The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 31, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 376
Tlio Kind Yon Have Always
Ju uso for over 30 years,
All Gounteri'uitK, Imitations and " Just-ns-good" are but
ExpcrimsiitH that trlllo with and endanger the health of
. lui'itiits nud Children Experience against Experiment.
C'nstoria is a harmlcHH substltuto for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc
d!oo(aius neither Opium, Morphino nor oilier Narcotic
unbalance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nod allays Fevcrishncss. Jt cures Diarrliwa and Wind
Colic. J I relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Sears tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Will I'.iy an Indemnity of i.'.o,uoo,ooo
'"id Imprison Prince Twin for Life.
Uvixj.n, Oct. ISO, "The Uhinnso pleni-
I'jmimiirii'B itjtutiuil negotiations," says
Hie Shanghai correspondent of tho Daily
vxire8, "by proposing tlmt Chiiui
fl'Oiihl pay an indemnity of -10 ,000 ,000
hi eixty iiiatrtlliuonts, agreeing that tlio
I'ikin and tho customs service should be
under foreign control until the obligation
should bu (ttBehnrged.
"Tlicy also agreed tlmt Prince Tunn
ehouM bo imprisoned for life, that Tien
Tein should bo treated as an uitoi nation
''district and that other places alioulcl
opened to foreign trndu.
'iliia undertakes tonbntnin from pur
chasing war matoriul ubroad. In order
to raise tho indemnity alio proiosca to
tionblo imimrt dininH."
I'kkin-, Siuulav. Out. 28. A meotlne
of thu cliplnuiHtlatH wuh held this morn
'J'tf to consider the form of tlio i.egotla
"oils lor a settlement of the Ohina didl
vultiee. Tho decision arrived at Ib kept
"ret in order to prevent any Informa
'on reaching tho Olilneao.
hl'itiiH or tliu INirti) KluailH,
Nun- Voiik. o,!i. in.
01 ft auk Jnarbe, a 1'orto Iticau, for a
jjeremptory wnt of mumhiiuu directing
'"o hoard of leglstry to register him au a
,Qtor, on tlio mound that ho became an
American citizen by virtno of tlio cession
ll'urlo Itico bv Spain to tlio United
tatoe , has been denied by Justice
l'r 6'liiian, in tho Bupromo court.
JUjtlco Kriedniati, in liia dui'iaion says
"J1 tl", treatlea talcing over tlio island
ofl'orto Itleodid uot make tho inhabit.
i'118 of tho toirltory citizens of tho
""lied Htntoa but, on the contrary, loft
"'odeloriiiiimtlon of their civil ritflila
rjd their political "nt;ina of tho future
action of congress, wlttc't has not yot
Vuldina Vnlmy Aile,
Koiith Yakima, Waah., Oct. 30,-The
, Iut0r iplo crop of Yakima valloy is
m harvested and placed op tho mar
liuyorH uro.paylng 2 cents a pound,
equivalent to (HI a box for the choice
tt( Spiiiianburga. It ia estimated tlmt
Bought, and which has been
has borne the signature of
- and has been made under his pcr
Honnl supervision since its infancy.
Signature of
at least -10,000 boxes will be marketed
tliiH year. The crop ia larger and the
specimens better than in 1890. This ia
aaid to be due to the concerted cflbrta in
spraying and tlio care being taken of all
orchards, in pruning, cultivating and ir
riguting the trees. The orchards areu
plumed to apple trees alone in this valley
ia placed at .'iOOO acres, of which a large
portion ia in hearing.
Oitttirrli Cannot On On roil,
with local applications, ao tiioy cannot
reach tiie seal of the disease. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you intuit take inter
nal remedies, llali'e Catarrli Cure ib
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous ant faces. Hull's
Catarrh Cure ia not a quack medicine,
it was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, nnd
in n riMinlnr nnHnrintioii. It is rnimiOAed
of the beat tonics known, combined with
the Pent mood punnets, acting uirectiy
on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients ia
what nroduces such wonderful results in
curini; Catarrh. Send for teatimoulalo,
F. J. Ciiknuv &. Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrugglstH, pi ice- 75c.
llali'e Family Fills are the beat. 12
Olttvtiliuul'ft 1 run Jleniiicrncy,
Ciue.Uio, Oct. HO. A special to tho
Record from Princeton, N. save: Ex
President tirover Cleveland has sent the
following letter to Don M. Dickinson,
his former, postmaster-general :
"Princeton, N. J., Oct. 'JO, 1000. The
Hon. Dun M. Dickinson. My Dear Sir:
The apeeuh 1 made at the Keferm Club
dinner in April, 1SS7, is a pint of my rec
ord in advocacy ol the true democracy. I
cannot suppress it or abate from it, and
I would not if I could. I thnll not ob
ject to any ueo you ate fit to make of it.
Vowih siueorely,
"GlIOVKl! Cl.IiVKI.ANn.''
