EASTERN OREGON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE. Specia! Offering for the Week. Ladies' Eiderdown Dressing: Sacciues, in assorted shades, at $1, $1.15, $1.25. Every one a special bargain. Dress Goods, Remnants. About 100 short lengths, running from 1 to 8 yards. All good values. Ladies' Underwear In fall and winter weight. Look at our leaders 50 and 60c. Special value in Union Suits at 50c. French Flannel Waists. The latest styles of the season just received. ease & Mays A goods marked in plain figures. We Want men Suspicious clothing buyers lo come hcre- and boys who never got suited. The vory sight of our handsome clothing, at such low prices, will wed thein to us. A combination of dash, style, fit and tjnality is what has built up our big clothing business. We've always something a little better, a little under the price of the other fellows. ASK TO SEE OU$ Men's nil-wool Lroun melton eaite at 5f7.50 Men's nil-wool, bind: clay worsted suits in round d-j r ff cut Bade, square cut and frocks, at tpJLLJ.Uv Muii'h worsted nnd cheviot suits in dK tiC - -dQK nil the latest styles, from tpO.OVJ XU tpfCO These Shoes FIT Like gloves smooth and without pressure. They are comfortable from the moment of trying on. Queen Quality Shoes for Women fort Are the height of fashion and cfom . One price always $3.00. Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. mays & Crowe rhe Dalies Daily Ghfoniele, ! FRIDAY OUT. '20, 1U0O , ii-L bncum dim ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. turned out by l'u 'un 'I0' two or three yours ni;o. Hood Iiiver (ltclm. We r.ro pleased to leain tlint Vv'ilton 1 Freeman, wlio has been vory ill with typhoid fever ut the residence of his I mother, Mrs. Pitman, on Xinth street, l Jiih passed the crisis of the disease nnd ; is con Vitleseinu as fast hb could bo expected. cal condition will not permit of conver sation regaiding the terrible assault to I which she was subjected. In a few days more physicians rxpect that tho critical point will be passed. Oregon apples are likely to bring ns Kood prices as Oregon hops, prunes and other products are already doinfr, states the Jacksonville Times. Late repot Is C) i i from the Kast fIiow that there is a par- It may be of inteiest to learn that tho lial crop failure in the principal apple WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Klocutionary entertainment At the liald'.vin opera house tonight. (ilove sale ut A. M. Williams A Co.'s tomorrow . 'loniorrow's the dav. Kid kIovch at lialf price and less at A. M. Williams k Co. Professor Sandviir's reeular weekly 'lance will be uiven at tho lialdwin to. morrow niht. 2(i tit east-bound paisunner (Xo. A) that is clue here at l):"0 p. in., no longer carries mail, but all east-hound night mail is carried by tho train that is due hero at 112 :!" a. in. Tho mail ear has been taken oil' No. o, tho west-hound passen ger duo here at :t:!!0 a. in., and the mail hitherto carried on this train is now carried by N'o. li, that is due here at I ::;o a. in Mr. (icoruo truest .Stewart, who is well and favorably known heio as for a lonn time stenographer for A. S. Ben nett, was united in inarriago Wednes day, Oct. 21th instant, at .Spokane, Wuf-h., to Miss Ilatlio AI. Lane, also a lr fi.wl r w i i "MO. . n . 1.IOKIOII HI1U t-llll, ... . , .... ... ...... , -,.. ,.( np p .. . .in i 1 "Tiller ritumi-ni. ui una tiny iimi eiB:i in T. ' "'"" wiui.ur.iii.u., , ?lu,nr. Kane. Mr. Stewart (ills a lepponai- bin position at Spokane as stenographer for n huh ollicial of tho Northern Pa ul Ik; Kuilwav. ""-J The race track is a eeitaint.viuid the tar's Dri'vlim -'IIB. h. 1'. Sliiiri). of HiIh i-ilv Mrs. II. H. Warren, of IIopner?liMlf,, fi''l.'ll ill the citv tmlnv u-l..r.i ..lin ..III I..! itit lir iuntliir. Mrs. CAnv Mvnrs. .niuuiei enaiiee 10 SIVVO inOIIOV. 1 OH iinmiiilltHH nf lh Conlli.in IJ lwo mlr ,or 1,10 price of one at Association ndvertlce itiTnotlitjr place "lllinius (V H ulovu tuLIM fniiinrrnu- i i.t,u I.. .11.11.... ( i,.,lf ..b- . . - . lul .....a hji iiuiiviiii uvii 11(111 ill i iu i nvn Ntnv s'reiit hnts hint ni-rlveil hIMIhh on the silo selector near the Mission Haven's, also eoiuo vory nobby ttirbin gardens. In thieoiinection it. may be fluix-a It, ut nr.. t I... an tl.So i.i..iir In ot 11 1 n (in I flu. triinl.- a fnr lliu I.I 1 fcW II VI nU . If J J 11 I II' U '."