STEW OREGON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE. Special Offering for the Week. Ladies' Eiderdown Dressing Sacci ues. in assorted shades, at $1, $1.15, $1.25. Every one a special bargain. Dress Goods Remnants. About 100 short lengths, running from 1 to 8 yards. All good values. Ladies' Underwear In fall and winter weight. Look at our loaders 50 and 60c. Special value in Union Suits at 50c. Frencli Flannel Waists. The latest styles of the season just re ceived. Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. We Want- -men Suspicious clothing buyers to come hore- and boys who never get suited. The very sight of our handsome clothing, at such low prices, will wed them to us. A combination of dash, style, fit and quality is what has built up our big clothing business. We've always something a little bettor, a little under the price of the other fellows. ASK TO SEE OUt? Men's all-wool Irown melton euita at j7.50 Men's all-wool, black clay worsted suits in round r ff cut back, tquare cut and frocks, at CpJ.VJ.UU Men's worsted anil chariot suits in djK Kf r dlOK all the latest styles, from ipD. OU LU ipCD BEE XXTTNUCyTJVtS. These Shoes FIT Like gloves smooth and. without pressure. They are comfortable from the moment of trying on. Queen Quality Shoes for "Women Are the height of fashion and com fort. One price always $3.00. Pease & Mays. All goods marked in plain figures. 4 44 4T . A . L'KSDAY OUT. LT), 11)00 pr Pom wi ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. U flvcinr ri r a w i m r r- ii n i ji Li l. ix i . i v i v i . LViU b.r i f . full 1!twwf t...i...r.i ,!.,. ailll'M SIIMfittrtu he limn liH ii(WII wj 1(1111 ltl II IK ! ail W Pllt ,.,! if rwwl noil rn fit Mrs. HriUln'a. tVJO-'Ji . .n ..... ... mi m, rittijfv vi i rbi in iii with n view to the extonsion of tho road from both ends. Thorn is a rumor afloat thnt is will he extended to Kouth Bend to make u connection with the Northern Pacific At that place. Mr. .Inlius M. Baldwin, of Walla Walla, a former retident of this city and i nephew of the late .Julius Baldwin, was j united in murrincK Wednesday, Out. LMih, ; iiiit., to Miss Uurlrudu 15. Greeshiuner, i also of Walla Wulla. Tho young couple J will make their home in Walla Wulla j where Mr. I'aldwin ia foreman of the 1 jab department of the Morning Union. i Marshal Driver met with n strange ac cident this niornini; that hub rendered him temporarily lame. While crossing I the Htreet in the neighborhood of Fourth j and Union somethhiK struck him in the 'calf of the left leg that lelt a mark as if I of n spent ball. The ball, howerer, if ; it wui a ball, could not be found and no report was heard. The leg is quite still' I und swollen. M'ibb Margaret .lonkinfl has been re- contiguouH to the city. Mr. 0. J. Cran- under arrest, but duiing the night he dull was appointed to secure a location battered his shoes into bits trying to and superintend tho work of building break open the nil door, and not sue t " iniiHHtfi to renent "T ho W i e ni! iiem- "raiKM me cllorta ol Kpre8cntntiru Vinent'' ui tier entertainment tomorrow , .-,....,..., nun wi-i.ii .-rvjiisiicii ljiljMll. II will uo ruiiiem uuruu lit) VC1J ' " iinut, uu i i ntiiniier uueij fvt " u" " i"u -w' '""--i i" "a r.iiunn no igram in me .tieinouipi cniiicn. vjiuoeii; i " i m nuitii. no wiaiue poaen will uiho ue iwu uiiiurmui- . nig num cere given louiorruw rnni., 1'jpuiar millinery parlors ot seven ciiurming young nunco iu cueiumu, jimm ir i... t ...i ..ti it. 1 .........1 l... i: i.ia.i.;..u , MiiiJH i;.iu uu lUllIIU llll UIU i ijnu. iJl .'