The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 29, 1900, Image 3

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Dry Goods Department.
NVrlnosclny morning nl H (clock wis oflbr
12 pieces Fancy Silks, nmrin in valuos from
.; l,." to $1.75 pur yard. The assortment in
( hides the season's latest patterns. A glance at,
llic assortment will convince yon that the price
i rinlit.
'ho Silks
will Ik
are now
sold or re
on display,
-erved until
nit none
ase & Mays
All goods marked in plain figures.
We Want
-Suspicious clothing lmyers to coino hero men
and hoys who novor get suited. The vCry sight
of our handsome clothing, .it such low prices,
will wed them to us. A combination of dash,
style, fit and quality is what has built up our
big clothing business. We've always something
a little better, a little under the price of the
other fellows.
The 3 Thinqs
Mon's all-wool Lrown nioRon anita at.
Mori's nil-wool, black clay worsted suits in round
cut stick, square cut and frocke, r.t
Muh'h worsted and ehoviot Ftiita in
nil tins Intent stylus, from
. $7.50
$5.50 to ,$25
3 33 33 7-X30'I3OX7-S.
Most important in Shoes arc
1st. A perfect fit that means comfort.
2d. Style and graceful design that means
3d. Kirst-class material and construction
that means service.
Queen Quality
Shoes for Women
Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance
and splendid service. No matter for what
purpose a woman desires shoes, she will
find her wants supplied in the Queen Qual
ity line. Many styles to select from.
ase & Ma
All goods marked in plain figures
the Dalles Daily Ghfoniek
OCT. S!l, 11100
;eard iu peno'l so that it' read : ".ione
up AT ill creek to pulier mushrooms.,
heave your onlera for Ilium with .J. II.
Jackson." Tin: Ciinosici.i: liua the honor
there is ii lot of clover specialties, and carnations assist in tlio musical special
more than this, ihero is u chorus of some ties. The second act closes with some
exceedingly pretty and shapely young j thing now in a dance by the entire com
women. "A Wisn Guy" is to be the at- puny, aided by the latest c fleets in elec-
At Andrew Kollor's.
, of applying for the first gallon, but is I traction at thu Vogt tonight. j trical stage appliances. At
t not dead curtain if it will over get them. I D.u'e 15. I.uvis' big production, "Uncle opera house tomorrow night.
the N'ogt
A marriiigu license was issued today to
Wciul Horde and I.omau Wullenbiook,
o( Cunii'i l'rairie, Wn-h. j
li'Miiunilifr the Co-operative Hrothur-1
i (ilenn Allen, son of Andy Allen, ho
has linen for the past year in the employ
of C. L. Phillips, has accepted a position
iu one of the leading mcrchnntilc estab
lishments of Moro and will leave for
that place tomorrow. Gluuu is a young
i man who is deservedly well thought of
try nil who Know linn here, and he goes
.Josh Spruceby,'' will lie thu offering at i
thu Vogt on Saturday evening, Nov. lid.
Thu Chicago Daily Journal comments as
fo'lows: "The comedy drama, ' (Jnclu i
Josh Spiuceby,' drew two immense i
crowdB yesterday to the ISijou, and the'
standing room only sign had to be dis-j
played. 'Uncle .Toeb' keeps the audi-
to bis new homo with thu best wishes of . U'U' emiling throughout tho perform-
a host of Dalles friends and acquaint
Wu have had fresh strawberries in
The Dalles market iu limited quantities
liunil Juvenile Manil Thiirmluv ovenim? ' with very littlu intuicession for thu past
a' the It.ildwin opera house. tw0 months and John Dalrymple
MI1M f,i , ,, ... , ' brought to town this morning, from the
xim,(v'u I, .tinmen nm ppciiK in
Hie interest McKinley anil Iioosevelt
at Wande I'riday, November 2d, at 7 p.
mice, anu the company ot thirty-live
people is excellent. Up-to-date special-
iVies and pretty musical numbers are In
Jroduced during the action of tho play.
lie east is a capable one. 1 his is the
Win. Cramer und May Wolle, of this
city, were united in marriage Saturday
wning, Oct. U7tii, by .lustico Timothy
A special meeting of the common
lumicil will bu held tonight to take
'teps to inaintaiu a moro rigid (junrnu
against inrlut fever.
