The 1'urple Forbidden City in other words, the imiterhil pit lace, at Pe king is a huge hunun. r.ilibi -warren, for there must dwell nil those tlurrtl nf Chronic lllarrhorm After Thirty Yriir nf Surt'crliiB- "Sufldred for thirty years with dinr- ' rhoea nnd thought I was past being cured," says John S. Ilulloway, of 1 French Camp, Miss. "I hud spent so j much time and money and sufTercd so I , much that I had uiven up nil hopes of! recovery. 1 was so feohlu from the) j effects of the diarrhoea that I could do 1 no kind of labor, could not even travel,' j but by accident I was permitted to find j I a Itotilis of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ' I and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking 1 ' several liottles 1 am entirely cured of ' j that trouble. 1 am so pleased with thei . result that I tun nnxiuu that it bo in j reach of all those who miller as I have." . For sale lv Illnkelev druggist. ' Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior! paints when you can buy James 12. j I'atton's sun proof paints for $1.50 tier; 1 gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Fa!k, agents. Clark & ml ' Floral lotion will cure wind chapping ; and sunburn. Manufactured bv C'arKe & Falk. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Night On'y, MONDAY. November 5th 1 Tetli)v siirt-clie 'I ortay. Anno.v, IX. Y., Oirt.Sl. The sun came out just after tr.e Riosevelt special left Rochester, giving promise of a pleasant day. The first stop was made at Brcck port. Here the governor said : 'Mr. Bryan invikos the declaration of independence as applying to the Philp pines. Nebraska was acquired by Thomas Jefferson without the consent of the Indians in it, and he ought to have known how to apply the declara tion of independence because he wrote takes it. We cannot afford to let Mr. Bryan's principle? and the present B.-yanizsd Democracy continue a formidable dan ger to American political life. I appeal to you not merelv to bat it, but to stamp it under foot, so that no similar J uppeal will ever be made in our time. While we can afford to differ on ques tions of policy we cannot afford as good Americans to differ on the underlying j principles the lack of which makes any party whatever it is a stuudin? danger io the country." At Holly it was raining. Nevertheless '.ie governor spoke to a great crowd, lie said : "V.'e do not want to cut into the na tional honor bv cutting in two the na- i tiunal debt. If Mr. Uryan's policies j ever should be enacted into law they i would bear with an especial weight of woe upon the very people concerning vsvhom he affects to lie most interested. J'-Mr. Bryan speaks of polygamy in the Kuln Islands and 8iy? it ought to be j topped. Why, his proposal is to es-1 tablish a protectorate over those islands, j and therefore guarantees both slavery j and polygamy in Httlrj." onuiim 4 f ! 3 i to to Tho Oottcn, Or. The Chronicle, dob Pointer's. i l' ':6; IS ls-l 21:1 i5C ft j ?;! , It' at! f 4 lUtJ Lit. 'iiiiTTftiiiiT-riittximfTiirsjiiiniTiirTiwiritiiiiiTitiiiiitJintiijitrrirt tt init f 0.R.&R llKTV l!T row TIMK .tnHKI)Ul.K. Kitoit lAi.i.r., Am;T, Ktiit inlt I.hIo, Denver, Kt, Mull Worth, Onmhu, kM m,i 1J r, p. m., j City. Ht 'Jmi,, jj"'" CIiIcmro mill i;uHt, ' p 18 'n.m Attiinllf iHhII IjiU?, Denver, rt. i . Kxprroh I Worth, tminliii, kim l'i:.Vin. in.; nix ity, Ht. jm., Vln limit-' Chicago mill liint, 1 1 r; t 1 1 1 . I .Mull MliineuMilN. ht. !,.. IIIHl Kx press 'J '.'i i. in .......tv.t(..ii., , inn. I) II 111 tit, JlllWIIIll.fv, i.iik'iiko Hiui r.iisi, vln Hi'okiiitenkil Hniitlm; inn; nhn h)1 iHilnts in WiiihliiKtmi mill Kiut eru Urvffun. M.li" aim i:.ptj :i.3).a tp.m. & p. m. j I'r.oM l'or.Ti.AMi , , ticeiui Hteumilil!!1. i Kor Sun Kninclsri Kvcry rive im-,. S v, m. ' i r M Kx-suiiilityjCnliimtjIii Uv. Ktciinir. Ei -jn?. Mo Amtokia mill V.ny " C.t.l.i, ' t ....,t..... Snitinhiy mi . m. UlllillllK. int. m. ' Vii.i.Aitr.TTi: Uivkii. i.,Dn b i-!tim City. Ni'wtn-rc. j;x.bunhj Srtlem A: Way Imu'. -. h. nt, WiMAMsrii: .::n Vam 3)p.n l in.'lliilr. HIM. Ilivi.l'.