.loo u 1,11 m lie " -- .....u, .w. i J 1 UlTCHIMJ ti;tllll VtlU Ublllll.lUil children's bchool lmte, and ulso the Vogt onera house ie the New York o ahuiiti.ra. aUi8t buccosp, "Kelly'B Kids," which ie ra ! I.' i i.. i . . . . ! i i.. !.. . i U'!l. M-it, a new iioHtollico about ei.v the Kelly's Kida Co. aro tho famous " half milcH north of White Salmon, 1 Otta and liouldin ami Griflin and Grif in town yesterdar on a visit to tier I (ith. These artists will bo remembered ' " III IMU L'll IIIUV 111 llllj 110 hllU llllto l IIW n il. nuiiU A K. Go, at thin iilaee. iiniiresslon on tho people of The Dalles Ii.. i.. . . ... lu-ii vmira mm wlilln iiliivlm? here with 'umiiu w (...- .. innrket npxt . " .r .. ' " iieni .. .... "the Driers. ' ' '""riung in uio now nuiui- , , IjetwDun the Skiuba and Obarr Drttectlve Joseph J)ay came up from wiii deal in meats, poultry ' l" """" " " ; Kainu in season uud all kind of witn him this afternoon one i-reu e vw.,,1,.1.1.., I Hi, .!. nltnu I'ri'il Wnller. nllim Dutch "b".niMl'tj, t (- I . .. iri..i i.a l.i .......lil in I'.ikI lmil in. mia.i: ii . ... I iiiii:tv. u nil in n nil ill i u i iiiivi iwi ..VI, ,,, iiiri.r, Hieil III KIIOW- . . . . i. . t.., ... ii.... .ml, tin i iixiiwm no iron. Hit ,f. ! i ... .. llll) jiiiriuiiir. uiiimiiig in nun juc 11111111111 ih inn nroiiur . .... , 10 Plant them. There will ulso be "n,,t. ll.'r. "Ul ,o:, T.l " . , . ..i im, ureeniiouaeri miring , ,,. ,,.., UGII u, I.. . 1 Ull L 1IU lll'OUl I IIIIUII DV'll I, II I in J uiw . vi k- Iniwl ,il, u n tin in -".miivu iuooiir receivoil woru . , tta8liliiL.lf.ii ,i uin A rury pioaaani aiiernoou nun Hpe.n s ,.u. . i rnHinriiiiv iii. in res iinnce oi iir. unci v. imiiiiu and i.or month ad- ,:.' .... ... . , A ..... uu ii ni nor e i i . i ni tut Irnm . . 13. 18MI i,,i i. ......i occasion being tho anniversary of ttie . -nmiK wmoiy n iui!UaiU8 A, . '.. . ., . , .. I in,, i... . . .. . . I niinspii 1111 too rniiuiiv in conversation, i . corporal In Uo. II. 17th . : ' . . . i d i,r..... rrnimtti. wii in inn iii? riiriiiiLfii l iu Lii'k:tiiii i"y. i n ... . a ...."., ..." I IlOwer garueu ni eiunmvu n... inn, "-'IMihlican central committoo! "'ft'Ill lirnitw.wi.... f..- t.,. t . . M.n huiiiiiii in iiir liiu i ui: in i iinun rrityttiic uiti : in i . imu ifi id. Ih t.l .. Ii I " . - ii voiera who failed to register Geo. A. Llebe. Mrs. II. 0. Nielsen, son ,q,lei mid who uro otherwise en-1 n.ul .lnm-liter. Mrs. John Mofden. Mre. Vote at till) eonilni'iillnn. ' n n llnlirl Mm. MiVAimirii mill .Mrs. .. . -- - vi - -viiry i)BnkH wi, uo found nt fiourlav At a meeting of citizens hold in the Commercial Club rooms the other night I a committee, consisting of Messrs. Jud Fish, D. V. Poling, Grant Mays Hiidj K, 0. Peuse, was appointed with powerj to rent the necessary grounds for a race track and fair grounds ut some point . I MM Bon A ltrnwiihlll. ulinru Hb for registration will be reg. li without cost. ft i ""urian says that President 'M other prominent offlclalsof K. & N. recently made n trip '"Cflwaco railway the nlhftr ilav a regulation circular half-mile track. Jt iH said that a desirable sitn lias been found on tho Catholic Mission which can tie rented from Mr. Stadelman. It is alBO said that subscriptions for the work hare been already pledged to the amount of $1000. - fc A theatrical noreltv is promised for tlii s city next week in Geo. Cohan's brand new farce comedy, "A Wieo Guy." Mr. Cohan has become famous for jconiedy sketches, and to find the gentle man in tho ranks of farce wi iters is interesting iu iteelf. The public taste has changed, however, and the play- iwright who would keep pace with the (times must devote much time to the study of the public pulse. In "A Wise Guy" Mr. Cohan has gone into the rural districts for a subject and trans ported to a summer boardiug-houBO a happy crowd