l'KOl'I.K COM I NO AMI (UMNO, fiwn today from K. E. Savaji? w.ip 'n Hood Kiv i Mr. Willif. mill J)n lMrry left on litis ntti'rtio -ii j bu.u lot ii. fir home at White S .liiion. H m. K. N Jone h renistoreil1 at the Um.uill.i Houai.' from the llancli near Slierar's Hriile. Jul Urtiinon, a nroeporntia heeler dimity sheepman, it rvtfielcred at tliej UUUMIIIIl MllUSt!. -P" Jmlae Thomas O'D.iy, of Portland, nrriwil here on the neon' train ami will epjak toniir.r.t at the Knlilin in the interest of Hrvan ami Sttv-ueon. FURNISHING NOTES. Nrt anil Tnntcful Ailjnni't l h ConitlitUii ill n llouif- j liol.l. VOGT Opera House The new pralrio simply deliirthfiil; jjreens, reds, b.tie ral tints of the Ioiijj of the wet. iui:n. Sundav, Ot'tolivr i!S:h. to Mr. ami . Mrs. J. IS. Mann, of tlii- citv, a sen. A r.tlltu'ul Y trii. A kooiI, political yarn is being told by n man about tiv.vn as comin; from a friend. Tlie truth of the story cannot be vouched for, but it is too good to be lost. A democratic brother was praying in a church prayer-meeting and, at the conclusion he s.iid, in all seihusnesp, "Wo prayer Thee that the democrats may hang together.'' The opportunity was too rooJ to be lost, and a republican elder shouted, "Amen." The democrat gasped, but regained himself and continued, "but not in the sense that our republican brother means, but in the spirit of accord and concord "Any cord will do Lord, anv cord will do," was the answer. Telegram. Grand I-'artmell Meeting. A farewell meeting will be given Brig adier Marshall and wile, who has charge of the Northern Pacific chief divieion, which comprises the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, on Tuesday, November 6th. The brigadier is saying good bye to a number of corps, and will visit The Dalles at that time. Major Harris, his chief secretary, is accompa living him to The Dalies. Uome to the Salvation Army hall at S o'clock and hear him for the last time. Plentv of music Is bein arranged for. Coffee, calso and sandwiches will he served at the close. Ail invited. Cut. W. R. Ckaiuree, LlKl'T. Ci:efem. rras nint ting nro they eonie in soft ;ui'i eeni, the until . w ir, prairie gras-s- Dcler rf- ' weM, 1111:11 ui i' mm ,i.ei)roving sources of income to the farmers. Formerly these praes were supposed to he an unmitigated evil, s;t Ladies' World. Prairie grass matting is much heavier than the Chinese and .lapanesi- prod- nets, and much more durable; they, all have the same clean and frairrant sniell that makes them so acceptable as tioor coverings, frame grass mat ting is full yard wide and costs 40 cents ' per yard. Never were there shown more bcaitti-, fu'i lamps than are now made. Kspe- dally notable are the piano lamps of' welded wrought iron and copper in ear-i mine tmish. 