ADVERTISIMU OREGON. blorHnitlr"ii Im IIiiIViiIii unit Ti ii 'i 11 tip Slmwn ' . !i iut tlu Knt. UNIQUE ORNAMENTS: " Prcllr IMiiqucn That fun He Mntle of l'lutlor tif l'urli mill Colored I'leliirvn. Tii ii nii'i hi Uo.t' ti -quare miles Ore Vfuu lit a i-omitf x i- 'iul.tion of 225,000 souls, or mi r.veragr of little more than two ponons for evi-ry (HO acres, exclu sive of oitio?. .She tut vn?t forests that canii'M he depletetl in htm boils of years; extensive range1? for all Uii.ils of stock; rich mines that have virtually Just been openeil; fertile vallejs a!tii) for a thoiiHiml home?; unliii'lttil water power for mill' ami faetorie.' ; scenery as grand tinjetic ap uny in tln wurM for ilaiiy t'ontetiiplati'.ii ; u niilil anil th liIitfnl climate, (rei- fioni ?iuh!eti changes ami sevi-u- to ins. In fact she Oilers wealth, comfort anil pleasure through life to nnhle old use for nil who come to her adoption, and yet the in troilnetory figures do not lie. As a com monwealth we need c.ipital, energy, en terpri;"', an infusion of new and vigorous blood into our citizenship to secure for our state tiie development she merits. Samples of our product? exhibited nt various expositions compel attention and favorablp comment; hut to turn hither the ever-moving tide of immiitrii tion, Oregon muat be presented as a whole to those seeking homes and op portunities. Encouraged by the approval :ind as sistance of men w ho know, there is being projected for this purpose :n Oregon free stereopticon lecture course to repre sent us at the Pan American (llntl'ilo) exposition and subsequently to tour the East. A fine, comprehensive set of ster eopticon views, supplemented by an able lecture, will depict the state in all its phases. This superb entertainment will be given free of admission, bnt-a small revenue is intended to be raised from the sale of Oregon fcenic photos and stereoscopic sets, aa well as from an artistic bio'ilet eouv nir containing it brief sketch of the lecture and various advertisements. Funds for developing this enterprise will be raised by subscription, advertis ing and probably state aid. The improvement of a state secures greater benefits for all within tier bor dere. Thereiore from eel fish, if not from patriotic motives, everyone should assist this exhibit. Among its sup porters are: Mrs. J. Is. l)olph, Oregon Com. to Paris ; Hon. A. C. Jlarstere, senator, Uoseburg: Hon. E. I). Strat ford, U. S. Com., Roseburir; Hon. 1J. F. Muikey, ttnator, .Monmouth; P. L. Campbell, president 0. f;. N. S , Moi mouth; L.J. Hicks, commercial phc tograplier, Portland, and many othere. Trusting for the approval and mate rial aid of citiziii" of The Dalles when tins matter is presented, I am For the commonwealth, Miss M. L. Srrro.v. In behalf of the- Oregon free stereopti con lecture exhibit. