OUR CHURCHES 4 tliu Christian nine;; inornitiL' k service at 7:I!0 rd to -attend J A Life Ami Dentil 1'iRlit. I Mr. W. A. Hints of Msiiu'huilt?r. In., ! writinc o( his almost inir.ii-iilou- c;cnrc i from ilt'nll,, ?nv: "Exposure itfuv nums I les induced serious hmu iroiilil!, which Iv.iivr t-mlol i Consumption. I li;td frHinunt VOGT KerviiM- i 1 church iii"M mi.' surv'ci' at I, -v.i. Ai. ..re c.ir.lia.'v i,.v IV u I Knijir, Ktstor OaNmv H:tptUt church Ilev. W Clifton, imtur. II-iMila- corviccs at 11 ! Then I bean a. ni. au-1 d p- '. " thf hiscment of Discovery for Consumption, which oni the lie w church on Union street. Sun- i pletely cured me day school at 10 a. in. ' it even if it cost fS.OO a bottle. Hundreds i C-iumMtlunat church-comer Fifth j l,ave usei1 " 0,1 "-v recommendation and j and C.irt strops. liev. IVIng, pastor. ail is 1,ever f"ils tn Throat. C,,.l'3t 1 ,,e Nu;Vk Morning worship at 11: S-n iday school at 1:2:15; Youn. lVujik-V Society GiIlO p. in.; I'venisw: Frv!' at 7:30. Morning Opera House ; hemorrhage? nml coughed nuhtniul dev. 15. ! All ujv doctors said I must so.ii die. to use Dr. Kind's New I ivnuid not he without K. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Jolly Nipht, j TUESDAY. October 30th.! World's Iitost Success, I and Lunc troubles." Itutilar i-i?; o0c ! and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Makeley Dm; Store. -S The F unity "l'nat P.i't Bill j'O'., Blll'jCt, Wrote." "Methodist Eitseopal Nairn;'' evening: f the Hand That llucr. "live uuplur. it .l.iciiliitl.ll, 1 C.rs Town, Oct. "rt. The Uoers have i Jacobsda, southwest of Kim'.er'ev, after church Corner j a ftuhhurn reiitrtucf upon the part of . IJev. LT. F. I the garrison, which consisted of a lie- Tilth Riid Washington. Hawk pastor. Morning worship nt 11 ; tiichuient of Cape Iowa hihlandcr. Sunday school a'. 10 a. m.: class met?t- j The latter suffered severely, losing thirty ins at 12:15; Epworth League at 0:50; J lour out of fifty-two. evening service at , :oi). At me morn : ing worship ti; pastor will preach on j "Ciui-'tian Subordination. '' The sub ject in the evening will be "Hell." Ths is the second in a series of sermons. A pleasaut musical prcgiain will be rendered at both service.'. Zion Lutheran church, Ssventh and Union stre Us Services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m; Sunday school 12:15 p. m ; Lutheran L?j:ue meeting 0:30 p. in. Reformation and mission festival Wed nesday evenine, Oct. Illat. Snort pro gram by the Sunday school and a ser man on home mission by Rev. E. Meyer, of Oregon City. Sermon on Martin P.uus, Oct. L'li. Dr. I.eyds, Transvaal agent, was questioned tud.iv with refer- , ence to plans of former President Kru-i !r. He said : "Most of the stories published on the ' subject are imaginary. Mr. Kramer will land at Marseilies, rind 1 shall jro to meet him. It is not true that 1 have seen M. Delcasse, French minister of foreign affairs, or that 1 am in any way arranyin a riception, which wili be entirely in the hands of the French themselves. Nothing has been definite ly decided as to the details of Kramer's stay in Europe. Cut Mr. Kniaer is an old man and not accustomed to a co'd KELLY'S KIDS... Luther and the Lutheran church by tte climate, so it is likely lie will sojourn in