In his apeeoh at the liefer m Club din
ner on April 24, 1897, Mr. Cleveland con-
dimmed the course of those who vero
sowing the seeds of discontent and culti
vating a growth of sectional and class
suspicion mid distrust. He also regretted
to see tho remedy for supposed llunriclal
ilia proposed in the tree coinagu of silver,
with a dej reciated currency nnd cheap
Ht rayed.
.Straytd from my place on the bluff,
a 2.yarold Jersey hoiforj dehorned;
ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on
both hlpa. Liberal reward paid for her
oio-ltw Uukt B.uauv.
Official Figures as Given Out by tbc
Census Bureau October 30th
Population of Oregon, 413,532.
Following ia the official announcement
of the population of the United States
by Btatea :
In the following the first numbers in
each paragraph represents the census for
1000, the second that for 1890, and the
third, w hen given, tiie number of Indiana
not taxed :
Alabama, 1,828,070, 1,513,017.
Arkansas, 1,311,504, 1.12S.179.
California, 1,485,05a, 1,203,130, 1,519.
Colorado, 539,700, 412,193.
Connecticut, 008,855, 74G.25S.
Delaware, 181,735, 1GS.493.
Florida, 528,542, 391,422.
Georgia, 2,210,329, 1,837,353.
Idaho, 101,771, 84,385, 2,297.
Illinois, 4,821,550, 3,820,351.
Indiana, 2,510.403, 2,192,404.
Iowa, 2,251,829, 1,911,890.
Kansas, 1,409,400, 1,427,090.
Kentucky, 2,147,174, 1,85S,G35.
Louisiana, 1,381,027, 1,118,587.
Maine, 094,300, 001,080.
Maryland, 1,189,940, 1,042,390.
Massachusetts, 2,805,340, 2,238,943.
Michigan, 2,419,782, 2,093,889.
Minnesota, 1,751,305, 1,301,820, 1,768.
Mississippi, 1,551,372, 1,289,000.
Missouri, 3,107,117, 2,079,184.
Montuna, 243,289, 132,159, 10,740.
Nebraska, 1,008,001, 1,058,910.
Nevada, 42,334, 45.7G1, 1,065.
New Hampshire, 411,058, 370,530.
New Jersey, 1,883.669, 1,434,933.
New York, 7,208,009, 5,907,853, 4,711.
North Carolina, 1,891,992, 1,617,947.
North Dakota, 310,040, 182,719, 4,092
Ohio, 1,157,545, 3,072,310.
Oregon, 413,532, 313,767.
Pennsylvania, 0,301,365, 5,258,014.
Rhode Island, 428,556, 345,500.
South Carolina, 1,340,312 1,151,439,
South Dakota, 401,559, 328,80S, 10,932,
Tennessee, 2,022,723, 1,707,518.
Texas, 3.04S.S28, 2,235,523.
Utah, 270,505, 207,f05, 1,472.
Vermont, 313,011, 332,422.
Virginia, 1,854,184, 1,655,080.
Washington, 517,672, 349,390, 2,531.
West Virginia, 958,900, 702,794.
Wisconsin, 2.0GS.003, 1,680,800, 1,057,
Wyoming, 92,531, 00,705.
Total, forty-live states, 74,027,907 G2,-
116,811, 44,017.
Territories, etc.
Alaska (estimated), 44,000, 32,052.
Aiizona, 122,212, 59,620, 24,044.
District of Columbia, 27S.71S, 230,302.
Hawaii, 154,001, 80,990.
Indian Territory, 39 1,960,-180, 102, 56,
New Mexico, 19S.777, 153,593, 2,037.
Oklahoma, 39S.245, 01,834, 5,927.
Persona in service of tlio United States
stationed abroad (estimated), 84,400.
Indians, etc., on Indian reservations,
except Indian Territory, 145,282.
Total tor Beven territories, etc., l,fi(W , -
313; 952,943; Indians, 89,541.
The Alaskan figures arc derived from
partial data only and all returns for
Alaska and for certain military organiza
tions stationed abroad, principally in
the Philippine?, have uot yet been
la all Hi stacos thero
should bo cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
clcaia-ce,9ootUcnanil heals
tlio illacucil iiiciiibrnno.
It cures cntiurh and drives
nwny a cuM In tlio bead
tirenm ltnlm U placed Into tho nostrils, spreads
over tlio momlirnno nnd Is absorbed. Rcliof Is Im
mediate and a care follow. It Id not drying docs
not produce niieezliiK. Largo HUc, 60 couts at Drug
gltH r by mall ; 'i'rlal Size, 10 centa by mall.
U.V lXWniKUS, 50 Wurrcu Street, Now York.
Oiitkiiiul HiiiiKt'H guickly liouioii,
Chatnbetlaln'a Pain Balm applied to a
cut, bruise, burn, ictld cr liko injury
will hutantly allay the pniu and will
lieal tho parts iu leie time than any
other treatment. Unless the injury ia
very severe it will not not leave a acir.
