The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 30, 1900, Image 3

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The 3 Things
Dry Goods Department.
Wcdnosday morning nt 8 o'clock wo
12 pieces lMincy Silks, ranging in val
1 lT) to $1.75 per yard. Tlio assort
alucs I'roin
1 2.) to $I.ff pov yard. I ho assortmonl in-
t'ludcH tlio season's latest patlorns. A. glance al
(lie assortment will convince you that the price
i- right.
Pi ico
W ednesday
Noi'K. The Silks an now on display, hut none
will ho sold or reserved until
8.00 A. M., WEDNESDAY.
Pease & Mays.
AU goods marked in plain figures.
Saying the wrong thing atthe right time
may do for awhile.
The right thing at any time-
is our idea of it.
-all the time
We have the right kind of Keady-lo-Wear
Clothing the kind that makes the tailor proud
of his work, and makes a man feel proud of his
We save you time.
We save you 'money.
We save you worry.
Mew's all-wool Irown or pray melton suits at
Mun's all-wool, bind: clay worsted suits in round
cut sad: and frocks, at
Men's worsted and cheviot suits in
all tlio latest styles, from
. $7.50
$5.50 to $25
Overcoats, Topcoats and Ulsters
from $7.50 to $25.00.
Most important in Shoes arc
1st. A perfect fit that means comfort.
2d. Stylo and graceful design that means
3d. First-class material and construction
that means service.
Queen Quality
Shoes for Women
Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance
and splendid service. No matter for what
purpose a woman desires shoes, she will
find her wants supplied in the Qucon Qual
ity line. Many styles to select from.
Pease & Ma s.
All goods marked in plain figures.
Plans i Crowe
Tho only store ft
this city where tin
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
n dozen nieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares loo!
ino has tho name
St musky Steel
Ware on each piece,
Do not be deceived
First prize at lfi
International Eshi
bition3. IIihcBt
award at rorld s
Columbian Exhlbi
tion, Chicago Pre
ferred by tlio best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
e Dalles Daily Chronicle,
i ,
oct. :;o, n:oo
j ical authorities In tin; world, known no ' but clover specialties, Rood singing and
dill'-'ieiici! between scarlatina and tcarlet j some novel stage effects, combined with
! fuvor. Webster (lolincs scarlatina as plenty of Hinder, make the show a good
' the new I.ntln for searlut fever, the
i French word for which is scarlatino.
he returned to camp and fell in ;he fire,
where he lay helpless till pulled ont by
eome of the Indians. Who sells these
lE n:ul I'ony .Show.
At Androw Keller's.
,n. .. . ...
iuumrrmv hi. v u. ru. ii uiwinm uiiniH
terial con veil tioti will be held in the M.
K. church of this city in the interest of
tlio Twentieth Century Forward Move
ment of the .Methodist Kpii-eopal church.
This movement is to obtain the pledge
of 100,000 Christians that they will seek
to brine; ten persons each to Christ dur
inu' the coming year, and that .'0,000,.
000 shall be ra'iHed for the work of the
church. About twenty-live ministers
are expected to attend tomorrow's meet
At a special
council held last night the recorder was
instructed to draft an ordinance provid
The ordinance will fix a lime during
which scarlet fever patientB must con
fine themselves within the quarantined
premises while convalescing, so as to
prevent, if possible, tho danger of conta
l or rent or sale on easy terms, goud
liouse, with li.tth. Inquire or address
tins "dice. olliMIt
lt"v I'M liaker, of Arlington, will
priM'-h at tlio M. K. church this evening
iU7;o. The public are cordiallv in
vited. Wanted A girl to do general house
work dofjtl wages will lie paid to one
thoroughly competent. Apply at '2H'2
Third street, oltO-Jt
Miss hena Morrow, of Chicago, will
ho present at tho Vogt opera house
Thursday evening, Nov. 1st, and give n gion at tho very time when tho danger
talk on the principles which the Co- is greatest.
