The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 31, 1900, Image 3

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Saturday's Special. , , .
Saying the wrong thing at the right time yTf V r t TT Vn I rv
AA a may do for awhile. 1 I2fe O 1 lillJClS
Waists for Boys...
Thoro is a splendid variety lioro for all
.sorts of hoys, made from Flannels, Flannelettes
and Percales. No wonder that mothers are de
lighted with them, and the hoys are proud to
wear them. '
P 63S6
& Mays,
All goods marked in plain figures.
Saying the wrong thing at the right time
may do for awhile.
The right thing at any time all the time
is our idea of it.
AVo have 'the right kind of Ready-to-Wear
Clothing the kind that makes the tailor proud
of his work, and makes a man feel( proud of his
We save you time.
We save you money.
We save you worry.
Men's (ill-wool brown or gray melton Baits at
Proof e
Men's nil-won, bind: clay worsted suits in round
cut sack and frocks, at . . . .
Men's worsted ami clicViot suits in
all the latest styles, from
. $7.50
$5.50 to $25
Overcoats, Topcoats and Ulsters
from $7.50 to $25.00.
Most important in Shoes are
.1st. A. perfect fit' that means comfort.
2d. Stylo and graceful design that means
. beauty.
3d. First-class material and construction
that means service.
Queen Quality
Shoes for Women
Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance
and splendid service. No matter for what
purpose a woman desires shoes, she will
find her wants supplied in the Queen Qual
ity lino. Many styles to select from.
Pease & Ma
All goods marked in plain figures.
mays i Crowe
Tho only etore ft
this city whom tht
(lenutne Imported
Ware is sold.
A little hichorin
price, but outlasts
u pi
eled ware.
i dozen niecesof so
called cheap euam
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
lnereo ia (linking u determined effort to throw the fellow in charge of the returns
- our. :m. inno
At Andrew Keller's.
lulii'u' winter waials 73 cents to ifltlW
nt the New York Cash Store.
A nice line of ladies' winter waists just
wived at the New York Cash Stoi c.
Iicv. Nathan Kviuip, of Goldendaie,
will preach at the M. K. church tonight.
! induce the war department to hind nt
least a portion of the troopa in Portland.
j The Go-Operative Juvenile Hand, of
! Hurley, to appear at the Vogt tomorrow
; evening, will lie the attraction of the
i HuaHon and the fluent of the kind that
; ever came before an audience in tho
' Northwest. Kvery participant has the
reputation of bains an artist in his line.
Adinisfiion L'-3 ei'iits, tchoal children 15
! A JS.tltiniore dispatch sayn the Irith
! Historical Society will celebrate tonight
j the (iaelic feast of "I'ldaidcheeShanima,"
1 from which the feast of Hallowe'en is
i said to have originated. Gaelic pranks
j will he played and old Irish customs re
vived. iriHii uauatie win no sung, anu
tho dishes which were eaten in Ireland
in the davH of undent fe.BtB will l.e
I served to the iuetfi in tho quaint style
into the street. " In the presence of
such an incitement to riot and mob rule,
coming from a leader of a numerically
sons contracting marriages with Kanak
as, Cbineeo or Xegroes of more than
quarter blood.
The state circuit court for Multnomah
jreat party, and from one who is in county has a singular case on its hand
I ir rent or cnlo on easy tonne, pood I0' ',VU(",U centuries
house, with hath. Inquire or address
this ofllee. o30-3t
The ladies of the Catholic church will
have a cake and pie sale all day next
.iturdiiy at the store of .Muier k Henton.
Wauled A second-hand firo-pioof
'ifo. Must lie in good condition and not
too large. Apply tit tho Cimionici.I'
ImiII I'li'cliou returns will ho received
Rt the rinatilla House coinmonclng on
the night of election till tho full result
is known.
Wanted A girl to do general house
""ik (mod wagen will he paid to one
thoroughly competent. Apply at
I'Mul Ptrtet, c:!0 It
veiy stylish ladies' waist, made ol
I'renoh flannel nud nicely trimmed, in
Ike latent colors, only .fJ.2'l at thu Now
York Caah Store.
Arteniuti Ward, of White Salmon, ami
Mattle Wateon, of this county, were
united in marriage yesterday afternoon
I'.v Rev. I'. 1-'. Hawk.
Ueneral George II. Williams, of I'ort
IhiiiI, buy consented to nddreHs tho peo
ple of The Dalles on tho political Issues
the day at the Baldwin npuru house
"ext Monday evening, Novembor fith.
Ilev. ,1. k, (Jlionuloy, pastor of the
'hat Christian church of Portland, will
Preach at thu Christian church of this
city thin evening nt 7 :30 o'clock. .Mem
Ijurs ol thu church esnieiallv are io-
lasted to be proBont.
'i'liu many friends of .Mis, .1, P. Lucas
will be sorry to learn that she has been
H'liously 111 for nenrly n week. A Hlight
change (or the better occurred last even
'"i; and tho linprnvomont had been
ituitiUlnud up till noon today.