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Munatfor. I One. Jolly Night, The New York -World's Litest Success, ClKinilicrlali.'A CoiikIi I'.cmeily H Great J'aviirllt-. The soothing anil healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant and prompt and permauiont cures have made it a yreat favorite with people everywhere. It id especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping couph, as it always afibida quick relief, and as it contain? no opium or other harmlul drug, It may ue given a confidentially to a baby as to tin adult. For sale by IJIakeley druggist. KELLY'S KIDS III A burM of ingenuity serins (o have centered itself in n new pluMor of pari plaque. It has come as a welcome way of nreservliiL' some of the oxiiiiImR' col ored heads and tloral pictures which , TUESDAY. October we yearly have suit to us on cnlcn-! tlars. A little frond taste and consiiler nbl nimbleness of lingers is all that is mmired, in addition to an agateware pieplate, &oine plaster of paris and water, a knife, a hit of tape and a our tain riag, with a pretty colored picture which ha been neatly cut out from it background, nntl a bottle of rllt paint, 'i'liee various tilings are then handled in the follow iiif; way: At first the plate should be tilled with water, wh It'll, however, is soon to.seil nut again, the object liein;.' simply to have a moit surface. The picture i then taken up and placed face downward in the center of the plate. As scon as it L- ecn that it adhere to it quite closely the plaster of purls which has previoul been mixed with water until it i- smooth and of the consistency of thick cream, is poured in upon it, and in slinicient quantity to ill! the plate up to the very top. Here, then, the knife is u.-oful in smoothing it over. At This point, also, a contrivance is ariamrcd for l'.angiiii,' up the plaque in the future. The piece cf tape with a ; curtain vinir on one end of it i pressed down in the plaster, where it soon hard- j ens into permanency. A soon as it isj found that the plaster is sufliciently j hard, the knife can he slipped around the edges of the plate to facilitate the whole turning out well. When this is accomplished the picture will appear as though "it had been painted upon the pure white surface of the paste. Should, by any means, the plaster have slipped under the picture, it can be readily wiped off while it is still fresh. The gilt paint is Used to make a border about the plaque. It appears well, eith er as a is t i IV band or when it is stippled a little. In the making of these plaques, says the St. Louis (ilobe-l)emoerat. much of i -their suece depends upon the choice 1 of the picture. My far the prettiest ft nm tlmt li ft rt fnr li.'nn prMl ivn i .1 ' w young girl's head, crowned with n wreath of flaming poppies. All else that was particularly noticeable about her were her filmy green draperies. To further offset its beauty, the plaque was hung upon a sage green background. 30th. '25 FUNMAKERS! i I THE OTTS, UOULDEX & GRIFFIN, 1 CAUSATIONS, GUIFFIN & CUIFFIF, NEWSBOYS' (JUAHTEITE, FEMALE QUARTETTE. One Carload of Scenery First I! Hows, "oc ; Seats on sale at Ualance House, 50c Clarke & Falk's. I AIJkTJCFAIJ L. Lane, (JENEKAL A SILVER BEDROOM. I'retty Creation In Wh-ite of One of .N'tMvport'ji Smart , Set. Biaul li .AND. 'if. Horsesnoe r t si 2E K t 31' :i- n '4 Si! f f ? ft as AS The Dullon, On, 5 The Chronicle, dob Pointers. 56. if I i At II '3S 1; if! 1 'SEI .