Operative Juveuilo Hand represents. No qualified voter should fail to cast
Those who have Joined or intend to his Jiallot November tith. Those who
ally themselves with the football organl- have not legistored may vote by seenr
Z'Umu are requested to bo in attendance j lug six freeholders who will make tho
"t the armory on tomorrow (Wednesday) necessary nllidavits as to tho voter's
''veiling. Ihihiuess of importance will qualilleatiotis, and tho allldavits will bo
he transacted. j taken without cost at tho office of Hud-
Word was received here todav that ' Hon Hrownhlll, whore tho nnregis
Hmv. Itobert Warner, presiding elder of ' t,,rt'1 votur wiir also find all the necos
this district, tH sick nt hone Hock, 1 8iir' Affidavits-may betaken
Cilltl.itu county, and unable to attend ' ll( timu llf'K (lll;u hours, and if
the "Forward .Movement" convention 1,j(t witl' 11,0 J"lL'U8 of ului!tlo tlt 11,0
that meets hero tomorrow l",1,H conaidoretl as proof of tlio
"A Wise Guy" had a crowded homo l"-'rt'r'H qunlilleations as a voter,
t'st night at tho Vogt opora house and! It is said that thu editor of an es
"'as generally well received. The ppecial- j teemed Bryanilo contemporary was
t' work and dancing wero exceptionally j complaining at the breakfast table tlio
Kod. Tonight "Keliy'a Kitlb" will bo ' other morning about tho lack of entliu-
the bomtl ,y niiothor company uiiti I siasiu among his. party in the present
""equally largo attendance is expected. 1 campaign, when the good wife looked
A iiuiiibi.r ni rP I tin ami asked her Hpouse: "What's tho
one. eavages the liqnor that makes them a
Reformation and mission festival nt' terror? Is there no way of ridding a
Zion hutheian church tomorrow evening fio'et and respectable community of
at 7:I!0. Rev. K. Meyer, of Oregon City, their presence?
will preach on "Missions," and tho I "Uncle Josh Sprcceby," the big pro
pastor of the church on the "Lutheran I auction which cornea to The Uailps for
Church." This is the second of a serits ! ono njc,,t, Nov. 2nd, is commented on
.. r . i. ..i l. ..r .1 r 1 ..." . . . . . .n i
in HurmuiiB uu uiu i:;iuiuii ui me il-iuiiiiu- i ra follows uj the Detroit Daily lrioune: j eiitertuinoient,
tion, and the ot.jeot ot the pastor in i "Jioneft, iiomely Uncle Josh Sprucoby , that cannot fail to
tlelivei ing these serinons is to acquaint teturned to the
his people Hotter with too origin, ixst night, opening
stiength and giowtli of the churuh to , 0nular nlay house. Uncle Josh has
which they belong. Jf you wish to , Ueen here before and has evidently made
know what the Lutheran church runlly j a i10et of frisiids. They wero all out to
-uis, what relation she sustains to otner B,.eet him last night, and scores of them
ueolnu 0 t he.eoininon r. ? . " Bluuu . " ou'ing nis suucb uuu
' I .1 ..... ..: .. .... I . n I . I ..
1 miuii nil's uuiun, uii;uu tuu
tomorrow night. We cordially invite
everyone to come. W. Brenner, pastor.
I'rof. IJarne',' famous clot? ami nonv
show will be in Tho Dalles, at The Vogt
opera house. Monday November oth.
It. is the best and moEt refilled enter
taininent of its kind. It has twenty
five Eiiperior dogs and fifteen superb
ponies, all of which perform on the
stuce; alco a trained lion , and inonkeye,
which add greatly to the pleasure of the
making.' this show
Whitney opera house j pperted also with some clever
ig the season for that I juggling by a Japanyre artist.
is inter-
feats in
ing for a rigid enforcement of quarantine
itgtiust, all houses and tlieii occupants 1 It will be of interest to a largo nnni-
whore scarlet fever is known to exist, her of Dalles people who own summer
"lugoinc into the sheep industry. J,
' Hadley and son, lioyo, have pur
('hiised ;ioo fine owes and wilj winter
them 011 clover hay. William McGrnth
h.s bought !!00 mid will winter them at
Ml". Cllilder'fl nhion. mmr flriliiin him.