('l I IV y H.l.fc V...' 1. UK!) .U . VI .... l-,1!0" I nrivato usuof tho meinheis of the Oscav Xtl-on,n tioldondalo newspaper I (!ur,,1"",uu'H Paving Assocbition and connected with the town, is in the city '"' at present snlln.. of tml visi 1 1 i frieiuh. Mra, llenrv StenrP. .vim linu liinn imiii. fll"--'l to tier hod for tho past twelve ec-kf , is so far iccovitred as to ho able "") around tho lioiiae. After an nbsonco of iibour. two voars filing friondB in tho East, Mrs. Mary ''cimli iiiturued on this inorning's train llwr home In Tim I).ill,a llllrtuln will Hfi iirnmi.tK- nr K-!t(l Ik'ht at tho Ilaldwin on a vory enter Wiling prugrnm. It is hoped that the Mli'ii.T. will kindly bo in their soats at '"is hour. Tin: V iihonici.i: ypsturday innilvortiint- ought not to lie associated with raring contests and betting on trials of speed. Ux Hanker John G. MaddocU, of Goldondale, has sent tlio tralllo depart ment of the O. li. S: N. a display of sonio of tho iiroduets of his ranch and : otchard at (Joluiiibufi, Klickitat county, ' which furnishes a remarkable example I of the productiveness of tho sandy soil 'of the Columbia river bottom. The dis- play includes two kinds of grnpea, four varieties of corn, peanuts, almonds, sweet potatoes, artichokes, quinces and four varieties of apples, all grown 011 the same farm. Tastes differ as complexions and faces dilfiir, but generally e peaking the world loves 11 lover, and tho American people 11 1 11 rimi 11 - . . - . (m , l" ' .t J-.x .Mayor KouIovo Hon(; m(l 8tor., .'Kelly's Kidb" IM 1 1." nJ,''oI,,u'(, 10 e,M!,iro ! embraces every feature that has popu- noil"!!! nU:0 lrm'k fB,r j lariml fnnio oomody. Pretty girls with T, ' 'cultivated voices, really funny coined!- here was a rumor on the street ves-1 uns, a l:oy qtinrtet, and the Irrepressible, ")' and today that the Oregon King J misolnevous, laugh - provoking Kelly's '""' tu northern part of Crook ( Kids. The play in its eiitlrety is bright, "rtH re(:o,u'' so'(' t0 fitern clean, musical, productive of genuine 1 'HH for half a million dollars. ; mirth throughout Its presentation. At 'Viclal attention Is called to tho open-: the Vogt Tuesday, Oct. JiOth. miiuhur on the program to bo given ""mil at the ni.iu.i., C n1'0"1" Uunrtefc will make their ' first appoaranco and promiEo to do- lieaiore. H'k of uboilt. fnrlv fin II far. P88ed leisnrely throuith Hood OllHilnu I.ic 11 i lo bo the increase from theqiialla A I'UIU Ittvar The condition of Lulu Joiioh, the III-year-old school girl, who was almost murdered by Louis Vaughn, a young lad, in the basement of the public lihool building at Jefferson Tuesday, was somewhat Improved yesterday, and h ipee tire now entertained for her re covery. The sufferer Is conscious the greuter part of the time, but her phyel- j ' belts, which will prove a surprise to Oregonians, who have been led to be lieve by previous reports that the crop all over the United States was greatly in excess of the average. However, at the last moment, the apple crop of the East ia cut down fifty per cent, by unlooked-for climatic changes. The survey recently made for the canal around the dalles obstructions is being platted in Capt. Hart's odice in Poitland. The report of the survey will be for warded to Washington early in Novem ber, and will be placed in the haudj of a committee and after going through the usual routine will come before congress. It is probably intended to be compared with the plans for the boat railway at The Dalles, long in contemplation, so as to see which will bo the more desirable, the cheaper and better means of over- kioining tlie obstructions net ween i tie Dalles and Celilo, a canal or a boat rail way. No qualified voter undor the laws of Oregon need lose his vote at the presi dential election. If he be not regis tered, all he need do to got his vote in is to have the affidavit of six freeholders that he is a qualified voter. A male citizen of tho United Stutes 21 years of age, who has resided six months in thu state, io a qualified voter. Aflldavits for iiniegisteied voters will bo tn'en at the oflleo of Hudson & Ilrownhill. The voter who was unregistered and got hie vote in by freeholders' affidavits in June will have to do tho same for the presi dential flection, and should bo prepared for it. "A young girl 1 know," said an ar dent woman republican, "was expatiat lug in my piesoiice tho other day upon what she called 'Imperialism.' 'Just to think,' she cried, 'of McKinley being an imperialist! Juct to think of the re publican parly being pledged to Imperi alism! Why it mako9 my blood boil to think of such a thing.' '.My dear young woman, 'said I, us she stopped for breath, might 1 Inquire just what yon mean by imperialism! Tell me, please, what this imperialism is?' The girl best t.tid. 