Pain Balm also curds rhumatiain,
sprains, Bwelllnus und lameness, For
sale by Blakeley druggist.
N0I100I Report.
Report of Fairviow school, Diet. No.
48, for the rtonth ending October 20th :
No. of days taught, 19.
No. of days attendance, 651.
No. of pupils enrolled, 44.
Average daily attendance, 34.
The following pupils were neither ab
sent nor tardy: Ida Brown, Flora
Brown, Veva Stogadill, Frances Stoga
dill, Lena Snodgrass, Lydia Crabtree,
Vida Crabtree, Hattie Young, Elsie
Young, Oliver Bothwell, Fisk Both well,
Harry Reed, George Reed, Alva Criss,
Willis Stogsdill.
Visitors Mr. Clarence Alexander,
Mrs. Chastain, Miss Frances Crabtree,
Earl Crabtree, Dell Marrifield and Prof.
C. L. Gilbert.
G. W. McClurk, Teacber.
Glorloiift News,
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, 1. T. He writes:
"Four bottles of Electric Bitters has
cured Mrs. Brcwerof scrofula, which had
caused her great suffering lor years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and tho best doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health is excellent." This
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bittera is the best blood
purifier known. It's the eupreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boils and running sores. It
stimulates iirer, kidneys and bowels,
exnels poisons, helps digestion and
builds up the strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by Blakeley Druggist. Guaran
teed. 4
Vogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarke, Manager.
Qne . rriiniu u.. tJ
Nisnt rniiiai miv. sn
mm i f 1 w v mm vi
1 Big
Grand Operatic Orchestra
Carload Special Scenery
Novel Mechanical Effects
The Great Sawmill Scene
All Now Ppi'i'irtl'ies.
Watch for tho Bit: Parade.
Note the price Entire house, 50c.
The Dalles Street Fair has come and gone, but The-Fair Sloro has como to stay.
Wo avo saving tho poople money on Men's Clothing, Underwear, Hats and Shoes, as well
as Ladios' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery.
You will iind in our Store lots of bargains.
Wo have tho host lino of up-to-date Jackets and Capes for Ladies' and Misses',
and about one-third less in prico than other stores.
Come and soo us and we will bo pleased to show you
Wo aro agonts for Miller's All-Wool Clothing.
The bed clothing needs early attention. Many of the
prices that served last winter, and the winter before, must
be replaced this season. Now is a good time to buy; good
because later on you will not have the assortment to select
from, and the best numbers will have been sold. Further
more, if you buy now, early discomforts may be avoided and
a full season's use enjoyed.
Here are the best sorts to be found in their various
grades all marked at unusually reasonable prices:
At $3.00 "Spokane Falls"-a gray
and brown mixed, wool blanket; wool
warp and filling; 104 size; weight 4
At $3 90 "Cross Roads," iron-gray
wool blanket; bright border; wool
warp and filling; 10-4 size; weight 5
At $4.90 A 5J4' lb all-wool, 10-4
eizs, Oregon blanket ; dark gray mot
tled; bright border; cloth bound.
At $5.00 "Pleona" silver gray,
sanitary wool blanket; guaranteed all
pure wool warp and filling; weight 4,'i'
pounds; 10 4 size.
CottOll Bed Blankets. Used extensively for sheets in cold weather;
whites and grays; 10-4 size at 00c, 7oc and $1.25. 11 4 size at $1, $1.50, $1.75.
Coarse Wool Blankets. Cotton mixed; medium and dark grays and
blue; at $1.25, $1.45, $1.75, $2, $2.25 and $2.50.
Indian Robes. Finest wool, beautifully colored in various tribal designs ;
f 0:110 particularly attractive for couch covers, etc. $3.50, $4, $1 50 und $5,
QUILTS. Filled with, white cotton, und covered both sides with
figured silkelone, tied with worsted ; full double-bed sizj; ut $1,03, $2.0!)
and $2.45.
Downeline Quilts. Large, fluIFy, comfortable; filled with pnro,
laminated white cotton, covered with best quality silkeluno; plain and
figured; knotted with worsted; a first-class article; price $1!. 40.
Other quilts various grades from 75c up.
The Place
to Save Money
on all kinds
of Merchandies.
133 Second Street,
and Quilts.
At $5.00 A 114 s!z 0-pound all
wool Oregon blanket; good dark gray
mixture; special value. -
At $5.50 "Monosl" camels-hair
all wool blanket; 11-4 size; weight Z
lbs; full size, and all wool warp and
At $6.00 "Greenland" white
blankets; all wool, both warp and fill
ing; 10-4 size; weight 4,' pounds.
Othei grades white wool blankets at
$4.90, !f5.90, $0.75, $7.50, $7.90, $8, $10.
Colored wool blankets in various
grades, to .12 a pair,
our goods.