The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 27, 1900, Image 1

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    ah Hulks
vol. xir
NO. 373
Tlio Kind You Have Always
in use lor over 3l yoarH,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
E.vporim ants that trifle with and endanger the health of
lufauts and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Cos tor Oil, Pare
poric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
Mtntains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
MiUHtanco. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
thc etNTftun eoMMNV. vr munnav strut, new vork oitv.
Ilrtiilcil 'I h il IIIm Iti ullmr Aliirtlortiil llliu.
Uiik At.o, 0,!t. 20. 1 1 ih ekull crushed,
his tone.m paralyzed and ti is lift ohbiiif
away as tlio ruault of a blow on tin limul,
l r.uik Mnrslnll iiHintod to tlio lust, that
lie li.ul fuliuii on tlio oiilownlk nn 1 Unit
his ltrothi.T John wtiB not responsible for
Ins death, Ho iiiiid ut SI. Hliziiboth
Hospital, lioneeioua to Hid liiHt.
1'or hours, Detective .-chill, labored to
cot an oe 'ount of the light, llu placed
IMpur mill pi'iicil in lliu dyine; iiiun'H
hands mi l naked him to deueribu tlio
cuin of Imh wounds. But tlio injured
man pushed thinn uwuy mill would only
s.iv lint lio hut) fallen, llu did not know
that bin brother made a confession.
I ilin Marshall, now accused of murder,
n a urnm-keeper. J I ih brother Frank
And Every Distressing Irritation of the Skin
and Scalp Instantly Relieved by a
And a hIiujIo anointing with CtrncimA, tlio groat hkln euro and purest of emollients.
This is tlio purest, sweetest, nio'it spt-eily, ponnaumit, and ecommilcal treutmont for
torturing, dlsllguriug, (telling, lmrnliig, bleoding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin
mill scalp Inunorsvith hiss of hair, mid has received the endorsement of physicians,
chemists, and nurses throughout the world.
l'caullfylnK the skin, sculp, hair, and hands. No other foielgn or domosUo toilet soap,
hownv pr cxpeiiBlve, Is to ho coinp iieil w llh It for all tho purposes of tlio toilet, liatli, and
unixeiy. Thus It couihllios In ONi: hoAl- at ONI, I'ltioi:, vU Twi:Niv;l'iyr: Ci:nts, the
111.ST Nklu und eonipleNloii soap, tho ni:r toilet soup and ju:sr baby miip in tho world.
Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor, Price, $1,26,,
MiiiiUtlliK of Outicuiw Ho AC ('J.lo.1, lo cleaiiMi tho skin of cruU Mini aU iihil sofii n tlio
lldckcui'ifcullclu, CUTlcuilA OllTll!T (60(i.), to bmlaslly allay Itoli iir. hillainiinu un. i.wl till,
tjillon, and .uolliu uial Imil. ami CUTIUUIIA li:so.VKhT (Wc.), to toul and clcan.u l.u b ood. A
HIN01.P. But I often ulllcli iit to euro the mut InilurliiB, UUI Kurlng, und Ian illlatlui! skin, ncali ,
mal blood InimciM, with lo. of hair, wbrn all el.o full-. Hold throHalioiit tli worM. I mil
Dauu 4NuOliKti. t'oue.,tJolo I'rujj., UoUiu, ils. "AlUbouitUo Bklo, bcalp, and Hair," free.
Bouglit, and which lias been
has borno tlio siffnatnro of
and has been maclo under his pcr
jj&fcffiy HM"111 supervision slneo its infancy.
Signature of
came into tbu ei'po i nnd complained
that the bartender was wiping the
cuuntur with un unclean tone'. John,
the proprietor, interfered und told Frank
to mind his own lustres?. Then the
brothers fought. George Joyce und two
other Heparat"d theiu. Joyce and hie
friends thou left, but returning eoon
nftttrwurtl they found Frank Marshall
lying upon the (lour with a bad wound
in bis head. They took him to the
hoB;ital. The pillow have a statement
(rout the bnrtender, which John
Marshall with having struck Frank over
the bead with u niopslick. The coroner's
jury said that it was from this wound
lie iicd.
Inter John Marshall made a full eon-few-ion,
but claimed that Frank had
strue't the (Irst blow.
