Cirantl MihIchI Concert. The CcM-iHt !.-.tlierhood .lu'e nile cv -- 'wnnty-otiP plere?. lrofP.,.r Jl. M. i n.", one of America'-- mo' ,! fon- nctor?, has chnrse of lul? o-vHi.iX'tiioii. The concert work of ilii imnd, cofw-inc of children a'.I under J6 ytntc of nee, v been pro nouncd by oonuteierit critics most excellent. The Itiuli tlritre of prnS cienoy to which tUU band of young tuu-giciHn-' fins attnineil. p-tfc? volnme?. both for lh"ir own tuient uixi the talent of Vt -I. Drape. The f!ite(ainnitil to lie iriven by this orcan ttlun 1m? uniq i-, and so creat ii the c iitfi'lt-ucf -f 'Sr Irienil3 nno con ductor in it" aii!itv t i.'eaie and enter tain, that ;n-lM:ion ii made to those wh 3 are thoroulilr critical to at teurt the eonr ert, winch w i!S b- civen nt tlit Vo-jt opera Jmiie nest Thursday cvtftiinVi November 1st. The program n proniplly at S o'clock. In Catarrh Cannot Itr Currtl. j with local applications, as they cannot ' reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a uiocd or constitutions! disease, and in order to cure it vou mint lake inter nal remedies. Hsli'e Catarrh Core is taken internally, and acts direc:ly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's ; Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. : : It was was prescribed by one of the best j nhvsicians in this countrv for yec-s, and VOBT Opera House F. J. CLARKE. Manager. One Jolly Xhht, TUESDAY. October 30th. A I.lfr Ami D. ulli Klein. ' Sir. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la., writing of his aimost mirut'iilous escape addition to the work of-the ! from death, eavs; "Exposure after meas- bau'i, these brisrht youns people will ies moiiced serious him: trouble, which ; take a hand at minstrelsv. They also ! ended in Consumption. 1 had frequent have been Al as minstrels bv compe tent critics. Admission io cents; chil dren 15 cents. See hand bills. lirpubllcan Speaking, Governor T. T. Geer will speak at Hodc liiver Saturday eveninr, Oct. 27th." Hugh Gouildy will speak at Mount Hood grove. Hood River, .Saturday, 2ov. 3d, at 'J p. m. and at Pine irrove, Eist Hood Riwr, at 7:30 p. m. Hon. C. B. Moores will speak at Du fur Thursday, Nov. 1st, at 7:30 p.m., and at Antelope Saturday, "ov. 3d, at 7 :30 p. m. The republicans expect to secure a prominent epeaker for The Dalies for the night of Nov. 5th. hemorrhages and couched uiulitni d da v. All my doctors said I must son die. Then 1 be?an to use Dr. Kind's New Discovery tor Consumption, which cjui pletely cured me. 1 wouid not be without it even if it cost ?o 00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cin e Throat, Cheat and Lunc troubles." Regular sizs 00c and 1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley Drus Store. 4 is a recular prescription. It is composed , of the best tonics known, combined with t the 1-eat blood ptirifiets, acting directly jTIie New Vork World's Litest on the mucous surfaces. The perfect i combination of the two ingredients is ' what produces such wonderful results iu . curing Catnrrh. tend for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drru?i:i?t5, price rc. Hall's Family Piils are the best. 12 M1CCCSP, KELLY'S KIDS III GOING EAST- If you intend to thke a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modem and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kmsae City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Koss C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Aat,, Los Arseles, Calif. C. S. Crane, G. P. A., St. Louis. .Mo The Irun Trade. Cmvelani), O.. Oct. 25. The Iron Trade Review this week says: "With tfie election so close at hand, it might be assumed that buying of iron and steel would wait on the actual an nouncement of the result. As a matter of fact, there has been an active market in the past week, finished material be ing in largest