-0 3s I3P jui.m.t-iJjuuium-m,iu-txjTiujiuiu-mU-i Jiiuti4iuUj1iu.u.'4j;u;iu;i1tiiu)tiii.u)iiaajt utt ifmriHirriivTfnififrifnnrmrTtuViTVftrrrrt ft 15' Floral lolion will cure wind chapping and tunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke & Fa'k. Vogt Opera House, F. J. Clarke, Manaaor. One Night Only.,. Saturday, Nov- 3d Uncle pepie Josh bSi... i Spruceby Grand Operatic Orchestra Carload Speoial Scenery ITovel Mechanical Effects The Great Sawmill Scene Itecently I went to a very "smart" luncheon piven by one of Xewport's richest women, writes Edith Law rence, in Ledper Monthly. Her house is a dream of beauty and pood taste. Her bedroom is the loveliest, thinp I ever say. The whole room had the of fect of white and silver. The wood- . i. i.!... ii ii i.: 1IIIJY l.lft IWlltl, i lit' HilJl JJilNLl Jlllf prv-vin, and silver. Her betl-.tead was white en- 5 ww nmol. with liars unil unsts niu! k-nnhs ? T . ! 1 IT .1 - f ui mih'i. jilt nri.-.-suij,r laoif as wniiv, with n beautiful old-fashioned stand inp oval mirror on it. in a carved sil ver lrair.e. instead oi a s;uiail piu-i cushion in the middle and trays forjj pins find stick pins she had two pood-J sized sensible trianpular pin cushions, covered with while sntin embroidered, in silver, and fitted into two upj)ir cor- 1 ner of her dressinp table; of course, , her complete toilet sot was silver. Then I she had some thiups I had never seen before. A solid sil ver blottinp book, n pad of blottinp pa per, with a silver back, as it were. Such an improvement on the pads with sil ver corners, which are always cominp off. And she had a small silver bowl filled with sand, where her pins were stuck, to keep them from rustinp. lier silver inkstand a small tank attached, which her maid filled every day, and niueilape pot. .spoiipc holder and paper-cutter, all in silver. In her dressinp-rooin, off from her bedroom, we saw the loveliest toilet outfit imapinablc, and ?o many new thinps. She had a silver tooth-powder bottle, which had a slidinp top, and was filled from the bottom; and a most attractive silver rack, with a place for a tooth brush for every day in the week. The tooth brushes were of ivory mid were numbered, with tiny silver flpures. There were silver peps over the wasbMand, as well, to lump sponpes, etc, on, and .silver stands for toilet waters. Altopether I never saw such a complete outfit. The articles were all made to order for the lady in Vienna, but probably they can be duplicated here with slipht varia tion in form and ornament, if one can afford the luxury. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. rrr'yjcrAf a-ta-vjctata. -"aiataVata jl iaia atami ai a taj a-vataia tai aiaia'i aij s !!. I V l4 jv & 'i- 2' IS' C. J. STUBhlfJG, WIIOI.KS.M.l. AND KKT.U I. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Phone 234, Next door to A. .M. Williams A Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. tl.TVI.YI,YIY XtJT-t-S-tXiHyj-'r-'-Y-1',-'-'r-1 r IW.I..VW ITIWYtTlTIVlTiyi Third aufl Mgwd. . c W.YA1 n.TtTjaaugjjun Piioue 159 1 r C. p. Stephens .Dualer in. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. liootd, Shoes. Huts, nps. Nutfoii", lor W. L. llouijlas Khoe. I ) Telephone No. ?. J i:n aucoud bt 1 k Act. turn THE CELEBRATED 0 Hlhn Tlnllnn flu i 1UU uawjtf Ul, U WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and WashlnBton Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Lonp distance phono I3:i. Local, 102. .. .GOiiUlWBlA BREWERY ... ATJG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this welbknoHii brmvery tliu United HlatCF ifcaltii ItcporiH for Juno J8. 