Millions of Women
Psi; Ci'ticimia fio.vr, exclusively, for pro.
MM'vliig,piulfylng,amt boaiitttylugtliosUlii,
for elciiiiihi tlio bcnlp of eriistt;, seules, ami
ilanilnill, and the stoilng of falling Imlr,
l'ur eoftonliiK. whitening, nnd southing ieil,
iuiikIi, and sure limul, in the fin in of Ii.UIih
cliallngH, or loo free erolfmislvo peisplia
Hun In tlio form of washes for ultvuitlro
weakuesses.ainl for many kuiiiIIvo mitlsep.
Ho purposes which lemllly suggest them,
selves to wuinou. nml especially inotheis,
nnd for nil the mirnodcs of tlio tullut, hath,
and nursery. No iilnoiuit of persuasion can
indiico (lan.0 who liavo onco lined It to ue
linv other, especially for pici-civiug and
puilfylngllio skin, scalp, and lialrof InfauH
ami rlilliliuu. CinicriiA fiOAl coinlilncs
(lullciilo emolllont propoitlcs clcilwd from
(.imti'itA, tho ttieal skin enic, with the
purest of cleansing tngieillonts and thomost
lofieJhlng of flower odors. No other ?,ioM.
rtil'if suap over compounded Is to ho com
mired with It for preserving, purlfylng.aud
Senator Manna Had a Audience in
Chicago Every Branch of Manu
facturing in the Country Would He
Paralyzed by Bryan's Election.
Chicago, Oot. 26. The Auditorium
waa filled tonight with an Immense audi
ence brought together to henr Senator
1 1 anna and Senator Burrows, of Michi
gan, under the auspices of the republi
can railroad employes of Chicago. The
audience waa to a large extent com
posed of railroad men, and the chairman
of the meeting was Lot Brown, agent of
the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy rail
road. Unbounded enthusiasm was mani
sested throughout the speeches, and a
large crowd unable to find room in the
Auditorium was entertained by Iocs
orators on the lake front. An elaborato
display of firewoiks followed the close of
the meetings.
After making n brief speech in the
open air, Senator Hanna entered the
Auditorium near the close ot Mr.
Burrows' address. He was given a
generous round of npplause, and when
he roBe to speak the audience cheered
foi Bevrral moments.
"This is the greatest object-lesson in
coercion," said Senator Hanna, "that I
have ever seen, I am in eympatby with
the men gathered here, even if they ore
here under orders, as has been charged
by the opposition. But I think the only-
coercion they have had is the coercion of
their own consciences. I saw the presi'
dent and told him about this meeting to
night, and he sends greetings to the
loyal railroad men of Illinois.
"Now imperialism and other collateral
issues in this campajgn are only designed
to bewilder Hiid mislead the voters. It
is an insult to the intelligence of the
people to think that they do not know
and understand tho questions which af
fect them so directly as those which are
paramount issues in this campaign. In
sheer desperation Bryan has abandoned
the reol issues and Iiiib descended to the
low plane of a demagogue, and is making
his appeal on the issue of class against
clues. This is an admission of defeat.
"If the business men thought there
was a possibility of Mr. Bryan being
elected, yon would eee such a'paralysis of
business as was never known.
"As to the (jutstion of trusts, Bryan
does not know what a trust is, und huB
advanced no arguments as to the proper
way to suppress them. Bryan claims
that every urauufacturing institution in
the United States that controls larne
interests is a Jrust. Ho says his remedy
will bo to put upon the free list every
product of every industry in a trust, if
ho has the power to do this, except in
tlio case of the ice trust and the cotton
bale trust. If this was done, every
branch of manufacturing in the United
States would be paralyzed. The result
would be no revenue to the government,
and therefore direct taxation would be
the only method of raising the expenses
of the government.
Cured of Chronic Dlarrliotm After Thirty
Yuiirs ofSuU'erluB.
"Suffered for thirty years with diar
rhoea and thought I was past being
cured," says John S. Halloway, of
French Camp, Miss. "I had spent so
much time and money and suffered so
much that I had given up all hopes of
recoverv. I wub bo feeble from the
effects of the diarrhoea that I could do
no kind of labor, could not even travel,
but by accident J was permitted to find
u bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Bemedy, and after taking
several bottles I tun entirely cured of
that trouble. I am so pleased with the
rcpult that I am anxious that it be in
roach of all those who suffer as I have."