Kv. Kay Palmer, of Portland, will
8Puk in the interest of the prohibition t mirth.
N'ty at tho court house Friday evening, i liryuii expectB'to carry N
Yviinibor 2d, at 8 o'nlock. A number statement was made I
' "I'Propriutn musical selections by tho
local talont is part of the program
'f the evening,
In view of the fact that a largo mini
'"for tho troops In the Philippines will
eon return to the elates nud be inns,
ttred out, Portland's chumbur of coin-
The love of animals is deeply planted
in the heart of every rightly constituted
human being, and when to nature
seientilic training has been added, the
interest in the truined intelligence of
the patient, obedient, and lovable mutes
ia many times multiplied nud our
j fyinpathy with and all'ection for them
correspondingly Increased. Professor
i Named' superior trained dogs and ponies
will be at tho Vogt opera hoii6o .Monday,
Nov. 5th.
Deputy Shoriir Wood, of Mosier,
liimii;ht up from that place last night a
touijh who i;ave his name as C. H. I'al
mer, who had In his possession a valua
ble gold lint;, bearing tho initials "H.
I'." and a lot of eold-iimmed epectacles
that had evidently been stolen. Palmer
was tryini; to dispose of the ring when
arreoted and cuulo i;ivo no reasonable
account of where ho got it or the cold
spectacles. Ah no evidence could be ob
tained to justify his retention, the follow
wuh turned loose thin moniiuc;.
The Mitchell Newr, publialied by Koy
C. Irvine, lian fluupeuded publication.
The plant U tho one used by K. M. Shutt
at lone, ilaidman and Twickenham,
and is popularly supposed to bo "on
wheeis." When the Newa suspended
two weeks a;o, the plant went on Shut t'e
haniU again. Mitchell has been a hard
Held for newspapers. No less than four
publishers have tried it, from time to
time, and quit. It is rumored that an
ed'ort is being made to resuscitate the
paper, with Postmaster Adauisou as
editor, Fossil Journal.
Nothing couid more clearlv demon
strate tho danvjor of the supremacy of
some of tho foices that are at tho back
of ISryantsm than the following an
nouncement of Dick Croker, the boss of
the most corrupt political institution on
and the man through whom
New York. The
by Crocker no
longer ago than Inst Monday. "My
advice to democratic votora the country
over is to conyregate about the polling
places on tho evening of election day,
count noses and thou if tho election re
turns for liryan don't tally with their
count, to go into the polling places and
close touch with tho candidate of that
party, all talk of "imperialism" and
"militarism" fades into nothingness.
Iu Hrynuism and Crockeriein the
country is up ngaitiEt the only deetruc
tive foiee that threatens the stabilitv of
our institutions. If this republic ever
perishes it will fall not through "im
perialism" or "iniljtarlem" but through
such mob violence as tbie hellish chief
of Tammany 'if trying to foment and in
cite. Thieves broke into the Etore of W. A.
Johnston last night and got away with
about $liOO worth, aa near as can be
estimated, of kn'ves, razors and re-
i'r!i'fia Tim rnlttmlu nOprihwl nn nil I r'lfll
i i i i . .i . i i I ably increased
btjiu tc iiic iji i jn nutiiuii6cu vwivton
tho first of the kind, we believe, in the
history of the state. To avoid the pay
ment of a just proportion of the Etato
tax, aa many believe, the Multnomah
delegation at tho laet session of the
legislature succeeded in abolishing the
state board of equalization. The board's
only offense, so fur as "Multnomah
county was concerned, consisted in in
creasing the county assessment, to as to
make it uniform with that of other
conntiep. The following year tho asses
sor, being undei no restraint but that of
the county board, reduced the assess
ment eomo eleven odd million dollars
and this year, minor has it, that the
reduction will bo maintained and prob-
Under the.Portland city
every physician to furnish such certifi
cate to all persons under his care having
any contagious disease, when in said
physician's opinion all danger of infec
tion is passed.
"Anil if the marshal of Dalles City
shall see or be informed of any person
violating any of the provision? of this
section, it shall be said marhal's.dnty to
cause such person to hi taken forthwith
to his place of residence.
' "Any person or parsons violating any
of the provisions of this section shall
' upon conviction thereof iu the recorder's
court he fined not
more than .$100."
less than .fJO nor
the'store. This is the second lime Mr.
Johnston has been robbed since last
February, both in the same manner and
of the same goods. It Is the fourth
robbery of tho same class of goods that
has been committed in the city since
that time, I he otiier two being the stores
of J. T. Peters and Mays & Crowe.
There is no clew to the thieves, but the j
pievailing impression is that they don't
live very far away.
Tho oflicial announcement of the total
population of the United States for 1000
is 70,205,220, of which 74,027,907 are'
contained in the forty-five states repre-1
seating approximately the population to j
bo used for apportionment pui poses, i
There is a total of 13-1,15$ Indians not
taxed. The total population in 1800,
the aggregate population of !
tax for general municipal purposes not
to exceed 8 mills on the dollar of the
taxable property returned by the county
assessor. Under the reduced assess
ment this amount is wholly inadequate
to meet the eitj'a necessities and
unless the assessment of last year is in-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Siguaturo of C-jfl2,
0. W Lord, of Arlington, is registered
at the Umatilla, House.
t i r i.t l t it.- t r i
'creased at least $10,000,000, the nolioe ' ' '; ". , iu. Z ' " ,""T., '
and I Umatilla Hons.
