The Dalles Daily Chronicle. tSS 'A Difficult Problem. FRIDAY ocr. For lrelilcnt WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. It Is niuonc the most tlmlcnlt nrob- ' letus of natural science for one to beeonip J. E. Ailcox & For Vlcc-1'rcMttent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, or ?rvr York. ' himself, and says the next thine he ill Tl IP f)0 .1.. ..-Ill I,., tn enn- nil Kio , , , ... : extMjrt in several lines. .motner s stove uoou. c orKS i ... bv thpir comuhm.ion) ,mVL. 0Vl,,. I machinery at odd spells when out of ; cotm, this diilictilty in a practical mini- ; school. His father snvs ho is often ! ner. J. E. Adcoxis nn expert wntch asked: "What are vou'poinc to make ' maker nml is Rood on jewelry, optical . t Ti .,, m ii ,...! work and engravlm.', while Iheo. H.' out of Percy ? The reply is, put what Lietll. i9 an exf)t,rt optician and is pood he was born for. He must first be on tVuteh repairing, jewelry work and i thorough educated. Then turn hun uncnivinp. I heir once id n? low r.; run. Iloosoand "watch him. He will just as ! attain with cood workmanship. They.' ..... . . . . are prepared to do nil work in thotf , natural.y dive into a machine shop as a ; wynX ,nC9f on sho.t notic(.- Work ( . (duck wiil seek water, or a bee make ' 8ent bv mail or exnrese uiH recnivci -r . 1 f . " iiir. aauiuci uunin, nu spei.K ; a Blnlfht line for his llive whp ,osllied j ,,., pt with authority for arid of organised j Vi.jti, honey. He has no taste for Black- Watch.' labor, recently defined his attitude ' stone, hates the smell ol pill-bags and toward trusts and attempts to lecis ! seems to have been bom with little late them out of existence as follows kesPe.ct fr ""-dotal robes , . . . . iur a hv.iik wen, m an editorial m the American , father hig poUlQea tl)Qa Fecterationlst : "Organized labor ! ti,em.-Hood Kiver Glacier. looks with apprehension upon the ( man panaceas offered by theorists attention. 'fa, "r!lg Red I Clarke x Falk have rpmved a carload i As to he would to raise of the celebrated Jame strictly pare liquid paints E. Pulton J! Democratic "jjicnklnc to curb the growth and development or destro' the combination of in tlustr "We have seen those who knew little of statecraft and less of economics urge the adoption of laws to regulate interstate commerce and! Jmlee Tnomas O'Dar, of Portland, will speak in The Dalles Tuesday, Octo bes oOlli, at 7:30 p. m. Col. C. E. S. Wood, of Portland, will speak in The.Dilles Saturday, 2ov. 3d, at 7:30 p. m. Bell Stuart and Eirl Sanders will to prevent combinations and ti lists, j ?Peak nt 110011 ver Wednesday, Oct, . . . ISlst.nt 2 p. m. i and we have a'.so seen that these i T- T nf, .i v t, measures, when enacted, have been wnt speak at Mosier Saturday, Oct. 27tti ! the very instruments employed to j at 7:30 p. m deprive lauor of the benefit ofj organized effort, while at the same Complete Cine X of Dru5s at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. $1.00 per month. Strictly tlrnt clii"." local nti.i Ioiik dislunet) telfpliune eervktj within your homo. I.inep do not crost-talk. Your con versntioii will lie kept u sciiret. o cost for installim,'. You ",'i't the standard Huniiinc Long histnut Iiistriimitit. Conliiiumis day and riluht aervico. We will accept your run tract for ten years null allow von to cancel same on u'lvln lie thirty daya writ ten notice. PAOIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 00S, BUSINESS LOCALS. I time they have simply proved in centives to more subtly and surely lubricate the wheels of capital's combination, tor bur part, we are convinced that the state is not' capable of preventing the legitimate development or natural concentra-' tion of industry. All the propositions j that have come under our observa- j received nt the .Xew York Cash Store. tion would beyond doubt react with j A full line ol L.istmnn nluis and sup-i greater force and injury upon the , P'ies just received by Clarke & Falk. J working people of our country than j , -V0Br ll0"se w'tn P?,'11-,6 tl!Rt 'r,e ' . . . . I till guaranteed to last. Clarke &. Falk j ujjuii uiu ti i.sia. 1 have them. I Wanted Situation by man and wife, I or man will cut cord-wood. Innnire nt CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY REGULATOR LINE. Your money'e worth, or your money , back, at The Fair. ! Clarke & Falk have on sale b full line j AT EASTERN PRICES of paint and artist's brushes. New shoes for fall and winter just ceived at the 2sew York Cash Store. You will not have boils if von take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. I i A full line of ladies' dress skirts just Jast What Yoa uuant. ro!Geo. C- Blakeley, The Druggist. Uryan will be beaten by a larger! MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith ! and Horseshoe?, j o23-2t ! AM kind? of blacksmithing will receive mninritv thnn hp was lipfnrn nml timt 1 m.,,,, 7 Mra Jlritnin'a . , , t . . . .. ." . . . prompt attention and will be :;pcuted will be the end of him for ever more Have lust secured the very latest and fn Rraf.,,!o shaiw. fiiv him a nail. iS' Str. Rfigulntor DALLES, PORTLAND & ASIORtt NAY. COMPANY! Hti-iimors ol tliii ItojjiiliiUir l.lne will run ns jn-r tht fnl tn.i f Kclsii'u'.'