tort-l.-iat evening at the l'.aldwin
opera houae, or between tbero und thn
court house, a child's IMit tan kid dove.
j Floyd place, samples of a second crop of
i apples taken from u tree in the Floyd
orchard. They are of thu lied June
vauety ami are uooiu uie size oi imiiiam
eggs. Mr. D.ilrymplu says tlrero
about it hundred of them on thu tree
A little commotion occurred Saturday
night at tho Farmers' feed yard, when a
home that was sold during tho day to a
tdieopman by parties out iu thu Ten
Mile neighborhood, was found missing,
with every evidence that he had been
stolen. Tho animal was found yester
day on the range near his old home, and
the owner can onlv uccount for his die-
r Please leave nl thin nfllre. lit ' ...,.., n. n...
Artliur ( Pierce and Kll'u Davis were j position that thu boy who sold him,
united in marriage yesterday at tho tes- ) rather than hoof It homo afoot, made
iJ'iiu.' of the bride's mother on Fourth j free to take him from the stable when
street, Kv. W. (Jlillon olllciating. ,noonowas looking, and having ridden
lilut linntfi (iirnnfl li i in not rtn thu mail.
'Hie silk imllt that linn been on oxhl
'lion in the window of Judge lilnke.
,!y'H ding storo for some time will be
"Hied nil' tonight, Out. 2!)th, nt 8 o'clock.
-Mr. and Mrs. W. 1,. Vandcrpool, of
'"iliir, were in imun tml
III a short paragraph iu Saturday's
Ciiko.s'u'm: reporting the rejection by
I the county court of two petitions for
liquor llcenseH from the Mouior precinct
on the ground of n technical error iu the
liome from ,, ..tut. m, pultHHliwl notices, uu injustice was in-
Viwalerpool's brother-in-law, Mr. G.'w! ! '"latently und unintentionally done to
-"y, of North Yakima. i 'VUor"oy K W' U llF,,n' ',19, ,,,H
, of the paragraph could without vloloncj
bile working on the Hrown wood-1 1,0 construed to mean that ho was ro-
laslS.iturday the left hand of George 'sponsible for tho error. Tho truth is,
liose einiu In contact with tho saw. ! t,. wilxnn wan not called In the case
Frank Tyler, an employe ot The Dalles
scouring mill, is the author of one of
the most powerful arguments that the
pending campaign has evolved on the
reasons why a free American should vote
for J.ryan. Uf the twenty hands em
ployed in the mill eighteen are repub
licans and two Rryanites. Frank is a
republican and, iu that respect, us the
profane would say, a hot number. It
can be readily inferred that among a
lot of workmen whose wages depend to
a large extent on the continuance of
McKinley prosperity political contro-
biHth time this popular production has versy should, once in a while, run high. !
been seen at the Uij mi, und if the ap- the other day Frank pinned the twoi
proval of the audience is any indication I democrats to one of the walls .of the j
mill and propounded the
it will be seen hero many more times."
"How about scarlet fever in the city?"
was asked of a prominent physician this
morning. "It is increasing,'' was the
answer. " tiy shouldn't It V Children
question : ,
"Come now, sneak out like men and tell
us why you are democrats?" "Because,"
said one of them, "because tho demo-j
cratic platform because the democratic i
ItliN WnntPil.
Th committee appointed by the
Gentlemen's Driving, Association invite
eealed bids for building of a half mile
track on site selected west of The Dalles.
I'lan nnd specifications can be seen at
the office of C. J. Crandall, Monday
Oct. 29th. Bids will be opened Thurs
day evening Xov. lt, at S p. in., at the
ofliee of C. J. Crandall. The committee
reserves the riaht to reiact any or all
j bids. o2() 3t
I ; ul su :nl Id olios Oiilckly lleul.xl,
Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a
cut, bruise, bum, scald or like injury
will instantly allay the pain and will
heal the parts in less time than any
' other treatment. Unless tho injuiy is
very severe it will riot not leave a tear,
fain Balm also cures rhumatiem,
sprains, swellinus ami lameness. ior
sale by Iilakeley druggist.