p.ist jr. All are cordially invited to at- tne neichborncod of Nice for the winter. I have no reason to believe there js any tend this service. OiTerinas for home missions will be received immediately after the mission sermon. W. Br?nnir, pastor. I'roin the liufur UlFpaicli, Disd At Victor last Tuesday, Oct. 2C, Mr. E. 15. Martin. Mr. Martin came to Victor eleven or twelve years ago, and was well liked and respected by all who kuew him. He leaves two tinugbters, one son and several grand-children to mouru his loss. His remains were ftil lowed to their last resting place in the Victor cemetery by a lare concourse ot neighbors anil friends. F. W. Silvertooth, of Antelope, was in town one day this week. Mr. Sliver tooth was in search of a couple of "shovers of the queer," who belonged to a rant: of six counterfeiters who infested Antelope during the fair last week and succeeded in passing about $600 in that place. Four of the gans were arrested befurf they could get away, the other two were traced to Kingsley by Mr. Silverlooth, where all traces of them were lost. The spurious coin were of the denomination of silver halves and dollars and twenty dollar gold pieces. Ci. V. IVaL-y mat v. ith a serious acci- ! dent last Sunday. While going from Ktngsley to his Lome, near that pl.ire, ' his horse fell with him, throwing h m 1 so violently to the ground as to render hira uncin-cious for more than half an hour. After coming to and taking -stock of his injuries, he found that to side several severe bruises aud contu elons about the head and face, that his leg was broken above the ankle. Mr. Fraley being alone- secured his horse, which he with painful efforts succeeded in mount ing him and reaching home. On Tues day Mr. Fralev came lo Dufnr, when Dr. Djdde set the hiokeu limb and made hita be comfortable a possible. C!nU mid 111 iue Oulcl;ly Ileulil, Chamberlain' I'ain Halru applied to a cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injury will instantly allay the pain and will lieal the parts in less time than any other treatment. Unless thejnjnry is very severe it will not not leave a scar. Pain Balm also cures rhumatism, eprains, awellinus and lamenese. For sale by Ulakeley druggist. .Miners Go tn Work MiiuiIh-, SciiASTON, Pa., Oct. 2(i. There is great rejoicing todav all through Scrnnlou and the ltckawaiina valley at the calling off of the anthracite miners' strike. The orilur has had the effect of stimulating the companies which had not already posted notices agreeing to advance wages ground for the statement that Kruger intends to visit President McKinlev." Catarrh Camiu: Itc Cured. with local application;, asf tliey cauno', reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's I Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for veers, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifieia,' acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimoniale, free. F. J. Ciie.vey &. Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold bv drruggists, piice 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the bept. 12 iiim'c l:uh it in, Jusi wet the affiC'ed pari freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, aud the pain is gone. Soid bv Clarke k Falk. . Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your urocer for them. 25 FUNMAKERS ! THE OTl'S, UOULDL'N iV GPJFFIN", 4 CARNATIONS, G Kir FIN & CRIFFIF, NEWS150VS' QUAKTEI TK, FEMALE QUAKTETI K. One Carload of Scenery ! P 6 a i '31 j: 51 if t i Thn Doltcn, OP. .35 The Chronicle, dob Printers. ill at, i-i.' It I lis. if", la 3l ,:ti 1S& ; sol i3 JS; f m 3Z L3C First i Kows, 7oc; Balance Home, 50c Seats on sale at Clarke it Falk's. r L. Lane. '3 (JEXKItAI. ElaGKliifl .AND. a i Horsesnoe Wagon nnd Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. rrJCTJKV..' rA-TJCTA-TOT. t rTATiTAT lTAUIl ATAT I T4A1 ATil AA1 A. I A rj 5 4 IS' I 5 C. J. STUBblHG, Ill)I,i:.I.K AM) KI.T.MI. Wines, Liquors f Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Phone 234, Next door to A. M. Williams A Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. 1 re pa i In all Its tlz3 there thon'A bo citouiUieiS. Ely's Cream Balm clesrjcs,cot!iMnpdhei!3 the dieeised incniurinc. I tcurc3 catarrh aaJfJrivts stray a coU in the head found feeding near bv,and , , . . , over the membrane and ia absorlied. ItcUefiBim inedlito and a euro follows. It la not drylns dots not produce sneezing. Large Sle, 50 cent i at Drug gists or liy nail ; Trial Slzo, 10 cents by null. ULV LWTIlKltS, 53 Warrtu !reet, New Vork. 4W i l Third aud Jeflernn. Piioue 159 c . iatu rt.T.:,vvr.t.YJiXv.iitxzvm.vKi i is a' i S ! I h,yjVtyiyiTITI,T.i:JT.IT:,TITr.lT.TlTJ.TJ,T4.ri.TIT;,TTIT.TiTlT 5'l A 4 4 .51 .1 c. 5 Stephens JlJ THE CELEBRATED ...Goypm BREWERY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. llo Fii'ilnl tlm Sllrjeol). All doctors told Heuick Hamilton, of West .leflorson, O., after suffering 18 uiontbs from Kectaf Fistula, lie would die unless a costly operation was per formed ; but be cured bimself vitb live boxes of Uucklen's Arnica .Salve, tbe surest Pile cure on Kartb, and the best Salve in the World. i!o cents a box. Sold by Blakeley, Druggist. 4 CliHiiilierlaln'H Couch lUnieiljr Grunt Fuvuritr. Ttie eootbing and lienlinc properties of this remedy, Mb pleasant and prompt and permami'iit cities bave made it a great fuvorito with people nverj where. It is especially prld by mothers of small children for colds, croup and wlioopinu conph, tie it alwavs aH'oide D'JCU. KllOOS. Hiltl-, ups. :.'(;tlons. or W. L. IousIhs Shew. Teluphoni' No, ftix-oml ist., ABt. 10 per cent to do so, and today the quick rulitsf, and as It contains no opium Pennsvlvania Coal Iwinnanv sent out its or other harmful druu. it mav be civen ouicial notice to its miners at jjunmorc, as coniiueniiany to n uanv as to an WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer (if thn product of tliin weli-kiiown hrtuviiry the I'liHed Stall"- HeiiUn Ueportc for .liino VMil, say. "A more uupmiur brew never eiiieied the ialinitory of the fritted States Hi'ulth reports. It in iili-oluti'l) dovuiil of the Klhihleet trace of iidulteration, but on tho uthor hand i- c ri poced uf the best of malt and ciiuici-t of hops. ht tonic (juulilies are uf tlm high est and it can he uie-d with (lie yroatest heiielit mid tatinfaclion )v old and youni:. It use can conscientiously he prescribed by tit! phvniciiiui wild the cersainlv that a better, purer or more wholesome hevenirfi-couid not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 1 t i Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 