0.R.&N THE FHIR Also a Inviie a.-.-irtmont of Ladies' Underskirts in colors, which we sell for less than cost of cloth, I "ino and see our skirt we sell at $1.53. The above goods are all Manufacturers' Samples. AVe bought them at a price to enable us to sell for less than other merchants have to pay wholesale. Fur Collarettes at 1.25, 2.2o. 2.90, 3.60, 4.45 and 0.75. Ladies' Jackets at 3.25, 4.00, 4.50.. G.OOjm 7.5D. SXUjuidu). Compare our $12.00 jrarment with any IS. 00 or 20.00 garment in town. Misses' Cape.- from SI. 00 and up. Misses' .Jackets from $1.35 and up. . Children's Keefers at 1.25L1.5a. 1.75. 200, 2.5 2T5 and up! THE FAIR. The VOGT Opeta House, THE THE COMPANY includes the well-known Vaudeville Artists : William Sellery Anna Mortlnnd Edward Sandford IJcrtiu Flaydn Cimrles Graham Joy and Clayton Billie Barlovr Haville and Stewart Edward Bice Burdell Sifter? and UtlteiH. A Letter From the I'liilipplue. Under d.te of Set t'tnber 4th, Private ueo. . renaer oi uo. i., -iotn luiuuio , writee from Liburanan, Philippine Islands, to lm father in this city in part as follows: . . . The rainy fea'oi is now on and we will h:,ve los of it, -jo the natives say, until Christmas. The natives here are a queer lot. TI ey do little or no work except ill harvejt tun- , when they make enough monoy to keep them during the balance o-' tl e teitoi. It seems to be hard for them to "et used to the Anieri- can?. Whiie thy seem very friendly to He Fooieii the Mir;;eoin. us they have often pr jved to be at heart All doctors told lienick Hamilton, of insurgent of the rankest type. Our j West J flerson, O., after Ftifl'erinj; 18 boys have been in this town eince Feb-j months from P.ectaf Fistula, he would ruary last ttnd the natives, when they j die unless a co3tly operation was per found we were goin to be changed to formed ; but he cured himself with Jive another place, eit'ned a petition to the general to have us remain here. So you see we stand in t?ood repute with 1 them. This is a jery healthy place We have not had a single case of serious tickness einc& we came here. There is a corporal in my company named McManus, who enlioted at The Dalles , 0f this remedy, ilh pleasant aud prompt in Co. G, 3d battalion, and knows alllnmi permanent cures have made it a the boys. If you should see any of ' Breat favorite with people everywhere. them he requests you to give them his best regarde." A Life Aud Deth Fight. Mr. VV. A. Hinee of Manchester, la., writing of hie almost miraculous escape from death, says : "Exposure after meas les induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day, All my doctors aid I must soon die, Then I began to use Dr, Kinfc'e New Discovery for Consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have need it on my recommendation and nil eay it never fails to euro Throat, Chest and Lunit trouble?." Itegtilar eia 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakelev I Drugstore 4 I c'inifi. i.iiiiainu i frt.nr.. I, I., I... iM.-.r,,...' Uf,..l. I world cnpttirt'h China, .Many n-icti tints ui'iii've iiuu i in? iiiicieiib in j;reui i-veiiiR .ili'..rt iimiil tliM mi wIitIh of tint iiMd uiiiiiI the iiikti rlefcof that j rfgion of .o.MHry.u hK'h ii.M.v not : grunt ff be ho lii'ingiited iih if gfiu'rally .sup pofcvd. The prcM-rvation of grapes, to iitakt- use of otie Illustration uf Chinese IiiiJus-itry. is o 1 1 ii of tin- many thingn that is only known in that country. .Millions have bocn t,pent In civilized countrieK in fntllf tittempis to pre serve this fruit. The Chinese have (known the secret for tunny centuries and millions more linvt- been vainly lia-ed in the effort to drag from Uil-ui the recipe. HERE WE ARE. ..250.. Garments Ladies' and Misses' Jacket?. G-olf. Plush and Cloth Capes . All in the latest etvles. Remember its the Place to Save Money. F. J. CLARKE, Manager. BIG- XjAT7GSITG SUCCESS 7X WISE GUY Nasal CATARRH in M lu eta,e9 therc hoa!d be elesuilness. Ely's Cream Balm clean.'es.ioothejaadheila I the dieaed membrane. ltC!ireC3Ur.hamiliriVH att-ay a cold la the head quiefciy. Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads 07er the meabrans and Is absorbed. Ite.lef is ira- mediate aud a cure toaowj. It U not dryin: notprodaceineezin. IrgeSizc, Wc-enisatDru. sim or by mall; Trial Siz-,ioccnu by mail. MA lAHTUEttb, a warreu ir.:x' :eiv Vott. boxes of Bucklen'a Arnica ealw, the' surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 20 cents a bo.x. Sold by Blakeley, Druggist. CliHiiilier)alfi' Couch Krineily i Favorite. The 300thine and healing protierliee It is especially prized by mothers of email children for colds, croup and whooping conplt, as it always affords quick relief, and aa it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given as confidentially to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Blakeley druggist. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom poae, canning n far more erious troublo than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffo and use that which cleanses, soothes aud heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo mailed for 10 cents. AH druL'cititK sell tho 50c. sue. Ely Brothers, BC Warren St., N. Y. Tho Balm curea without pain, does not 'rr'ta' or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated nnd angry surface, roliov- 5uK i'nuiediatoly tho paiuful inflammation. "'" " -lHJ"i o against Kasul Catarrh aud Hay Fever. . u ,n'cal a"u uuuipieie line 01 fa, and w,nlor nl1iry evur ,)is1jHVt,d in the cUy at lhe Campbell & Wilton Tlin In. ..aC n, 11 t millinery parlore. The prices will sell megnoua. eotl Why pay' $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James . Fat ton's sun proof palms for $1.00 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A Folk, agents. ml Call on Mrs. Morgan for art embroid eries, also decorative work in oil and water colors, 2tf Grat . I j THE FAIR. ONE NIGHT ONLY Monday, Oct. 29 1 "Spike" Hennessey, the Piano Mover The Dangerous Horse The Wine Shampoo The English Lord "Libertv Bellt" "Lindv Loo" -HeV a Wise Guy" "Marv Gary" and other new Ronpe Prices, 50 and 35 Cents First three rows, 7octs. Lane, GK.VKUAL Blacksmith ..AND.. 1 t, Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and JeiTcrnn. Phone 159 -3 C. p. Stephens .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Boot;, Shoes. Hats, Cij.i. Notions, lor W. L. UoiiRlai Shoe. ASt. Telephone No. M. 131 Second Ht., Tbe Dalles, Or, WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone -iXi, Local, 102, Mica lightens the load 'Axle Dliortcus Grease the road. nclttt the team, &wcs wear and cxj)enbe. bold everywhere. waiie nr STANDARD OIL OO. 1. 1. Ncoae, joiih ax vim MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOBSKY8 AT IAW Hoom SJ sua to, over U. S. Uad Ofllco j '5' Horsesnoe i e--- I , ' 8 ft j ; j ! 4 ir THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUjlBlA BREWEfiY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product ol this weli-knonn hn-wery the United States Health Ueporis for June IS. 19(H), snys: "A more supoiior hrew never entured the hihratory of the United Stntes Health reportH. It ih uhctilutely devoid of the elichtest traee of adulteration, but on the other luiml is composed of the best of mult and choicest of hop. Ite tonic iittalitien ure uf the liitrli est and it can be used with the cruateet benollt and pntisfaction by old and yotinj. Its use can conscientionely be prenenbed by the physicians with the cersainty that a better, purer or mure wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." ' ' i East Second Street, V .31 .51 1 Crandall DEALKKs IN fill kinds of i 3 'i. '2 1 UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies (4 1 3 lii.'rik-xrrjt'r'AT C. J. STUBLiIMG, WIIOI.KhW.K Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 4 . i lPhone 234, Retiring ffom Business. Closine out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All kooiIc will be flacrificud cxcotit Tlioiiiriion'a ln.. finir,,. r Putlern8, Vour vtkv wul , KS: J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. State flotrmal School MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. ' Fall Term Opens The KturtcnU ol tho Norual Bcliool arc SriulUHtloii. OruduNteireaUllywauroKood Initio,,.. iu,lftllsoo, yt,ir , Htronit Aeailcinlo nil Vwte U.iml Coauc. .New Hi.1,.1 i . I Well eijurpped TmIuIiik liepartmunt. UK "iWal lq.nrturc In Mitaiml TraliiliiB rorcalaloKuecoutaltilng full niioiiiicemeiiU i)iru U Vwu ,'t. or W A. WANS, 8wf ,Urr of r,eu, IE! h 36 3C The Chronicle, The DutlcB, Op. 2rl sni ;:?! SB Ski Job Printers. 