EflSTEHN OREGON'S GflEflTEST DEPARTMENT STORE. for ecsal Offering the Week. Ladies' Eiderdown Dressing: Sacques, in assorted shades, at $1, $1.15, $1.25. Every one a special bargain. Dress Goods Remnants. About 100 short lengths, running from 1 to 8 yards. All good values. Ladies' Underwear In fall and winter weight. Look at our leaders 50 and 60c. Special value in Union Suits at 50c. French Flannel Waists. The latest styles of the season just received. ease & Mays All goods marked in plain fi gurus. We Want-- Suspicious clothing buyers to conic here men and hoys who never gel suited. The very sight of our handsome clothing, at such low prices, will wed them to us. A. combination of dash, style, fit and quality is what has built up our big clothing business. We've always something a little better, a little under the price of the other fellows. ASK TO SEE OUH Mod's all-wool Irown melton suits at. . . . $7.50 Mow's nil-wool, black day worsted suits in round d-J f ff cut Buck, square out and "frocks, nt tpXvy.UL Men's worsted and elieviot finite in dK tn J- dQK all the luicfit styles, from tpO.OJ LU CpiCO These Shoes FIT Like gloves smooth and without pressure. They are comfortable from the moment of trying on. Queen Quality " Shoes for Women Are the height of fashion and com fort. One price always $3.00. Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. lays & Crowe The Dalles Daily Chronicle, fi.ViTltim OCT. woo ' the men as they sat at a camp lire in the ' very much. There is not much written station, but unfortunately ior tln?m . bottom nori.li "of the Wasco warehouse. that we little folks can enjoy, so please, ! selves, took her trunk nlont?, and at 'The men claim the blankets were ; dear Mr. Kiplina, write something about ' this point the romance ended, for the ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA . At Anclrow Keller's. broutilit to the place where the marshal j found them by another man. Up to press time Dickinson had not appeared i to prosieute or claim the blankets, so I tho men will probably be turned loose. I The entertainment niven by Miss Jen , kiuH last niirlit at the Baldwin under the ' auspice ol tho ladleu of St. Paul'tj ' church, and assisted by local talent, was j very e:rently enjoyed by an umiRuallv largo and appreeuuive auuieuce. me previous ai)pearauce of Miss Jenkins be fore a Dalies audience had caused ex pectation to run hiuh, and it waH more than gratified. All who were present aree that a more delightful eveuine. has Hiddom been snout in Tho Dulles. Hon. A. S. Poberts ban sold hiH l.'omelljl' l'!J )0" ' 'rim. l iirnt? iu uu WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Professor Sandvin's regular weekly ilanci) wi'l be i;iven at the Paldwin to ntyln Saturday,) 20 'Jt Tint ladies of the Christian church will serve hiiich on election night. Fur ther particulars later. Senator John II. Mitchell has taken thi) Htnnipfor MoKinloy mid PooRevolt, ami will wind up the campaign at Hepp dt November JHh. lnt 1iHt evening nt the r.aldwiu ojwu house, or between there and tho nrt house, a child's light tan kid glove. Fimlur please leave nt this oflice. Itt 'I'iie silk quilt thut has been on exhi bition it. the window of Judge Blake !')'' diug Htnre for Homo time will be "lll'd oil' next Monday night, Out. 'JIHh, at 8 o'clock. Wr are requested to announce that o'Aiiit,' to the condition of the church hiilhliiig at this time thoro will be no Simluy bchool service at St. Paul's thiireh tomorrow. A man in Puiso oilers to wager '2 to 1 '! .f.'OU on ench of the following propo iitloiH' That liryiui will not carry his wn piceinct, cily, county, state or United Mtiitue, and can got no tnkora of tint iini W. ( Hall and Delia McCoy were! 