The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 01, 1900, Image 1

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    el)c Dalles
NO. 377
Tho Kind You Have Always
in uno for over 30 ycnm,
fflrtjf.,. N0,,al supervision since its infancy.
'"t'OCCi4f(t AllMir nn nn 4-n I ...... .. !.!
All Gounturl'uitH, Imitations and " JiiHt-ns-good" are but
E.viKM iinL'iitK that triilo with and cuduiiger tho hcnltli of
lnl'imts and Children Experience against Experiment,
flnsloria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd .Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc
wmtsiins neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Niibsiauce. Its ago is its guurantec. It destroys Worms
ami allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. Jt relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
ami Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving bcaltliy nnd natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Hciiiiirlialilc Letter
of nu American
the Paramount
i I'liu American Economist. 1
i'ViW Wiii'litnijtncn! Jfow Are Yuu O'vimj
to Volet
1 'lo not suppose for h minute that any
intelligent laboring man la goiug to
throw awav liin vntn nn nnv ivimliilntn
who c.iniiot got ft simile electoral vote.
Hither liryan or McKinley will bo elect
ed and u yoto for any one else ia not only
voto Ion, tiut u vote against the iniin
who will bu elected.
lutilmvt! read tho platforms of both
parties imil tlio letters of neceptanco of
wtli andidatos. You liavo read some
o'thc pamphlets sent out by the coin
"iitteea. Yon hovo read and heard some
' tho epeeohos of Air. Uryao. Mr. Kooso-
fall It . . . . .
.ur. uanna, Mr. Hill unci otliere.
I want you to reud and think over
Jt it (uw sentenced of plain talk from a
1 Imvo made up my mind how I am
WiUK to vote und I want to ask you to
iu me name way.
1 not an orator nor a icliolar. '
cannot make a apeech nor write a mag
me article. I am just nn ordinary
everyday workingmau with intelligence
''ougli to have a littlo common nonse
nl lull il to others. I am not writing
""a tor pay. It will probably coat mo a
'veek'd wages to got a few thoiiBiuid
"Intcd. Then if Air. Croker or Mr.
"nu wm,t 0 circulate It they are
welcome to it.
Kow as to wlt,t i alll( jl0W , xoiuit
10 Votu and why.
1 "in u workingmiui with a wife and
children. Uight yearn ago, in 1892,
lva doing fnlrly well, and my older
were both ut tehool. I voted, uh
V, Kutl democrats, fur Grover
tlt!velaii(t, In less than nix weeks after
j'tion, just before Christmas, I lost my
1. 1 could not get another. Things
Wei" from bad to worse, Tho boys left
f'"oil and tried to earn a littlo money.
never got in tho bum llneat Aladison
"iHare, but we did sometimes get near
1110 ''read lino at Tenth street. I could i
Bought, and which has been
has borne tho aiffnatnro of
has been mado under his ncr-
Signature of
not tell yon all the hardships of those
four years. Always behind in the rent
and half the time without anything to
eat. The wife worked hard and the boys
and I did anything to earn a dollar. Il
fiaemed sometimes as if we must give up,
hut the patier.t hopeful wife would say:
"Cheer up, old man, you will got work
soon and thru we will be on our feet
My men, have you got n good faithful
wife? Have your clilldren got n good,
patient mother? Then yon know what
kept us from absolute despair.
Well, 18!)G came and another election.
With thousands of other democrats
voted for Mckinley and hoped lor a
change. In less than a month I pot a
job, and have had woik constantly these
four years. Tho boya eoon went bnck to
school. I am now getting $18 a week.
One of my boya entered college laat
month; another went to a preparatory
school and will enter college two years
from now if I do not lose my job. My
wife nnd I have plenty to eat and wear
and wo are happy, oh, ao happy, to seo
out boya growing to be educated men.
Fellow workingmen ! Do I need to
tell you how I am going lo vote?
1 don't exactly understand this ques
tion of Imperialism, fxcept Hint I am
for tho Stars and Stripes, and I do not
believe anybody can or wants to make
tide country an empire.
1 know littlo about the money quos
lion, except that when 1 earn a dollar I
want ICO conts, nnd when I put a little
money in the hank I want to bo sure of
taking out aa much aa 1 put in, with a
little interest.
I don't know much about tho Tariff,
except that Kroo-Tiado would throw me
and thousands of others out of a job,
with no chance to gut another.