demand, while pig-iron in ; som-i sel'iog ceutert has been more 1 NclS2iI active than in recent weeks. The pine- I Alf ing o! contracts with the proviso that j (jff f If f f they brf canceled iu case the result is j rn ail its guta there unfavorable to bminess.or, more specific-! boa!d be cleanliness, ally, is against the administration, has Ely's Creom Balm been a feature of the week's business. c!e-ni,eoot-andheiI. Many Olivers also, satisfied of the elec- i n caret catarrhasd drive lion outcome, are evidently placing their orders in the belief that demand will increase promptly on the announcement of the r!-!ult, "and that the result, on potne materials, atleast, will be higher j)r:ces. Cut!, and ISiutoeA Quickly lleaUd, Chamberlain's Pain Halm applied to a cat, bruise, burn, scaid or like injury will instantly aliay the pain and will heal the pirtp in le?s time than auy other trt-atmeut. L'uie?? the injury is very severe it will net not leave a fear. Pain Balm aiso curss rhnmatism, sprains, swellinu? anil lameness. For gale by Biakeley druggist. .Slit-epmeii, sn-ay a cold ia the head qaiekiy. Crenm Balm lj placed Into the nostril", preadi over the membrane and U absorbed. Relief ia irn nediite and a care foHo-iTj. It la not drjinj does cot prodece sneezing. Irge S jcc, i0 cnU at Dras sists j: ly null; Trial Sue, 10 cent! by niaL. SLTl 1DTUEIIS, 50 Warrec 5.reet, ICcw Yoik. 25 FUNMAKERS THE OTTS, BOL'LDEN & GRIFFIN, 4 CARNATIONS, GRIFFIN & CKIFFIF, NEWSBOVS' (2UARTEITE, FEMALE (QUARTETTE. f i fa fa ?6 1 1 i 35 35 fa r ' Tho DbIIbo, Or. The Chrfoniele, Job Printers. I a:; 3Z 3C 55 i m 0.R.&R l r. PA CT I'Uht Mh!1 11 i, m. Tivr. xciiKuiLr. I'r.OM iJALLCt s"l? '.kcJ "evcr. ft. Worth, Oinnlrn, j,,,,, f" '). W Imi,, Uiicfgu nd Kiint, Ft A Untitle: ;HmH Ijik?. Iipii vr l.'xjuit". ; Worth. OiiihIih. I Nt,' 12 U) ii. in.. ii Cltv, St. i 'iiim VU Hunt , CIiIcuko nd .,t IliXtnti. ; Sixilaim .Wnlla Wiill. HimiLi. u.. VIMll .MIIIII1.'UIK)II1, Ml I dlii t i .-. k.ii... . ll I unit I J.XitCMS 1)11 Itltll. MilV.MI.L. (ihlrncn anil I.bsI , .t, "kunonKii iii.Mliii; i lull; hIkii hI! tmli.l. li, IU 2T : IU , Win.liliiKtmiMlKi hmt i'tn urtuim. S p. io. f Fhom 1' Occhii Hli-Mmitm t'oz Sun f'riinclTi Kvery Five p' sun P.B. t o i. in. 1 . Kx.auntlHj-'ColnmtilA Itv. Sli-amon. Ki '"I, ikti... ii ..: --I:u'i' r-B.tlnlny Uiutlngi ' 10 p.m. 1 JB. 111. WlLLiUETtl I'll'M tM r.x.huinl.; Ofaaii Cltv I.ewl, iiilbuni,, 1 7 . ni, i I'ucH.Tlinr. , mid nnt. WlUAMrTTK AND AM IUI.1. I:i-i:i:b urccon City, liitvmu, mid Wy- 3inlliiR, i I.v ltlmtln ! diy , j s :-n. in. Rkakj: IttVCK. KIpnriH to lAiwbtnn. 3.30 Ti.B. 5!ou.,ViYl nJ FtL Liiti Uwiston dill; 9.00 . a One Carload of Scenery First : Rows, 7oc; Balance House, 50c Seats on sale at Clarke & Falk's. L. Lane, GK.VKP.AI. BiacKSfniifi .AND. Hone r is THE CELEBRATED .. .COMJJIBIA BHEWEKY ... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-know n brewery the United States Health Reports for June US. 10(H), says; "A more aupoiior brew never entered the lubratory of the Tnited States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the elitfhtest trace of adulteration, hut on the other hand iu composed of t lift best of malt and choicest ol hops. Its tonic tjualltief are of the high est and it can be ued with tho grcateHt benefit and sutiHfar.tion bv old and younir. Ite use can conscientiously be prescribed by the pliyaicianH with the cersainty that a better, purer or morn wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. !'' Umlrins tn cn in lionnn.. k. i lillil nn CiiliiinliU smitliern '.'U lllzct. iboiM Hike No. .', lutvlnt: llio liiillt nt MM ia ninklm; ulnrt i-fini)cctlim nt lleppner jucctlra mirt lllrrKn KetiirnliiK niHilncillriftcoiinttUM nt Hripncr Jinn-tlnn mill IIIkrh with Ko. in- , ininn ni i ne jiHiii'D ni l. . p, nt. t O. . i. S, Ca t i Kur lull purtlculars m; I : Hpvnt The liullc. or mil' i it . r in nrpT t.i ... 