'lulled in marriiigo this forenoon. Octo- tli, at the residence of tho bride's "lother, thia city, Uev. U. F. Hawk olll chtln. The young couple loft this uf l9'n 'on on a wedding trip to Portland. Hv. Itny Palinor, of Portland, wTTfl "I'wlt in tho interest of tho prohibition party at the court house Friday ovenlng, Wombur ad, nt 8 o'clock. V number Q'npprnpriato iiiuhIimI selections by tho wit loot I talent is part of tho program o.'tlui i veiling. Mr. ami Mrs. K. C. Tcngue, late of this y. urn now located on tho Llttlo Klickitat, a couple of miles holow Gold ndule, where Mr. Tencuo is making I'fuparationH to go t'xtenslvoly Into five weeks more. tldcknn rHiaing. Mr. Teaguo thinks ho! The ploa of a child for inoro uiiimnl nuko inonoy in tho buaiuusH by J stories has induced Uudyard Kipling to '"Ipping hiH chickens to Tho Dalles ; aiA to hia seiios of funny "Juet So" hut in lo any, us long na they command 1 tales wh'o'i have appeared lu The Ladies' "nywhuro near the prlco they have done ' Homo Journal. After the famous author '"ryunrs In thin umrkot. ,had publiihod the Inat of that bents trumps, who glvo their names as thoro was n flood of letters camo to tho William Donovan and William White, Journal asking for more. One among wcru arrested yeaturduy by Marshal those wue mldressed to Mr. Kipling "fiver n tho charge of hnvlng stolen n personally , un 1 was forwurdud to him '"indie of blankets belonging to John ' l Kughuid. It proved to be a letter "ickliieon, a etock buyer, from tho rear J from a child who pleaded with the KlofacHuoojoinUioynrdBBttho KhbI nntlior to "give hp fome more stories Kr"l. Tho blankets wore found beeldo 1 "bout anlmalKj wo enjoyed iour otherB band of 1200 head of Merino etock sheep to llogart & Jieckley, of Lane county mid the lot will be shipped by boat to Pjrihtnd in the morning. Times have greatly changed since nearly all tho sheep in the Inland Ktiipiie came from the Willamette vallev, now that valley sheepmen come here to stock up. The price received by Mr. Roberta was $3. 25 for ewes and yearling wethers and $2.10 f ir lambs. """ A prominent physician of this city asks Tun Ciiiio.nk i.i: to call attention to a fact admitted by every physician of any standing in the world, namely, that eciuletiiia and fiearlot fever are one and the same disease, the only difference being ono of degree. The importance of thia suggestion will be admitted wlun it is said that, according to common report, unrestricted egress is had, by children and others, to huueeu in tills city that, are ouarantined for scarlet fever, under the pretense that the ail ment is "only Ecailetina," and therefore not contagious At a ppeolal session of the county court hohl today the petitions of two 'jpartiee, one a Mr. Petersen and the ' . . a ... . - If ... ....I 1 oilier a. Mr. wnner, ior nceiiso 10 eu liquors in the Mosier precinct wero de nied on the technical ground that tho published notice failed to specify the timo when the application would bo made. N. J. Slnnott appeared before tho court In opposition to the petition. F. W. Wilson appeared for the petition ers but practically conceded tho error was vital. So the publication will all havo to be douo over again, and ono saloon will havo to suffice for tho liquid refreshment necessities of Mosier for my pussy." The earnestness and sin cerity of tho child appealed very strong ly to Mr. Kipling, who is exceedingly fond of little folks, and tie writes to the Journal saying that, he is coing to grant that child's request even if he has to disappoint all his other friends. Singular title, yet in the plural. There were two boys, or there is two particular boys, whose sense of humor is so largely developed that they see fun in any tiling and everything. They of course lovej music, good singing, can appreciate the ! viilue of beauty ; but the "irresietabie" j cuseedness of their natures prompts j them to commit practical jokes. Of j course it is all very funny and you enjoy , not care