Alva and l,i Kuhnhaiisen have also ! despondently toward tlio floor,
inattor with lhein, any way?" "Apa
thy," replied the discouraged tnolder of
public opinion; wheieupou u bright
littlo eon, who was playing near by, mix
ously piped up: "I'apa, will wo have
to bo vaccinated m;ain?" Tlio editor
putcliased somo Hheop.
''li ministerial convention of the
"IVeutleth Century Forward Move-""-nt"
of tho M. K. churuh will hold ita
"puiiini! session in the M. Ii. chnrcti of
t.ils city tomorrow inorniiig at 0 o'clock,
''h" ecnventioii will holdover tiUTIuirB
'''v. Nov. IhI. Throe eossiona will be
,,(,ld.ily,ati)a. in., 2 p. 111. and 7;!i0
P 111, I hero will bo nieiiRhlne itt the
mid an oxpreaslou o,f deep gloom over
shadowed his face as ho replied : "No,
my son, itn too Into; they've all got it."
Of the farco comedy, "Kelly's Kids,"
to bo played tonight nt tho Vogt opora
liouso, the Oregoniau of October 15th
Hays; "Kelly's Kids," u icd-hot farce
comedy, opouod a week's engagement at
the Metropolitan Inst night to a picked
house. During thu past week the seat
----- ... .... w..w,....n 1 nuitnoi 4111 1 imw I'uav Mvvn " -w
"uurnooti session tomorrow by Huv. G. j jng capacity of tho theater has been In
K. Archor, of Fossil.
A victim of the ecnrlot fevor epldoinic,
who maintained ft 8lrjut quarnntlno till
"II dungor of giving the disease to others
Wlls over, and who had plenty of time
10 look up the authorities on this din
easo, calls our attention to the fa-st that
Webster, in hurtmny with all the niud-
creased by -100, but even this was nut
enough for the crowd, and the "standing
room only" sign went out early in the
game. "Kelly's Kids" is a typical farce
comedy of the nineteenth century, with
tho single exception that it is much
better than the ordinary run. Of course,
there is not plot enough to hurt a child,
residences at North Reach and Ocean
Park to learn that at a recent meeting of
the new board of directors of the .1. R. it
N. Co., held at the headquarters of the
company at llwaco, preliminary arrange
ments were made for the booming of the
beach for next summer. With the O.
R. & N. Co. back of it, tho beach will be
widely advertised next year and weekly
excursions given from points in Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and other states on
its lino at reduced rates. This means
impioved transportation facilities, cheap
fares, and eiiorter time in making the
beach from inland points. Heretofore
Nortli Reach has depended principally
on Portland for patronage. Under the
now order of things it will tap theenlire
Columbia river basin and other sections
beyond it.
In Shakespeare's name lies the key to
a wonderful cryptogram. Tho spelling
"Shakespeare" was tlio poet's nom de
plume, while "Shakespero" was his
name, nn evident change from "Shakes
pear." In each of tho two spellings last
given aro ten letteis four vowels and
six consonants. Combine these two
figures and we have the number -10, the
key to tlio mystery. Turning to the 4tth
psalm in the revised version, it is found
that the psalm Is divided into three por
tions, eaeli ono ending with "selah."
Remember tlio number -10. Counting
forty-six words from tho beginning of
tiio psalm, one reads the woid "shako"
in the first portion, and counting forty
six words from the end of the psalm one
reaches the word "spear." There Ib
"Slmkeopear" as plainly as letters can
make it.
