The Dalles Daily Chronicle. :ht7. 15. Tor PrrHdrut WKJJAM W.'KINLEY. 4f Otltk. For Vc I'r-.lcii.I TKODO. HOOSEYELT. Of ew Torfc. Tbe other diy, says ta fcrchaaee, 03k piper, tbe Bocyras Fkic. A Difncult Problem. I? : ffu-ar is ot Ji3coSf p-oi jfajf of t.:er tciaues io? oat to irr'tii tijfrx in wrijf' iiai-. J. E. Adc-r & C."-, I v tbfir c--mJntiUcn, ..r- -jv Btwu? tiii d Scuhv .a & practical inaa aer. 3. . Aocnx a a trwrj vratJ. msV aad is cood oa it-wtirT, eprjcai t cnBK fcu U ya-iofe. wort ead erjerarinr. 'iile The. H. ; Iieie is to cxfert optician and i ' oa v&tsa rrpfc-nsr, j-cf ;ry were uaa fiiriHTinp. Their tiric- sf a .ox -suifcst aita ccl ortMans'.iji. Tier : are ;ire;rf4 to do aii work in the:? . revertl hat, oa sborl soUre. Work st-st by rani or exi'-fs will rerir? ;--ei;C fcUeilkci. Sa, "3?? Hsd Wttefa." LAMENT Or "OLD SOUR DOUGH " A' " "' ' ?? lUt-fi v."hrj tt- 1 -ittr. wt-1 tn:aila:i.' in:. . S"ow. lc This i. aimar of 1 MM trm f fend Sift fceMina ToOtivr.iiai v;ow irf rorr. A4 tk jbcc Tiit iLis sJtk .t txi T'n j-tW7irt btae Pra tr. Pic nt Hbttw. Sot 3 -l(iiS t tstUa' T2i r S J:.'t -;rsdee jet im-o Ton vi T 1- in Kmw Ht ewfc su arr icittari to at f aC -rtB : tk tie d ik? eaut. Wfl4cwpi4ihc?sl t - X-inc-cJi. witb tppavins tiirs.'U fro Bn 2 1 fpeecbe. Ii occorred to JoLs Hopler, tbe veterss editor of tie Buryrui Josmil. t repeblicia Titper, tbit be leaerabereu rUeriwe os Linrcin ia tbe Porta a ihit did sol tsre "ilis tb-i litter -div lands- trc-retei tht uiwi-tti raadr rsoni. He -ei to tbe files rsa Aacain:T iiMmfi' foaad tiiLt tbe Forum 02 Anrcit 21. ISC 5, tbree jetri after destb, rstde tbu -Abe Liuooki Caict & Ft't iiire recfirrd a carload of tist celebrated Jta E. ?at;oc Hrictlv ;srt '.tqsid paiols Is ibt aca; nf tit -Lsjit " i tbe forst cbr- . , , : A ubuq tunc raiijrt w .jt .k-ju.v of. To CiH bij i brsle ii 2. libel ol ,JIt:Jc?DI?.,rlii?rs Wt thert rwtf Well of "tddt lba oo7. CiD att b cbir&cler- ifi 7tct:E r -fieen' & -;t.i. - " ; Bu: ti. the ty rzeS trur"by t mttpbor. He snl ' rai!-wtvTJtujirt3e ssd. be dejeribea. Go2 carked bia a1 tbfitrsi::bsoE Ttts ! ma bT tit trra: f c.i. iimtilv Li b did Cain : do; nrbsni Vi'iH 4- "" ea4 tcTw ti u. hsejisat UiS.t til aes s'.rbt iliv bin: OWNEVS Complete Cipc of Drt$s at $1.00 per month. ;rir:fr SrsJ cl loe1 1 loap tfhUr.'Cf it'.f'?. ne ttirk- uithin jronr hoBfc. Iinvi do not tro'f-Ulk. Yoor con verfciioa I tepi a tecrel. No cOFt ir iastaiiin?. Yoo ret tSiP-fUndard Hcnalcg IjOC bifrt&n lat;rt:inV Conti!ajct dy nd niplt ferrJce. We uitl srwiit your rantriict for tfs rer td t!"ow yon tocioed f&uieon t:iv:ng ci tbhtrduvs writ ten uotce. PACIFIC STAT23 TELEPHONE G05. M. Z. DON NELL, TH DSUCCIST. iciri fonad eaocrb io: dnty , but tbu iJl misbt beware of , . bia. Oma.'poteiice could nod aotb- 1 Oae mat rt." " ju. iM , lie: titi fcjc mar bo; oi Jnrajfi. tb&t Itnd'ost't irixt e lwrt U) , lint CHOCOLATE :izzl BON BONS. , DIRECT from the FACTOHY JUSt What 1 ' AT EASTERN PRICES. w f-lov for tbe aew bred of mliwrs. Who uxate bT yrtrer f ettt-er las to tbe lottbs-osjeue" of bis per- .aa p:ti tiKt: ehitni jntatj-o V.