'Well,' shu said llnally, 'to tell the truth, I don't know exactly what it Is, but 1 know It's something awful.' " New York Suh. A. N. Heigh and Mary Maeters weio united in mariiage in the county clerk's otllce t lila afternoon by his honor, Judge Gates. The couple were strangers here, and when the license was issued they dealred to be spliced with the least pos ikle delay. Judge Gates was telephoned lor in haste, aud, nof knowing what lie was wanted for, rushed to the court house with his hair on end and his (out cntemble considerably out of whack. The judge has a superstition that a mar riage ceremony performed by him with out his hair slicked nnd a white choker around his neck wouldn't slick. So he excuEed himself for a moment to fix himself up, but camo Lack with his neck tie upside down, and never knew the difference till all waB evir. To keep the matter from leaking out, the judje treated the boys in tho office to ice cream and cake, cigars for those that smoked and a package of chewing gum , for Sim Dolton. The offering at Cordray's this week, ' "A Wise Guy," will hold the crowds; of that theie can be no doubt, Eays the' Portland Telegram. Its initial per formance last evening was a center shot. , So large was tho attendance that Man j ager Cordray bad to move the orchestra into a less area in order to accommodate . people inside the rail with the musicians, i "A Wise Guy" is a bunch of specialties ' and funny business from start to finieh. It is clean and lively, and rough horse play, such as Is a prom;nont feature of most farce comedies, is lacking in this. I Into three acts are huddled as many laughs ob there poeeibly could be. The 1 show has but one object to make the ( people laugh and it has been an un- , qualified success. "A Wieo Guy" was a mere sketch last season, but struck i such a popular chord that it was ex- 1 panded ieto a three-act farcft comedy,; The original sketch is now the thii'd , act. The play "made good" in New York, which is a sufficient guarantee of, merit. Klovutlnnary l.'nti'i tiumiimit. , At tho entertainment to ba given at! the Baldwin tonight (Fiiday under tl 0 direction of Miss Jenkins and for the building fund of St. Paul's Guild, the following program will be given tv l.ovu"s OM Sv.vrt Scum. ... , Motion Misses .Myrtle Miclii'll, Bam &oii , II01111, Dawson Ijiiueiiiiu', The Jliiiblo Drenm iiiml -1 Ml- Miit'xurot Jenkins. j Cluuiioter Sour My Iliiiiiinli I iidy .. lls liPorBla samiihoi). d. MnMiu; IHm reel nt Homo . , , . . . ..x-A (. 1'liu iilMlliit; KeKtment iitm .'U JeilMUa. l'lMitomiii'i'- Oninllt' Thro' the l?vi; Veuna Uutlirie, l.elu Kcl.-ay, JeMsle Jones tieven Young Jjultes. An Old Wiiimiu's Complaint . Miss Jenkins-, Vncnl olo-.tliiic. Twleit Mlns'llurrlet Orum. rviiicsMniidr.iniisi " '1'liu Mob? (iroup i..MOMmiir.iiiis (J j)llll(.0( tho Uriels Seven Young IjuIImi, 'llio (iv)sj- rluwer Clil, ... MUs Jenkins. Ilniijorlnc iSitto Limited Kxiireo.s (lidoii. . Mr. J. (lltvlu l'elw. Tiililetiux MimviinU Itevel of the NidiuH Xidtuls t'riiilenee l'at terson, l'onrl diliiuw, lies McSul.cv, I'loieiice IliimrMiii, t- 11a Hnltn-i (Inu-u menu. Nina (iutlirie, Wa-.eo Mortin, Irene rripilmrt. Admission !35 cents j cliIldrepyWrtsT''" llliU Wunttil for Ititcu 'I'liu'l;, The committee appointed bv the Gentlemen's Driving Association invite, sealed bids for building of a half mile track 011 site selected west of The Dalles. Planu and specifications can be seen at the otllce of C. J. Crandall, Monday Oct. 20th. llids will bo opened Thurs day evening Nov. 1st, at 8 p, m., at the ofhYe of 0, J. Crandall. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. o2t) 81 Tomorrow ! $1. $125 and $1.50 LADIES' KID GLOVES W8B CHOICE 69c PAIR A.M. WILLiAMSUO. Tho only Btorc ft this city whero tin Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold, A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen piecesof so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has the name Strnnsky - Stool Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prizo nt 1C International Exhi bitions. Highest nwarcl nt Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthoritics, certified to by the most famous cheni ist3 for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware isspecial ly imported for and 6old in this city ex clusively by us. u It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor cntch inside; is not affected by acids in iruita or vegetables, will boil, utow, roast aud bake with ou t imparting flavor of previously cool: od foo 1 end will test for yecrs. "o cau tion tli.) imlilw irnitatio .i Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs II. L. Jones has opvned ice cream and oyster par'ors in Carey B.il lard's old stand. Sheciniei A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. Tho place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a (hare of the uublic patron age is solicited. I)" K. K. KKKtiUSdN, Pltysiciiui mid Surgeon, Otllce, Vogt lilocl (over i'oitn.llci'j, .1'a.lmo-dw T11K PAI.LE3, OHKUO.S. One thousand styles and sizes. tor cooking and heating. Prices from $5 to $50. Slael Hanget Casl flanges fThe genuine all bear the above Traie.Marb . ana are soia wttn a written guaranice, Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 OVER ALU Tnb WOllUUi Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere. The Michinan Stove Comnanv. XAritest Mukera ut BtoTtm und Hangeii la the World. Ilk luwe &1BENTON, SOLE HCBNTS.