1 don't know much about Government
by Injunction, the Consent of tho Gov
erned, Initiative and Referendum, etc.,
except that I believe in law and order
and good judges, and honeat courts,
1 don't know much about tho Income
Tax or Municipal Owneiahip or tho
Franchise Law. Tho boys will know all
about those qiitiHtionH an 1 I'll leave
eventhlnir for them to HOttle.
I don't know any more nor any lcsa
than you do, fellow workiuumon, but I
do know this that, you and I and our
wives and children were never so well
oil' as we are today, and I believe we are
Roliig to 1)0 still bettor oil' or a groat deal
worse oil' after election.
I haven't anything to eay against Mc
Kinley or Bryan, but I know, and you
know, that if Bryan is elected, thousands
and hundreds of thousande of us are go
ing to he out of work for tho next four
years, if not longer, while if McKinley is
elected, I believe there will not be an
honett, capable wan who is Killing to work
that will not be able to find it.
If Bryan is elected, my boys ill have
to leave school. If McKiney is elected,
my older boys will aoon have a complete
education, and the mother and I wi'l
never have to worry again.
Fellow workingmen, you want better
wages, don't you? You want more than
a mere existence. Well, you are not go
ing to get it if we have Free Silver, Free
Trade and Free Soup.
Why, we workingmen could elect a
president ourselves if we would.
Let rs stand together, let us earn all
we cm, let us save all wc can, let ua read
and study and learn all we can. We
shall grow stronger and stronger every
year. We can never gain anything
through Bryanism. Let us get books
and papers instead of pawn tickets. Let
us give our boys an education, and the
woikinguian of tho future can think for
himself, can make laws for himself, can
elect hie own president.
But this year we must choose between
Bryun nnd McKinley. Every vote for
Bryan is a vote for idleness and poverty.
Every vote for McKinley is a vote for
employment and prosperity.
Tlie election oi Bryan would throw the
workingmati and his condition back to
that of 189.-).
i( i eoniu make a speech I would go
out on the corners hnd talk to every
crowd I could get together. If I could
write for the papers, I could do eo. But
I will understand my simple sentences
and I ask every workingman who reads
th'iB to vote for me and my job and my
boys and my home, and I'll vote for you
and youra. A. Roiiinso.v
New York, October 15, 1900.
Catarrh Cannot He Cured.
with local applications, ae they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts direcMv on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'f
Catarrh Cure is uot a quack medicine
It was was prescribed by one of the bef t
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular piescription. "it is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood puritieis, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination ol the two ingredients ia
what produces euch wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggists, price 7nc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Union of Scotch Churches.
KoiNiiuiton, Oct. SI. The formal
un'oa of the Free and United Presbyter
ian c'luiches, decided upon yesterday at
the joint meeting here of the Freo Church
Assembly and the United Presbyterian
Synod, who consummated today. The
members marched from the respective
halls to Waverly Market and held the
lirst meeting of the United Free Church
of Scotland. Large crowds witnessed the
procession. The Kev. Albert iiobert
Hainey, D. IX, was choaon moderator of
the United Free Church.
The sceno at Waverly Market was etrik
lug, though marred by rain. Some UQQO
ministers took part in tiie procession,
and dense crowds along the route
cheoredthem repeatedly. The ball where
the uniting act was Bigned was draped
with crimson and yellow, and liberally
bedecked with flags used by covenanters.
The Karl of Aberdeen, Dr. Parker, the
Rev. John Watson (Ian McLaren) and
delegates from Canada, Australia, Ja-
maica, Afiica, Franco and elsewhere
participated. The email minority which
opposed tho union met in a separate hall
today and constituted themselves a Free
Church Assembly.
Uutoaiul liiulaoft oulcklj- llltltluil.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a
cut, bruise, bum, c-culd or like injury
will instantly allay tho pain and will
heal the parts in less time than any
other treatment. Unloss the Injury is
very severe it will not not leave a scar.
Pain Balm 'also cures rhunintisni,
sprains, awelliuus and lamenesci. For
sale by Blakeloy druggist.
Tho largest and moat complete line of
fall and winter millinery ever displayed
in tho city at tho Campbell & Wilson
millinery parlors. The prices will sell
the goods. e8tl
In nil Its sUfion there
should bo cleanllucsi).