-so do til tlJtrr fine wort ;hi(m?t .zit ton ij ij inVErblble AO ,0j "roond intra witfc tbe -rsoiii , On lntiniKt terasn wisi! ta ia-jen rule in 5aeb eieEtioni tbe inner man oa siaJtaj snas with tat eocru. Geo. C. Blakeley, The DrnerErist. Yoa uiant. Tb Wt hvJ Ata tnrt oa the Eicadifce J juc tae nib-lion t tmirtdl nn Awl cfleT5 Jroio sij'n aai hizt lln.' :4 4 tt 15 baleful E tbe outer. ' 1 lie wit cV.l Trrjr Itte bEpoi- be wsi eujbalajed tiwr rtbj n bj Mjhnis. fouad itroDi eziouzh to bold bb Vatli ire :t Saaatialir TTtctrf. . ISVie iut sabmhiioa cafi aileaet bo3y 03 the 2zlloS tree, C hzi' it-i-t whom tJe jroTaiaat ac - - ' , T ion a u uiw aiC order bippened to tvrasts heretofore." WalleIbeT3:yciainsJortalTlriea(ls, rr - - Aw! coW-sri 1D a jndlrtel maaaer That before Mr. Br-aa; ' , AD 5KlLta!!'l??af1V''x' Aituia n awi!: w . - Autf tb3 tTzaafierTec to our bact- MATT SHOREN. General Blacksmith and Horseshoer. titae. but Hr. Steveason. bU ruaaiag Taste, who was s, kfiishi o IjOloea Circle ter lbs war anu & copperhead altvavs, could tell ui t , f. 7 im ic oi the tcrwa: o; Uii ' Anil tae taw of dUbonw: (teoga. r, , And 1 m vinr in qot o: e eauntrr v. aeie rams? eaa "Ioa rjiae. V."t:a I hive ratl3 on octfit. Ttfcrfr plafr wlL now roe no aiore. All hind? of ij actnii$binp nr'il. receive ' ! prompt attectica tad siii be r-secsJed j ia fir:-siais saape. Give bias z. al.. tT3PIJ Sir. Regulator REGULATOR LINE. J DLIIS. PORTLAND ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY ! o! tlit I'.c-p-ultt'.r liur w j J raa ir t! t f.i. 'i r v-h-CtJ"-. the lmJIiJ TrfrTiwe tac ncht tn ttg? . - . sit 'ut at.c. J . 4 k 1 It 1 1., - 1 " A Ji at- ftmlcuii t, id rr bxiip your Freight via Str. Dalles Ctty. ' r "4 Tllirv4- J . . . ''"-Uaad v!.a.v at- 'f Regulator Line. l.r. DdJ Frlfiky. Arr. IVi.'tlnml at 4 ;k r k. Tnv: lj tli -:rr.t- 'if ta- r.rtrainr IJt). " oralis r will vnlpivnr to c-'t .t i' LtIi k k s Frtu,ul Cr&. Out S-."w!t I ek .V. C. ALLAWAY. Cen. A?t. some exceedingly interesting things ' '7 21Uai,Ua about vrbat he and his fellow copper- j TheI)4lJsSi -5. bead thnn"ht anrl iiitl nf tlie man 1 . w . , i ilave ins; Hscnrej tae verv .ateat sac w liUH) amoac Richardson's Old Stand, TLird Si., near FeJtra., TLe 1)a. , Or. ,, w , i Have ins; Hscnrej tae verv .ateat an a Brvamles novr esslt to a place S . , ... " - j bandsoae't disigcs in picture inoidnij 3g th gods. I CbVi aa(j g ;e them. v'm. Micbeli. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ideat is Wtli ?tpr here. Sacb aide variety a? vre are rhowine never be fore srraced e siapie Etorc. iiea. ttuita- 1 Uoa crttun erlectE et ordinary prices. ' Go'jd patrer; a: cheap ptar prices. ' Eitpaai desicaf, taEtefnl coior:ap. your' for e sma:'. price, at oar store oa Third sirest. Also a fal; line of bonie ;aint. D. W. YAUSE, Third St. A full line ofEastatan aims and ssr- Juuse A. s. iiennett raatle a. political speech ia Pendleton Mon-1 dav nisht, and the Bryanite paper of , . ?lai -V0Dr, ho? T'V1 IJS-inV - ' ' . lullv guaranteed to last. Cisrke i Faik that town commends bis