to be a vie-1 tim. These two boys, no clillerent ptoD- ably from thousands of other boys, ex-1 cept possibly in their largely developed fsense of humor, l ou nave prouaiuy i met this unrestrained humor in boys. hypnotist, under the claim that tl e trunk contained sundry articles of wear ing npparel belonging to his wife, iiad the knights arrested and 'nlicted for larceny before the local justice. The wind-up was a farco in which the justice ordered the whole measley aggregation from his presence. According to tl.e hypnotist's own story he subsequently redeemed himself by taking the girl home to her parents. federal (iiatul .lury liuMer. ltiN WiinUd for Kace TrncK. The committee appointed by the Gentlemen's Driving Association invite sealed bids for building of a half mile track on site selected west of The Dalles. Plans and specifications can be seen nt tho office of C. J. Crandall, Monday Oct. 29th. Bids will be opened Thurs day evening Nov. 1st, at S p. m., at the i office of C. J. Crandall. The committee reserves.the rihj to nj;ct any or all bids. " o20 3t Sympathy for the Filipinos, New Voiik, Oct. 25. At a banquet given by the Filipinos hero to Rorueoy Hobledo, the Spanish ex-minister of justice, savs a Paris dispatch to tl.e .'.-iMiiiia! Tho only store tt this city whero tht (Jenuine Imported Strnnsky-Stecl Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlnsti a dozen pieccnof so called cheap enum eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares loots likoit.butthogcnu-1 ino haa tho name ' Strnnsky Steel Ware on each piece. Do not bo deceived First prize nt lfi International Exhi bitions, Ilinhofit award nt World t Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookinprauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware ia special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. XI It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notaffectedbyacids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake without imparting flavor of previouoly cooked food and will lest for years. Wo cau tion tlis pu bl I 5 ngains imitation The first grand jury list for the exclu sivo use of tho United States circuit. . rpim, ,i lattpr mml warm snppnli court has been selected, and on it, aro o,.n,,,iuinc th Killninnsi. Tin thnt the names of 1000 taxpayers of the date i they hnll t, sympathy of Spain, and I of Oregon, who may becalled upon somo caletj tIle United State a "lobbtr na time to act as jurors. The list is ex-jtioll . St.nor Kbledo said help would J pected to last several years and it may come t0 tno Filipinos if they kept up the i be some time before the jurors' names 8trugg!e. (who appear will be drawn for the jury , u t'u'r, 7nd"leo our line 'of dress J't0if 8f K!tl r'" teiik'rt-. U'e are offering some splendid Thcio lire cnaea where tho uroteequef 'in:M... ..uitD . ti.., I b ifyain in tiue irood?. No tiouhle to iiruil fi-rtitt ' ' 1 i t . ,x X -1 . . . , Ice Cream and 0)'Ster Parlors.. isense of travesty Iuib been acquired from certain phases of life, or inherited (Either wav the result ia extiemely ludi man; C. W. Dietzel, speculator; W. H, ... ., . .it II. Dufur, farmer in. Frizzell, farm crous and productive of lauKhter" Have ' ' , ' ,. T, er; J. E. Barnett, liveryman S. I. i you such boys? If not, don't fail to see .,,', ... , ' ' . . . .--I .1 ir i .i B vthe, editor; A. A. Bonney, dairy "Ke v's K'i e." If vou have, then tho i ' ' . . : -. ,. , . I man; Tinman Puller, banker Mike greater reason to profit by comparison, and you will enjoy it. At the oat Oc tober SOth. The companv which will produce "A Wise Guy" at the Vogt opera house next Monday night is an exceedingly Doyle, farmer; J. C. Egbert, fanner; Harry Gilpin, farmer; E. A. Urillin, sheepman; li. II. Guthrie, capitalist ; L. Henry, farmer; J. L. Kelly, capital ist; (j. A. Liobe, capitalist; W. E Campbell, surveyor; Charles Green, I Store. 