Ely's Cream halm
clciuiso9,eoothcs and hcalg
tho diacaecil membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold la the head
Cream Rulm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads
over tho membrane and Is absorbed. Relief Is Im
mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying docs
not produce sneezing. Large Size, 00 cents at Drug,
gist! or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall.
HA" IXKmiEIlS, 3G Warren Street, New Vork.
Strayed from my place on the bluff,
a 2-year-o!d Jersey heifer; dehorned;
ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on
both hips. Liberal reward paid for her
o!0'4tw Bnnx
(iluilfiiih News.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
"Four bottles of Electric Bittera lias
cuied Sirs. Brewcrof scrofula, which had
caused her great aufierine ior vears.
Terrible sores would break out on her !
head and face, and the best doctors 1
i . . ... .
coum give no neip; out tier cure is com
plejo and her health ia excellent." ThiB
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bitters is the best blood
purifier known. It's the supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boils and running Eorce. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
expels poisons, helps digestion and
builds up the strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by Blakeley Druggist. Guaran
teed. 4
Vogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarke, Manager.
FRIDAY, Nov. 2d
1 Big
Band... Spruceby
Grand Operatic Orchestra
Carload Special Scenery
Novel Mechanical Effects
The Great Sawmill Scene
All New Specialties.
Watch (or tho Bi l'arade.
Note the jiriee Entire house, 50c.
Tho Dalles Street
Wo are saving the pooplo money on Men's Clothing, I. nclerwear, nats and miogs, as won
as Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery.
You will (ind in our Store lots of bargains.
We have the best lino of up-to-date Jackets and
and about one-third less in prico than other stores.
Come and seo U3 and wo will bo pleased to show you
Wo are agonls for Miller's All-Wool Clothing.
The bed clothing needs earl' attention. Many of tho
pieces that served last winter, and the winter before, must
be replaced this season. Now is a good time to buy; good
because later on you will not have the assortment to select
from, and the best numbers will have been sold. Further
more, if you buy now, early discomforts may be avoided and
a full season's use enjoyed.
Hero are the best sorts to be found in their
grades all marked at unusually reasonable prices:
At $3.00 "Spokane Falls" a gray
and brown mixed, wool blanket; wool
warp and filling; 10-4 size; weight 4
At $3 90 "Cross Roads," iron-gray
wool blanket; bright border; wool
warp and filling; 10-4 size: weight 5
At $4.90 A 5J4' lb all-wool, 10 4
elzi, Oregon blanket ; dark pray mot
tled ; bright border; cloth bound.
At $5.00 "Pleona" silver gray,
sanitary wool blanket; guaranteed all
pure wool warp and filling; weight 4'2
pounds; 10 4 size.
Cotton Bed Blankets. Used extensively
whites and grays; 10 4 size at (10c, 75c and $1.25,
Coarse Wool Blankets. Cotton mixed; medium and dark cravs and
j blue; at $1.25, Ijl.V), $1.75, $2, $2.25 and $2.50.
i Indian Robes. Finest wool, beautifully colored in various tribal deafens:
some particularly attractive for coucli
QUILTS. Filled with clean, white cotton, and covered both Mdes with
figured silkeiene, tied with worsted; full double-bed size; at $1 03, $2 00
and $2 45.
Downeline Quilts. Largo, flufly, comfortable; filled with pure,
laminated white cotton, covered with' best quality ailkeleno; plain and
figured; knotted with worsted; a first-class urticle; price $:i,40.
Other quilts various grades from 75c up.
The Place
to Save Money
on all kinds
of Merchandies.
Fair has come and jiono, but Tho Fair Storo has eomo to slay.
133 Second Street,
and Quilts.
At $5.00 A 11-4 s'zi, 0 pound all
wool Oregon blanket; uocd dark gray
mixture ; special value.
At $5.50 "Monoxi" camels-hair
all wool blanket; 11-4 size; weight 54
lbs; full size, and all wool warp and
At $6.00 "Greenland" white
blankets; all wool, both warp and fill
ing; 10-4 size; weight 4,'. pounds.
Olhei grades white wool blankets at
$4.1)0, $5.90, $0.75, $7.50, $7.90, $8, $10.
Colored wool blankets
gradee, to $12 a pair.
in various
4 size
in cold weather ;
at $1, $1.50, $1.75.
covers, etc. $3.50, $4, $1 50 and $5.
Capes for Ladies' and Missos',
our goods.