l)c Hulks VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1900. NO. 375 The Kind You Havo Always in uso for over 30 yearn, All GoiiiiterliultH, Imitations and" JuHt-as-good" arc but E.vpui'ini'Jiits thai triflo with and endangor tho health of lultaits luid Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstoria is a harmless substitute for On h tor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It ixmtiiliiH neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootio Mihstunce. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms mid allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CIMTAUH OONHNT, YT MUMUV STRICT. HtW VO.K OITT. SET ASIDE FOR THANKSGIVING Thursday, November jij, Designated as Hie Day On Which a Nation Shall (live 'I hanks for dud's Goodness and Hat Turkey. W.tIIIN(iTiiX. Out. (! Tim ntutii ilit. I'irtiiieiit toilny Issued tliu following: Hytho I'resiilunt of tho United Stittt'B of America A iiroeliviimlion : "It IlilH llk'asi'd 1 liit AImiIi.IiIa' Onil In Wiig our Nittiunin safety and honor IlirouKli umitliur yenr. Tli works of !igIoa and charity huvo ovorywhoro ''sni inunifuat. Our country, throoirh aH its oxtent, him been bltnaud with umlaut ImrvoatH. I.ibor mid the went indnatrlcB of tho people havo pros pered beyond all precedont. Our coin, wree Ims aproud ovor tliu world. Our I'QUfcr mill t..n. .1 t - iiiiiuaiiL't 111 1110 uiuiati ui freedom and unliijlitoiimunt huvo ex nded over distant seas und lumlfi. Tho 'IVea of OUr II II I I 1 iiuiiuiiimiIiiIiuuii 11ml lllay of ,mr puoplo in Chirm havo been Mrvclotisly pioporvud. Wo liavo been Swerally exunipt from pefltilnieo and Wtier ureal ealainltiefl, and uvon tiio laic visitation which ovorwholnied tliu tt'y 'iKi.dvcatun nmdo evident tho butiti !Utt,ltH (jf sympathy and Christian o ai ity J virtue Uf which wo aio 0110 united "NOW. tlllr.fr.. r Willi..... t. .K"i..1. ... -.,, .1 ajiiiiiu .iiiiiviiii.m 1 jMeiit of tho United Status, do liftru 'I'l'oint and sot apart Thuraday, tliu I ' Noveinbur next, to bo obtervm! ,y 0,1 I'coplo of tho United Stut.-fl, at . or abroad, as a day of Tlianks W'I'Kiind piaieo to tllui wlio holds tho llomi i t,H hollow of His hand. 1 "wiiunond that thoy (Iutlior in thoir vM phieea of worBhip and devoutly J'V8 Him thanks for tho prosperity '"rewitli Hu das endowed us, for seed- anTi""'1 '"uvot,, fur tl,B valor, dovotion "J ''inn inity f)f our uriniua and riavios, , u fur all Mia benefits to iib uh iii in iia,a 118 11 ,m,,,,n ! ur,(l ,hwt l,,oy Wly pray for tho.coiitinuanco of His vine favor, forconcoid and amity witli y 'lotions, anu for rlgliteoimiieae and hiallourwayB, witnoBs whereof I have liereupto Bought, and which has been has horno the siimatnre of anu has boon made under his pcr ffljtlfa HOIml 8UPervIslon H'nco t infancy. Signature of sot my I mini and caused tho seal of the United Stales to bo affixed. "Wm. McKini.kv." A 111 lit 1 1 iiim r (ivimuiiy. N'kw Vokic, Oct. 'Id. Any attempt on tliu part of Germany to establish a coal ini: titallou in territory of Venezuela will bu opposed by tliu United States,, says a VaBliini!tcn ppecial to the Hoiald. buch action would bo in violation of the prin ciple of the Monroe doctrine. A cable dispatch from Port an Spain has been received convoying a rumor that tho Venezuelan uovurnmeiit is considering the advisability of lensiim to Germany a port on tliu island of Margarita, and it lias attracted much nttuutiou. Germany is mixIuuh to acquire sites for eoaliiiK stations in the western hemi sphere. It lias buun frequently reported that shu was endeavori; k to establish a coaling Blation on thu Hrasdliiui coast, but no nec,ottation& huvo been entered into. Naval ollicera say that Germany could have only oiib object in establish ing a naval station in the western lieml spherc to prepare for hostilities ngalnet tho United States. Thu United States is thu only power whose competition tho Jturlln uovernuient fears. When this novunnniint would not permit tho acqui sition of tho Dunish West Indies by any European state, reports were circulated that Germany was endeavoring to establish a coaling station at Santa Catliariua, Itranil. Theeu reports were not confirmed. OuitiI ( Olironlu irlui i liocu After Thirty Vi ni h nf Miltrrlnu. ".Soflored for thirty years with -diarrhoea and thought f was past being cured." says John H. Ilalloway, of i French Camp, Mies. "I had epont so much time and money and sullerod so much that 1 had given up all hopes of iccovory. I was so feeble from the ellects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not evon travel, Imt bv accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Oliaiuborlain'o Colic, Oholora and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking several bottles 1 am entirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that I am anxious that it bo in roach of all those who sudor as I havo." For snlo by Walteley druggist. intuitu WoiiailigiTiTMheHiiorty Kiiiiloyen Nku- Yokk. Oct. SO.