For sale by Blakeley druggist.
On iluHil to ltucovcrj',
Ai.iiany, Oct. 120. Miss hulu Jones,
w ho was assaulted ot Jefferson by Clyde
Vaughn, Is improving, and the doctors
think eho will recover. This, afternoon
she was fully conscious, and wanted to
sit up, but wan not permitted to do so.
Both of her eyes are swelled shut, nnd
the danger la from the Inilaiiiinntiou, Dr.
Hawk, who Is constantly by her bedside,
thinks that she will recover,
Struck a Tcnclier.
Sali:.m, Oct. 20 A young Indian
named S.imuel Jackson, a pupil of the
Salem Indian Training School, at Che
mawa, was arrested and brought before
Justice O'Djnald yesterday on n charge
of striking Miss E. M. Reason, head
teacher at the school. He was at first
inclined to plead not Riiilty, but later
changed his mind, pleaded guilty and
was fined $20 and costs. In default of
the money to liquidate, he will serve his
time in the county jail.
The facts are that Miss Benson cor
rected tho young man for some offense
in the school, vhich made him so angry
that a little later he followed her into
another room, struck her in tho back of
the head with his fist, and knocked her
(ilorlotift News.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
"Four bottles of Electric Bitters has
cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great suffering lor years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health ia excellent. " This
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bitters is the beat blood
puriuer known, it s the supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boils nnd running sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
expels poisons, helps digestion and
builds up the strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by Blakeley Druggist. Guaran
teed. 4
Snwiiulla Blunt of Laborers.
Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 20. Thi mill
and factory inspector of this city says
that wageB in the sawmills of the state
are from 10 to 12 per cent higher than
they were at the time of his last report,
and that in other Industries wages are
also higher. The scarcity of loborers is
well indicated by the failure of the hop
growers to secure enough men to harvest
their crop. They were compelled to use
an unusually large number of women
and children, and Japs were taken into
yards for the first time. The sawmills
have appealed, through an Eastern rail
road, for more men, guaranteeing work
for the entire year.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't, forget this.
The VOGT Opefa House,
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
includes the well-known
Vaudeville Artists :
William Sellery
Anna Mortland
lvlward Sandford
Beitiu Haydn
Charles Graham
Joy and Clayton
Billie Barlow
Haville and Stewart
Edwaid Bice
Burdell Sisters
und Otheis.
The Dalles Street Fair has come- and gone, but Tho Fair Store- has come to slay.
Wo are savinir the people money on Men's Clothing, Undorwoar, Hats and Shoos, as well
as Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery.
You will find in our Store lots of bargains.
AVo have tho best lino of up-to-date Jackets and
and about one-third less in price than other stores.
Come and see us and wo will bo pleased to show you
AVo are agonts for Miller's All-Wool Clothing.
DoISar White Shirt
Hint Is equal to moat dollar - and
So much for materials. Now for the make-up.
The "Sovereign" Shirt has a patent inserted sleeve,
that positively is proof against ripping, and is shaped
to fit the shoulder perfectly solid shirt-comfort to the
man that wears a "Sovereign," as well as absolute
freedom from the petty annoyances of a poorly-sewed
The bod3T is made very full; yoke, double shoul
der, felled seams with gusset sides, continuous strip on
sleeves, improved collar band and button hole. Every
taste as well as every shape can bo suited in the "Sov
ereign." Regulars, slims and stouts. Regular, also
short bosom. Open back, also open front and back.
The Sovereign $1.00 Shirt
is now on display in our window.
The Place
to Save Money
on all kinds
of Merchandies.
133 Second Street,
- a - half qualities. 'Unusual value
A Avhile shirt with
body made of New York
mills muslin a qual
ity that stands fore
most in the ranks of
bleached cottons and
bosom of 1800 count
Monday, Oct. 29
& 2333
"Spike" Hennessey, the Piano
The Dangerous Horse
Tho Wine Shampoo
The English Lord
"Libertv BellB" "Lindv Loo"
"He's a Wise Guy"
"Mary Cary" and other new songs
Prices, 50 and 35 Cents
First threo rows, 75cts.
Capes for Ladies' and Missos'.
our goods.
: m