The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Til U USD AY NOV. 1. 1900 Fr Vtt tilent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, r oiiio. able to weather the storm. As the A T)ifFiril t" "ProHlom small concerns disappeared the Car-: . , , . ' . . . It Isomionp the most difficult proh- negte Company would reach out m jemg of ptural science for one to become ! tho hone of nottinc a still lnrncr nro- ' expert In several lines. J. E. Adeox & G r" O I r i - - - i . .... i vu.t uv ineir comuinuiion, nnvo over- portion of the Amorican business, come ;his, aiffieultv in a practical man- and if size means monopoly that. Tor Vlrf -I'reMileiit THEODORE ROOSEVELT, f 'ow York, THE PAUAtlQUyT ISSUE. "What a difference there is be 'tween the '-honest money democrat," who always feels some sort of apology to be a necessar' accompaniment of his desertion to Uryan, and the TJryanite who joins the standard of 3IcKinley, says the New Yoik Sun. IMark the manner in which a demo- ner. J. v.. Aiicox is an expert watcti-, I , maker anil is eooil on jewelrv, optical iwonitt ue more monopolistic uiau work nnU L,,,RriU.inir, while Theo. H. ! ; ever, llrietly, the result would be Lie be is an expert optician and is good ' , . . , on watch repairing, jewelry work and ( to destroy the small iron producers cni!ravjn?. Their price is as low as con- land increase the size of the few targe sistent with pond workmanship. They , . . . . .1 nic in ulmi t n I yj iiu .ill nuin ill iiiii ones and thus concentrate the iron 50VCV.,i ilmi9( on B10fl notice. Vork , business in still fewer hands than at . sent by mail or express will receive mm . .i . .i . . . prompt attention. Sign. "Bit; Red- nrnsmtf 1 in tvilth ij Mint tt rinl L -- . en jot promoting monopoly the tariff! Clarke & Pulk have received a carload ! SUitains the smaller competitors who j of ti,0 celobrated Jame E. 1'atton j , I could not otherwise exist, and thus strictly pure liquid paints ;i 'checks the prowth of monopoly. '. - The seeds that Bryan has been sowing broadcast over the country for the past four years ripened in crat of Boston, Mr. T. VT. Coakley, , Elmira, New York, the other day signified his adherence to tho re-j wi,cn u moi, 0f Bryan's disciples as publican party when speaking at saultetl the governor of the state, Butte on Tuesday last: (pelted him with eggs and vegetables "I was bred a den-ocrat. In 180G ' nmi assailed him" with the vilest 1 stood by Mr. Bryan and his plat- j epithets, not while the governor was form and spoke for him through j speaking, else there might be some Illinois. ew York and New England. ( apology for passions excited by hot 2sow Mr. Bryan has named the ap I wora5, but while he was inoffensively plication of the Monroe doctrine to , on i,js way to R political mceiing. Asia and the protection of savages There is the "imporialism" the conn- in savagery by armed force against or the worhl as try has to feur the rule of the mob. Bryanism has sown the wind. This j ts the prelude of the whirlwind. BUSINESS LOCALS. all civilized nations a paramount issue. "I agree with him at least in this: "Whenever there is an attack at home or abroad on the American flag and the sovereignty it stands for, that is the paramount issue; and on that issue ever' right-thinking citizen will stand up and be counted for the flag and against Aguinaldo and Brj'an. "For myself, I pray that God will forcive the American agitators at whose door is to be laid the blood of j our slaughtered soldiers in Manila, j ilO J UUtU IU U13 iuii ti;ij iUI lIUIJ j . WOrd Of praise b' t0112UC Or pen ; SliPepiiieii, Attention! llucln fur Snlo. tint I have given to "V. J. Bryan." ; Having disposed of my breeding ewes 4.VI,o.,ovnr tl.orn U nn nffoph- nt. ! tOUXV 1 1,aV'3 thirteen tllOrOU pllbred home or abroad on the American CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. j I !Geo. C. Blakeley, i The Druggist. ft Complete Cii?e of Dm 0s at M. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. Jast What You LUant. $l.oo per month. Strictly lirst elms local nn. I long distance telephony service within your home. Lines do not eroas-talk. Your con versation will be kept a eccret. No cost for installing. You cot the standard Hunnini; l.oni: Distant IustruineiH. Continuous day and ulpht Borvice. Wo will arenpt your contract for tun years anil allow you to eanetii same on living us thirty dayB writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COB. REGULATOR LINE. DAIjLES, rORTLAND k ASfOHIA KAY. COHPffi j Ktinnium nt tlio lU-KUtatur l.liii- will nir nt H-r tin-lol 'J niiu: ffliuliilo. tho Coiniumy reserving tin- rlKlit to chasw'j -1 You will not have boil? if vou take , Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. A full line of Eastman Sims and sup- j . plies just received by Clarke & Falk. ( JJ 1 1 OXlVjltrjlN , Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk . have them. I At the popular millinery parlors of j Campbell & Wilson can be found all the i latest thiups in street hats, trimmed j hats, children's school hats, and also ; General Blacksmith and Horseshoer. tam-o'-shanters. j All kind? of hlackemithiiiK will receive j prompt attention und will he executed j in iirst-class shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, 11 niL . H l I 7 4 f? ' 5 5' M-'.vilulu wlt.iiiilt nntlvv. ReKtilntor I. I 5 H t JrA. lulle.-. A. l. Tit.uil,ii- f . TIiuimIav . . K atn rilny . 5 Arr I'lirllmul at i v. m. I' I'. l.v. l'urll. mil HIT A. M. Mcmiliiy . Wnlnuxtay Krlilnv Arr. l)iilli' at- r. x. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnlliio City. IKIWN l.v. DhIIpi at 7 A. u. I .Mnmliiy Wfilni'ilay , Frlilav. Arr. I'lirlliHnl i nt 1:3) r. ii. rr. ' I a I'nrliar.-I J nt 7 OJ A. M. 5 Tiiculnj 'j Tliurulr,J iitunlny j Air IMIIm'4 ill o r. u., '.1 I FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 5 Travel by the Htciinmrs ol Um; lti'Kitlatnr Line. The (.'imiauv will cinii'iivor to k'vc Iti put g rniiN the belt -etvlee imsll)le. For further tiifuriimllim mhlre i rortlaml Olllce, O.ili Street Uiwl; W. C. ALLAWAY. Gun. At;t. ,i I " Wasco Warehouse Compan) Merino bucke for sale. These are choice, ! lartre and in fine condition, and will be Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. flag and the sovereignty it stands for sM cheap rather than keep them over. ' that is the paramount issue, aud on j Inquire nt Prospect Ranch, on the that issue every right-thinking citi- j Deschutes divide, or of A. S. Roberts, ' zen will stand up and be counted for : ,,os 507 Thli"!i --2w the lla:." The remainder of this , sentence of Mr. Coaklev'a shows what direction the defenders of the 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE fkig must set their faces: It is against Bryan and the democratic party. The best service which can be rendered to labor is to arroril it an i opportunity for steady and remuner ative employment and give it every encouragement for advancement. I The policy that subserves this end is the true American policy. The last i three years have been more satisfac-! tor' to American workingmen than many preceding years. Any chaugej of the present industrial or financial policy of the government would be' disastrous to their highest interests. 1 With prosperity at home and an in- creasing foieign market for American ' products, employment should con tinue to wait upon labor, and withi the present gold standard the work-! ingman is secured against payments for his labor in a depreciated cur-1 rency. For labor a short day is, better than a short dollar; one will lighten the burdens, the other lessens ; the rewards of toil. The one will promote contentment and independ ence, the other penury and want. The wages of labor should be nde- quale to keep the home in comfort, ; educate the children, and, with thrift, and economy, lay something oy for' the days of infirmity and old age. This is tho philosophy of the full dinner pail. Hustling youiiK man can make .G0 per , jn month and expenses. Permanent poi-: tton. hsperience unnecessary. rite quick for particulars. Clark & Co., i Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel hpia, Pa. sS-tf Tiuii't iiuh It In, j Just wet the affected part freely with ' Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. ' 1 New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be- tore raceu a single Block. Real initta- ( tion creton etlecte at oruinarv prices, i - ... . Err,. for Seed Grain ofaii kinds.. XaI Headquarters for Feed Grain otii kin d. w. vatjse, Third st. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail Wndf r-,' " Hfig.fl nnartftrw for Bran. Shorts, S?tffLF?B Distress after eating it oiuseil from tha etoaiach not beinnninK its work immediately. Uutll H Kets to work you feci di- trd-tl10 ,ood Ijy3 In yoar stom ach like a weight. To start digestion to raalce tho j Jorncn do its work you must assist It If your stomach ia weak or slow to work. Baldwin's DyspepsicB Tablets No. 21 taknftrmeali supplies the stom ach with necessary acids Hud Juices which digest tho food quickly in a . propsr manner. To et tho best resulUuio Ualdwln" Health Tablets ho, 25 with tho Dyspepsia Tablets. Ihe Dyspepsia Tablets cost JOc and can be had at i Clarke & Falk, The Dalles, Ongon. 