4H!). Local, 102. Avoea and I'lttston. Llks action was a'so takon by the Moosic Coal company, tind this evcniiiK will lintl the notica up ut every mine in the valley from Forest City to Pittston. Fifty thren thousand men and bovs between these points will .therefore resume work on Monday. adult. For tale by lilakeley druggiat. IMlCA r v Aw e load 1 Grease 1 hclj)s the team. Savea wear nnd B cxjiciibc. Hold every whetc. tt WBL 8TAHDAHD OIU CO. Bt 4 mjm.m. -A dkali;i:.s in fill kinds of Funeral Supplies CrandallSBorgetl UNDEETAKE tP EMBALMERS The Dallos, Or. f.obes, BuriaSh Etc. JUrylnt; proparuUons bimply dovcl oj dry catarrh j thoy dry up the lieerctioiis, which adhtro to tho jnombraiio nnd decom-1 i pose, caiLsiiigafariuorofieriouHtroublothnn . tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoldalldry- iua inhalants, funics, smokca nnd nuffH 1 IToilay the n.lnir,, companies have t.imta unmiiii.il (ulf trlff llii fllfntjQ 1ft oli a rn t ii ... L i imwci,ii,rviiei. ..-r nua wm cur0 caiarru or coiuintuo neaa for res u in pt iuii on Monday. At the mines easily aud pleasantly. A trial eizo will bo nil the sidings aro filled with cara and fie Bhipiuents of coal are certain fo bo large before another week ends. i CMcken Lice Coojnerefl, Floral lotion will cure wind chapping mid sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke .&.Falk. mailed for 10 cents. All driigm'Bts sell tho COc. hizo. ElyUrothors, C(! Warreu Ht., K.Y. 'I'ho Halm curcti without pain, docs not irritate or cause sneezing. Il spreads itself over an irritated and angry surfaco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Ualm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh aud Bay Forer. USE Carbolineum : Avenariu Tliu inoht clllf lent Wrxxl PrcicrvIiiK l'dliit iilron Kiiille.il licniutr HL'ulnst Chicken l.ii'". lti Hiipliciitfoii In in- .ili) nHllkol ixailtry limine ivlll ir- liiiini-iitlr exttniilinitc all I Ice. lit- iilts- -liealtliy clilckvim, p.enty of I'lfKs. U litu (or cliculiim inn) pilcvir. Jieiiiiou tuu paper. Jos.T, Peters & Co., THE UAL.I.BH, OltKaON. w ( PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer os. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. &l -h 4mn IBBiH IBi V a ll? Jl VI ! roi: rnt TlKK cll:J,u(.K. KllOV IUI.I.KS, 1 A:vi I "on U..I. f I il. 'i-.liv I.UUI . IJI'llVlT LI fc ! . . Mall I W.irtl,. iiniilliifc;, f,'1' ' i- - i'. in. i Fim i;nv. hi . . I i r.hli.in.,.'..ii i 'TO b ir" 4 itii, Atlimllr J-ttlt IjiWa, licrivr, K, 1 hxpu-ii. WiiMIi. OiimliH, km 15 "-n j J'iiWin. in.! en, City, Ht, 'ml" I VU Hunt. Ulili'iiKo mill i;nt, ' liis'tmi. i'pnkiilic Wiilln WiiIIm, Hi iilciiir ' qmi .miiii Mi.innipi.iu. s. ) i;, siy.S llllll I'll lit i. MllunnL. "l Clilnimi mill l.uM.vla v.JI hliiliiiiiiiiititlluniiiis. rm' lull . iiIm) nli jniiiii, in WHntittiKtoti ami Kiisl 3 , 'i ." p, in S p. m. I hom I'uaTi.AKif Ot'Ollll Htl'MlllHlUp. 