1000, says: "A nioro wupuiior brew never entered the hibratory of the lTnlted StatcH Health reporM. It is Hb?oiutuly devoid of the Rliuhtcdt trace of adiillcration, hut on thu other hand is couponed of the beet of malt and choicest of hopb. It? tonic qualities arc of the inch, est and it can bo u-ed with Iho prcateut benolit mid satisfaction bv old and younp. Its use can coiifecientiniiely bo prescribed bv the plivaician with tho cereaintv that a better, purer or morn wholesome buveraKO could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. i AXLE " Krease 1 I helps the team. Saves wear anil E R exieiisc. Sold every where. Mi TmR, 8TANDARO OIU CO. A AH New fipedaltles. Watch for tho Mk I'arade. Jt'ote the price U ii tiro houee, 50c. DryiiiK1 proparntions simply dovel opdrycatarrhj they dry up tho secretions, 1 which adhero to tho uiembrano and decom. 1 poso, caiLsingnfar moro nerioua troublo than I tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. , inj; inhalants, fumes. Mnokcs and bimlfH 1 and use that which clcansoB, soothcH and heala. Ely'u Cream Balm ia such a remedy ami win euro caiurru or comintlio hcul easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggista sell tho COo. bizo. ElyUrolhers, C(i Warren tit., N.Y. 'i'ho lialm ourea without pain, does not irritato or oauso snoozing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surfuco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Jialmrou aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. tl 1 TIM 1 vra Lice uonpreo, USE Carbolineu'm : Avenarius. Tho inofct crllclent Wikk I'ichtvIiik l'aliit aim u limllcal lieiiit-ily iiKulict Chicken Uc", itn tiiipllfutfon to In ildti vtttlli, of poultry Iioumih will )cr liiiiiiently exttimlnulci ull JK-u. lie mlts healthy chicken, p.viity of i'kk". Vt illo for clicularn uud prices, Mention this pa pgr. Jos. T. Peters & Co., THE lAI.L.Kn, OIIKQON. DKAI.HItS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Gratidall&Borgei: UNDERTAKE . fp EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. T.obes, BuriaSh Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened, this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer os. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. I1.R.H. III!' AllT HMK M'llKIHlUt, .,. " rou j KllOM DAM.K1, f.JK .', I T .. i - - ViVA Vv...ii. ;.. !!''r. v'i I .. ..I. .flilllllll. Kllll I'll -it .Mall li -M p. 111. Atliiullu Kxpli'iis I'.'.. 'Ml II, in. Vl.i Hunt' IliMtoii. Spoknuo .Mill! mil Kxpirs i.'i" p. in 8 p. 111. Hp. rn. Kx.Biiiiilny Hiitiinlny 10 p. :n. 'Hull jil:a. llcnviT. n . .. Wotlh. Onmhii. Km, ' Jim City, HI bun, ChK'iiK'Mlliil l-.nit. Worth, (li.inhii. k Kin. City, Ht b.ui,, vjini .ikci nun v.illl I'M! 1:05 p Wntln WiiIIh, Hpnk.ino, Jllimi-iipolU. m Pain Ull til til, .MIIlMIUklv,, Chlrniiu mid I'.iist, M .SroUimi'iiiiil lliiiuiiii' ion: iiImi ni puinth x llhlllftllllllllll l.nsi orn (Iri'ijoii. t'UOM 1'oitTl.AN-ir Oi'enii Kli'iimh !r For hull l'rnurl.f i r.vvry l"ivu 1'itvk. Mail m hULQ Coliiintihi Itv. Klc.uiicr. Eihit?. In Astijiiu unil Way I-iiicllnj-s, Ull. Ill i WlMMMRTTK UlVKll. :Mn u IJj.biiiiilKylOii'K.iu tjltv, Ni'wU-rKj;x.SuaS'j Huluni V Way Und'n, ' 7a. ni, Wili.amkttk anii 3:3r)p.n liic-,'lhiir. him, Itivuiis. MonAvtl ami fat. Drciron City, Dayton, ami Frl anil Way-lnilliiKs. 