- Mnn.,Wol iinil . rut. litt'cnn City, l:ivtu:i nnd Kri ' uiul Viiy.ItiitiiiK. ' v I!lirln iliil.jr .t-a-'iK. in. sy.iKi; iiivrn. Itlinrlii to l'wiiun. l.Kwinos tolly 'J Wa.a mg to town. connected with the enur' . with 'lie nominal emperor, hi.-' har-ni. ant! 'te thousniid unttchs who v..i' on t;ie imperial family, an.! h-. if.. Pin press dov.njrer in h:i, i:;,: . n i tn emies the mysterious dis"ii-f. jires 'd in anger of the inside." h: -h ha- re nioreti so many unpleasant people from her path, including, it said. 1 two empress consorts. KB ft A ' T.sze-Hsi enjoys wonderful health, nnd nowhere is Iter remarkable intel lect more shewn than in the matter of doctors null hygiene, iihr early grasped the fact that I'uropean wom en oweil their strength of body and mind to their habit of takiii" a. "-rent deal of exercise. According!-, she I l'f- Bdrneb' famous performance com-' learned to wrestle, and each morning it out of herself in this, for a Chinese lady, astounding fashion. Then, again, she is a 'great believer in the erticaey of cold water, ami she hn.s a horror of doctors and of sorcerers indeed, she .-.ends for one only when she requires the loan of a peculiarly deadly and potent drug. It is believed that the empress own life has been attempted no fewer than s'O times, but, thank.- to her wonder fully well-organized detective sy.steni aud nl-o, it it, hut fair to add, to the real affection, and even re.ippct, she inspires in her own faithful band of eunuchs, she ha never been seriou. j !y injured. Very ohnraetpriiitie is her intense interest in nil that concerns. I tjueen Victoria. Picture.! cut from l. uncoil papers arm repr .sr-.tirifr the ! t more notable events of the great sov- ! ij ereign's life have been framed and j j hung; up in her inner chamber. J The etnpres.; dowager, as her name 1,5 anil, latlceo, cany career prove, was h once n very noted beauty. She has remained much interested in the art of beauty, and ilnwes wirh e:;'rrior- , dinar;.- magnificence. On, the other : $ hand -the remains faithful to the Chi- ;5 nese ccstom of wearing no Ponies, Djgs nnd Goats perform mar velous feats at the bidding of their mas ter. Also monkeys and a trained lion. .Scientific training added to natural instinct gives mirth and aunnement. 25 Superior Dogs. 15 Superb Ponies. I Accompanied by a clever ! JAPANESE JUGGLER. ; C. J. STU8MHG, ! Wll'' '.M' i.U ti Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Wines, Next door to A. M. Williams A Co. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. r? l'nr.i' iiiniritig t" s u il-ppner or . ' int mi 'oitunblH hniilheni m i II ji. !io'jit tiiNi- r .', luiivlug 'llio Diilkv nt li ti p. a, mm-en (lmi't finnt'CtliiiiH hi !l"tin'i r junction hi "I iiiifKn li"uni!liK tiihiiiiitfilirii'tiDiitiNtlon nt ll' inii' I uiii'llnii uiul U'ugy v ith .'.'ij. ,,.. rnvii: nt 1 lie Ilulk ill 1 .J' p m for liil, )irtlf!iilars rn' n ( ,. ,S. Vo.t n;;1 it The Dullct,. nt n1' e- . ii n.nt'KT. t ii. l'n. At , ' i tiliinil.Or SOUTH and EAST via Souinern FaciliG Co. i Secure vour tickets at Clarke & F.ilk's. crS!rA"rTrnr;x'3 ;s L. Lane, UK.'