The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 27, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.' A Difficult Fm?hm-
Fur rrlletit
or Ohio.
Fur Vlcr-l'rrldciit
Of ew York,
- " , , . , , , II 19 among ;t.e mosi tiimcoii nov-
OCT. 27. 1M0 ccc" k,K-5C o hnCanrt r ranee ami iL.m8 0f natural science for otic to becomt-
Gerroanv combined. The biitorv of expert in several lines. J. E. Aden A
, . . . . . , Cj.. bv their combination, hnv? over-
j me worm mrniancs no parallel to difficulty jn a practical man-
, this record; and vet onlv four short 'ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch-
maker and is pood oji iewelrv. optical
I year-ago Bryan insisted that pro- work Bnd engraving, while Then. H.
1 lection haC slain its thousands and Liebe is an expert optician and is good
, , , , , . .i , ou watch repuHnc, tcwrlrv work and
the cold standard it ten thousands, Pni.rvin. Tin-tr orice is n low a cut-!
tvhilp ntilv n fpw muiilhs fl"0 the sn-tent with g.wJ wo-kniatalnp. lbey ,
' , . , are prepared to do ail worh in liieir
Bryamtejiartyreaflirmen the Chicago 5everBl jltH.5i on fhoTt notc. v0rk
1 platform which charged that mono-'sent by mnil or estiress will rewfvel
1 ' i..i iti!.o,i .t. i prompt attention. Sign, "Big Red
Iu the campaign of 1S9G Bryan . perily of an idnstrial people m the'
Clarke & Falk have received a carload ' !
Um. .u.a.u IW luc . paralysis of hard times.' U tins is of the celebrated Jame
to travel that would not have led to; p3rafvsiS! m3V a UlCrPifUi heaven strictly pure liquid paints
E. Patton 1
disaster, and everv road that he .
keep us paralyzed for the next
designated as dangerous has led the ! t) imis,lfi vncrV
people tn safety to the land of pros- j
perity they so eng?rly and o long' The Brani'.e Seattle
"had soucht- . Brvati is not
Times says
unlike Ex- President
In the campaign of 1596 Bryan Harrison in some respects. What?
made the fo'lowing prophecy: "If Deifying another republican presi
3IcKinley and the republican party ' dent so soon! And befoie he is
are successful and put in power for ' dead 1 Four years from now these
the nest four years, wages will be ! blankety pops will be deifying Mark
decreased, hard times will cotne ' Ilanna.
upon us, mortgages on our homes
will be foreclosed by the money
lenders, shops and factories will close.
AilrertlKtrd I.eltrrR.
j Following is the list of letters remain-
ine in the nostomce at The Dalles un-
We will export no goods and we;caHed for October 27, 1WX). Persons
will import from foreign lands all; calling for the same will give date on
the coods we use. Thus will rum. ' which they were advertised:
want and misery be with us." j J e
Zow for the facts of history. Castle, J L
Have the factories closed ?
fc6 u;
$1.00 per month. .
?trictly tim tin's local nn-1 long
dislat ce telephone tctvlce within
your home
Line" do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will be kept a secret.
No cit f jr installing.
Ynu t't't the standard Untitling
Long Distant Instrument.
Contititi'ius titty and night fervice.
Wo i!l nrcept your contrnct for
ten years and allow you to ratted
same un giving s thirty days writ
ten notice.
Bomum, Miss Ora DiitHJUT irom the r'dUTUil X
Just What
." an "it nt tilt UcKtilntiir Uric will run n i tin- (m '5
(' . i.!r . it i' it notlrc.
r . ! i r- -
our exports ceased.- Let the record Fos, sasannah
under the Mc-
CartwriEht, D V
Coats, Harvey
Douglas, Frank
Ketch, Ed
Montsomerv Chas
McGurgan." W E
McGreer. Kellie
YOU UUSmt. I Str. Rerolntor
nnttrnr Ti 1 CfiO
Kmley tariff, our exports for tbe Morrion, J V
Grst time passed the billion dollar M t(!
mark. In ls93. the first year of Pentecost. Jes Penninc W A
Cleveland" idminiitratinn " nmlpr' Pation' Iianns Scott, Wnlter
oieveiann s atimintitration, unuer , RobJnson Bro; Waite, Miss Mattie
the depressing effect of threatened Steal, Mrs Ida 2 Walters, Mrs M
free trade, our exports were S1S0,-, The Anirtite .r a r.uat
000.000 less than in 1S92. In 1S95, ! Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose ,
when the Wilson tariff was in full stomach and liver are out of order. Ail
i such should know that Dr. K-tnc's jew '
'Geo. C. Blakeley,
, " The Druggist.
Life Pills, tiie wonderful stomach and
, liver remedy, uives a splendid appetite,
operation, our exports were 222,-!