-Slneo the an- nouiicoinont of the embt zzleinont of Note TolUir Alvord, of tho HrBt National name, there have beon many atories of new and rigid eapioni'ge by banking-houses over their clerks. One of Iheeo stories con- ccrnp the German Savings bank. It wbb reported last night that five of the clerks of that institution have been dis charged because detectives discovered that thoy were associates of gamblers. Three of them are said to have bad an interest in a book making firm that 'does businees at the local race tracks. The story recites that detectives were placed on the trail of all of the clerks in the bank, and that the five in question were the only oneB about whom any thing Buscicious could be learned. It was not said that the clerks bad stolen anything or that they contemplated any wrongdoing, but the information is to the effect that the officers of the bank deemed it best to pet rid of tjiem. Treuclmry tif the Koers. London, Oct, 29. The war oflise has the following from Roberts, dated Pre toria, October 28: "Knox successfully engaged Dewet October 27. During the Boer retreat Knox caught Dewet in the Rensburg drift' The Boers lost considerably and left two guns and ttiree wagons in Knox's hands. Another ammunition wagon was blown up by a shell. The British caaualtieB were nil." Referring to the Jacobsdal affair, Lord Roberts enys it was due to the treachery of tho inhabitants, who admitted the Boers to their houses at night. They opened fire at daybreak. Fourteen men were killed and thirteen were wounded, mostly Cape Highlanders. Troops die patched from the Modder river drove off the Boers. The houses of the treacherous inhabitants were destroyed. Command ant Bosnian was killed. Lord Roberts calls attenion to the "in creasing inclination of the better claes of Boers to co-operate with the British to secure peace," since they find that gueril la warfare ib "visited witli heavy pun ishment." KxcluBlon I.nwMust lie llene-.veu lu 1003 New Yoiik, Oct. 29. "The Chinese exclusion act will expire 111 1902. Unless we are on the alert, Chinamen will pour in among us and the country will be filled with cheap Chinese labor." Chairman James Maguire, of the Central Labor Union, made this an nouncement before a meeting of that body. His remarks created a seusatton. "J wish to give this timely warning," continued the chairman, "so that labor ing men and women throughout the United States shall take measures to have another exclusion bill passed. Visit your congressman and seo how he stands on the question. Put him on record." Tho meeting rosolved to call the at tention of all trades to the exclusion act. CliuinliL'iliiln'H Cmiuli Kfiuoily u Qri-nt I'll viirltc. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant and prompt and permament cures have made it a great favorite with people everywhere. It is especially pmed by mothers of Binall children for colds, croup and whooping couph, as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given as confidentially to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Blakeley druggist. Alvord Aii'OHtml In lliii-loii. Boston. Oct. 21). Cornelius .1. Alvord, Jr.. the embezzling cote teller of the First National Bank, New York, was ar rested at the South Knd today. Alvord took his arrest quietly. He arrived in Joston ast week and went to the Hotel Touraine, but did not register. On Wednesday lie engaged a back room on tho second floor of a lodging-house on Huntington avenue, near West Newton street, where he went tinder the name of Mr. Smith . of New York. Olorloiifi News. Comes from Dr. I). B. Caigile, of Washita, 1. T. He writes: "F'our bottles of Iiloctric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of tcrofula, which had caused hor great Huilering for years. Terrible sores would breaK out on her head and face, and tho beat doctors could give no hulpj but her cure is com plete and her health is excallent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Klectiic Bitters Is tho best blood purifier known. It'a tho supreme remedy for eczsma, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expola poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley Druggist. Guaran teed, i For IMitzzn Vlxltor. A suitable refreshment to offer to the visitors who are glad to rest on tin! pi.'izzo from the journey out of town is iced tna or lemonade or a saucer of strawberries. If you pro vide strawberries, reurembcr to leave the hulls on. It is considered desir able to serve them that wny, because it indicates that the fruit has not re ceived any unnecessary handling. Use the hull of the, strawberry as a little handle by which to lift it from the saucer and dip it in the pile of soft white sugar heaped in one corner of the plate. Use the pulverized fruit sugar, a mere powder, for the straw berries. Have a plate of lady fingers or rice flour plunkets ready to offer with the fruit. Detroit Free Press. A Life And Dentil Fight. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, tays : "Exposure after meas les induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All iny doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles," Regular size 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley Drug Store 4 Catarrh Cauuot lie Cured, with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for yecrs, and is arecular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tiie perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, pi ice 7fc. Hall's Family Pille are the best. 12 Nasal CATARRH la all Us Btases there should bu cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cle.uiee,8ootlie3 and hcala the diseased membrane. It caret! catarrh and drives nwny a cold In the bead quickly. Crritm Ralm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief Is Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying does not produce encexlng. Largo Size, 00 cents at Drug gists or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. IJL.Y I.K)TUEUS, 5U Warren Street, New York. Bo sure and Bee our line of diesa skirts. We are offering some splend d bargains in these goods. No trouble to show goods at the New York Cash Store. Clark it Fall: are never closed Sunday. Don't, fornei this. Tho J)alles Street Fair has come and gone, but The Fair Storo has come to slay. We are saving the people money on Men's Clothing, Underwear, Hats and Shoes, as well as Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery. You will find in our Storo lots of bargains. AVo have tho best lino of up-to-date Jackets and Capes for Ladies' and Misses', and about ono-third loss in prico than other stores. Come and see us and wo will bo pleased to show you our goods. We aro agents for Miller's All-Wool Clothing. THE FAIR. A Dollar White Shirt that Is equal to most dollnr-nnd-a-half qualities. Unusual value So much for materials. Now for the make-up. The "Sovereign" Shirt has a patent inserted sleeve, that positively is proof against ripping, and is shaped to fit the shoulder perfectly solid shirt-comfort to the man that wears a "Sovereign," as well as absolute freedom from the petty annoyances of a poorly-sewed garment. The bod' is made very full ; yoke, double shoul der, felled seams with gusset sides, continuous strip on sleeves, improved collar band and button hole. Every taste as well as every shape can be suited in the "Sov ereign." Regulars, slims and stouts. Regular, also short bosom. Open back, also open front and back. The Sovereign $1.00 Shirt is now on display in our window. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. CONrP;8T NOTICE. l S. Land Office, Tin; D.vtr.cs, Oa.,j September 15, 1U0O. I A MilUcli'iit contest uiUdnrlt havlnx been filed In this ollico by Joseph 11. Sliernr, contestant, luruliibt liomcMiMd entry No. 710'-', miide Juno 3, fur S hf NW iir See US, and K hf NK ir Sou '."J, Tp 3 S K II U, bv William (1111 contested, tit which it is ulkwd Hint tiild William (Jill lias wholly Abandoned i-ald tract and changed his residence- therefrom for moic than Mx inoutli tliiee making tald entry, and mxt prior to datv ot contest; and that lie did not abandon the tract to enter the military or naval service of thu Cnlted States, said parties are hereby noti fied to appear, respond and oli'er evidence touch iiiK said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on October '11, lwo, before the register and receiver at the I'nited States land ollico in 'Iho Dulles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in 11 proer nlll davit, tiled August II. l'JOO, set forth facts which show that after duu diligence personal scivlco of this notice can not bo made, it Is hereby ordered and directed that sucb. notice be given by due and proper publication. tepl'J JAY 1. LUCAS. Itegister. THE FHIR. The Place to Save Money on all kinds of Merchandies. 133 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Sovereii? A white shirt witli body made of New York mills muslin a qual ity that stands fore most in the ranks -of bleached cottons and bosom of 1800 count linen. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is heteby given Hi it the undersigned lias duly tiled with tho County Clerk of Wasco County, Oifgon, his final account and report as administrator of the estate of Adolph Agldius', deceased, and that tho Honorable County Court has tlxed Moudaj , theoth day of November, llttxi, at 10 o'clock a. 111. of said day as the time, and the County Court room of tho County Court house in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, a.s the place for hearing said final Account ami re port. All persons interested in said estato nro hereby notlllcd to appear at said lime and placo und show cause, if any theio be, why said report should not be approved and said administrator dischaiged, Dated this 5th day of October, I'.i'JO. j. 1' Alliums, Administrator of the cstatcof Adolph Ajjldlus, deceased. octtl J. F. MOOKF., ' JOHN G.IVIK MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOKNUVS AT LAW Hooms :i'J and 10, over U. S. Laud Ollico THE FAIR.