The Dalies Daily Chronicle. MONDAY OCT. 29. 1900 1'nr rtt'lipn( WILLIAM M'KINLEY, (If Oliln. Kur Vlce-I,relilttit THEODORE ROOSEVELT, tl f New Ynrl, cecdcd exports by more than live ! iffjcult Problem. hundred million dollars. Here you ,, . , , , ... . ., , . , 1 It is among tlii most ill flicnlt 'irol- Imvc a sulhoiently long ponod or i iem9 of noctirnl tsclonco for onn to bectimi than iinlf expert in several lini's. J. b. Adeox A c. I... ,.,;. ,.i.,i,i....;.m. i,.... . ,11,1.. WHICH low or como (linicnlty in a practical in:iti- prolectivc tariffs have been in opcrn- 'nor. J. K. Adcox is nn expert watidi ,, .-ii . 'maker and i? good on jywelrv, optical tion, to enable a practical demonstra- work nml eiiKravliiii. while "Then. H. ! tion of their effects upon commerce. I-iuho is tin expert optician ami i. goad i , , , . i on watch repairing, jewelrv wotk anil I he low tariffs have been nccom- ungraving. Their price la us low as mi I panied bv a balance of trade of f00,- , sistent with coml workmanship. They I " . . . ... . nronared to do nil work in lliui" uuu.uuu nmuiisi mo iiiueu oiaius. ; ,,,,. ,i lnilB r series of periods (more century of ench) in BliYAX SEALS JjnYAX COMPACT. several lino?, 1 A shorter neriod of nrotectivc tariffs sent by mail has becu accompanied by u balnr.ci1 1 Wntch! Hryan seated in Croker's triumphal , of trade of 2,500,000,000 in favor car confirms the alliance and the i of the United States. on short notice. W ork or extirets will lereive 1 attention. Slyn. "1 lied , bargains which lie lias denied. lie i advertises his greatest shame to the ! world by notorious acts. And as , acts speak much louder than words, he gives tiie lie to that rejoiner in ; which he tried to save himself from the odium of a compact with the, !New York boss. i The terras of the agreement as( they were reported in the Chicago Times-IIerald were that Croker was to carr' the Empire state, that he was to raise a fund of 62,000,000 for that purpose, and that he was to contribute 100,000 in cash to the democratic national committee, on the understanding that in the event of Uryau's election lie was: To control the federal patronage of all Xew Yoik. To have a cabinet position, the secretaryship of tiie navy, for his friend ex-Senator Murphy. Immediately upon the publication of this dishonorable treaty Mr. Bryan hastened to Ciiicago to read tiie riot act at the rooms of the national com mittee. It was there that lie located the leak, because the terms were sup posed to be a committee secret. They had first been arranged be tween Croker and William J. Stone in New York, and Stone lnd set them forth at a meeting in Chicago which waf atteuded by Mr. Bryan himself, Chairman Jones and Com mitteemen Johnson and Campau. There the deal was officially appioved and Stone went back to New York to hold Croker to his bargain. Such were the facts which made JBryan conclude that discipline was needed at headquarters, and there was a stormy time after his arrival. It was then that he issued his signed statement with the 'denial that lie had promised any position to any one, but the following day the Times-IIerald's New York corres pondent reiterated the charges down to the minutest details, and his assertions have stood unchallenged. If, however, Ihcy were doubted the humiliating spectacle of Tuesday will dispel all doubts. No presiden tial candicate of recent times has stooped to such degradation. Tilden, a Nuw York democrat, crushed the Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated J aim E. Pntton strictly pure liquid paints (stress after eatisi is ciused from tlio ctomarh not hoffinnlDd Its work immediately. Until It pots to work you fel dis tressed tho food lays In your stom ach li.vp a weight. To gtart dipejtion to make tho stomach do tta work you must assist It it your stomach is weak or slow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 tnVn after moala supplies the stom ach with necosKiry acids and juiccn which digest tho food quickly iu a proper inannor. To net tlu best results uio lialcHvln'a Health T.iblats No. J with tho Dyspepsia Tablets. The Dyspepsia Tablets cost too and can be had at Clarke & Falk, The Dalles. Ortgoti. OWNEVS - m JP ... CHOCOLATE BON BONS. , ( DIRECT from the FACTORY . AT EASTERN PRICES. Complete of at M. Z. DON NELL, TH DRUGGIST. Just What You uuant. $i .oo per month. Strictly HrH claya local nn.l long distnnr telephone survieo within your home. l.iiii'H do not ero-!alk. Your con versation will bo kept a sennit. No cost for inMiillim:. You trot tho ftandard Ilnnning Long Distant Instrument. ContinuoiiH day and night Hervit:e. Wo will accept your con tract for ten years nml allow you to cunuid wuno on giving iu thirty days writ ton notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. AV - A- X A A 'A A ' A A A.'