0000.000 less than in 1S92. In
jea, tue urst year ot tut Alclunley j goud digestion and a regular bodily
administration, under the encourag- j habit that insures perfect health and
ing influence of the promise of pro-! 2reat energy. Only 25 cents at any
tection and the assurance of financial j drui: store ' 4
bonesty, our exports asain touched j BUSINESS LOCALS,
the billion dollar mark, making a. Your monev's w or
gain of over $200,000,000. i back, at The Fair. ' !
During the last two years of Clarke & Fa'.k have on sale a foil line
Cleveland's last term, and under the ' of paint and artist's brushes.
New shoes for fall and winter lust re
ceived at the New York Cash Store.
You will not have boiis if voa take
Ciarke & Falk'r sure core for boils.
A full line of ladies' dress skirts just
received at the New York Cash Store.
A full line of Eastman Slmi and sup-
General Blacksmith ;
and Hctfsesboer.
All kinds of Kaeksmithing vril! receive j
prompt attention and wii! be executed j
in first-ciass shape. Give him t call.
TitwaJujr . ..
i: Thni'rtnv .. .
Art. fitrtMiiu
Ship your
Str. Dalles City.
as P. M.
Lv. I'
" A. U.
. . Mandnj
. WJneflr
Art 1,'iiul Regulator Line.
ut.". r x.
I.v. Dullci
nt 7 a. H.
Arr. I'nriliiiid
Jit i ;80 f. j:.
" '. A H.
'I Mtiuy 4
TMimlar ,J
iirrilny S
i. r
' tat
r Tvl Kr if fh.i T'tMn Mtiir t ltf' Thi I 'n, II TnTl ,rlll llifliHVii- t . r
ruin tin tt eivuv lxilLn-. For (urttiir uidirunttiou mlihi-
' l oriUi"! t)0r-v. i.S. Strwt lx W. C. ALLA WAY, Gen. Agt.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalies, Or.
: New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such ,
. ... . i . . : i
ttiur niicLv - c i:c ciium jiji; never ue
fore cruced a siule slo'k. Real imita
tion creton eflects at ordinary prices.
' Good papers at cheati paper jiricee.
Eiegant designs, tasteful cjioriui:s,yourt
for a small price, at our store un Third
street. Also a fui! line of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Thii-dSt.'
Wilson tariff, our exports exceeded
our imports only 1 60,000,000. Dur
iDg the last two years of ilt-Kinlej's
administration, and under the Ding
ley tariff, our exports exceed our
imports more than $1000,000,000.
In other words, we sold to foreign- i
' nlies iust received bv Clarke t Falk.
nr: VO ) nflft CidCt , f
a U4u,u ( iiiuuuuui Paint vour house wtth nainte that are
AnToreentIns asie'rh and de?cnpt!m ina
j . ily aicer'aln eti- c-ir.ior fre woe'licr a
i rent in ti probabir niMiutslc 'i'mmnnt
'. r.nnctlrconadntitii Har.dtnckos fairntr
;e'. free. 'JItet n-jfner for tann; palenu.
l'U"..ts loxti tflfiaib Jlonn i Ct. reclT
tfttku tuxtu, ntiar;!:: co.-se mice
during McKinlev's last two years, ! fully guaranteed to last. Ciarke & Falk $C1$ttif f C JSiltCflCdtt
finfl llnrlor o rnnililin.n .1 I OaVe .tiem
we did during Cleveland's last two! 'anted-Situation by man and wiK
, , .or man will cut cord-wood. Inquire at
years under a democratic tariff. tMm - Mrg. Britain. o25-2t '
At the end of the Harrison ad- j Have just ecuret5 the very ,Bteet and J
ministration the balance of trade in handsomest designs in picture tnoldinc. :
our favor was $212,000,000. At Call and see them. Wm, Mtchell. -the
end of the Cleveland admintstra- Lidies' ail wool, black dress eki.-ts in
tion the balance had decreased tofar,c-v 5tr'f,es and fignreE from $2.23 up
102,000,000. At the end of the
3IcKinley administration the balance
will exceed $544,000,000.
These ficures include all
A hand'or-ioty illatiratorf we4lilr JjirjeH cir
fu.iucr f ar.j- "ie-tii'" 'Urnai. Tcrs s. ti a
Tftvr. t or n;. ':thj. d. Soiiibjall newifalera,
MUNN & Co.'- New York
Bmocti CI 1" Wa4h.i:tun, V. V
I to $5.09 at the New York Cash Store
The ladies will be interested in know-
; iu' that a shipment of Holland bulbs
; has just been received at the Tackman
our ex- t greenhouses and that this is the proper
pipe Jailorip j
..chjis. m-
and Farmers
Kp on draiieht the cclebntteil
(,'Ol.l'MBtA HKKK, JCinow.
tiSRtd the beat bf in The Itallwi,
nt the uual price. Coinein. iiy
it and Ik convinced. AIo tho
'in-t btHndA o( Wines, Li t nor
aud Clean.
of til Kinds altTaj on band,
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
D'y Ootid", OlothiiiiT, U iotn and Shoe?, at much lcef than w luncdalo
prices. Will tell in bulk or in lot", or utiy way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 dars.