. the fumiimiiy imvrvini: tliu rlulit to clitr.2c'y 1. .t notice. ! 'v: t 7 . i. Tlli'ilnjr TlilllxlilV tatllIl!H' . Arr. I'ortlimil at 4 : . . Ship your Freight via or. t' ii' 7 a. sr. . Mnniliiy tt-rtl.I'MlHV r VuiiS Regulator Line. t 6 l: it. l. I' nt ; u x m. i 'I IK-Mlay j Tlit.tilav ,5 '-Ht'llilny j! At imtln'i I.v. Ilntlcx lit 7 A. i. Mt)iiclr- V.'MinoMliiy I'rlilnv Arr. I'oriliiiul ' a' I .IJ f. K. nt r t' FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ' lifltitlBnniucI flastr.,ie 11 ,iir.l,,rn m nlil I , Ii Call and see them. Win. Micbell. Ltdies' all wool, black dress skirts in fancy stripes and fict'.re from .2.23 up to $5.99 at the New York Cash Store. X flirt nnriiiinv millirinn nnrlnrc nf M'- IWikIU KMIlliiWI a 1II IU . 1 . as a presidential candidate. Then Ikyanism will burst wide open. Thci majority will come hack to their' senses and -repudiate and renounce free silver and free riot. Thousands of them will swear by all the gods in j Campbell & Wilson can be found all the. the Koman pantheon that they never ' latet tilings in street hate, trimmed; believed in Urvan but were for an ' natfi children's school hate, and also honest dollar and good government j Richardson's Old Stand, ! I Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE The minority will go over, body and breeches, to socialism as the place where they feel at home. And thus socialism will become an im portant and most disturbing clement in our political life, for socialism is the nest door to anarchy and nn -aYchy is the next door to perdition. This is what democracy will have brought upon the nation by cuddling JJryanlsm, for parties, like persons, reap only what they sow. tam-o'-shanters Hnstlintr young man can make $C0 per month and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write j quick for particulars. Clark & Co., J Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel-. pbia, Pa. sS-tf Tiie iadies will be interested in know ini; that a shipment of Holland bulbs has jut been received at the Tackman greenhouses and that this ie the proper time to plant them. There will also be a plant sale at the fcreenhon-es during ' the nest two weeks. ltd.iw I RACE MARKS JESIGNS Copyrights &c. AnTnneenilliiff zi sketch nnd ilecrtptlnn ma qmciily ascertain opinion Irw nlictlicr a' . invention is rionoiy pmcmnoiv. iimniunic. linn Jtrlctlytnnndcnttal. Hnwlbooiton I'atenti lent free. OMest sircnc T for iecurli.t' patents. P.itei.t.i taken tnruUBh 3lur.ii ,t Co. reculvv tpclal notice, without charao, in tnu Scientific BntericaA A handfomclr Itlmtrald m-cktr. I.irceit elr ruatinn if nnv unenlur journal. Terms. f3 u re-tr: f. .or months, tl. .S'jIH ' yull nctsilenlert. rIUNN & Co.3C,s-2aNew York lirasch iffiec Oi V 6U Wa hlnnton. V. I' New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single etork. Ileal imita tion cretun effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elepant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at onr store on Third street. Also a full line of house puinte. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. 1 ..Gps. FRANK" Butehers The Grand Army man who votes for Stevenson will have tt hold his nose during the process. When Stevenson ran for vice -president in 1892 the New York Prrss piiDlisbed the allidavit of William U. Whiffen, editor of the Mctamora Sentinel, where Stevenson resided in 18U5, which said that when Stevenson I heard of tho'murder ot Lincoln "he j r r said he was glad Lincoln was shot and that he should have been killed earlier." There is pathos in the aunounce inuut that a distillery will bo built on the garden spot of the old Moth odist mission at The Dalles, says the Eugene Guard. Hut the entire etuflln' will be knocked out of the I Guard's pathos when it learns that the distillery is not built on the old ' Methodist mission nt all. j If the campaign were to last longer j a prize might be