aro allowed to attend the public schools p1atforui-becniiee the democratic " -
.1.1 .1 II 1 t ! 1
and there he stopped. "Just so," said
Tyler. "You are in favor of the demo
cratic platform because you aro iu favor
of Bryan, and yon aro in favor of Bryan
because you are in fayor of the demo-
If any Oregon Bryan-
ite can give a better reason for the faith
that Is in him Tin: Ciiuonici.ij would
like to hear it.
w'ii!li badly lacerated all tho lingers and
nearly suvenil ti
--- villi til I MM VJ I H Ull
"'o hand. The injured band wh at-
'"'"led to by Drs. GeiHondorflor and
Wmii, who hopo to save all the lingers
"''I' thn possible exception of the mid
I!o on,,.
till the question of error had been raised
in thu court, and then, alter reading the
notice, he advised the petitioners that
tho objection of tho opposing counsel
was well taken.
There is said to hn more solid laughter
iu "A Wiao Guy" than iu any farce
., - IU "A isu uuy man in any uwi:o
wtui, tho 10-year.old eon of Kov. 0. j c0WIHly Bi1100 (jharlus Mnyt wioto "A
""" ' th" iniHiortunii mie Tr, tC) Chinatown" and foisted It upon
o n ng to break his leK below tho knee. 1 1)(0 Blliaso,8llt.iovliiB public. For nr.
b 11 .WU.a.,01 n,"B t0 6(31,001 " l,or"'" ! Biitlrti yrur this play, "A Wise Guy,"
:";' while imsHlng under lliellumo , (l8 (.onvniaud lll0 theater-goers In tho
in garrison tho animal stopped on a Rati ,, it ifl now maUn( i(H nreUvti8t.
'Pl'iry plank and fell with tho boy's i ern tr,pi Ab ,u ,)loti tliero ,H,.t moh
k imiernoath. Ho was taken to Mr. ,0 worry uliyom,. There is a piano-
Hto.,Vi,!L'ft,r b-v'w,1,,ru 1,18 '"J" WKH .mover, a rough fonial chap who prg
' 1011 ,0 b' I)r- I'B"' vldoa a very grcnt deal of fun by Bottinir
Recorder GHtea had occaBion to iimko himaelf Into nil Boris of ridiculous aitua-
lrIl P Mill creek thlfl inornimr, and, tioiip, Iu trying to palm himeelf off as
"lorn going ,0 tHokud 0 t10 QQr 0f ,8 tho father of an heiresf, who is badly In
Oillco a I viin.u rliiii,, ;,rA u...,i, . niinil nf a nnternal relative, or who
'"8 fact and atating tho liour when he
would return. Som wok interlined tho
thinks that she is, which with a woman
iB tantamount to tho same tiling. Then
while they aro tcaling oil', the most
dangerous period of tho disease, so far
as contagion is concerned. It is never
safe to allow tcarlet fever patients to
come in contact with others till lrom
flilrlv tn fnifv iI.ivh iiflnr the iittai'k. I cratic platform."
The physicians are in no sense to blame
for this laxity. It is notorious that iu
many cases of members of families
in which there are scarlet fever patients
make no hesitation of going about thpir
business and mixing witli other people.! ("This country has a hundred thous
In some cases tho exempt children of 'and soldiers walking around in idle
families in which there uru wull-delined ! ness." W. J. Bryan.)
cases of tcarlet fever attend the public I 'nllolL'&m.l:
schools as usual and no one seems to
care. If any objection is uiado the
answer is, 'Uh, well, it's only scarlatina
and won't hint anybody.' In one case
I asked the parents of a patient why a
red flag had not been p'utout as ordered.
The answer was, 'Wu huvo no red ma
te) ial to make cue with and the city, it
seems, is too poor to furnish it.' "
"ICelly'a Kids" opened last evening at
the Metropolitan to a crowded house and
made fun for mnny people, says the Tel
sgrain of October 10th. It is a farce
with just enough plot to carry it along,
and the many complicated situations of
the rtago people and the specialties they
introduced pleased tho audience, which
was liberal with applause. The open
ing perfornmiii'o was most successful,
and promises crowded houses for the re.
tnaiuder of tho week. Tho first two acts
are laid in the East Sldo of Now York,
and the closing act in the Waldorf-Astoria.