.'KItAI. BiacKsmiifi .. .GOliDlWBm BREWEfiY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thin well-knonn brewery the United State- Health llepori.j for Juno lis, 1900, -ays: "A more mipeiior brew never entered the Inhraiory of the United .States Health reports. It ih abuiitulv devoid of the sli;iitest trace of adulteration, hiiton tiie other liand is co-n'posed of the bet of malt and choicest of hops. lie tonic (u.ilitiui art; of the high est and it can be tned with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously lie prescribed by the plivriiciani with the cersainty that a better, purer or inuro wholetiointi beveriine could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Shasta Route Trillin, leave Till; Dulles for 1'nrlUiiJ anil W4J stiilicjiis nt I J.) it. in. anil " I', in. Ixiivc I'nrtl.tail . ... " Allmny Arrive Aililniul ' f-.ii:riiiiii:iili) . . " Sin Krrtiiclico ft .n m ";0tia .li.:wiim io-'jOj. in .12.:t(iim IlWim Ti no in 1,3'iao 7.1)1' i" I.j ei Ariivt- ()ilmi ' Hutivur " Kiiii.is(;lty " i;1iIciii-(j ft I'iii in 'J:ti a m T : :i in 7:l.'ii m A. rive Los Aiikl'Iio l'.'.n ! til " Kl l'liso ('.it' p in " I'ort Wottll f,'.' a u " city of Mexico !.. " in " lllllHtOII I.U' " I" " New OrliMlis I' mi " WniliiliKtilll .... Ii. I.' ii m " .New York I--' 1" p i" 11 lUn 9.uia u T.iian y .3D an 7 (Oiita r io i in XltllJt " 'tarn l uin n I. JM'H Ij IMM Ul'W precious j n ...AND. For Sale, A few choice Uereford bull calvea eli gible for registration. Inquire of nl-lulw J. L. Kei.i.y, Tiie Dalles. II e Fonleil the hiirteom. All doctors told Henick Hamilton, of West Jeflerson, O., after sutrering 18 months from Rtctaf Fistula, he stones, only very finely wrought gold en orii.uneiiTs ami splendidly carved inilo TNTritliinc riifil.-M- l,.n nmni) temnitioiislv 1 inirv than to .ce a Chi- I IV nese woman in Kiirnpeati dress nr;C, aping any of the ways of a "lady for eign devil." Horsesfioer die unless a cosily operation was per formed ; hut he cured himself with five bo.va of Ilucklen'a Arnica Salve, the aureat Pile cure on Karth, and the beat Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold lty Ulakeley, Druggist. 4 A Life Ami IJenlli l-'isiit. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la., mould j wrltinj of his almost miraculous escape from death, eays: "Exposure after ineaa. lee induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All icy doctors said I must eoon die. Then I began to uee Dr. Kind's New Discovery ior Consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost fVOO a bottle. Hundreds Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. I 'Ji SI Third aufl JelTcr'oii, Phone 159 i kw r.tjr.r.ri,r -.Triirtru. The A)iiotllf ofa Ciimt Is envied by all poor dyapeptice whose utnmneli anil lii-pr nru not r, t ricr All Huch should know that Dr. Kins's' New have used 11 0,1 ln" rtcommendation and Life rills, the wonderful atoniach and i a11 fa' it,,,lVtfr Mh to enre Throat, Cheat !ivr rr,ip,u. iVM a,.i,..ii,i i, .andl.ung troublea." H-uu!ar tto.i SOc eounu liaestion and a regular bodily habit that insured perfect health and ; and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Ulakeley i Drug Store. 4 ' reat energy, drug store. Only 'Jo cynts at any 4 u. i-. 5cepnens ...Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Crandall&Bargel' j DEALER IN j r(0beSj fill kinds of undertake !. BuriaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles, Or. n Grut Cliaiiiliorluln' Cniicli Ittiueily Fuvorltr. The soothini; and healini; propertiea of this remedy, he pleasant and prompt Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh: thoy dry tip the secretions. which cdliero to tho iuembmuo and decora. I , . . ! . Iosc,caiUinsftfarnioroi,erioiistroublotianana P"nianient curea nave maua It a taoordinarj'fortnof caturrh. Avoid all dry- Breat favorito with people everywhero. , Ing inhalants, fumes, tmokes nnd uuff ' It is especially prizni by mother of ?idt lVVTl,icU1c,1ean.8es' B?oihe a"a mall children for colds, cronp and heala, Ely's Cream Halm is such a remedy , , . ... , nnd TiU euro catarrh or cold in tho he w'pinK couph, aa It alwdya aflotda easily ami pleasantly. A trial sizo will be ', quick relief, at.d aa it ccntaitu no opium mailed for 10 cento. All druggists sell the COc. sizo. Ely Brothers, no Warren St., N.Y. Tho Balm cures vithout pain, does not irritato or catiso sneezing. It spread iUelf over an irritated and angry surface, reliey. ing immediately tho piiuful inflammation. With Kly's Cream Jlaltn youaro armed against Kwal Catarrh and Hay Fover. or other liar infill drti, It may be given aa confidentially to a baby aa to an adult. For eale by Blakeley druggist. Clark k Falk are never closed Sunday. Oju't foruet this. i: i 5 Ilootn, Shoei. HHt, ( jipn, Ni.tlons. Agt. , )! j for W. 1.. Pniiglan Shoe. . j1 SSgSsss. T&c Dalles, Or. ! lAXltfE Gotten, J mm the H, UREASE I B helps the team, fxivca wear and B expeutc. Hold everywhere. stanoard'oil co. Jtm PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. I'lillimm mill 'Imirht cars on Imtli . tr.iins Mmirinr h.ierninelilii to Oplen mill hi 1 mid loiliht i.'itr.i to Clilrii!(.i, bt lml. .Nc Ot k'Mii.i mill WiiililiiKiim. (.'oiiiiectliiR at Sim Kriuiclico with uverl xttiimihlii Unci lur llonnliiln, Jaian. t.liUHi I'litllpliiues, Cuntnil uiul Huutli Aiaetlca. See iiecnt at The Diillo lnlliin, 'ir iiiMttM C. H. MARKHAM, (ieneriil IWcnser Audit, r.irtt.un!, Or lira fa Yellowstone Park Line. TltK lUNl.Nti CAU ISOt'TK KIIO.M I'OltTWSl' TO Till: KAtfT. Tin: osi.v miti:iT mm: totiik vkixow- KIOSK 1'AUK J.B4VK. Lfaton Depot, nnhand I Sts abiv. No. .S'O. G.OOI'.M. No. State Uovtnal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. ra.Puilon.'k""U ' Mw Nl"u"" 801,0,1 ,UC l" Mo ,ho "t fo tldv.i'o l.a,iu,tuv iMluutorM'llly fCSitroKooiJ p3Itlo:ii, i;i..4iikoiiJ year horn to jiryi StrotiK Acj'lernlc ami I'riilciiliinal Oiiiirtos. Now riirchii ii; i. ,ri,,. , i., ', llfiir.K-.J't'raliiliiKlieimitiiR'iit. ""U5- iM)vv "I'-H"! Kiparturc In iUm Well fii KorcaUloKUyccintaliiliiK full aiiuiiunceinciilK luMresii 1'. U CAJll'IIEI.I,, i'rii:nt, or W .nuiil Triilnliiu A. ANN, fjosretdry u( r'acul'y, Kn.it mull for Tiieoiiin. jSenttlc, ()lyiiiiln.liriiy iiuiixir iimi rimiii iicim. IHlllllH, hn.ikiilio, ItOll. 'Iiiliil, II. C I'lllliiiiin. I JIllH'IIW, (iUHlntOII, Hilt IU13 A. M. faloituinp uilrilnrT eoiitt- ri), iivieuii, .iiiiiuviii"' ills, fit. I'jilll, OJiuilia. i KiiumiH my, Ht. Uml". KlhlCiiKO mill nil lioliit fl 1. I..I.I mill wmillwilMt. ' '' tioilllil hsiiti . ,i UiUJ I'. Mi for Tuionm mill bwilllo ?; uiul lutvrmctllitlu point. I'lillimm tirnt-clna imU tonrl't ''J:'r3M Mliiiii'iiimlli.rit. rmilHiiit MUKiiiil rlvr'iii" Wltlmilt cllilliue. . ...Hnai , Vuitiiiuioti iriilim. Union itojuit tllllme"0J, In all irinciiiil iililo, , .,,..., ii,.,.....,... i' .i .... ... .1,11., ,.n. ... nf tlckvtfi ...l,l,...,v' uiu-i;ii-ii m iivliii'H " ' .........alleri ror luiiiilhoiiiely llliiiiliiiUililc('rliti' llrkeL, nlcciihiK tnr loK-rvallniWi etc., w 011 v.rltu A. D. CHARLTON, Altiuit (ieiiond riis'iii(cr Awilt. ' J'''" kiiliHtKet.eoruer'nilul, roHlamt Ong""- Jjlt. It. K, H.MI'ill, Osteopath. Uooiiu io mil u, ciiii.inttu lilock, Tito n!'4 (Jrouon. ,v