Other wares loot
has tho name
Str'anslty - Stool
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize nt 1C
International Eshi
bitions. II if? li out
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity und
durability it ia
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware isspecial
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor cntch inside; is
in fruits or
will boil,
ctew, roast
and bake
withou t
flavor of
cook e d
food nod
will last
for years.
We cau
tion tl3
a c;: ins t
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors
Mrs II. L. Jonea has opened ieo
cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal
lard's old stand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
Tho place has been thorough!; ren
ovated, nml n share of the nublie patron
age is solicited.
1 i J A I 1! . I. 1 .
I iinu me neparuiieui, nnu iinis
I streets cannot be maintained. Tho city,
I therefor-, lias eued out a writ j
ot manuatnus against the county as ,
sessor to compel him to make his
assessment of taxable property at a sum
not loss than $40000.000. In the city's
complaint the allegation is made that!
the assessor is about to return an as
sessment of less than ifSO.OOO.OOO.
Mrs. Levi Clarkf, of II- oil Itiver, who
ha) been vlfcitini.' in I he D.U a, left on
thi' noon train fur M-iro where she will
spriid th.' winter with her daughter,
Mrs. V. O ilailh v.
Pliysiciiin and Surgeon,
Olllce, Vogt Hlock (ever l'o'-tomcc),
2eur.lmo.Jw THE DA 1. 1. Q'UXiON.
y irK t Ou n ran Mini,
with u-ltii-li
the present census should bo compared I At a" "-jmipd special meetim; of
was 03,003,750. Taking the 1800 popu- ",0 dl-v l:0u,iuil U'ld last nilu 1,10 U
lation us u basis, there has been a gain I lowi"K ' PeJ by the
rf I 41 l Murine I if "Itl" hiwwo tvvuui un imwcsui.
V' t . W,.W , ... .
One thousand styles and sizes.
.or cooking and heating.
Prices from $5 to $50."
in population
laet ten years, representing an increase
of nearly twenty-one nor cent.
"Undo .lysh Kprnceby," the first of
the many inral plays, now being pre
sented In the ditlerent cities, will be
seen nt tho Vogt opera house Friday
night, November 2d. This production
Is said to be dill'orent from all others, as
it contains mueli comedy as well as pa
thos, and the realistic saw mid scene is
said to be the most exciting and intense
effect ever pi educed. Tho scenes of the
play are laid iu Vermont and New York,
which gives ample opportunity for por
traying tin pimple rustic, characters iu
country, ao well as tho many incidents
that befall the simple country folk that
visit tho niotiopolie,
Indian Georgo, a full-blooded Slwash
who years ogo folloved sheep herding
in this c .unity and now owns it stock
The ptnple of Dalles City do ordain as
follows: j
Si'ctiox 1. That section 7 of ordi
nutico No. 203, an. oidiiiaueo entitled
"An ordinandi to protect the public!
health and safety and prevent the spread
of dangerous, contagious or infectious'
diseates, and to provide for n board of
health and the prevention and lemovul1
of all public nuipuueef," which parsed
tho council of Dalles City May 3, 1693, ,
and was approved by tho mayor of '
Dalles City on tho 8th day of .May, ISOJJ,
he amended so an to lead as followo: ,
"Section 7 No person having, or ro-1
contly having had, anv contagious die 1
ease in D.iIIch Citv. shull en mil In i,nli. I
lie, or pasj from house to house or
building to building, or appear iu any
(.trout nlLw ni- ntlutt miViltr tilm.u t. onlil
..... !.... .... 1 . M
eiiy ior a perion oi iweiuy-one oays aner
he or she shall have become convalescent
ranch of his onn soinewhoro on tlio i in said disease, and until he or she shall
John Day, applied yesterday to Deputy have ho far iecoveied fit in euch disease
Clerk lbltou for x license to marry a (as to preclude all danger of infection,
white woman, giving the woman's Hgu
nt 38 and his own at CO, The license
was refused as an act of the Oregon
legislature, pasted iu 1800, dec-lares that
marrlagoa between n white person and
an IndLn of more than half blood are
"absolutely null and void." The same
law denies legal sanction to white per-
and shall have first obtained and cuused
to be tiled in the ollke ol the recorder of
Dallee City a certificate of it duly li
censed physician of the state of Oregon
certifying that said persou is so far recov
ered from bucIi disease as to preclude all
danger of infection,
"And it in hereby made the duty of
fThe genuine all bear the above Tra1eMark
ana are soia witn rt wmten guarantee.
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1000
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere,
filnil. only bv Tho Michiuan Stove Comnanv.
Largest Makers of Btuvua und ltuiigea iu tho World.
Oak Stoief.