1'h. Act I'utlUndlOi SOUTH and EAST via Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. i Third and Mer'nn, PIioeb 159 A tteiitlun: liucks fur Kale, Having disposed of my breeding ewee tidriy, I have thirteen thoroughbred Merino biicke for sale. These are choice, large and in fine condition, and will be eoM cheap rather than keep them over, j ant ptnnament cures Inquire at Prospect Ranch, on the i yreat favorite witli pt Drfschntes divide, or of A lie FoiiIpiI the SurueuiK. . All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jtflerson, O., after suffering IS months from Rectaf fisUf a, he would j die unless a costly operation was per-; formed ; but he cu-ed himself with live !.... t IJl.t.... , l. ..I.., ,,,.' surest Pile cure on arih, and tiie best'N Salve iu the World. '2o cents a box. .Sold j j by Blakeley, Druggist. r W . . AJ l.jJIillC'liO .Doalor In. j Grandall & Barget DEALERS IN RobeS, fill kinds of tjotertakers BuriaSh Funeral Supplies .embalmers Etc. Tho Dallos. Or. ' i )3X 507, The Dalles CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Boughl Boars the , Signature at NOTICE. All outstanding warrants against School District No. 12, Wasco county, Oregjn, will be paid on presentation to the undersigned. Interest ceases on and after this date. !Q (ii C. L. ficiutioT, Dial. Clerk. Waiitnl. to take care of a child, 5 Apply to P. Henningeon, A woman months old. octlld2t-w:it Cliainlicilulu'i. Cough Kinieily it Qrrut t'a vitrltr. The and healing properties I of this remedy, itb pleasant and prompt have made it a people ever, where. RoberU, . i js especially prized bv mothers of o20 2w eaiall children for cold, croup ami iwliooping ciiuph, as it always afl'oids 1 quick relief, and as It contains no opium J or other harmful drug, it may be given i as coiifi-lentialiv to a b.-ibv as to an ' adult. For sale by Blakelep druggist, i Drj'iiig preparations simply devel op dry catarrh : they dry up the secretions, which adhere to tho mcinbrano and decom pose, causing n far more serious tronblo tlian tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalanU, fumes, smokes and snuffa ana iuo that winch cleanses, sootbeK ana heals, Elv'fi Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists soli tho bi)c. size. klyUrotuers, lib Warren bt., ri. i The IJalm cures without pain, docs not irritato or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated nnu anijry surface, roliev. ins immediately tho painful inflammation With lily's Cream JJalin you nro armed against A asai uatarrn aim nay t over. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots. Hhw-.. lliit!;. ( aps Kutlon. for V, U Vi rig as Shoe. Moeier, Or. Ilon't Kitb it In, Just wet the ftflVcted part freely with Mysterious Piin Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain Is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Re stun and ste our lino of dress skirts. We are ofTsring some splendid birgains in these goods. No trouhlelo aUow goods at tho Nfiw Vork Cabh Store. A. M. Willidius A Co. will sell ladles' kid gloves, worth from $1 to $1.50 a pair, at CD cents next Saturday. Some choice bargains are promised. Clark & Falk ore never closed Sunday. .Don't foruet this. Clark & Falk's" drug frwh and complete. stock ie new, The largest and most complete line of lull and winter millinery fver ttleplHypu in the city at the Campbell & Wileon millinery parlors. The prices will sell the goods. s8tf Why pay $1. 75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James K. Patton'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. ml Strayed, Strayed from my place on Ihe bluff, a 2-year-old Jersey heifer j dehorned; ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on both hips. Liberal reward paid for her return. ol0-4tw Ukt Baulky. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. j At. Telephone Uo. h'i. c;oiiu hi., Tiie Dalles, WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washlnt'ton Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local,' 102. I Mica 1 AXLE 6cs IOrease 1 I helps the team, t&vcs wcr.r and B expense, wold everywhere. M STANDARD OIL CO. ' Vf:vXrTA t A'TAI .'it . J.- J. tTi- A.-r A JL1 Al ilAl C. J. STUBLilG, W llOl.Ks ANU UKrll. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Aone 234, Next door to A. M. Williams A Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. 1 i 3 Soumern PaciiiG Co Shasta Route Trnliikh-avcTliel)ii!lwi Ir I'ortUnil and wj NUltlllllN iu l:i it. m. Hiul .! i. Ill- U'livi' 1'nrtlnnil. " Alliauy . Arrive Anlilnnil .... " .ShUIUIII'MIIU " bun hriinciico Aritvu Osilnu " Denver . . " Kiiiuiist.'ll)- Arrlvu U AliKUltw " i:i 1'iimi . ... Tort Wiirth " City ot Mexico " Itouilmi . . ' Ni:w UrlcmiH " ' WiisliliiKtun " Huvt York i nm 7;Wpu Jam to-sopn : m ll Wm ii' lira Itf'nB I m , S:UiQ i n m . ' n to . . m I U 111 I "1 I m II ui i. in u til tl III m lUn 7.W in C:lJ f n 6. Din I.OUHP ii.fipn I riitlmm unit Tmirlit viv- oi. Imth. iSm. 1 :lnilr cuts SiHTiuiiontii to nirl' " nuilfcU i mill loiirlit curs to t'lilcuK". f I. m ut' Itiuis iiinl WimliliiKtim. CmiiUTthiK "t Hun t nine c with ; ' Mcimihlilp Hues for uin, Uioii I l'lillliiiiiw, t'uiitriil mill im.t. AtucrlM. t j Hw UKCtit t Tlic l)nlk lii. 'ii iimJilitM ' C. H. MAHKHAM, (ionuml l'flxMiiRtr ABWit, rurtland.Or V - Norita full Chicken Lice Conpreil. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. 'flic moiit clllclent Wood I'reicrvliit; I'mIiiI alto h Itudlcal Iteiiied)- Klllit Chicken 1.1c-. 1U smiliMtfon to lit tide walls of poultry lioimen will iter muneiitly cxurnihniUi nil lice. He mlu lH-.illliy chickens, plenty of cckh. H lite fur tlrcnlum mid ptlcee. Mention tliU paer. S Jos.T. Peters & Co., TIIK UALLBfl, OHKUUN, 9 Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. IiriCtS0' will'seH In I.l'.i .Ir Tl ftt "'"H1' Ie8f Wl.olcH.llo pritts. in sell in bulk or in lote, or any wuy to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. ami no eacr need except Thompson's Ulove-fHtini: Corsols I'atlerns. Your prices will be .num. Call curly Zl secure J. P. McINERNY, Comer Second unci Court Sts. All coods will and isiitteriok bargains. Yellowstone Park Line. TIIK I11NINO CAU llOl'l K HIO.M I'OKTUSB 'IO TIIK I.A''T TIIK ONI.V DIKKtn' I. INK TO THE Vhl.Wffl MONK 1'AliK i.r.wr,. No. ! Union Depot, run anii sis AMI"' NO. State Jiotrmal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. KrJutt:1 "Nona.lSoUool to take tho State fer.cuto Immedlntcly urtoustoi readily wauroRiwd positions. kiiio of year froni ii-jo to ipso WWSliSatr1 C",,,0, NBW lrtu ta Mm. Trill,,!,,, rot cUloguc conUIninK full announcemciits wldreiu V. U CMVUKI.L, l'rldei,t. or W A. WANK, SeonUry of Faulty. on KiiHt mull for Tiifiiiii'i. k'.-.ttl,. f ll v I ii i.lii . CiNlV k ' ll.itlior iiml Hniitli liiwl jlMilnlii, Hliiiknlic, Kl'! (mid, li. f.. I'lilliii'ii'. ' MOMMIW, U'wlNlllll. Ill" ,. ). ll;13 A. M.'fMliilliimiiinliiliiKcimi, J'jU'1 try, lleleiin. M 1 11 ii.'t I tiff. Ht. l'iml. Omul;". I KiintiiH city. Mi Uml. ClilenK" "d "II lKI"lts v-u j. No, I. emt mid houtlica-jt. lliW) P.M.1 for Tiieoinn mid K-ntt l", j nnd lnteriiieilliito l"1"' I'lilliiiiin tirht-plims iiml umrl't "'w'm MliiiiCMiMills.Kt, I'milmiil Mlimri men IVltllllllt CllllllRC. , ,,nCtlOUI Vutlbulel trulim. Union drd tH""w III all triiwlttii1 iilttnv. ..... llKKKO ohtwkwl to dt'Jttlimtli'ii Utter, ' fur iiiinilm.mcly UliiHiuttctl ,lt,jC'V cH ihtkuui, mcumiiK-ciir iih-iviiih"! write A. D. CHARLTON, AMldtant (ienunil I'MseiiKt'r Akoii'' raoa, , Mill Mill...! .........r Tlilfll. l'url lttlldMn.w it. K. HM1T1I, Osteontitli. Itoonu 10 and II, CUnpmsii lUook, Tlic UreKon.