A slumming party In the tender
loin district and a schoolroom in the
aamu vicinity furnish plenty of opportu
nity for hnnioroiiB scenes. I'hil Ott, as
Jxasslns Kelly and Howard Bouldon as
I.ouey I'h'kolenieker, aro responsible for
many of the obstacles to smooth Railing
which crop up In the- course ot the play.
Iu tho third act Richard and Martin
Griffin give a pleasing entertainment
with their musical novelties. The fa
mous newsboys' quintet and thu four1
II.' I'milcil ilio Surgeon.
All doctors told Henicl: Hamilton, of
West Jeffurson, O., after, suffering 18
nntitbs from Itectuf Fistula, lie would
die unions a costly operation was per
formed ; but he cured himself ttith live of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on K'l'-'h, and the best
Salve in the World. 2o cents a box. Sold
by Iilakeley, Biuggist. 4
Claiko A's Mivoring extracts are
the best. Ask your urocer for thorn.
lags & Crowe
Tho only storo ft
this city whom the
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A littlo higher in
price, but outlasts
n dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
cled ware.
Other wares look
lias the name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 10
International Kxlii
bitions. Ilip.hoBt
award at World s
Columbian Exlnbi
tion. Chicago. Pre
ferred by tlio best
certified to by the
most famous cheni
ists for purity und
durability it is
cheapest becauso
Remember this
celebrated enniu
oled wareisspecial
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
fruilu or
will boil,
stew, roast
and bake
w i t h o u t
flavor of
food and
will Inst
for years.
'0$ 0-
Wo cau
tion tin
imitui io
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors..
Mrs II. Ii. Jones has opened ico
cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal
lard's old stand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
Tho place ha-3 been thoroughly ren
ovated, ami a shaieof the nubile patiou
age is solicited.
Pliysieiiiu and Surgeon,
Ollice, Vogt Hlnuk (over I'osiotllce),
JCaplmtMlw THU D.Vl-t.IW, O'lKliON.
McelliiK tliuiou Willi an idle might
That never jot huvo failed,
l.mvton, ami l.lsouni, ami Logan, too -
1'iipum- tliu llt is Uiia;
Went to their death In "Idleness,"
And tlieli "Mk'iio.s.s" win wrong.
C. rant nnd filiermiui mid SlieiMnn -
Wliv should uecnll tlio mil?
They idled away Iu tlio Idle light -
In lights tlint tiled thu tout.
"MiiUiiiK around In ldleius"
llra lug the leaden hall;
What of the glow ot n nation's iilde"
Jk that but an Idle tale?
"Walklmr around In Idleness, '
Cher tlio IVkln road;
s-coiohed and worn by tho gulling miii,
I.iikkIhk an idle load,
I'lKhtlliK with Idle (-.eiKy,
cheering ullli Idle breath
ThhikuiB. with Idle love, of hoifie,
And dying an Idle death,
I'llvate Smith, with an Idle groan,
done to a homo above;
Al d Idle tears mark tho idlo woo
And tho Idlo mother'n lovo
"Walking mound in ldleiu," lun mid I isuuia, too;
U'gloiiK nioio eonio idly when
'I'heie me Idlo deeds to do.
lla)linoie Aineiieau. ,
Thu largest and most complete line of
fall and winter millinery ever displayed
in the city at tho Campbell & Wilson i
millinery parlors. The prices will sell
thegoodd. E-Stf
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
eigaaturo of
, fafS7 Fr cooking and heatingo wMa I
I rwHrie genuine all bear the above Tra Jc-Mark jltf&S v I
I JgnH Mnd are eo''1 w'tn a written guarantee. rT I
I Awarded First Piize Paris Exposition igooliifr I
Sifjflyjila OVER ALL THE WORLD. ' (M&JVm?) M
mmmAMam g0 j Ffrst-Class Stove Merchants everywhere. ffWi"U
Ur 0 iitdocaiy b7 Tlio Michigan Stove Company, SI
3tfSutMt$ Larneat Makfcf a' ot Stoves and ItuuKca tn tlio World. Oak Stove