During tho last two or thrco nights a
number of drunken Indians hayo been
making night hideous In tlio neighbor
hood of their camp at the head of the
old brewery grade, Ni;ht before last
they kept their drunken origins up after
midnight, and their yells and whoops
would have waked the dead had there
been any In the neighborhood. At twi
light yesterday n drunken buck, frenzied
with alcohol, cleaned out the Indian
camp and drove the Fijnaws and pap
pooses to the shelter of the rocks, When
the drunken eavage had spent his fury
soiree and were
never beard to complain. The charac
ter and the play are too well known to
need a description. It is the same ph
with some alterations and additions!
that go to make it better. The saw mill ,
scene, as of yore, raises the hair of the 1
spectator and its culmination is greeted j
witli n storm of applause. Not to have
made the acquaintance of Uncle Josh j
and the saw mill is to be a long ways I
from the head of the procession. A fea-
ture of the performance is the work of
the Uncle Josh Spruceby orchestra,
which renders a number of pieces of a
high clats. There aro many familiar
limine t tlio iiicil "
The. faithfulness of a dumb brute was '
never better illustrated than by an inci-1
dent observed by many people Sunday, j '
says an Olympian paper. Early thatj
morning a man went into JJettman's
store and taking oil' his rubbeis bought i
a new pair. The old ones he threw,
down near the fiont door of the store
I and wore the new ones away. Ifo was 1
I accompanied by a handsome water-I
spaniel that remained at all times uem-l
his master. Shoitly alter the dog and
the man left the store the dog came
back, having evidently lost his master.
Spying the rubbers oil the floor tlio dog
stretched himself beside them. When
it came time to'elose the store tlie dog
could not be coaxed away from tho rub
bers, and it was necessary to put them
outside the door to get the spaniel out,
This was about noon, and from that
time until 7 o'clock yesterday morning j
the faithful animal lay alongside tho j
rubbers, the cold rain beating upon him. j
The clerks in the store endeavored to j
coax tiio tlog away to feed him, but it 1
was useles?, he would not leave what lie
suppose,! his owner would return for.
It Is thought when he did leave, it was
only when his master came for him.
Tho largest and most complete line of
fall and winter millinery ever displayed
in the city at the Campbell it Wilson
millinery pallors. The prices will sell
the goods. fStf
For Infants and Children.
Thfi Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the rf yrSfTTT
Signature of OmVZ (-CtfcJUK
Kills V:inti-(l.
The committee appointed by the
Gentlemen's Driving Association invite
se.tled bids for building of a half mile
, track on site selected west of The Dalles.
1 Plans and specifications can be seen at
1 the ofiico of C. J. Crandall, Monda
j Oct. 29th. Rids will be opened Thurs
day evening Nov. 1st, at 8 p. m., at the
' olliee of C. J. Crandall. The committee
' re.erves the right to reject any or all
i bids. o'20 3t
CuUancl liim.e (ttilukly Ht-alad,
Chamberlain's Pain Ralm applied to a
cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injury
will iiwtantly allay the pain anH will
heal the parts in 'e-s time than any
other treatment. Unless the injury is
very severe it will net not leave a sear.
Pain Ralm also cures rliumatisin,
sprains, swHllinus and lameness. For
sale by Ulnkeiey druggist.
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled waro is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb fjrease,
does not discolor
nor catcli inside; is
notaffected by acids
in fruits or
will boil,
stew, roast
and bake
with 011 1
flavor of
cook o d
food and
will last
for years.
Wc cr.u
tion th 3
n gainst
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors..
Mrs II. L. Jones has opened ico
cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal
lard's old stand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The place has been thoroughly ren
ovated, and a share of the public patron
age is solicited. ,
Physician and Surgeon,
Olllce, Vogt HlociU (nver I'oitojllce),
JOuvlmo-dw THi: 1UI.1.JH, OKECiON.
One thousand styles and sizes.
t-or cooking and heating.
Prices from $5 to $50.
fThe genuine all bear the above Tra-JcAIark .
and are sola wun a wruu-n guarantee.
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900'
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere.
Tho Michigan Stove Comnanv.
Largmt Mnkera of Stovea and Range lu tho World.
Oak SloveL,