of New Yorkers in search of recreation. The rosult ia Baid to be an interesting little talo of flirtation and fun, and the Introduction of a quantity of good music is declared to result in a combination of songs, jokes and comedy situations which lendet "A Wise Guy" one of t lie most agreeable entertain ments of the season. Colonel George T. Thompson, ot this city, on? of the best militia oflicera the local militia ever had, and a man who rose from the lanUs bv pure merit iB another life-long democrat who refuses to follow the fortunes of Bryan, and who will vote the republican ticket next month for the first time in his life. Colonel Thompson, who has all the instincts of a truo sohlier, first turned against Uryan after that gentleman threw up a commission that he had accepted with a great flourish of trumpets, and which had been given him over the head of u much better man than himself. Iu spite of the favor that had been shown to Mr Uryan he abandoned his command in order to hasten to Washington to secure the rati fication of the Spanish treaty, when, as subsequent events hare proved, his sole object and intent was to make tho re sults of the ratification of the treaty a political issue that he calculated would boon him into the piesideucy. For the past couple of days they have bad most of the time at the city jail a young JapaiieFo, who gives every cvi denco of being crazy as a bed bug. Night before last he went into the wait lug room of the railway station uud up set the stovo. For tills he was arrested, but as he nppenrod to bo silly rather than vicioii?, ho was allowed his free- idoin last night, when lie went to Kel iler'ri confectionery store and ordered a icup of collee. On receiving tho coffee he proceeded to mix It with pepper sauod, vinegar and every condiment on the table. Then drinking the mixture he ordered n cigar and walked ofr without saying as much as thank you. He then crossed the street to Charley Frank's saloon, where lie ordered beer for the house. He was again placed, ceedinsr, he threw the ruined foot ware out tHrough the bars. He will proba bly be examined us to Ins aanitr this evening. , Baker City voters are confronted with h very peculiar state of affairs pending the city election Jtovember 5th. In tho face of high pressure, two leading re publicans have declined to run for mayor; ono republican declined in faror of a democrat; one democrat whoso petition was Died withdrew in favor of another democrat : one councilman re-1 Sees Uryan In n Xc:r Light. M. J. Anderson, of Dufur, who stutnpel parts of the county four years ago for Bryan and free silver, publishes a rattling good letter in today's Orego nian giving the reasons why he can no longer follo.v the fortunes of the fusion c.n Ji'late. We quote the following racy paragraph : "Tho Bryan of 1S00 was well masked, if he tho same Brvan of todav. I saw him then as a patriot. I gee him now as a hypocrite, if nothing worse; i the greatest dictator this century has ever Known taumg ot tno win oi tut signed to make his race for mayor stronger, making it necessary to elect six instead of four members, another resignation having already necessitated the election of fire councilmen, and the mayorality question has simmered down to two democrats. Party lines aro down, only two councilmen eo far bar ing been nominated, and it seems to be; u tree lor-aii uevil take-tne-liimimost race. elocutionary Knturtmimient. At the entertainment to bo given at the Baldwin tomorrow night, under the direction of Miss Jenkins and for the building fund of St. Paul's Guild, tho following program will be given : l'AKT I I.OVC M OM Hweot SOUR Moltoii Mitres Myrtle Mlchell, Hiunii&un, Jloim, Duwmii'i I