political ; have tbeia. r i 5 Your inon-y's worth, or your money back, at The Fair. New sbo-s for fall and winter just it ceived at the New York Cash Store. ft i nn r rir In r n n r, M ! r. r. lti.f " T - t.inn - , 1 on vrill not bave boils tl vou made a mistake in "yielding, to the , CIarJ.e & FBjk.f mn CQn lor v,,, entreaties of the republicans and asking his friends to vote for the ratification of the Spanish treaty." .So it appears Bryan didn't of his ' own volition urge his democratip friends in the senate to vole for the ratiGcation of the treaty but was flim-flammed into it by the- wicked republicans. "Wonder where the judge got his information; It seems to us he has been criminally negli-' gent in witholding it till almost the last moment. Goodness knows the Bryanites have had need of all the I help that the knowledge of this ' , -wicked republican trick on the eood 1 wl if? irft i& ? 3Ir. Bryan would have afforded. m 1 J Democratic apotheosis of Lincoln tate TRArC MARKS JCSICNS Copyrights c. fja. s'T aceru-is trr t ptr s Ire Ttctxr a i ir". r 11 pri i tj tai . ' id.i - If I1- 5? 4 is history repeating itself, as it did 2000 years ago among those whom Christ denounced in these words: Woe unto you! for ye build the -1 . , 1 t epmcures 01 iue propiiets anu your , luthers killed them. Truly ye hear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers; for they indeed killed 5 them and ye build their sepulchres." Distress IJUnulution 11 f 1'artnerolilji. The partnership heretofore existing between J. A. Carnaby and J, V. Ulake. ney ie this day dissolved by mutual cod- , sent. The huHiness will be continued under the style and firm of Carnaby & . KunwjtTfc, who will collect all bill? and pay all obligations of the late firm. CaENAUY i EUMUEJih, The Dallee, Oct 1, 1&00. ol0-w4 w NOTICE. 1 II i I! 4 I - A,.. au uuinmuuuiK warranis against JSll fichool Diatrict No. l'J, W'mco county., - 0,eKn wil1 Pai(1 00 presentation to 1A tbe underlined, lntereat ceaee on and after eating U c-UMri tram this ttoznach act tfefnniuDp it mart raimediatoy. uota tt jfoas to work yua fel d.t-trt"jj-ifc6 tofA Uyt in yonr stom ach tikB k weight. To jirt digenJoa to Kke tt nvyzsAca co iU) work 70a nan avwut it ir your noaiica U wwik or tjw U work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 Ukea after tfieali Htjppli-ij tae stom ach with uccefcary acid ar.d Jnice whteh otiteiit tho ouickly in a provar laanmir To (jet tho bt rtaaltoie fcaldwln'g Health TableUi Jo. Si with the IyifiA Tablet. ThLriilATalIib coit Oic ata can Ue bad at Clarke A Falk, The Dalles, Ongon. Scientific American. A ha.niii-niiT r.hutratl -rei j I jrstrrt etr mlHir f jrnr , wr JJ i .-twi 1 trtr. t. a MUNN&Co New York Uraaeti IrSj. 1' S. VTa3uiu;..c. Ii. C J. A. EBERLE. pipejailorir;; ..cjifls. m- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kv oc draurht the celebretrf 0-rxV& KEEK. BCintiw: ti tte U ter 12 The ItUfn. attneauii. yzvx. Coni ia. tj Ifaad bt ooaTiiiOfd Alio the i-.n-ft traud o! Wines, Uuor aid Ciran. Sandrjuiches of t... Kicd aiwtyi ot. fctad. J. E. FALT & CO., proprietors Co hd mer els 1 Ssmple Rooms. 