EASTER OREGON'S GREATEST DEPflRTJIEflT STORE. The 3 Things Saturday's Special. "Rote's Friend" Waists for Boys... Thorc is a .cplonlid variety hero for all noi ls of boys, made from Flannels, Klannolelles urn! lVreales. litr!.t'l with wr ir them. Your Choice Saturday- No wonder that mothers are de them, and the boys are proud to 69 c Your Choice Saturday SEE WINDOWS. Pease & Mays. .All goods marked in plain figures. PICTURE TO YOURSELF A PERFECT SUIT.... Ono lliat in every way meets your itloa of what is correct; then call and Bee our exhibition of new Full styles. It's a "sure thine" that you'll find just the Btvlo you want. If you are looking for a neat, nice, fashionable and inexpensive Suit of STRICTLY ALL WOOL, see our lino at $io. It's bound to give yon satisfaction ; because, in the start, it's made of good material ; it's well put together ; good sewing, good liiiiniis, and cut to (it, in the very latest style sack coat. Our $10.00 Overcoat of strictly all wool, in blue, black and oxford Cray, cut in long box style with velvet collar, nicely lined and well made throughout. Special Our $1.50 FEDORA HAT Special It you want a thoroughbred hat the top-notch of hat ex cellenceyou must buy one of these. We Fhow thetn in all the latest colors, and we guarantee thetn equal to any $2. 00 hat sold in Oregon. Most important in Shoes are 1st. A perfect lit that means comfort. 2d. Style and graceful design that means beauty. 3d. First-class material and construction that moans service. Queen Quality Shoes for Women Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance and splendid service. No matter for what purpose a woman desires shoes, she will find her wants supplied in the Queen Qual ity line. Many styles to select from. $3.00. PEASE & MAYS All goods marked in plain figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, TtiritSDAY - NOV. 1, l'JOO ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. . Co) WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. I '1 hey have routed n houe on Kighth I Btreot, a block or ho west of Union. e have u few very desirable proper , ties for tale and rent In the citv. If von are looking for anything along this linu , it will pay yon to call on Hudson it j Rrownhill. I The receipts at tho county clerk's ollice from "sundry clerk's fees" lor the month of October amounted to iflidit.OOO, , or about $ 1 00 more than the expense of ; the ollice. I Two men of Albany, while hunting ! for game last Friday, killed a large hawk ( which had two live chickens in its pos session. The chickens were unharmed and were given ibeir liberty. The friends of Mrs. J. P. Lucas will I regret to learn that her condition was i very critical this morning, and grave ap ' prehension is entertained regarding her '. recovery. Her mother has been Bent I for from linker City. Among the Hallowe'en pianks of the j kids on the blall' was the stealing of .Mr. ' C.irnaby's delivery wagon from the ! stable on 'lenth street and conveying it ' boyon 1 the Ilogan place west of town, i hi lliMKMiibcr the littlo musicians tonight .V tui' ngt. I' (lli'ction day has been set for next Monday, Niv. ,"). Ladies' winter waists 7Ii cents to a' the New York Cash Store. A nice line of ladies' winter wuists just rtcivd at the Now York Cash Store. Tim W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. fi. French tomorrow afternoon at :U0 Tne most unique entertainment of 1 1 season at tho Vogt opera house ! whjro it was found this morning. k''1, j Tne receipts at the Philippine treas on- rent or sale on easy tonus, (:ocd , ,lry or tie month of August, 1000, were home, with bath. Inquire or address ' r c.M . Tim tninmirv icointn for the corresponding month of 1801) were ifo 25, 10.'!, showing an increase in favor of tho mouth of August, 1000, as compared with 1800, of flOO.lUiS. At 'J::!0 this afternoon R. I!. Hood got a telegram from Rev. Ray Palmer, an nouncing that that gentleman was sick abed and cnild not fullll his engagement to speak horn tomorrow evening. As no suitable substitute could be obtained tho muiiting is therefore canceled. The Congregational church of this I city has always made it a point to ob serve Thanksgiving, and the coming ono will bn no exception. On Thanksgiving night the young ladlea of the congrega tion will give un entertainment, tho par ticulars of which will be announced in due time. Who would live on tho Congo? Ac cording to one of Rev. Agar'a stories, a little jigger gels under a toe nail and In three days you either have to have tho tou out oil' or lose your life. Tho result Is a good many people short of toos. Tho missionaries oneo a day have an ex pert go ovor their feet hunting for jig gore. The opening of the bids for tho con struulioii of tho race track has been postponed till some time next week. The postponement has boon made neces sary through thu Inability of tho survey or to have the cioas-sectlontug done as eoon as expected. When the time is fixed for opening of the bids due (in here. Our loss is Moro's gain, and we 3an heartily recommend him to the people of that city as a good physician and a splendid citizen. About midnight tho residents in the i neighborhood