fit )t Hulks VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1900. NO. 372 ..7. k5mbm AVcgclablc PrcpnrationTor As similating IhcFoodandRcgula liiig UicSloinachs andBowels of Promotes DigC9lion.Checrfur-iiL-ss nndRcst.Contains neillter OpUini.Morplune norlincral. Hot Narcotic. ftnK of MtfJirMKUEL PtTCHEIl mJan Sml' Alx.Smna jittinr Srt d t JltfSiiS&Jmta huimtm nam: Apwfccl Remedy forConslipa Uun , Sour Stomach.Diarrltoca Worms .Convulsions Jcverish- m-ss mid Loss of Sleep. I'ne Simile Signature or NEW YORK. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the t Signature Q3 ft & Use exact copy or wrapper. For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA TMt OCNTAU. OOMMNr, NCW YORK CITY. STRIKING MINERS STILL IN SESSION New Dillicnlties in the Way of a Settle ment Operators Do Nut Annie. H i,i ton, Pa., Oct. 25. The confer oii' 'i of tlin United Mineworkers, which I1a4.n1 yesterday, wu? resumed today, in dications are thnt it willhe Into tonight before they eun como to t dellnilu eon eiiNion iih to the manner of ending the tril.i'. There is n bare pciHstbility that tint anxiously awaited announcement will nut ho made puhlic until tomorrow, Tim duhty Ih occasioned by complication!) whiuh have nrison through the dill'ert-nt notices thut have been pouted. Some of tliuin uro entirely Hrtisfaetory to the labor olliuiale, whilu others In curtain particulars do not comply with tho do nmtids of the h'crantou minors' con vention. A now dlillculty prosentod itself today "hen tho Latiigh and Wilkestwro Conl company posted a supplemental notice "it its eollfories in the Huzloton district to the effect thnt the company will pay its men 2,'t. cents additional on u cur of coul to make up tho 10 par cent increase in wages. Tho notice auys nothing about "liolition of the eliding scale, nor docs it timranteo the payment of the Increase until April. To the mineworkers these ro two vital poiutH. These notices are the same- as those previously posted by the company at its mines in the Wilkes huro district, where tho eliding scalo Hover existed. hi what mnnuor the United Mine workers will ovorcomo these obstacles is (t known. It is believed that tho strike will he declared oil' at the mines of the tympanies that have ompliod with (he resolutions of the Scranton convention, mill that the contest will be continued against operators who have not fallen in to line. Ii this action is Ukeu, it is not unlikely the railroad men will be drawn into the contest to the extent of refusing to handlo the o al of these c mi panics. The statement to he Issued will be drawn by President Mitchell and will not be given publicly until it has been approved by the labor officiate in con ference. Olarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them, UuIikIh Kill Two TIiuiihhiiiI Vllluunrd. I lost. Komi, Out. -5. The governor of Honu Konghas been informed that 1(100 villagers in the Samtochouk-Kwai-j shin diHtrict were attacked by the rebels at 1'engkok. The villnuers were defeat ed and 2U00 of them killed. The rebels, ; who lost 400 killed, burned two villages, oontuinirg 11000 houses. A forces of 2000 troops went to the assistance of the vil lagers and engaged the rebels on Octo ber 22d. No detaile of the result have been received. General Ho, with 2000 troops has returned to Wong-Kong, hav ing binned the villages of Sehanohautiu and Mdliuitiui, (Hollow- New. Comes from Dr. D. 15. Cargiie, of Washita, I. T. He writes : "Four bottles of Electric Hitters lias cured Mrs. Brow or of terofulii, which had caused her great suffering lor years. 1'errlble sot es would break out on her head and face, and tho best doctors could give no help; but her cure is com plete and her health Is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is tho best blood pnrllier known. It's tho supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, exnels poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only 50 conte. Sold bv Blakelev Druggist. Guaran teed. 4 l'uullnu Umtlie IIUWKHI to Dentil. Ahioiua, Oct 25. Paulino Gratke, tho 2 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mis. John E. Giatko, died this morning as a result of injuries received last night. The mother left the child in the sit ting room v bile she went for a moment to tho kitchen. .Scarcely had Mrs. Gratke left the room when she heard the child scream. Hastening back she found the littlo one enveloped in flames. Mrs. Gratke seized a robe, and wrapping It about the child, extinguished tho llames, though not until tho littlo ono had been fearfully burned. Physicians were at once callod and the child was at onco placed under the influence of an nniato. mid durlmr the night she rested easily. This morning, however, tho Ut ile one succnmhfcu to tho ellectB ol tlio ti. (ink m her svstem. The mother was also badly burned and is prostrated over the sad accident. Foe Iteul. Two nicely furnished ioouib. Rent reasonable. Call at 20 Second street oc!20 lw MORE OPEN-DOOR ASSURANCES Hay Will Endeavor to Get France and Russia to Support the Principles Set Forth in the Agreement Be tween Germany and England. New Yokk, Oct. 25. In his response to the British and German governments regarding the Anglo-German agreement, says the Herald's Washington corres pondent, Secretary