safely offered for any llrynnite seen on the htreets of Salem. They are growing to be mighty scarce, says the tmlcm States man. An Kxmiii, tor tioyi. It would be a good object lesson for boys who would be of eorno use in the world to walk np to Paradlee form, only one half mile from the depot, and see what a boy only 1T years of age bat done. They will ma a churn running by ma chinery, alio a griudatone, a itraw cut ter, and a mill for making corn meal, graham flour and chop. This machinery Distres: after eating It ctusfld from tbo rtornach not w5"inlnjf its work i::itiitc!iatly. Until It Kots ti work you fcol d w trfl tbo food lays in your stom ach llko u weight. To Urt UiKertlou to mako the stomach do itt work yon niudt aafcwt It ii your stomach U weak or blow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 taVnftermeaU supplies tho atom uch with necessary ncids and Juictn which digest tho food (julcklv in a propor laaiinor. To get tlio best remits uso Jialdwin'a Health TaMota ro, aj with th Dysponsia Tablets. Ihu Uyspopsla Tablsw coat COc and can ha kid at Clarke & Falk, The Drilles. Ortgon. 1 J. A. EBERLE, Fii?eJailorip and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keept on draught tho cclljraltil t.uU'MlUA HKKK, iickium; nlK'eil the tK-st Leer In Tho Dalle, HI theuMiiil price. Coino In, try It nnd lit fiinvliiceil. Also the Klntitbriiudi of Wliien, U-jtior and Ciirarii. Sandrjuiehes ol all IClnds Hlv.flj-!, on baud. . SCHSKCE, I'retnieut. 11. il. liCAl r Cahhle) 1 A complete lino of Fall and Winter PifSt HStiODQl B9Dk. on uihplay led from. 'i I 3 Travel by the htenmurs of the Hw.lntnr l.ltie. The f'ompmiy will endeavor to gl . i'k at ,5 rons the lii-at etHT possible. I .ir lurthfr Itiiiirniiitliin 111ldre.11 . lorlbiud Otlire, Oak street Pock W. C. ALLAWAY, Gun. At. Sj. e. falt &, CO-4 Projprlotors CommerciaJ SgmpIe joomSi y Purest Liquors for Family Use J)elivored to any pari of tho CMl'. 1 ho"' s ' is!onl.' Distance. 173 Second Street. ! PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. luu different varieties to fo- Suits, $20 ai?d up. Call nnd examine goods before coint; elaowhere. Second street, opp. Mays & Crow e's. 'Gunning, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking IluBineea transacted Dopooits received, nubject to Bight i Draft or Check. Collections madti and proceed a promptly remitted on dav of collection. I Wight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New York, fian Francieco and port. I land. UmiiOTOHi) D. P. TnoMi'HON. Jno. H. Hckknck, . Ed. M. Williamh, Gko. A. LliSBS. H.M.Bkai.1. Waseo Warehouse Company House Painting... TfiB COlUDlDiS PaGRiDD Go.. Blacksmith, PACKERS OF Wagon Shop, PORKand BEEF nOrSBSnOcing. mandkacturkksoj' I Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. IFine Lard and Sausages ! Cor Seuoud & LantUln. THoiic 157 . Curers of BRAND I FRENCH COHAMS & BACON JRIFD BEEF. ETC. Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters I TTpp H n ti ci rifciTiD ton Flour Wd hull our eoods lower tl can ami not cur pricea nnd Ik ! RflMlPDQ The undersigned has taken posseeslon ! of It. A. Spivey paint ehop, next door to j transact a k.nekaubanking HUKlNEd the Vogt opera houee, and has pur- Loiters of Credit issued available in the chased tho tools anil Inddors. Ho has I , , Eastern States. good mechanics . workta, for Um., Mill oitnM mtno All ( n Ia(,a aillln f n- . a n i . . V " niu Kii,Mit?u " t hi, Louu, ban trncico, rortmnn ur tion.. S. K. KELLY. Kon,. Seattle Wash,, .nnd varioua points In Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all poluts on fav orable terms. un.QUIlll OW ONE FOR A DOtl. fill I m iiS""fe p.,.n'? ! Pm I'll I m llllliiwM,liii ftheWood. I ILL.ll Uur(viliK'IiriulUfspDiiis ZUUUf BU US! U IMMHrl for Seed Grain of ail kinds, for Feed Grain ot vii kin for Rolled Grain, an kind? for Bran. Shorts, TmuxKd for "Byers' Best" Pendle- This I-'lonr ib iimnufacttired uxpniBBly for fiuiilly iif.i. 1. I I ... ..!..,. LMliufni'lifllli uytjn niiois la KUIIIIUIMUHI in K,v" """"' . tan any Iioiiko In the tradti, and if you don't ttiink so cuuvinccti. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. iMa drawuM. ub. QOtANttb CO, mi & At SAY! TiPYirl "iWn . vsMi. JL VJ U.A JUJGUL J ih..iI!?u?,!ukl,i0w.l,!nh,,(.'hn Itolmk. tlm tailor, Ib akjunt for two of (gjj, tho larueat inerchmit tuiloriiic houtOB in America? J.V. 1A KtmraS you buy in tho .lore, and u,in? 0." k.nM l,.,ut !'" ,lttS nlfondy f'i hand for the coiulnif h'H fn Tho DanSS? ,m"d80l,,J8t anil Hnest line of eumples ever buowu H TOTJAT D A otrrtw w . ..