of the lower end of Second street were alarmed at a number of rifle 1 shots that were fired in rupid succession. I They were loud enough to be heard I distinctly on tho bluff and awake at least ' one gentleman who lives ten blocks j away. All inquiries Litis morning failed j to locate the shooters' and those who expected to hear of a tragedy were! forced to the conclusion that the shoot- j ing was part of the kids' Hallowe'en i program. mark applies especially to Hallowe'en time. Tiie boys must have had lots of fun last night, if the number of lost and .delapidated gates are to be taken as nn indication. But their fun in more than one instance lacked discrimination. It is not fun, but a genuine offence that deserves punishment, to steal the gate from tho grounds of a lone and unpro tected woman or aged person. It is never fun to injure or destroy property in his usual vigor. All plans and the direction of the meeting were in his hands, and everyone was glad to see him. Other new arrivals aro Rev. W. O. Benadom, Puyallup, Wash., former ly of this conference, but now of Puget Sound conference, and Rev. II. N. Fisher, I). D., editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate. Lat evening the devotional service was led bv Rev. S. A. Hornibrook, after this n llav. o30 lit 1'inal citizen papers were issued yes terday by .Judge Blokoloy to Cueton f'eter .lohaiinseii, of this city. Tla ladies of the Catholic church will 'wo a fcale of pies and cakes at Maior it '!'Mt iii'h storu next Saturday. Wanted A second-hand lire-proof s-ift'. Must bn in good condition and not too targe. Apply ut the Cintoxici.u office. ' 0:Sl-tf The regular monthly meeting of the water commissioners will he held lo- "Wit. List night's meeting lacked a 'I'loruin. lull election returns will ho received t the l'liiatllla House ociiiniioiiciiig on j 'lie night of election till the full result j known. Wanted -A girl to do general houfio-1 wnrl Good wages will be paid to one j tlinnmgbiy competent. Apply at , W'iid street, nUO-H A very stylish ladies' wnist, mado of Ffiiioli flannel and nicely trimmed, in , Hi" latest colors, only ifU 2'.1 at the New 1 york (J.iah Store. 'I'lio Arlington Record, after careful '"lUiiy and computation, estimates the wheat yield of Gilliam county, this year t 1,730,000 bushels. 'Hie Shanlko Leader is inforino 1 that U8 i.ew brick hotel at that place has lj(-'un leased and new furniture through out orderod from the Hast. you want to borrow any money at nouiuoment will bn made in Tin: Cinto.v fair rate of interest? If you do, call 101,1:. "Ud tee Hudson k lirownhlll ; they aro The Sliuniko Loader pays tho follow mo men that can Hccommodato you. .J ng handsome compliment to our yomid r. and Mrs. .Tames Kellev. of Kines-1 friend Dr. Rav Logan, eon of Dr. Hugh Ib'i having Sold thoir ruich on Tygh I Logan of this city: Dr. R. W, Logan 'dUgo to John Hix, arrived hern todavlhae decided to permanently locate in doctor, Irienda Dave 15. Levib' big production "Uncle ehn.ll not bo a bit sorry to hear that they losh Spruceby" will bo presented at j have been found out and punished as the Vogt opera house touiorrow (Friday) thev deserve. night. The production has been re-' ceived with much favor and the "press" 1 t x .. 1 1 ..1..!. . . . .. 01 ine new e.ngianu ciues now oeing j .Mr, ami Mrs. U. J.ueiUlemann ate played are giving the play and people 1 Well known for their hospitality, but of any kind, and both of these offences ' which Rev. C. D. Mckelsen, of Ilepp wero committed lastjnight, according to' nor, preached an 'enthusiastic sermon on complaints that have reached this office. , "Go Forward." If the boys who, under pretense of hav-, This morning the devotional, led by ing fun, had no more sense than to do- the presiding elder, was tu-ned into an stroy pioperty or put unprotected old experience meeting. It was a profitable men and women to inconvenience, we season. The topic, "Tho Relation of the Laity to Revivals," was effectively presented bv Rev. II. C. Clark, of Lone A ltrllllimt Jlec'Hjit lull . very flattering notices. As one critic suys, "You get your money's worth." A first-class company of acting people, novel special scenery and mechanie.il elfects, new specialties and a splendid the reception on Tuesday evening last surpassed that of any given on former occasions. Tho evening was a perfect, typical southern night. The beautiful grounds orchestra of twelve soloists are some of j that encircle their handsome home were the features that go to make the pro-; brilliantly illuminated ; the house deoo- duetion tho big success that it is. The rated with handsome foliage plants and big parade given at noon attracts largo ! rare cut (lowers crowds. 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. Lueddomann were' ni,.i- f'mt-P ,,.!