Hay is likely to make another efTort to induce all the powers to join in an agreement for the main tenance of the Integrity of China and the preservation of the "open-door." It is believed at Washington that France and Russia will not decline to join in such a declaration, and in view of the Anglo-German reiteration of the principles of the integrity of China and tho "open-door" the London and Berlin governments could hardly avoid assent ing to such a proposal. Italy and Aus tria, which have assented to the Anglo German agreement, would of couise fol low the lead of the German emperor. Bkulin, Oct. 25. Germany has agreed to .Tapan'u proposal that the peace negotiations with China shall, for the present, be entrusted to the foreign representatives at Pekin. Caxtok, Oct. 25. The Chinese officials have placarded the Shetom district, offering several hundred dollarB reward for the heads of four foreigners who are supposed to be leading the rebels. The rice crop has failed in Kwang Sib pro vince and lubbers are pillaging. Re bellion aud famine there are rife. Cured of Chronic Illarrhoeu After Thirty Years of HuH'orluc. "Suffered for thirty years with diar rhoea and thought I was paBt being cured," says John S. Halloway, of French Camp, Miss. "I had spent bo much time and money and Euffered bo much that I had given up all hopes of recovery. I was so feeble front the effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not eve"n travel, but by accident I was permitted. to find a bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after takiug several bottles 1 am entirely cured of that trouble. I am bo pleased with the result that 1 am anxious that it be in reach of all those who suffer as I have." For sale by Blakeley druggist. Kumpiioii 1'ylnL' ofu llrolteu Heart, Bos-iox,Oct. 25. Rear-Admiral Samp son said regarding Lieutenant Hobson's speech, in which he praised the bravery and skill of Admiral Sampson, and eaid ho was dying of a broken heart : "When IJobson was hero he asked me if he might say Bomethiiig to the people of hie section about me. I said he might. I know he would not say anything im proper. Hobson is a flue fellow, who performed his duty well, and who nearly lost his life in doing so. He always served me faithfully, and I take an interest in him." The Appetite ofu (,uat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that lusures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 cents at any drug storo. ( ! Sympathy ror the l'lllpluo. New Yoiik, Oct. 25. At a banquet given by tho Filipinos here to Romeoy Robledo, the Spanish ex-minister of justice, says a Paris dispatch to the Times, tho latter made a warm speech oucouraglng the Filipinos. He said that they had the sympathy of Spain, and called the United States u "robber na tion." Seuor Robledo said help would come to the Filipinos if they kept up the struggle. Iteitl Jhitlutu for Male. Twenty-three lots, located from Sev enth street to Twelfth, for sale at from 50 up, Inquire at the Columbia Hotel. 29-tf Call on Mrs, Morgan for art embroid eries, also decorative work in oil and wter colors, 2tf Tomorrow SIX in our Glove Dept. ANOTHER SALE. We've had former sales sales at which value and original cost was not considered in the final price-making; sales which cleared our counters Of dozens upon dozens of gloves in tho space of a few hours. This will he another such a sale only greater, bigger more grand in every- respect. The values we will offer will make it so. A larger range of colors a complete lino of sizes a better line of gloves offered at a small fraction of their worth, will be the magnet that will cause this sale to eclipse all others. Tell your friends about it---come as early as you can, and get first choice from the following.... rh $1.25 lvaaies ria iioves at qq $i.5o y Sizes from 5.J to 71 in Lace, Clasp and Button. In the following shades White, Canary, Tans,Iodes, Browns, Grays, Reds, Greens, Blues and Blacks. cts pair Sale commences promptly at 8 a. m. To-Morrow, Oct. 27th An HI. WIIiXjIAHIS & COMPANY. The VOGT Opem House, F. J. CLARKE, Manager. T3E3C23 33XG- Xjua.TJC3-XII3SrC3- SUCCESS THE COMPANY include the well-known Vaudeville Artiste : William Seller y Anna Morthiud . E hvard Sanilford Bertie Haydn Charles Graham Joy and Clayton Billio Barlow Haville and Stewart Edward Biee Burdell Sisters and Others. ONE NIGHT ONLY Monday, Oct. 29 WISE GUY E J333 23 "Spike" Hennessey, the Piano Mover The Dangerous Horoe Tho Wine Shampoo The English Lord "Liberty Bolls" "Lindv Loo" "He's a Wise Guy" "Mary Cary"and other new songs Prices, 50 and 35 Cents , First three rows, 75i:ts. THE FHIR. The Place to Save Money on all kinds of Merchandise. The Dalles Street Fair has como and gono, but Tho Fair Storo has como to stay. We are saving tho pooplo money on Men's Clothing, Undorwoar, Hats and Shoos, as well as Ladies' and Children's Undorwoar and Hosiery. You will find in our Storo lots of bargains. Wo have tho best lino of up-to-date Jackots and Capos for Ladios' and iMissos'f and about one-third less in price than othor stores. Como and see us and wo will bo pleased to show you our goods. Wo are agonts for Miller's All-Wool Clothing. THE FAIR. 133 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. THE FAIR.