- . I. AT -X : A ! AOk'l J I ! A"J'AT A-.-ATA-'-Jt'r A-A A A.T&-(tXri The Appetite or a (Sunt j Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose ; stomach and liver are out of order. All ! such should know that Dr. Kwie's New j Life Pills, tho wonderful ptomaeh nml liver remedy, (jives a splendid appetite, i sound diction and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 cents at any drug store. 4 Geo. C. Blakeley, ; j The Druggist. ; MATT SHOREN,; ! i ! General Blacksmith ! and Hoseshoer. V I REGULATOR LINE. DALLES. PIIHTLANI) vV ASI0II1A NAV. -U-i,.it" tif tlii' UitiUlnlnr l.lni' III rtsn i. r rli' iluii', III" ('iililpiiliy IUarVlliK tin tlvh' t tiv a li'H llt lllltlCO. Str. RoKiilntor AW kinds of blucksmithiiiL' will receive i limmnt 11 1 Inn t inn mill U'HJ lip tHl! in first-class shape. Give him a call. I MM BUSINESS LOCALS. Richardson's Old Stand, The Dalles, Or. Your money's worth, or back, at The Fair. Clarke & Falk have on saie a full line of paint and artist'e brushes. 'flu- otinnD fill Mini ivintoi lltuf rfl' ceived at the New Yoik Cash Store. You will not intve boils if von take Ciarke 6: Falk's sure cure for boils. I A full lino of ladies'lreES skirts just received at the New York Cash Store. A full line of Jjastman nlni3 anil sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Puint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. . Wanted Situation by man and wife, or man will cut cord-wood. Inquire at room 7, Mrs. Hrilain's. o'-'o-Ut Ladies' nil wool, black dress skirls in fancy stripes and u'pures from $'2.23 up to $5 99 at the New York Casii Store. Have just secured the very latest and I Third St., near Federal, your money , . 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced a sinyle otock. Heal imita- tion creton effects at ordinary prices. ' Good papers at cheap paper prices. ! Eiepint dusimiB, tasteful colorings, youra I for a small price, at our store on Third I street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Imlk-s .. M. Tuewlay . . . 2, ThuiiU j! Hiituiiliiv . R' Arr. I'lirtlaml 5. at l:St 1'. . H I. IT. I'ortl.inil if T , II. Wcdnciliiy Kridiiy Arr. lMlIes at o v. , Ship your Freight via Line. Kegnlatoi Str. Dnllos City llllW.V I.V. (MUCH lit" A. i. Jtonilay Viiliu'ilay 1'rlilnv. Arr. 1'iirtliiiid ut t:.lo ; . I i IWASY ! t' . toi ; I l.'f 1 iv.rt'j 1 ill" 'A M, luelir ' A H,il!ti lit r a.,. ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ' FOR COMFORT Travel by the Steamer i)t the Itcanlatur Line. Thr tmniinny 111 cii'lcivn.- 1 1 p1 p. I'ortlaiul ()!!ite, Onk Stnet l).ok miii tlii' ctvlce i)5llile. Kitr (iiillii'r liitiirmutniii uililu-'s W. C. ALLAWAY. Gun. Aut. If pat handsomest dfsigns iu picture molding rings of the Tammany corruptionists Call and see them. Win, Michel), and was nominnted in snite of them. I The ladies will be interested iu know Cleveland, that other New York ! t,,Rt a shipment of Holland bulbs j I A 1. 1 ..1 tl. ..I democrat, was three times nominated I "a8 Ja" oeen , ,i .l"B,lii,Uh,"iU, . . , I greenhouses and that this is the proper and twice elected in defiance of timtJ t0 plant lheill Tliere will aUo le Tammany. He never courted the a plant sale at the fcreenhousea during organization, never tried to conciliate j tho next two weeks. ltd.uv it, and in 1884 and in 1892, When itS Hlierpiuen, Attention! Ituckn for Halo' Having disposed of my breeding ewes today, I have thirteen thoroughbred Merino bucks for sale. These are choice, large and in fine condition, and will be said cheap rather than keep them over. Impure at Prospect Itanch, on tho Deschutes divide, or of A. S. IiobcrU, i DACE MrtHKS Designs Copyrights &c. Anrnnn centllnc n !trli mid description na' qiilrlly ascertain fur oiiltncn freo nhetlior a' hivcalifiu lj probably jwlenteble. ' unmunlrs tlo!ntrictIr"onll(Jential. Handbook on I'atente jent (rfe. OMtit airency forfccurliis; patenu. l'.ilei.ta taken tliruuKh 3luim & Co. receive tyr cM notice, without coarse. In the Scientific Jlitierican. A iMiidsoRiely llliitrtel tvoe'.ilr. I nriret clr rul.illon of any rcientilic Journal, 'lerme. 1 1 a rear: Hold byall newtclealcr. li1UNN.