1 he antniue copper anil ear mine copper are also beautifully combined in other models. The car mine finish, royal copper is not new, but it is ever beautiful and has never before eomnioni.ed. Very attractive portieres in green and soft dull crimson in fish-net, seine pat tern, have been selling for three dol lars each: the meshes are as large as tho.e of a coarse seine, and the curtains are finished top and IhHIoiu by hand some tassels. Another style in a sort of cro striped open work pattern comes in rich reds and deep blues, and has up per and lower finish of tassels. The material is cotton, a sort of soft cord, and the colors are claimed to be fast; they drape very gracefully and need no ring;-. A handsome top border for n plain curtain, that is, a curtain without fig ures, may be made by taking a strip of burlap having a figure, and outlining this figure with gold thread and then powdering it with colored sp;ingles. F. J. CLARKE, Mnnagor. One Jolly Night, TUESDAY. October 30th. The Now York World's Litest Success, Knttrtaliiiuent at Mooter. Mosiek, Oct. 23, PJOO. An entertainment was given last Thnrsdy evening in fchool district No. 8 by Miss Mabel Kiddell, teacher, for the benefit of the library fund. The house was filled by an appreciative au dience, who enjjyed the folloTing well rendered program : Sous Song of the Hoses School Dialogue Love In u CottuKe Nora Hoot, I.eo Knot, Klulc Mlddlcswarr, , Kliuer Itoot, lvJwntd 1'uiismore. So I Will He Your aue.'tbeart. . .Edna Root Recitation Little Moom kdci Philips DNIogue The Bridal Wine Cup IWriii Mlridletivnrt.G'cnrxe Chamberlain, Mr. J. Velber aim Others. Violin Solo Zephyrs of the South Jlr i;. F. MiddlesMart Pantomime f:nt Pie Jlr. J. Welbe.-K. Mr. 1.. lioot, Willie Marsh, fcdward Imnsmore. Soi'g Wonion'n Hights Chorus IIo Footed (lie .Surgeon J. All doctors told Keniek Hamilton, of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18 upntlia from Rectaf I"i3tiila, he would 1 .l we unless u cosuy operation .was per formed ; but he cured himself with live bo.Xfs of ISueklen'a Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Katth, and the best Salve in the World. 'J3 cents a box. Sold by ISIakeley, Druggist. 4 KELLY'S KIDS III FROZEN DESSERTS. Vogt Opera House, F. J. Clarke, Manager. One Night Only.,, Saturday, Nov- 3d Uncle Sopie I I- I 1 Rirv Spruceby Three Dlaht-s That Will He Appraol nlud li- the fluent In Wnrm Wentlier. For hickory nut ice crenm make n. boiled custard of one pint of milk, iy4 cupfuls of sugar, four eggs and one-third of a tea.snoonfiil of salt. When it is cold add one quart of cream and two cupfuls of hickory nut meats that have been powdered fine in a mortar: then freeze, says the New York Tribune. Coffee ice cream frozen in a cylin drical moid, with the center filled with lemon ice. is an attractive and delicious dessert. For the ice cream mix two tuhlespoonfuls of arrowroot with half n cupful of cold milk. JSeat four eggs well and mix with it. Then beat one pint of milk- mid pour over the mixture and add four cupfuls of white sugar. When it is cool add two quarts of cream. Put it into the freezer, and when it is partly frozen turn in two cupfuls of strong coffee and freeze thoroughly. Pack it in n cylindrical mold. For the lemon ice mix together the juice of six lemons, two cupfuls of sugar and three cupfuls of water. Strain and turn it into the freezer. When the ic and salt an; packed add to it two cupfuls of .sweet milk and freeze at once. Fill it into (he center of the dufl'ee ice cream. Maple mousse is easily and quickly made. Put one pint of maple sirup into a saucepan with the yolks of eight eggs. Stir over the lire until the sirup thickens, then remove at once and stir until it is cold. Fold into it one quart' of whipped cream and pack in a mold in ice and halt for five hours. 