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 V 9 Phoas delivered to aiiv part nf the C'itv. a I 173 Second Street. ". Local, -S Ixnp iJitiaac" H. fcCBEKCt, fmideaa E.y. BEALt, taifait! PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. A complete line of Fall end Winter Suitings, Panting and Overcoating, now on display. 100 different varieties to se lect from. first national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Eueineee transacted Depoeit received, eubject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly CO land. Suits, $20 aijd up. Call and ezamine good before soing Ki v,emj 0D Qf T '"uon. elsewhere. Second street, opp. Slavs- Rd Telegraphic i.iclmnBe sold (fcCrowe'" " I,ew ori:i Ra Francisco and Dorl F- s. Gunning, Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin ! Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind? DIKECTOKS D. F. Thoxpw).v. Jxo. S. Scusncr, L" AT I . . . . I k T . . ; -" u- bbaii - Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, l?lZLMFn Trie CoiumDia Packirigco.. Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- PACKERS OF tOll Jc lOUr T',ie I'1our '"""Ufftctured espreealy for lanu.y IV eel, our L'otxlf lo call and get cur jiricte and be convinced !1M ! (ttlTV Bttf'L. In n t a no I i of tl 11 ifiTl- N e eei, our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think ec Blacksmith, in tst mm aau fur iiricee l UnronnrU 1 uniXtt,lu ocr Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. IIUIOGOIIUGIII5. MANrFACTUltEBE OK after thie date. 20 fit .C. L. gcmiinr, Diat. Clerk. fur Itent. Two nicely furoifhed room. Rent 3nHonble. Call at SO Second itreet 30-1 w House Painting... The undersigned has taken poeeeesion of Ii. A. fipivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera houte, and haa pur. chased the tooli and laddere. He has good mecbanlcj working for him, and will gomntee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, .fu Lard and sausages ! Hnn fr.n, ? InnaHin IDnnna UI Pltrarc nf D D 1 II tl V A X ! AJCJJ.U IQUP hiflfl I'Ui uqouuu liaiiiiuim, iuuuuiji whiuu ui unnnu French &co.; hams & bacon ij SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! BANKERS. TKA.S6ACTA KNKKAL BANKING BUKl.NEB Letters of Credit issued available in the JRIF.D BEEF. ETC Bight Exchange and Telerrapbft Eastern States. Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, Bt. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- ?:on, Seattle Wash,, and various point d Oregon and Waabiagton. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. DbGUNN'S phi ro a ooti. mi f V'lidbudi.pill2i. M PSMSjWsr .,.i,lJo;'0ufcni0wthfth John ''"hi, the tailor, is agent for two of the largest merchaiit tailoring houses in America? ... ?..;,'OUikno.w Um,1 he wi" eul1 i BU". "do to your order, as guarantee M;r o slT"' '"""' 'ou bu l Bloree' aml uin?i.U k.nM l,.,Bt l'e ,,a9 l"ly on hand for the coming fall fn The bafl!? ,,BI,dsoUit't and finest line of latuples ever shown JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. 4