1 i II fl 1 THE DALLES, OREGON. 5 Barget Robes, BuriaSh Etc. .'.SI) IIKT.MI, 4 I Next door to A. M. Williams A Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. i September 18, 1900. praimrcatoukotho HUUi Cortlilctc ImuicdUtcIv un TIKH oril.ltt.R Fhom luu.r.t, I Fust .nlt I.nkt, Ivtivpr vi 2 " Mull , w.ifih .',:, . ;.' h ' ...... . ... I . wiunun, r,tt.. ,-. I Atlllllllc Hnlt iJika. Il.'i, cr t'. . i KxiuctM Worth, Omnlin. k,,. .' 1 '"1 i l.':Mlii. III. I mix Cltv, St 1 mil. I Via Hum-! ClilciiKOHtiill.ini I Instiin. ) Mull Mlutit-HKi!th. M 'l mill ii u I ii t li. MM,, ,!.''' "l Kxirc.i tUllcilBO Hill) l.,nt vis ."fnlilllcnkilllmUinE. U?" Oil. IllfO lltl llMlt III U L'-'i , tn nHMiiugtoiiHiij Knit S 1. m. Kkok l'lllVrUNH Ocean Slcuntstilt' -For Shu rniiclcii Kvcry Five Iiin P.a. 8 p.m. i . F.j.butKlayiColiininln Ilv. Hteamcrs. Fi w Jo Aktoiiu and llT t-miinliiy ' I-unllnc,. 10 p.m. I i.H. ni. i n tLLAMCTTX I'.IVXK. (.11,, Kx.MuiiitHy.fjrcCHii fJlty. mtJf i liieOlmr. hi.. Kivr.nr MonK , nnil.BHt. Orcisnn City, i,y,on , hiiiI Wuy I milinc., HNAKK ItlVKIl 1.1 lt I l.v Miirl Itlparln to U-wtim, Uwmo 3 ' 9.!0i.o runic" iloirim: to ni I,, normn., tntr.No, a, IuiivIiib The Iinlk-n nt l:': t. n rnnkliik' illri-cl roniu-ctliinMit llcppucr jaQcttoi , mil HiRBH lic'.iiriilne niHtliiRillrvctcminKan lit lleppiirr iuiii'tlini mul IIIkk k 1th .No, 1.U- h !ik nt The Jllcb ui 1. n n m. I or lull pHrtluiilnrh rnl' 'ti O. . A S. Cc'i hkl'iii i lie l'lu. or nun . II I I'HI.IH'KT. l.i i.. I'm. At:t., rutlliml,tr SOUTH and EAST via IF Shasta Route Trnttm Inive The DhIIvs tnr I'lirtiKiid tai mj attitlmis nt l.i) n. in. MM .. li, m Uiisc I'lirtlrtiid " AlUuiy . . sin m ".0)pn i. X'aiu 10:Wpn ' i .in 11 in " l.m l1Un ; i cm a:lic Arrle Anlilmiil " biKiniiiH.'titii " tiuii Krnnulkco Arrive OkcIiiii " t leaver " KitnsiiKiJIty " ClilfiiK" ... I urn 11 Vta "r.im 9.IWIB .' ,i m I. it in Arrive 1-os AtiKi'lw " Kl l'lim " Fort Worth. " City uf Mexico " HllllKtlTll. ... ' .New OrK'iius " Wiihliiiiutim . " New York .ra i i m i ' n in u in t "' n in i ii in (, l m TtOia C0)fn ti Mm fi.iipo 6 un i iin lJ-lipo I'ulliima mill Tuurlit enr on both triiai. Cliiilrciirx Kiicriiiniaito to OkiIhi mid hlnjo mul timrlut cHm to t'likiiK", p' I-i"s "eUI' li'iins mul WiinliliiKtmi. Coiini'iitliiK nt Situ Kfiilicl-co Willi !; Htciunslili linen lor Jltiiiiilniii Jaum, UilM. riillliiliiea, Central mid Koiiili America. Sec uKvtit nt The DhIIik stutlon r mWrtu C. H. MARKHAM, (iuueriil I'mhi'Iikw Agent, I'oilUni.Or 0 Yellowstone Park Line. THE Dl.VlNU CAlt KOl'TK i'KOM ruMUM1 'J O THK i:aht, THK ONLY DIKKCT LINK TO THK YKI.10' HIONK l'AHK I.KAVK. Union Depot, nutiand I sis ari- No. . 1 KHt mull forTiiniiiKi. ' HnrlMir mifl Hoiitli Heint i pointM, Hpukiiiie, lti)' ,lmirt, II. C, I'liHiiiaii. Moscow, U!iHton, Hill i, 11:15 A.M. fnlolliimpliiliilMBO'i'i' i.'' ' try. Ileleiiii, Mtniuvil" MIk, Kt. I'aul, Oiinttui. Kiuihim uuy, bi. Mini", (ClilciiKo mul nil xili'" v 3 No. I, 1 unit mid Miiitlieimt. I I'llKUt fiolllld IvXI'N";'. , j, 1IW) I'. M.i tor Tncoiiiii nml heiitt e 7,ui.v mid lntortnedliile 'inl I'nlliiiim Umt-claMi mul t"iirl ' "MilJinW -MliinuHiHiliM, rit. J'milmul Mlwoii'i rlKri1"'" Witllmlwl tMlllH. I'lllllll Ioj.m ciiiiuccii" In nil irliu!iMl vltlcr. , , n-ipt.. JImiwmko ohwikwl to de.illii.it mi ir, For ImiKlMiinoly llluntiiitiiliK' rl 'H ? or tlckelb, itleeiiliig ciir re(.ervutloiik,ele.,i.u wrlto A. D. CHARLTON. AitilNtiuit (ieiioml IWeimer Aueiit. jfL.jJJ win Hlitut.cotner Tliltd. rortlaiul. Orw 11. K. MMITII, Osteopath. Hooim lOimd II, ObHpman l"ocll' ik r.stt 1 ron Souinern Pacific Co IT .1 T in eii n Ofgon.