Jiurcuiue, The Miuble Drcmu liatiks Mist, Margaret Jeiikliin. diameter Sour My llnuiiiili 1 inly Jlurt"i (people; the idol of our country's ene j niies preaching patriotism ; the slander i er of our country's idols fearing for out ' national honor; the man who secured I the rat'ficalion of the Paris treaty right- iii2 against 'he fulullment of its prori sions; the avowed friend of labor askinn tho waje-earner to fight his own nnd his employer's interest; thereat advo cate of the principles of Jefferson op posed to expansion ; a man backed by everv disloyal southern brigadier quot in,' Lincjln ; preaching consent of the governed for t'ie brown man and march ing arm in arm with those who have taken tho ballot from the b'aek man." Be suri und tee our line of dresf skirts. We are ofi'-iin some splendid bargains in thee goodp. No trouble to show go )iis at tho New York Cash Store. jllays & Mm i Mist Georgia Sumi'Min, n. MiikttiK Him reel t Home b. UJic WIUhtllliB KOBlliiont .Mil JOIIklUk, I'imtomlii'u Coiniii' Thro the Rye. .. Vt'imti Uutlirle, Ia'Iii Kolsuy, Jets!" Jones " fiierillponl Irene l.xir(sMoii(.roiii.Sj b 01Il.r,II(, t() Dinnym, Seven Voting Ijulles. I'AKT II. All Oh! Wouuiu's r,niiilaliit Mlht, .leiikliiti. Vocal Solo .Utlioie .Twleic Miss Jlarriut (.'rum. Tho only otoro ft thin city vhero tht Genuine Imported Stransky-Stcel Ware is sold, A little higher in price, but outlasts n dozen pieceoof so called cheap oiiam cled ware, BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Stransky Steel Ware on each piecei Do not be deceived First prize at ie International Eshi bitions. Iliijlieitt award nt World s Columbian Exlnbi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tiio best cookinKautlionticH, certifi"d to by the most famous cbem ista for purity and durability it. ia cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. - It does not ru'bt nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notaflected byacicli in fruit3 or vegetables, will boil, Etew, roriEt and bake w i t h o u t imparting flavor of previour.iy cooked food and will last for years. iOO Wo cau. tion tin public aijuiii'-f imi'tatio .J Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs II. L. Jones Iirs opan'd ice cream nnd oyster par'cs in Ciry Bal lard'a old stand. Sheciniei A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of the mihiic patron age ia solicited. JJH. 1C. K. t'EltdUSHN, Physician mid Surgeon, Oiliee, Vogt Mock (over I'ostnliiee), tfaplmo-dw '11IK DAI.l.lJ, O'ililiOX. One thousand styles and sizes. hor cooking and heating. Prices from $5 to $50. tm K)iresslon (Jioupsj (i, The Xlobo (iron). b. Danooof tlic (irei'ks. Seven Voung Liidles. TlieCivi- I'lower (ilrl, .nit-s joiiKius. llanjoiliie S jIo -l.liultid (Jalop. Mr. (ioorn IVtem, Tableaux Mouvmitd- ItevelXf the Nainila Niilmlh 1'iiuk'iico ratlerMyii lVarl (irlmes, lies- iIo Sillies, I'louMieo lamiisen, Ulu ltolto! (I race lileim, Nlua Ctlirle, Wiimm) Morris, j re uu 1 riiuiart. Admission o5cetp; children, 25 cte. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Steel Ranges Cait Ranges Bears tho Signature of Wuiiteil, A woman to take rare of a child, 5 months old. Apply to ', llenniiiKson, octlld2t-w!Jt Mosier, Or. Ilvu'i Kub It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain Is gone, Sold by Clarke tfc Falk. Clark A Falk's drug fresh and complete. stock is new, PThe genuine all bear the above Tra1eM&rk ana are sola witn a written guarantee. Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition I900 ' OVER ALL THB WORLD, SaM by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere. The MichiKan Stove Comnanv. Ltrgeit Uakera of Btufca und Rangea fo the World. 7VHIER BENTON SOLE KCENTS.