&Go.3P1QfoaijM' New York lir&octi oritco (2j 1' fct. ."a"nlnl:ton. l. C J. A. EBERLE, pipe Jailorip ..ghas. mM- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keens on ilrmiKlit the celebrated COl.UJIlltA HKKIt, iicknmv: eclKetl the best bc-er in Tlio Dulles, t the iimiiU jiriee. Come In, try it and be eotivlneed. AUo the Finest brands o( Wlnct, 1.1 juor iindCiKars. Sanduuiehes ol nil Kinds nlirays on Imnd. etit?ing from Business.' j Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost, j Dry Ciondo, Clothing, Hootn and SIiocp, at much lee? than wholesale J prices. Will tII in bulk or in loin, or tiny way to suit purchaiers. I Entire stock must Toe closed out "before 30 clays. i j AH goodi will bo Hucrilleed escnpt Thompfon's Glovo-fitting Corstfls I and liuttcriek Patterns. Your prices will hu mine. Cull early and secure bargains. i J. P. McINERNY, i ConuT Second unci Court Jts. r r )J. E. FALT & CO.o of H" - CommePGial Sample Hooms. J. S. SCIIKNCK, President. I!. M. Hbai.l, Canhlei first national Bank. 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use ? 9 Dolivorod tu any purl of tho City. V 173 Second Street. Phones: 5J Kocal, Sob Long Disiaucif box 507, Tho Dalles. o2G-2w opposition to him was most out spoken and he was forced upon the delegation from his own state in convention, he won at the polls. There was the measure of Tammany's fame and Tammany's popularity. "Mr. Uryan is in reality cursed oy that nlliaucc by which he hopes to succeed. He is hated for the friends he has made, not loved for the j ftllAniiciQ lift line mniln nc uni-n rlf1lr.i .-,.,, , j Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior and Cleveland. Moreover, he is pahll8 when yoil can ,my Jiune9 K. doing on irretrievable injury to his ration's sunproof paints for $1.50 per personal reputation. The Times- RlIon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Herald withdraws all its tributes to , bis sincerity, for tho man who sells himself to such a scoundrel as Croker can have no principles. i complete line 01 fan anil winter i SuitiiiiM, IVuitinBS and Overeoatiuir, now on display. 100 different varieties to so i THE DALLES - - - OREGON lect from. A General Banking lhieinese transacted r a. i DepoBltc received, subject to Kiidit SUltS, $20 aDd Up. . Draft or Check. K ... .VV1.W IfiiVtillJilJ Call and examine goods before oinj; elsowhero. Second street, opp. Slays & Crowe's. rm- Kent. Two nicely furnished rooms. Kent reasonable. Call at 20 Second street oct20-lw F- S. Gunning, balk, uKcnts. ml l'roteclivo tariffs have been in oiicralion in the United States during flfty-two years of the 110 years since tbo adoption of tbc constitution. During theie flfty-two years exports exceeded Imports 'by more than 'two nd one-half billion dollars. During tbe flfty-eight years in which low tariffs were in operation, imports ex House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession of It, A. Splvey paint shop, next door to the Votft opera house, and has pur chaied the tools and ladders. He has icood mechanics working for him, and will gmranteo.all work to lve .satilfac tion. S. K. KELLY. remitted on dav of collection Bitfht and Telegraphic Exchange eold on New York, Ban Francisco and T'ort. land. DIRBOTOKa. D. P. Thompson. Jno. H. Sciiknck, Ed. M. Williamu, Gko. A. Liaa. H. M. Bbai.i.. THeGoiyiiaPacKingCD PACKERS OF Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, !PORKand BEEF ftOrSGSnOGing. I mamokautubkhbok Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, I Fine Lard and Sausages (lor ScuoiJd & LaoEliliu. 'Piiouo 157 ! Curers of BRAND FRENCH & CO.; j HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF, ETC. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, s? IWA Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr T,'iH Fl01,r IH niiuiufaetured expressly family nc ., use: overy Hack ia Kuarantoed to give satiafuction. a sell our goods lower than any house in tho trade, and il you don't tinnkw call and gel our prices and ho convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. BANKERS. rilANBAOTA K.NKUAIjBANKINU UUSlHKB Letters of Credit issued, available in the Eastern States. Might Ekchttngo, .and TeleuraphK Transfers eold, on Now York, Chicago, St. Lotils, San' Francisco, I'ortland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and vurioue points In Oregon and Washington. Collections mado at all points on fav orable terms. DR.GUNNSA ONE FOR A DOtl. fill I A lUmife Plmp c.. rre.nt I'll I V nmuu. OS. 80SANH0 CO. PWlil ?l say ! juend Me Your Ear! ii... i . 1)0 ?HM kn.nw Jo,,n I'Hljk. tho tailor, is agent for two of tho largest, merchant tailoring houses in America? ni.,., 1)0 '0kl0' that lie will soil you a suit, made to your order, a f. l,",l-"i-lwii, readyiuade, you buy iu tho stores, ami guarantee a (it or no ehIo? y(" know that hu has alrondy on hand for tho conilnK full anil winter trade tho handsomest and finest line of samples ever shown In ine Da Iks? LJOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent, j