1 "race MAnns JESIQNS COPVniCKTS &c. Anvni? ndinB a kclch and ii?crtctinn m.v 5'i' air ascertain -ur opm n free whether a nvrni m Is probably patentable, ''tmrnunlrf tlnm trictlyrontideiula!. H.inilUo!oii I'atcntt j..n (roe. Oldest n?cny for (veurn:' patents. I'-'pi.ts uneii thnjuih Jiann X Co. recelTx will nollcr. rtlthout ciiare. In too A bandfi-nely lllutralert weelilr. Ijiraet clr tuUtion of nnj sclentW ) urual. Terms. 13 a rear: f-mr months, tl. SoM byall nensdealers. MUNN&Co.3C,Df"dNew York branch office C2J V fcU Washington. V. V J. A. EBERLE, pipeyailoriV ..GHfls. mH- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kip--i on ilrauKht the celebraleil I'Ol.f.MIliA JIKKIt, iirkiKiw; liKtil the best Uvt in The IMIlvs, at tiifunnil price. Come in, try it and be convincoil. ,vlo the Finest brands o( Winei, 1.1 jiior mid Clears. Sanduuiehes ol cli Kinds always oa hand. Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr 'I1S '"l)r IB tuanufactured csprfaaly for family i uho : every flack ia guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our gooda lower than any houtut in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get cur prices and lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. CHK.NCK. fresident. ll it. I1KAJ.I., Cashier i A complete line of Fall anil Winter Suitings, I'ltntinge and Overcoating, now on display. 100 dill'erent varieties to se lect from. Suits, $20 apd up. first national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON , A General Banking Business transacted Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Ooode, Clothini;, Hoots and Shoe, at much lese than wholesale prices. Will tell in hulk or in loto, or any way to Hiiit purchasers. Entire stock must "be closed out before 30 days. All kooiI wlil ho sacrificed except Thotnpson'B Glovn-lUtinc Corsets and Iiuttitrick Patterns. Your prices will he mint:. Call earlv and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court rfts. Deposits received, subject to Kigjit urair, or unecK. Collections made and proceeds promptly Call and examine sooth before uoiiiL' rem)"ti(.1 on UaT 1 collection. elsewhere. Second street, onp. Mavs I "'b'lt an." -telegraphic hxciiauge sold on ; I ew xorK, han traticisco auc porl- DIKKOTOKS i D. P. TllOMi-hO.N. J.-0. 8. SCKK.NCK, I ; En. M. Wii.uamb, Geo. A. Likdij. ! H. M. Bkai.i,. j ' & Crowe's. F- s. Gunning, n i L Suppose the tariff were entirely re moved from iron nnd steel products, would that in any way lessen the monopolistic aspect of the Carnegie Company? Not at all; it would probably let m the cheaper products of England and other countries, which would undersell a very large number of Carnegie's smaller com pctitors. Indeed, a very lurge num ber of them would he compelled to retire from business, but the Carnegie Company would in nil probability be House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession of Ii. A. Kpivoy paint shop, next door to the Yot opera house, and has pur chased the tools and ladders. Ho has good mechanics working for him, and will gumnteoall work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. tub comma mm Co.. Blacksmith, PACKERS OF Wagon Shop, PORKand BEEF nOrSBSnOBing. mandkautuhkhbok Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, iFine Lard and sausages Cor Secoua & Laugiii, Ttioue 157 Gurers of BRAND FRENCH fc CO. HAMS & BACON JRIED BEEF. ETC. ONE FOR A DOSE. 9 r ofpr""ors Commercial Sample Rooms. 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use? Dolivorod to any part of tho City. 173 Second Street. Phones: 51 Local, 85S Loin: Dlitance. SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! BANKERS. ritANHACTA UNEKALiBANKI.NO 110KI.NKB Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. 1 Blttht ExchanKe and Telearanhi', ' Transfers sold ou New York, Chicago, I yfC'l lUmor. Pin,..!-, n . Kon, beattio wasn,, and various points Biiio9;o.i.PuniVih;uiuou. in uregon anu wastungton. i m0,;S,oi oi ',. i ih Collections made at all polnU on fa?. J'i'ifcftW fllL$ Do you know that John I'ashek. the tailor, is agent for t oof tho l.rat merchant tailoring hoimes in America? I a , Do you know that ho will sell you a suit, iiiadu to your order, a elieiipna the, reiidy-inado, you buy in the stores, an" guarantee a lit or no sale? ,i ..i1? yo." k.novf" !nt 1,0 l,U8 already on hand for the cotnlnk' fJJ "n Tlio Ihfwa? Im,1,l80,e8t Hueat line of samples over shown S 4Hkb 44AiHe:44