011 on Mrs. MorfMti for art embroid ieries.also decorative work in oil and I water colors. 2tf The largest anil most complete line of fall and winter millinery ever displayed in the city at tho Campbell it Wilson millinery parlors. Tho prices will sell the goods. e8tf Mrs II. L. Jones has opened ice cream and oyster parlors in Carey, I5.U lard's old stand. She carries A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly icn ovated, and a thateof the nubile p.Uion ago is solicited. K. K. FEUfiUSIlN, Physician ami Surgeon, omce, Vogt niouk (iwt riii:iict'), Odjiliuo-dw TIIK DAI.I.K3, O'MXiON. clever one, mcluuing ub it noes imam farmer. j, Ai Gulliford, capitalist ; C. Sellery, who plays tno part 01 "ftpiKe, w jIaigjltt capitalist; li. P. Hood. Anna Mortland, who appears as the ac-j meruhflUt . J 1I j0illlgton, meichaiit; tress, Edward Sanford. a German tome-; j:rank sheepmar:. dian of ability, who will bo seen as h )8 worti,y of relmuk that among Pusse, William Parlow, Charles E. Gra- t))0 1000 ,lllllie"B t,ro B ouy one editor, ham, Frederick Saville, Edward lllco, g Ply the, of tho Hood Piver Glatiei. Pertio Ilayden, Carmen Stuart, Ethel IJow ,,Qt there is a mystery, as edit Clayton, Sadio Purdell, Hatlio Purdell, j ora kunv too mlIcl t0 mu'Uv K00ll jrotei Ollio Joy ami a number ot otners. in-1 ...... ...... jmIIii a.'lir. Cjl,,, i eiiiiiuiK lu.inv piuiiv km ia "u j serve CaiCliy BOIIgU. ino Fpt-uiuuiuB nmcu iiiu included in tho peilormaneo aro all o( tho highest order. Ttio Purdell Slsleio do an exceedingly clover cako walk and sing prettily ; Joy and Clayton present tin acrobatic dance which is a marvel in its way; Saylllo and Stuart give a clever i i.. -it,, ii i,... ,,:., ,. ttpviuiiii.v, Him jjciuu iitiuuii oihkd " number of the latest songs in tho pretti est manner possible. Taken altogether, tho company is as good as the play, and that is saying all thoio is to say. Tho littlo town of Cascade Locks that used to be the liveliest spot in the Northwest, but which since tho com pletion of (lie locks has become as staid and sober as a church yard, had a romance tho other day that broko tho dull monotony of tho placo. The star uotoraweroa pretty but lono and de foneeleas girl from Pridul Veil and a ottplo of Portland drummers who as sumed tho rolo of knights-errant and carried oil' tho girl while she was under tho spell of her cruel master, an itinerant hypnotist, and possibly, as tho hypnotist subsequently claimed, under tho addi tional spell of Cascades beer. The lady's rescuers convoyed her to tho railway fs One thousand styles and sizes. rnr cnnicintr ann neriTmcr. O O '? s iuiors tro, and aro raiely asked to I What is almost as remarkable is tl at there is only one Smith in the lot. i ! Kill' 1, 15 DOMINO AND (lOINO. ... ,. ...... . . .r , uorouer vv. ii. isims went io roriiainii on the niorniiiL' train. --"1 Joe Leiter, o Pridal Veil, is legistered at ttio Umatilla House. i P. P. Walsh, of Antelope, is in town the guest of the I' mat ilia House. T. M. P. Chaplain is registered at tho Umatilla House from Hood Piver. , Deputv Sheriff E. P. Wood and Jell' Mosier, of Mosier, were in town today. Henry Zweidler, of Tygh, was in town today and mado tho ollice a pleasant call. Undo Hilly Kelsay came In yeeteidav j from his ranch near Slianiko and ie turned homo on tho noon train. CASTOR! A For Iufauts and Children. t Th Kind You Have Always Bought ; Signature of fM&H Steel fUngM Cast Ranges i fThe genuine all bear the above Trale-Alark, ana are sola wrni a written guarantee. Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900' OVBR ALL THE WOKUD. t- Sold by First-Class Stovo Merchants everywhere. VaiIa only h The Michigan Stove Comnanv. Laracst Makeru of Hturea ami Hameii la tho World. tl. Sto &IBENTON, SOLE HCltNTS, a " fi I A -i A 11'' J!U 1 i"3