25 FUNMAKERS ! THE OTTS, UOULDKN & GlilFFIN, 4 CARNATIONS, GKIFFIN & CKIFFIF, NE WSHOVS' QUA UT ETT E , FEMALE QUARTETTE. One Carload of Scenery- First : IJows, 7oc; Seats on sale at Dulance House, 50c Clarke & Falk's. TVXT2CT3KTMTXTXTXT3 L. Lane, (JENKU.VL Blacksmith1 .AND. Horsesnoe Pi f f ? 't f to to Tho Dulloii, On. The Chronicle, dob Printers. i I f f I Jfi; jj If 'I' 'as; ! Pi1 2m' ' s: i ye .iut.iimtuumiuwu.mj) TTTlITIlliinilTlriT J. tic .-..JBI Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. i Tbird and Jeffcrn. Piioue 159 C. p. Stephens .Dealor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. HntN, Cnps. Notions. for w , .. Dougiiii iilioe. A I'encli Jliiuiif. Tliis velvety cream can he made a very perfect dish for either luncheon or dinner. Prepare a doen large ripe penche-, remove the stones, reduce them to a pulp and then strain. Honk one teaspoonful of gelatine in cold wa ter, dissolve it in a tnliL'spooufuI of hot water, and add to the peach pulp. Then .set the whole on ice lo heroine cold. .Sweetenonepintof cream whipped to a stiff froth, then fold in the peaeli pulp and pour into a mold, '.'over tightly and pack in ice for three hourn. 5 ' 3 v-vrv ARt. Telephone No. 83. Ml bi-cund .St., TuG Dalles, Or, IfTOTSTCKYA'rx-rA'rak'VA rr serssvArrm a a r a vjli atat 4 a. vat a TAiTfAt atata a iAt ataiv 8' C. J. STUBLIHG, WllOl.KSAI.i: AND IIKTAII. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Phone 234, Next door to A. M. Williams A Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. .5 5 .5 .5! .5 xuul THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUjftM BREWERY... AUGUST BUOHLER, Prop. Of tlm product of this well-known hrewory the United Status Health Reports for Juno 123. PJOO, nays: "A more suputior brow never entered tho lahratory of the United KtatcH Health roportu. Jt ih nhilutely duvoiil of the sliuhteat trace of adulteration, hut on the other hand In composed of the hefit of malt and choicest of hopd. its tonic (jualitiei are of tho high est and it can he u-ud with the greatest benefit and eatiefaclion hv old and young. ItH lido can coiucientioiHly be prescribed liy the phybieiaiiH with, thu cersainty that a better, purer or moru w holesom'o Imve'raife could not' possibly bo found." East Second Stroot, THE DALLES, OREGON. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker anil Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone -IS.'J. Local, 102. f.'rnile Oraiixe (.'imlnril. Take the juice from six large or anges and place over uhlow fire, adding siiL'ar to tii.su. When the sii'mi- 1 ilis. ) solved, reniove from the lire, find when nearly cold, mid the yolks of six eggs well beaten and n pint of milk which lias prelously hem holltd. Again place jii the fire, and Mir unti'. it thicken". To sent-, phu'i in glares .anil aild the whites of the eggs, which have been well beaten with sugar.