1 l.v llhurla laity . I .1 ..'.') a. in. - I KNAKT. titVKK. Klptirla to Ij:w11iiii. Liati Uwisros dill; 0.00 a. n State Jlotfmal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. gru.?uut t"to CVrtincuto l.nniclMloly on (iradUHtcirciullly koouroxooij poWUoim, nxpuinoof j-wlr (f(), iM , ... Htronit Acwk'inlo and rrofesslonitl Oourtm. New Si,enii n, ,.. . ,'. Wcliis-iuriipixlTraluliiK IH'ittinciit. fl'eciai Dip.irturo In Mniiual TnilnliiB For catalogue cuututiiliiK full itiiuoiiucuincntH ti'Mrusn I'. U OAMI-nKU., rrWlJ,t. or W A. WANK, Swrvtury of fatuity. I l' llllrlllL- in iro to llennnir r,, iiiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiniii ffoiiincrn via iiimi.mogll tal:i .No 1, lux vltlif The Hulks at li:0 p. B. i mnklm: ilirvct riinncuiloiiMit llcppncr junctloa unil mint. Ki'iuriiliiK nm I tie ilirtvt connection at Hi-ppitiir Junction ami lllits xv ttti No, l,u tlvl'iK at 'I he Dulk'Mit Vi j) p. m. Kor lull pari inn lam pal it (, , A N, Cft'i HKcnt'llto liallca, or in!'i,ii w. ii rnaiiPRT, (. ii, I'Mb. , I'Dttland.h StUTH and EAST via Souinem Pacinc Co Shasta Route Trnlna k-nvcTho la!les tor l'orlUiiJaudwiJ ktatloiis at l:i ii. m. anil v, in. U-iivo I'ortlatiit " Alhaity Artlvo Aihlanil " Hai:raiii':nt" . " hint Kranclsco Arilvo OkiIoii " Iienvcr " KaiikiinClty " ClllL'.tl0 Arrive Ui- Annelos . . . " Kl l'am " J'ort Worth . .. " City of Mexico . " lloiinton " ,Niv Orleans .. " WaihliiKton ... " New York h nam 7:00 pn .1:' J0 u m l'J:Win li -mm ll:30an 1 1" pm l;Tinn I p in 4;liQ I it in II linn ' am "JiOlnui , m 7.iiai:i I ii t.i !):30aia I " 7.(0 n 6 00 pn li. J) li , ura I. Man 6 2ipm 6 li a 11 pin IJ-IIIiB l ' i' m ij (' p m I. ii in hi in a m a in I'tilltiiiut anil Tourist o.i olli trI Chair huh HaeraiiK-nlo to Oph ti am! hi I mnl toiirlHti'arit lo Chlf.-iKO, i i-"li ftew"' It jiiih ami WHihltiKtou. Coiiliirtliii: at Han Kraliel-eo with wwnl ati'iimiihlp IliutH tor lloiiolnlil, Jiipan, tliina, I'hlllppliieu, Central mnl tionlh Anivilca. Hvc BKuut at 'I'hu Dulles alalion, or ad'lrtsi C. H. MARKHAMi tieia-riil l'akgin,'-'r Acent, l'ortltadiOr liffl fa Yellowstone Park Line. 'mi-: cau noun: kiiom roitTUM TO Tin: KAST TDK O.NI.V DlltMCT LINK TOTHK VKtUlf' 810.NK I'AltK I Union Depot, Fifth aid I sis No. 11:15 A. M, No, 1, ABIIV- No. war.- Kant mall for Tai'oin"! iHi-attle, Olympla, drays lliilhoriinil Hoillh lend U...t.-,illli. KlI.SN- laiiil, II. C 1'iilliaaii. JlOM'iiw, lAwiaioiii i"" r.ii.iiiimii, , 1 1 1 1 1 i i ir ii 1 1 1 1 iry, iicieiia, .iinuu" IIh, Ht. I'allli thaMlia, Kiiiihiih (Jlty, HI. biiil". ChliaKo ami all l"'!""1 i,.Ml niitl Liiiillii-imt. I'tiKct Hound i:t'ii;!j M v jj, ;30 1. M, for Tai'oma and .-oalt 7,w1' janil inicriiKiinuo in' rilllmmi ( rut t'Iam and liairni ' "2 nti Mliini!poll!.1Ht. I'aulaud MImmiiI ilKfl"" Miiioiii fiianito. , .,,,iftoiii Vnallhiilwl trains. Union ilepol t'0llliw In all principal clliuc. , ,, ,i.iici. JIuKKiuii' nhi-fliii'il in ileatlinH Dii ' .iter, Kor hantlMiniely illtntialei ileripii .. uC( iicket.s, aiuviilUK-vnr rcsorvauoii"! " -wrlto A. D. CHARLTON, AuUtnut (Jcneral I'ashi'iiKi'r AKfiij; win Hlieet.foiner Third, I'orihm'i "r1" IC. K, HMl'l'll, Oateoimth. ItooniH JO mid Ui Uuiii'iiian Hlof", TU1," Oregon,