All troodg w ill be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-flttlnc Corsctn
and Btitieriek Patients. Yutir pnceo will be untie. Cull early mii secure
ConuT .Second and Court Sis.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Proprietors Commercjal SampIe fyms
Purest Liquors for Family Use?
Delivered to any part of tho City.
Phones: 51 Local, ,-r,-. , , r, i.
e-ss Lone Distance. 173 Second Street, y
a. is. reau., i
Caahlcj I
ports of whntever hind. If we look I time to plant them
for a moment at our export of raanu-,
factures alone we have, if possible,!
fitill mnr nnnvinmnn nrnnf tl.ot i beeiliielt, Atleutlou!
Bryan was a false prophet when he
A complete line of Fall and Winter
There will also be ! Suitinits, Panting and Overcoating, now
a plant sale at the fcreenho.tses during ZmmY
the next two weeks. ltdA-w i
lluvk fur hair.
Having disoosed of my breeding ewes'
liredicted that under the aold stand- i elsewnere
ard we could not sell our products large and in fine condition, and will be
nbroad at remunerative prices. ; sold cheap rather than keep them over. ! TJJ 0
In 180G, under Cleveland, WelIn'uire al If0fPe" Knch, on the""-0.
paid to foreigners for manufactures ! t, t, n, KT?M
t.ono flflA nf,r7 i 11 , box.0(,The.Dalles. o2u-2w i
otJu,000,000 and sold manufactures I ; ;
to the amount of $280,000,000, ieav-j Tw0 uIce,y I'Sd rooms. Rent'
ing a balance against us of $105,-' reasonable. Call at 20 Second street 1
000,000. In 1897, under McKinley, oct201w !
we paid out for manufactures $27,. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior!
000,000 less and received $ 19,000,000 paints when you can buy Jamee E.
more than jn 189C, lenvin" a balance I,a"on'fi 6un rroof paints for fl.50 per!
against us of only $27,000,000. fxT ' y&Te' Ch ml '
In 1898 we received $00,000,000 -- s rr
more for manufactures than we paid T T -v-i -i np
out. nnfl in 1 800 fliia Mnr. UuC
- j " - w-w MtW UIIM IJ ft tMJ
increased to $80,000,000. In 1900
we ore exporting every day more
Suits, $20 ar;d up.
Call and examine goods before going
& Crowe's.
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposite received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
reiuuieu un unv 01 collection
Wasco Warehouse Company
'Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
' TT3Q flnilQ vfono -Pr-r t
d.f.tomp"osh.8cukNcK.' Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kin
e. m. r,u, bkaSo. a. lieuk. Headauarters for Bran. Shorts.
Second street, onp. Mave a?.u ieiegraphic Exchange soid od
iiew iort:, han J-raneisco anc "ort-
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle
Tho PnTnmfiiQ Donlrinn Pn
UU1UU(U10 raURlUy UU tOn FlOUr ThlB " manufactured xVrmdy for famr
Ar-r,., - iv uf ; everv fiitck 1b guarautocd to give mUisfoctlon.
PACKERS OF .. eell our goole lowor than any hoiiee in the trade, and if vou don't think80
Ufoann Chnn r-x.-v., . can and gut cur prices and be convinced.
lest Pjioes Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies,
Cor Second & LanaMiD, Time 157
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
than one million dollars of the
IPainting... Ifrench & "co.; hams & bacon
ryi i , 1 , . .
i 4-lie uiiuerainiieu line lanen Dossofnion
products of our factories and wo are: of It. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to ruASHACTA kkkkal banking bokinkb
not losing money ou tbe goods.
To sum up: During McKinley's
lministralion our excess of exports
over imports Las been live times as
much as it nas during the one hun
dred and sixty years prior thereto,
the Vogt opera house, and haa pur-1 Letters of Credit tuned available in the '
cltated tho tools and ladders. He haa Eastern States.
good mechanic Vorkin for him, and I11 cpange and leleKraptm,
will gusrantee all work to give sati.fsc ! gBd ifite !
St. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore-
on, beattle Wash,, and various poiuts
f un, oeMiue nunna various points1 iiiiauiei.i'u,iir it.;hjuUd II
d Oregon and Washington. i AoMjjU.tKVft"1-
ypuections inaae at all points on t7. 1 X'KlW-J'W'itku w
orabla terms.
say! Liend Me Your Ear!
O Do you know that John Pashelc. the tailor, ia agont for two of
n t,,B larKibt 1'it'rchant tailoring lioutea in America?
W ...,.., DB0'" k,10lw iio will Boll yon n Htiii, iiiado to your ordi'r, ne
tU , WV . 4,'mnt,, lt,w . teady.i.iade, you buy in the atorcf. " &
tic giiaranUe a fit or no tale? T
..i. iD? you,J' tl,ut 1,0 ,10B already on hand for the coming f" Y
"n The ilafltfe" l'BI1(,eo'est and finest line of samples ever huVin J
LJOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent, j