(,., at..a i.tu .win- 1 assisted by Mesdames Sampson and lion that ho advises that all over the i 1ri,le I'reseiitluK to their friends, Mr count rv democratic voters oontrreirate about tin. nolIii.L. uUjcb on theeveninL- Tlle Kro01 is t' youngest of three; " ' i of election dav. count noses, and then. if the election returns for Rrvan don't ! .vearH 1,1 H' state of Oregon, where he tally with their count, go into the poll ing places and throw those fellows in charge of tho returns into the street, and Chairman Jones savs he doesn't seo any- Rock. The morning session closed with a very clear and helpful sermon on "Laying Up Treasures in Heaven," by iRev." W. C. Smith, of Dufur. The cinelnding service of the series will be held this eveninu' at 7:u0, when Rev. G. M. Booth, I). D., of Idaho, will preach, A fong service, beginning at 7, will precede. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ite Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the ' Signaturo -3l mays & Crowe em 1 iX. TN&y -V"" Tho only store ft this city where th Genuine Imported Stransky-Stccl Ware is sold, A little higher in price, but outlasts 11 dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Stransky Steel Warooneach piece, Do not be deceived First prizo at lfi International Exhi bitiong. Highest award at World s Columbian Exhlbi tion, Chicago. Pre ferred by tho be-st cookingautliorities, certified to by the most famous che in ists for purity and durability it 1a cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold iu this city ex clusively by us. ii It does not rust nor absorb fjrense, does not discolor nor catch inside; is not affected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, mast and bake with 011 1 imparting flavor of previouoly cook e d food and vil! last or years. ."We cau. tion tl)3 publir. ng:ii:it-: ituitat'.o .i Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors.. Mrs II. L. Jones has opened ice cream and oyster parlors in Carey Hal lord's old stand. She c.irries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, ami a share of the public patron age is solicited. H. 15. I'KKfiH.-iO.V, Physician and Silicon, Ollice, VoKt llloc-K (uv-r I'oitotllt e), JCdplmu-itw T1IK IA I.MCS, OKKciON, sons and has made his home for tiin I has gradually climbed tho ladder of sue j cess arid won tho admiration of a host of friends. On the 20th of September I last ho was wedded to Miss Uessie . i" .. 1. t ..iff .1 1 . 1 1 J thing wrong In the suggestion. On the rroncii. a oeauuiu. auu accomp.is.ieu ,.n,,i.r, i. n.,mv..H KiimrMBtinn nr. daughter of a prominent citizen and tributed to 1). H. Hill that a base ba'l E?aKi bat is a peculiarly appropriate instru ment for obtaining jiiHtice from a cor rupt election judge, adding, "Wo have won the fight and by heaven wo shall not bo defrauded out of our victory." This, men of Aniorica, is llryanisin unmasked. The Aetoriati savs a consignment of 1 pumpkins that was remarkable in many icppcets arrived down on tho Bailey to John ilix, urnved hero today their household goods and will nako The Dalles their future home. with Moro. Wo re sorry to lose the us he has made many warm banker of Tho Dalles, Oregon. Tho guests numbered more than n hundred, and composed the most inti mate friends of Mr. and Mrs, G. Lueddc uuinn, of Sheffield and this city. The music was inspiring. Tho re freshments rich and dainty and elaho rati ly served in the handsouio dining hall. Punch was served by Miefes Frieda Lneddemann and Mary .Sampson. Wo extond a hearty welcome to Mr. uml Mm. I .untlflamnmi nnH Itrinu lliuf Ciatzert last evening for 1 ob, II gglus , t,iuJr .(1 QUr oJtv wn b(j oa,t,v & Co., and other of the local merchants. ; renpmbwi!d b Ultn)i Tev. w wiv'0 The pumpkins were from Mr. Gillehan, , , u fow wwk for ier (jr ,()mo at feativie s Island, p.nd the largest one Va 'ow Orleans. tijijied the soak'H at M0 pounds, From j v j)iu with those present in express ono seed and on one vino wero raised the jg congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. immenso amount of l'JOO pounds of i G. Luuddeman for this charinlng recep pumpkins. This beats Kansas, where j tion.Tiifcumbia, Ala., Dispatch. the vines aro said to grow so rapidly ' that they wear tho pumpkins out drag-1 ging them around over tho ground. Tho I T(1U ,moting8 at the M. K. church are above about Kausas.ls not vouched for, ! interesting and prolltablo. Those iu but tne shipment from hauvie's island mtendarice speak very encouragingly is authentic and thoy aro certainly won- niul iook hooufnllv Into the fnnir. . ders and at a cent a quartor n pound the j peeling much fruitage as the result of j grower win inaKon iiamisomo tiling out ; t,e meeting. Much encouragement came by the ar One thousand styles and sizes, hor cooking and heating. Prices irom $5 to $50. Steel Range Cast Ranges ie genuine all bear (he above Tra1c-Mark. ami nro unlil wlfli n rlftin ounranlet'. a. ....j.j ri.-i n.!.. n..: ru.:i!. innn1 Awaiuuu nisi riw rn s c m u isuu wr OVER ALL 1.1 K WOKUO, MX.?, Of it. No ono objects to healthy, good-natured fun. On the contrary, the major ity of people enjoy it, even when it Is rival of Presiding Klder Robert Warner, who wua detained out of tho city by sickness. He arrived yesterday after- indulged in at their expense, This re-j noon much improved, and today seems Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants eveiywhero, , Madeoui by The, Michigan Stove Company, Largest Miikeia of Stoves and Uamwa in tho World. Oak Stove. St BENTON, SOLE nCENTSi