--Utlea (N. Y.) Observer. Mica r (Urease 1 R helps the team. Saves wear nnu H cxpeiibc. Hold everywhere. M jKL STANDARD OIL CO. g Grand Operatic Orohestra Carload Special Scenery Novel Meohanical Effects The Great Sawmill Scene All New Specialties. Wa'ch fortko Itig Parade. Note thofitke Iiutiro house. 60c. Dryinir iuopnration.s nimnlv davel- oj) dry catarrh j thoy dry up tho Becretious, which adhere to tho mcmbrauo and docom- IlOfin. filiminrr n. ff, t-1 nr.rn unrirtna Jr.wil.ln M.n ' . . .... . . . . . v , ..... 14 . i no ordinary lora ot catarrh. Avoidalldry- A ing inhalants, funics, smokes ami tuulfti ! S ami uao that, which cleanses, eootheu and S hcala. Ely's Cream Balm ia bucU ft remedy , ? buu win euro caiarru or com in Uio noaa cusily and pleasantly. A trial elzo 1111 bo ;nailed for 10 ceiits. All drugoisU sell tho COo. sizo. Ely Brothers, SO Warren fit,, N.Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, docs' not irritate or cause snoozing. It Hprcatls iUelf oyer' an irritated ami unnrrv auravt. rMinv. ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balinjrou aro turned agaiust Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. I Cllen Lice Coopered. 5 DKALKItS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall&Borg? UNDERTAKE EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. Hobes, BupiaSh Etc. USE Cnrbolineura i.Avenarius. 't'lio iiuikt etllclent WoihI l'retervlmr I'ulnt alHou Uu (Ileal Jtuiuedy iimilnst Clilck i-ii Urn, IIn ui'pllOHtlim tit In. tiilu Halls i)i iiultry liouitiin will vr iiituicntly fxterinhJiito nil lice. itu tiillK lieultliy clilckciiK, p.oiity of ckhd. W ilto for t'l-eiilrn uml price, Mention thli ucr, i w I 1 "T" i n r. Jous. i , rexers et uo., TIIK UALLEH. OUKUIIN. 0 9 PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now preparod to supply every body with Bread, Piea and Cakos. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 0.R.&H Kr.inT i TIMK MUIISIIUI.K, I'llOM l)ALI.Kh, KiiM IBnlt l.nkr, Peiivur, ! '.'1 '. 111. Athmtli: Kxpri-ih I'J!:.Miii. m. Vln lluiil-Inntmi. Hixikiuiu Mull ami Imprest li.'i p. in A p. m. S p, in. ChlciiKo Hiid Kmu Hiilt I Jika, Denver. I't. Win Hi, Diiuiliii, Kuti mii City. Ht. Liiiiii,! (.'liltiiKu mill Kmt. Wnllii WhIIa, Hpoloine, MliinciipnllK. st. iMtil,, ft ii tilth, .Mlluimkw, ChlciiKo uml K,ist, vlii Hrolfimcnkillliiiilltiit , llllli lllvi lilt pIlllllH in WMkhiiiKtmi mill Knit rill Ori'Knn. Krom I'outi...:!:' Occnti Klv.imtililiri For Rnn I'rmicl'f:". Kvcry I'lvo linys. I r0K I't.' tl t in 'lio.U Mill I..trrfi :iin.B p. ta. i:x.BUiiiluj j(:i(lunit,lii ttv. HtciDiori.. Kx.siia?. I... .i.i.j.tiA nun ny Sh .titrlay , Uiiullne. 10 p. in. i. ii. in. , ii.r.A!iSTTi'. uivki'.. :)n n Siin.Lv 11......... III,.. v i ..-.. .. "V '- - ' i-"' -'"J hillcill ,!." U N'SwU7''''i Ki'.sunily it ay Ijinil'b, ' 7 n. m, Wai AiirTTi: aho Yam I'm .Tiuir., niu. ItiVKiin, uml put. orcjtou City, Dnytoii, i unit Vny.I.:uiiliig,, l.v Itlpmli, iliiiy :i :vii. in, i .SNA KK IttVKH Ulpiirlii to lwlitun. ll:9)ii. m. Moii.,Vel ami Kil. I.ElVI l.r.wisTox tally 0.00it.r4 tff- 1'iir.H'H ii.I!iiik to xu to iic.pncr or points on I'oliitiililii siiiila-rti vln HlxVMhoull t.ikc.Nn. i, It-iivlii!,' 'the Polks nt U IO p. n. niHklii