1 ror Sun I'miii'itoo i:vcry I'lvc );i,, y.o. I S p. III. . . Kx.Siiiiilny.C.iltiinlilH ttv. KliMmori, Ki s-'t. I iTo Astohia mill ni I HnklTi!njr Umlinm, in p, m. Ii H. 111. I Wll.l.llllfTTI' l!ll".. l.I.UI.llHilOH-,,,, City NCWUU,,LJI.K, nn'cin A Wily Ijiiiu'i, ' . ii. in. j I'lio.'llrlr, mill -ut. WiLiAMmr. ami Yam. 3.3)iie. m Li. Itiviaui. Mo,i.,in ""Km! City, Ilayton, an.lFrl , iinJ Wny-I nnilliii;. I.v lllpatlii illiy J '" a in. HNtKF. ItlVEK. IttpHrm to lwhtun. Lzni Liiiioj dill; ,0.tCl.u I't.V li. k tin. , . I ., ,, ... .... ... . -w ......... ... . k" n ncjiprrr nr i"iiin mi i iiiiiiiiiiiii riiiiiiii'rii vm IIIKl,iHtiJiI inkc .no. IciivIiis 'I lie iinlUs ni UiH b, a. iiiiiUIiik itini't t oiiiivntloiiK ut llcflmcr uncta mill lllPRs llcturiiltiR niHliicillritlrmir.(ctlra ni Hcppiit't Jlini'lloii unit Ulftt ftllh So. I.c rhlMg "t 'JUc l'ellcs hi !.'.) p. m. !nr full imrtlniiljiri. i . KXCIIt 'l ilC Jllllk'S. (II I' i 0, ii K, Co,l V II I ''ItUU'RT, II, I'll ACl , I'nltlisd.U SOUTH and EAST via ut. Souinern Paciric Cd Shasta Route Trnliik Icnvf Tin- Diillek fur riidi.iiid Jill wif ntntliiiiH ut t: ii. m. mill ,? p. m. Umvo I'nttliiiiil . ... " Albmiy Arrive Anlilnnil " bacmiii'Mito . . . " bun rrmit'lsto Arrive llRiliin " Dvuvur " Kiiii.mi:il,v " Uhtcmo ... s ii in 7:00 pm IJ JO a m I0:Wpn '.' ...nm ll:3Dn .. mpm t;J'iu I pill SJ'jID i'4tn II lim '.' ii m 9.Wn : ii in 7.Jb I inn 'l.iitu Arrive a AiikuUi . r.i r.ini " Purl Worth " City o(.Mi'.lc:o . ' I IMI -. t ii i . " New Orlomm " WnsliliiKton " New York i m i' iu n 111 m I 111 . 11. 111 I. Ill T .oo m 6WiC Ii nD i ,n'4 10). 6 .u L! itn 1'iilliiiiia mnl Tniirlflt dir- on bum !". t'li.ilr cnri. HacrmniMili) In Hint"' mnl Ell mnl tourist rum tn I'IiIi.'iikk, t Lutils, ww U'uiis unit Wni.tilii(;liiil. Conin-ctliiK nt 8mi I'rmn'i ri' wllh Hlemniililp linen for Honolulu! Jniniii Lb""' Philippines, Ceiitnit mnl fcoutli Amciica. fc'te iiKcnt ut The Dulles Mutual, or iJ'l" C. H. MARKHAM, (ieneml rHniiKi.-r AKcnt, riiiilawl.Oi lien Pi p Yellowstone Park Line. Till: UI.Nl.SU CAU ItOl'TK ritoM roitTUX" IO thk i:.t. T1IK ONLY Dir.KtlT LINK TO TUB VKI.W' .ki ti . ii I.- n . w. i. i . .... I.KAVK. No. 'J. 1 union Depot, r if lb anil sis AMI"- No. State formal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. Krmh.'" Kt"l tVitlflwto Immeilliitely (irailuatoirouilllr fcosuroKooU prjultloim. IJxponkoof yvHr t(l)m m) , Htroiii; ACHileinlo mnl rrolchliimil Ouurtes, Nuiv rincclui n. . i.. WeUwiuriii-wlTraliiliiK Ucpurtinunt. , cu " ''M'lrtnto In MbiiiiuI Tmliiliic Fur caUloKiio cuuuiulnu full aiiimiiiicaincnt mjilrens V. U CAMIMIKLL, rreUUm.t. or W A. WANS, HwreUry ul Kuculty. Vt.t t.iall llT M'fll'lllllll, Peiittle, Olyiiiphi.tirii) ' lliiilHirniiil Koutli lieii'l IpllllltH, KpilkllllO, lt"s lliiliil.MI. 0 riilliii'i". I kf... ....... li.i.lul.lll. Illlf 11:15 A. M.ilillollni.ipiiiliilnKeoiiii j,M'' iry, iieieiuii .hiiihv" IIIh, Ht. I'lilll, Oiiliiliii. I Kiinmis oily, Ht. lmli. IChlciiKO ni"' '"' l"""1" , 3. No. I. euit mill boutliciit. i,u,v 1'imct bound Lxprc" y 11,'WJ 1'. il. for Tiiconm nml Knlll nrt Intermeilliitu poliitu . I'lilliiuili llrnt cliihH nml Iniirltt l",', .Vliiiieiipnlls.rit. rmiliunl MliHirl nM"' iviiiiinii fiiimiKo. . . ,M.tloii Vi..itlhiilcHi tniliiM. Union ilepof coimi'" III nil prlnillpill nlllec ,,iieis. lli.K.iKe oheeknl to ileallniit im '',; tWi l orliiinilMiiiicly llllistiiiteilileserll IIH ' n0, th'keti., uleeiilnK Ciir rccrvatloii, do.. ofl " write, A. D. CHARLTON, AlntnlU (iCIIUIIll I'MSklMIKVr AKCIlti j!W i fciin HUeet.couier '1'lilril, rorllmi'L unv jjH. It, K. H.M1TI1, Osteoptitli. Itouiin lOmid , Chni'iiiwi Ulccki TW WJrt Oregon.