ilini't conncclloiiH nt Ilt-ppni-r junction unit HIckx Iti'tiiruliiK miKliiHillrifti-ciiiiiMtlnn nt Hi'ppiitT iiin-tloii mid lilacs xvlth No. 1. tr tlxltilt nl 'I'li; Drtlles nt I'j.ai p. m. I'nr full inttllcillius i-ii 1 1 mi O. . .V. C.' H-cnt 'I lie I'lillct. or nil.! c- w. ii itriti.iiri'.T, (ii., I'll. Ari , 1'ortlaiiO, Or SOUTH and EAST via Souinera Pacific Co Shasta Route Tmina k-uvu Thu Dulles (or I'ottlmiii mnl wi; atntlotiK nt l.'i) ii. in, mill D p, in. U'jivu I'ortliinil H. miit in " AlUny UMXJHm Arrive A.iltlmnl 1 J : :ct h in " (jiit'riiiiu.'iito 5.(11) pin " fcnii Kiniiclou 7; I) pin Artlvo OkiIoii " Denver " KiiiiMislllly. " Clilcnijri . . Arrive Ui. Atnjclw ' HI I'dMI " Kurt Worth; " City of Muxleo " llouitmi " .New Orleans " WllllllllK'lllll " New York 1 .'I'l'wi in '.!;0U it in 7.'i"ui m 7. I'm in l:i"n p m liM j in ii:;H) ii m '.I ... a in I. in a m l.iiiii in li I.' II 111 '.' 1 i p m 7;00im 10:Wpm 11. no am I ;:i it oi s:Ij m llliau 'J.Ola m 7 l'i H 1.1 7.(0ata ii;i) p in ti nam t ) ii m fi Jipl) h I'll" UllpW I'lillniiiii iiihI Tourist c ir.s on lioili ImI:i. Clialrcnrs bneriinti:iilo to OxiImi mill Ht l'w, anil loiuht ciirH to Clilenxo, Ht ljitln, Ncwor- lemis anil Vt nwiliifttou. t'oiiiiectlni,' lit Kan l-rmicf-.fo with i-cvenl Mcnnslilp Ifiuw for Honolulu, Japnli. t'lilm. I'lilllpplnt'S, Central uml rtoiilli Ameilcn. Kee iient nl The Dnllc. stntlmi, or llrc C. H. MARKHAM, (.eiieral I'avnKer Aj-ent, I'ort.mi'l, Or IT 4l TI in m Yellowstone Park Line. 'rut: hinino oak hoi'tk l-'itoM i'uti.a.n TO Till: KAST. THIS ONLY DlliUCTI.INi: TO THK YI.M.OW- Hto.Ni: I'Aiti: J.KVVI!. No. I Union Depot, ririhaiid I Sis A It II l VK. Nil. lfnt mall for Tticoma, Healtlt), Olytitpln, (iiay'i. Hiirlioriiuil .South lletnl points, Kpukiiiiu, Hii-ik Imnl, II. (!,, I'lillniiiii, Miunitv lututtll. I 111 f 11:13 ,. M, fiilolliinip iiilnliiKCOUli iry, iieietia, .iiiuoeiii"- ills, tit, rmii, OiuiiIiii, Kiiiihiih City. rit. I-ouIk, , (IIiIciiko mill nil point fx). I, le;it anil xoullieiiNt. i 1'iuret Hound t:pres ., HiSO I'. M,,for Tiieoinn mid Heattlu 7,l)..M mill interini'iiiniu poinit. State floirnal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Pall Term Opens September 18, 1900. rad1u'Uo,,,,,:ll!at,,0f 1,10 SmMX SCU01 ",0 ',a'mroa t0 M ' fto Cortllleato l,H,ll,,lev liraduHUjii-oHdlly bceuro Kood poMtlons. Kxpensuof year from m t,, t ... Ktroim Aoudcttilo mid I'rofenslonal OoUfbm. Nutv Hneclnl Dci.i.n,,,. !. . , ,., . WelliurpiITriiluliur Uepaituienv. "I'cuni Dcpnrttiro In .Muniinl TraltiltiB For catalogue con tulnlng full uniiouiittiiiKiits mMres 1'. I, OAMIM.UI.L, rMlt, or W A. WANK, BwrcUry Ut FatnUy, on :.w r. M. No. a. i 1 1 ii... i,, tli'i-nerx f flliiiii.ipoiln,H(. I'Hiilund illii'iirl ilvcrpoli"' MltllllU t CllllllKO. . , , utii)iiitit iiainn, union uepot nun'" - III all principal cilice Uukkiiko clicckiit todcstlnnlliin ' ,!cle,', l;'or )umdi.oincly llluntiuU-iiauht'rlptlVfiii ; ; ! HckelH, klccpliiK car rctcrvatlons, etc, cnll ur write A. D, CHARLTON, An.ltunt (icncrul I'MkMimcr AkciiI. W i-onriirect.conicrTliIrd, I'oitland Ohboii. Jjlt. It, K. NM1TII, Osteopath. ItooniH m mirl It. (llniiniiHn Illock Tin' Oregon,